Their Holly Bell

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Their Holly Bell Page 1

by Elisa Leigh

  Table of Contents

















  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Meet the Author


  His Sweet Treat Excerpt


  Their Holly Bell

  A Steel Daggers Novella

  By Elisa Leigh

  © Elisa Leigh 2018.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.


  Cover created using Canva AND Picmonkey.

  Cover picture obtained from Deposit Photos.

  Table of Contents

















  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Meet the Author


  His Sweet Treat Excerpt

  Their Holly Bell

  Rash and Jester are searching for a woman to love and have on the back of their bikes permanently. When they meet Holly Bell, they expect to share her like all the others, until they can't. They know their connection is deep, but don't know how far it goes until one decides to walk away.

  Holly Bell is on the run. She pissed off the wrong man by leaving him at the altar. He's coming for her and refuses to leave without what's his.

  Once Rash and Jester learn why their little Holly Bell is in town, they'll stop at nothing to keep her safe.

  Will the safest place for Holly be between two men who don't know what they want from each other?

  Their Holly Bell is book three in the Steel Daggers MC. This is an MMF book. This is a safe MC read with an HEA and no cheating or club girl drama.


  For every person who had to worry about their forever not being like everyone else’s. You have the power to make it whatever you want it to be with whomever you want.

  Love is equal.


  Holly Bell

  Holly, this is the last interview you have. You’ve interviewed at every restaurant in town and none of them think you’d be a good fit for their perfect little townie restaurant. Fucking townies. You have to ace this one chick. Whatever you do, you have to get this job, or you’ll be moving on to yet another town. Let’s be real, you don’t have money to move again. That would be the third time in six months. Aren’t you tired of moving?

  My conscience is a bitch. She’s the tough love angel on my shoulder that I need, but hate listening to. I know she’s right, but damn, lighten up a little C, I don’t need the pressure. I can do this. I can get out of this car and pretend I have my shit together and I’m a normal person.

  I park in the back of Spanky’s Bar like the guy on the phone, Ryker, told me to do. Makes sense, party in the front, business in the back. This parking lot is like a freaking mullet. I laugh out loud to myself and my awful attempt at humor. God, I really need to find some friends.

  I get out of my car shoving my phone in my back pocket, my keys in my front, and grab my wristlet. I’m not a purse kind of girl. I slam my door, and give the old girl a quick tap. I love this beater, we’ve been through a lot together in the last few months.

  I start walking toward the back entrance of Spanky’s when I notice an asshole holding a struggling woman by her neck. He’s got her shoved up against a truck and by the looks of it, he’s not about to stop.

  “Hey!” I scream out. I don’t think twice in intervening in whatever is going on between them. No way in hell am I going to watch someone hurt another. I run over to them, but the chick has some fight in her and gets the bastard down to the ground before I can assist. By the time I’m standing next to her, he’s rolling around on the asphalt grabbing his dick and crying because she just obliterated his balls with her boot.

  I look her over checking to make sure she isn’t seriously hurt, but all I can see is her trembling body staring down at the man.

  “Sweetie are you okay? Hey hun, look at me. Are you hurt?” I ask trying to snap her out of it.

  “Yeah. No. I’m not hurt badly.” She says with a scratchy voice.

  Now that she’s turned toward me I get a better view of her. She’s a beautiful little blonde dressed in skinny jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, with the Spanky’s Bar logo on the side. She must work here. When I finally look at her neck it’s already purple and swollen.

  “Why don’t you go inside and get some help.” I suggest, knowing she’s going to need ice and a stiff drink to get through tonight.

  “I’m not leaving you alone out here, not with him.”

  I smirk and shrug my shoulders, she has no idea the things I’ve been left alone with. “I’m pretty sure I could take him.”

  She’s tough and sweet and reminds me a lot of me. Maybe not the sweet part, but definitely the fight I sense in her.

  I watch over the guy, while she searches around the ground and finally finds what she’s looking for. She picks up a phone and makes a call.

  “I need you outside. I’m in the back lot.” She says to the person on the other end.

  Less than a minute later three men come running out the back door of Spanky’s, guns drawn and looking seriously pissed off. One of them runs over to the woman and pulls her into his arms.

  The way he’s looking at her hits me deep. I’ve never had a love like that, never known anyone that could make me feel half of what they’re showing for each other. This isn’t for show, this is raw and pure.

  Two men, wearing matching leather vests come walking over to me. Actually, everyone is wearing the same leather vests with matching patches. Fuck me. Did I just land myself in a biker bar? Of course, I did. Like I don’t have enough trouble following me around, now I’m in the middle of God knows what with a couple of bikers.

  “What the hell happened?” A man with dark messy hair and a few day’s grown beard asks brashly. The second guy, equally sexy with reddish blonde hair smacks him in the chest.

  “Easy Rash. She didn’t do this. Did you Doll?” He asks and then beams his panty melting smile at me.

  Shit. I lo
ok at the two men who are vastly different, but connected at the same time. They’re both staring at me intently and I can’t decide if it’s because they’re pissed at me or they want something more.

  I hold my hands up and the pissed off looking one flares his nostrils. I can’t help but giggle. He’s so angry.

  “Look, I get it. Someone close to you is hurt and you’re taking names. But honey, mama is not the one who did the damage. That would be the asshole rolling around on the ground.”

  “Sorry Precious. No one hurts mine, and she’s one of them. What did you see?” The growly one tries again.

  I pause, stuck on the fact he called me Precious. Has anyone ever thought that about me before? “It was quick, he had her up against the truck, strangling her and I shouted at them. I think it distracted him enough that she was able to get free and take him down.”

  “Chelsea’s a tough little shit.” The redhead, who can’t stop smiling mumbles.

  “What’s your name?” Tall, dark, and spank my ass asks.

  “Ever hear of manners big boy?” I ask, and he quirks his eyebrow at me, but stays silent.

  I sigh and shake my head, “I’m Holly. Holly Bell. It’s nice to meet you. And you are?”

  “My road name is Rash. You Precious, can call me Quinn. This is Jasper, but everyone else calls him Jester.”

  “It’s nice to meet you two, but I have to get going, I’m late for-”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  I stand tall. Who the hell does he think he is? ‘You aren’t going anywhere’ like he has any right to be part of that decision. I’m about to blast him when Jasper squeezes Quinn’s shoulders. The tension seems to leave Quinn immediately at Jasper’s touch and I can’t help but wonder what is going on between them.

  “I think what my friend here is trying to say is that you’ll be needed if the police show up. To answer questions.”

  That makes sense, but I still don’t like the way he told me what to do.

  “I’m just going inside. I’m here for an interview with Ryker. Do you know Ryker?”

  “Yes Doll, we know Ryker. Go in through those doors over there and make your first right. He’ll be in his office. Tell him to come on out here for us will ya? His old lady is in there and will keep you company.”

  “His what?” I ask, but they’re already turned around and walking toward the other dangerously sexy guy who came out with them.

  I make it ten feet from the door when Quinn yells for me to wait.

  “Don’t you leave Precious. We’ll be in shortly, after we take care of this.” He says and nods to the guy who has now passed out on the ground, then goes back to his conversation.

  I make it to the office and find a curvy brunette settled on an older guy’s lap, while he stares at his computer. I knock on the open door waiting for someone to tell me to come in.

  The beautiful woman looks up at me, and tries to get up from his lap, but he holds her tight and growls “Stay.” She smacks him on the arm and he laughs. She huffs out a sigh before turning back to me.

  “You must be Holly.” She says kindly.

  “That’s me. Before we get started Ryker, the guys I just met in the parking lot, Grumpy, Happy, and Soldier need you outside. There was a woman getting hurt-”

  I don’t get to finish my sentence before he’s sliding his woman off his lap and walking toward the door. Before he walks out, he turns to us. “Emersen you stay your ass inside. Do you hear me?”

  “But Chelsea.” She sobs.

  “She okay?” Ryker asks me.

  “She will be. It looks like her boyfriend or something is with her.” I tell them.

  He looks back at Emersen. “Stay inside. I’ll bring her in as soon as I can figure out what’s going on. Holly, don’t leave. I’ll need to speak with you.”

  I nod and watch him close the door. I hear a lock engage from the outside and the need to escape captivity wars with the knowledge that these guys are doing what they need to. Sheesh this guy is protective. I see Emersen sitting back in his chair with her arms wrapped around her knees. I walk around the desk and put my hand on her shoulder, but she flinches away.

  “Hey, she’s okay. She’ll need ice but she’s definitely going to make it. She got that guy down on the ground all on her own. She’s going to be okay.”

  She clasps her hand over mine that I left on her shoulder. “Thank you for being there.”

  “I’m glad I was too.”


  Quinn “Rash” Scott

  I have a mixture of feelings well up inside me and I have no idea what to do with them. I don’t know whether the woman who was standing near Chels was with the fucker rolling around on the ground, but I prayed to God she wasn’t. She is too beautiful and too strong to have been broken by a man like him. Can’t be. She is the most magnificent woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

  There’s too much to say to her but not enough time. I call out, before she walks into Spanky’s, demanding she not leave. I can see how my words take a toll on her, but I choose to ignore it. My allegiance to the Steel Daggers keeps me rooted in place, dealing with Chelsea’s douche bag ex, instead of running after her. It’s probably a good thing. The feelings she’s bringing out in me have me feeling like a little bitch. Shit.

  “What the hell happened Chelsea?” I ask.

  Chelsea is strong. She’s been through too much shit to let this guy on the ground phase her. The woman is all Steel Dagger. I swear to God she’d try to patch in if her old man weren’t a member already.

  “I was getting out of my truck and Eric came up behind me. He had me pinned, choking the shit out of me and I didn’t know what to do. I fucking blanked! Then the woman who was just here, she yelled at him. He got distracted and loosened his grip. That’s when I made my move. Got him to the ground and, well you can see the state he’s in.”

  “You did good Angel.” Rock says, standing behind her.

  “What are we going to do with this piece of shit, Rock?” Jester asks while poking him with a stick.

  I can’t help but laugh. A grown man is passed out on the ground after being taken down by a woman, what a fucking pussy.

  “Take him downstairs. We need to have a long discussion with him about what it means to treat a woman with respect.” Rock says, nodding his head to the side of the building.

  Most people don’t realize there’s more to Spanky’s than just a biker bar. The only people who do, wear a patch with Steel Daggers on their back. Jester and I grab the fuck, and carry him down into the cellar. We walk him into a room that hasn’t been used much. There’s not much to it, no windows, just cement and sound proof walls. In the middle of the room is a chair that’s been bolted into the cement floor. We place him in the chair and buckle him in, strapping his arms, legs, and head back.

  “Should we wait for Rock and Pres, or just get started?” Jester says, while staring at the wall holding our ‘tools.’

  “Damn Jas, take a minute and breathe. I know you’re excited to get started, but fuck man. You’re one crazy mother fucker, you know that?”

  He laughs, and I wonder, not for the first time, if there’s something loose rolling around in his head. “Just a little pumped up is all. You’re right. We’ll wait. As soon as we’re done though…”

  He lets the silence hang but I know exactly where his mind’s at. Holly, fuck even her name is hot. There’s something about her that has both Jasper and I intrigued, which is something we haven’t had in a while.

  We’ve been sharing women for years now. But in the last year being with women became more about sharing the experience with Jasper than pleasing the woman between us. I can tell things started to shift for him a few months ago when he started pushing me away. We’re still best friends, but we haven’t shared a woman since then. Shit I haven’t had a woman on my own in years. I don’t even want to try anymore.

  One drunken night, I few weeks back I attempted fucking
a woman on my own and I couldn’t even get it up. I kept picturing Jasper and what he’d be doing to her and I just couldn’t finish. She left the room pissed but I didn’t give a shit. It wasn’t the same without him.

  “Jester we need to-” Before I can finish Rock enters the room looking to cause damage.

  We stand back and watch while Rock gets his pound of flesh. He delivers hit after hit to the piece of shit already pissing his pants, and screaming in pain. What a little bitch. Rock has every right to rip the fucker to shreds after hurting his old lady. I don’t know what I’d do if anyone hurt mine.

  I never thought I’d have an old lady, but sure as shit I’m immediately picturing Holly Bell with my cut on her back. Bet she’d fit in real good with Emersen and Chelsea too. They’d have their old lady posse, planning the charity runs while we figured out the harder shit. They’d take care of the kids, while we bullshitted by the grill. Kids, what the fuck?

  Jester slaps me in the back of the head while I’m daydreaming about things I’ve never once in my life considered for myself. I clear my mind and focus on what’s going on in the room. I was so lost in thought I didn’t realize Pres and Prince, our VP, had come in. Rock has the guy bloodied up and is taking his knife out when Pres stops him.

  “That’s enough. I know what you want, but it’s not happening. You know we don’t go there Rock.”

  “We went there for Emersen.” Rock sneers, spitting on the near-dead man in front of us.

  “That was different, and you know it. That situation was fucked up from the start.” That night was far beyond anything I’ve ever experienced and I for one am not looking for a repeat this soon.

  Rock closes his knife and puts it in his back pocket. He closes his eyes, and we watch as the rage and need to cause destruction slowly fades. I’ve seen him do this hundreds of times, but I’m still in awe every time he can exhibit this much control over his emotions. Must be why he makes such a great enforcer for the Steel Daggers.

  “I say we clean him up. Jester and Rash will drive him a couple states over and leave him in his truck. Make it look like he’s been drinking. Let the cops pick him up.” Prince suggests.


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