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Takedown Page 16

by Nikki Ash

  “It’s not a burden.” I bridge the gap between us. “You are never a burden. This is your job and I’ll gladly do any interview you need me to do.” Mason visibly relaxes.

  “The amount they’ll pay will cover whatever car you want from here. I’ll pay for it today and you can pay me back once you get paid.” Wow! When he said I would make some money from doing the interview I didn’t know it was enough to pay for a new car.

  “Why a BMW?” I ask and Mason scoffs.

  “Because they’re the best.”

  “Tristan and Charlie both drive Fords,” I point out knowing full well this is an ongoing battle between Tristan and Mason. Charlie told me about their Ford versus BMW feud one night when we saw a BMW commercial and Tristan growled at the screen like a man-child.

  “Mila!” Mason mock-yells. “You’re my wife! Don’t you ever mention the F word again. We’re a family of BMWs.”

  I laugh at the seriousness in his voice and feel the need to poke at him some more. “I heard BMW stands for ‘break my wallet’.”

  Mason’s eyes go wide. “You can’t put a price on perfection! Who are you?”

  “Mila Alexandria Sterling.”

  Mason glares at me. “Bull shit. You’re Mila Alexandria Street.”

  “I haven’t gotten anything changed yet.”

  “We will definitely be handling that this week. You’re Mila Street. Now let’s go get you a damn car.” I laugh the entire way back toward the salesman while Mason mumbles under his breath something about his wife being the death of him.

  I pick out the SUV I want, and once we’re done, since Alec has been on his best behavior the entire time, Mason suggests we get some ice cream and go to the park.



  It’s Tuesday night, and since Gavin is back from San Francisco he picked up Alec from school today. I’m home from work and Mason texted me not to make dinner, that he’ll handle it. So, I’m taking advantage of the quiet house and enjoying a much needed relaxing bath with the bubble bath stuff Mason bought for me last week. I have a vanilla candle lit and I’m reading a dirty and sexy romance novel on my iPad. My phone dings to signal an incoming text and I put my iPad down to check it.

  Charlie: Oh my god! You and Mason are married!?! I leave for my honeymoon and miss everything!

  Me: You weren’t even gone when it happened…

  Charlie: I KNOW! Tristan told me! He wouldn’t let me text you! YOU should’ve told me!

  Me: I didn’t want to bug you on your honeymoon.

  Charlie: Oh shut up! I can’t believe you married MASON!

  Me: He’s nothing like I thought…He’s different.

  Charlie: What I want to know is how you tamed the untamable.

  Me: Oh, trust me. He’s not tamed. He’s a beast…in bed ;)

  Charlie: Gah!!! My eyes are bleeding! Haha! JK

  Charlie: I’m so happy for you! We’re totally going on a double date when we get back.

  Me: Thank you! How’s Disney?

  Charlie: Magical.

  Me: Magical is good! :)

  I type up a follow up reply and then I delete it. I type it up again and hover over the send button. I’ve only known Charlie for a few months but she’s quickly become my go-to person.

  Me: I’m in love with him.

  I read my text over and over again, trying to see if maybe I’ll read the words and call myself a liar. But I don’t because I know they’re true. I have fallen deeply and madly in love with Mason, and if I wasn’t the one involved, I would call bullshit on whoever was telling me their story because it happened so fast, it’s almost unbelievable.

  Charlie: I hate that I’m so far away on a cruise and I can’t hug you right now because I know you’re freaking out.

  Me: I’m okay. I just needed to tell someone. I can’t tell Mason...he’d probably bolt.

  Charlie: Be patient, Mila. Mason is one of the best guys I know…he just doesn’t know he is.

  “Mila! I’m home and I’ve brought dinner,” I hear Mason shout from outside the bathroom.

  Me: Mason is home with dinner. Enjoy the last few days of your cruise and I’ll see you when you get back.

  Charlie: Okay! Dinner. All of us. Tuesday night.

  Me: Sounds good. See ya then!

  I release the plug at the bottom of the tub so the water drains and grab my towel. After drying off and getting dressed, I head out of the room and into the kitchen. The lights are off, but it’s not dark in the house because there are several tea lights twinkling throughout the living room and kitchen. When I get to the dining area, Mason has dinner set up with several more candles littering the table and counters.

  “What’s all this for?” I point to the candles, stunned.

  “You don’t like it?” Mason frowns.

  “No, of course I do. I was just wondering why.” Mason pulls my chair out for me to sit, and I thank him.

  “Um…there’s no reason why.” Mason sits across from me.

  “So, you didn’t do something you think I’ll be upset or mad about?” I question, and Mason looks perplexed.

  “No. You said you wanted romance…you know…on your profile on Plenty of Fish. You said you wanted”—Mason sticks his index finger out—“to be married before having sex.” He adds his middle finger. “You love fondue.” His ring finger pops out to join the party. “Hanging out with your son.” Now his pinky. “And that you’re looking for romance.” His thumb comes out. “You also mentioned the beach, so I was thinking we can go one weekend after we go to the UFC Fight.” Mason shrugs nonchalantly and takes a bite of his grilled salmon. Either he’s playing it off or he really doesn’t understand the significance of what he just did.

  He listened. He read what I wrote and then he acted on it to make me happy. How the hell does this guy not see how amazing he is?

  Suddenly feeling hungrier for Mason than for dinner, I get up from my chair and come around the table, pushing Mason’s food back and situating myself right smack dab on his lap. He pushes his chair back slightly so I’m not squished against the table.

  “You’re not hungr—” he begins to say, but I cut him off.

  “I want you. The only thing I’m hungry for right now is you.” With my legs straddling his lap, I can feel his hardness between my legs, and I writhe against him, the friction eliciting a moan out of the both of us. Our eyes lock and Mason’s stare is heated, full of raw unadulterated emotion. I think he’s going to pounce but instead he raises his hand up and cups the side of my face. Instinctually, I lean into his touch, and turning my face slightly, I bring my lips to the inside of his palm and give it a soft kiss.

  The second my lips touch his flesh, he loses all resolve. His fingers grip the bottom of my thin tank top and he pulls it over my head as I do the same with his shirt. Now skin to skin, my heavy breasts press against his hard muscular chest. Mason backs up slightly, and taking both of my breasts into his hands, he brings them together and wraps his lips around my taut nipples, licking and sucking and biting them until they are deliciously sensitive. Every touch from his mouth sends sparks of desire straight to my core.

  He picks me up and stands, and my legs tighten around his waist. Then he walks us to our bedroom, lays me down on the bed and tugs my pajama shorts down along with my panties. His fingers run down my neck and shivers run up my spine. His lips follow behind where his fingers just were. He presses his lips to my collar bone. His tongue darting out to lick my heated flesh. His fingers gliding down to touch where his lips and tongue just were. His eyes never leaving my body. I lay still, watching his fingers and mouth and eyes worship my body. I have never felt like this before. This wanted. This desired. This sexy. This beautiful…than I do when I’m with this man.

  Mason pushes his shorts and boxers off, and after rolling on a condom, he parts my legs then slides into me. And as he makes love to me, it hits me that this man, in such a short time, has become everything to me.

  I’m not settli
ng. I’m living. I’m loving. And it’s all because of Mason Street.



  It’s Friday afternoon, and we’re on our way to San Diego for the weekend. Alec is busy watching a movie on his iPad and I’m reading a book while Mason alternates between listening to music and talking to a bunch of UFC people since Tristan is out of town until Monday.

  I glance over at Mason, who is driving, and he darts his eyes to me quickly before looking back at the road. He looks kind of nervous for some reason but I don’t call him out on it.

  “Have you decided on OK! or People magazine?” he asks.

  “People.” I did my research on both magazines…you know…while standing in line at the grocery store. It won’t matter which one I choose. Nobody knows who I am. They’re only nosy about Mason and whether he’s really off the market. So, how did I pick which one? It was tough. Ok! had Brad Paisley on the cover and People had Luke Bryan on their cover. While it was close, I had to go with Luke.

  “I’ll let Kenny know.” Mason moves his hand from the steering wheel and squeezes the top of my thigh. “Once we arrive at the hotel, it’s going to be crazy. Kenny set up for security to meet us and escort us inside. The paparazzi and fans can’t go into the hotel, though.” Hmm… maybe this is why he’s acting all weird. He’s nervous about me coming face-to-face with the media. The last couple weeks we’ve managed to stay out of the public eye. Sure, there are still a few paparazzo lingering around my house, but for the most part it’s been quiet.

  “How do they know you’ll be there? You’re not even fighting.”

  “Daniel West, the CEO of the UFC, is a money-hungry asshole. When Marco and Bella were going through their shit, he twisted Marco’s arm into having them both fight on the same night just to draw in attention. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s privacy.” Marco and Bella are friends of Tristan and Mason. Marco is a retired UFC fighter and runs a UFC gym in Las Vegas where Mason used to train at, and Bella is still a fighter in the UFC. They’re married and have an adorable six year old little girl named Micaela and a newborn named Liza.

  “Is Bella fighting?”

  “No way. It will be at least a year or so before she’s in another fight. But she’ll be at the fight with Marco since their training camp has a couple guys here fighting.”

  “I think it’s cool how badass she is. Like, she could kick most guys’ butts.”

  Mason chuckles. “Your seats are with hers since Tristan always sits with them.” I met Bella and Marco last year at Mason’s fight in Vegas, and then again at Charlie and Tristan’s wedding. They’re a sweet couple and I’m glad I’ll be sitting with her, especially since Charlie never goes to the fights, and even if she did, she and Tristan won’t be back before the fight.

  We arrive at the hotel, and just as Mason warned me, the area is swarming with people. There is, of course, paparazzi with cameras but there are also a lot of fans—men, women, and kids. Instead of driving under the overhang where the Valet is waiting, Mason stops the car and puts it in park. Then he turns toward me, pulling a black box out of the center console. “I know you said the next time you wear a ring like this you would be in love. But here’s the thing. I’m falling in love with you, Mila, and I believe you will fall in love with me, too. So, it would mean a lot to me if you would wear this ring.”

  He opens the box, and nestled inside is the most exquisite ring I’ve ever seen. The band is white gold or maybe platinum, and the diamond looks like a beautiful snowflake.

  “I picked that out!” Alec announces, taking his headphones off.

  “You did?”

  “Yeah! Remember when we watched that Christmas movie, and you said the snow was pretty and it made you feel happy?”

  “I do.”

  “Mason said he wanted a ring to make you happy.” I glance over to Mason whose cheeks are tinted pink.

  “Are you blushing?” I joke, and he shakes his head.

  “No,” he deadpans. “But Alec is right. I bought this ring because I vowed to take care of you and make you happy, and…” Mason swallows loudly. “I know this isn’t the most romantic place to admit this—sitting in a car in front of a hotel. But Mila, I love you.” He shakes his head. “I’ve never been in love before but I know without a doubt I’m in love with you. It’s crazy. I’ve seen my friends go through it and I didn’t get it until you. With every message and every day we’ve spent together, I’ve fallen even more in love you. I want you to wear this ring because you’re my wife and I love you, and this ring, it was bought out of love.” Mason’s eyes never leave mine. “I want us to get out of this car, and I want the world to know you’re my wife. I want them to see you wearing this ring. Not because it’s expensive but because it’s the ring you deserve. ”

  “Mason.” I breathe his name out like a prayer, and in a way it is. I prayed for this so many times. To meet a man who would love and cherish me, and here he is, sitting across from me telling me he loves me. “You love me?” I ask dumbly and he chuckles.

  “Yes, I love you, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way yet. I just need you to know—”

  “I do.” I nod my head. “I do feel the same way. When we were at the jewelers I already knew I loved you. And then the last couple weeks, the way you handled my…shark week.” Mason laughs. “The dinners and romance and the way you treat my son. I am in love with you. I just assumed it was one-sided.”

  Mason sets the jewelry box down and frames my face with his hands. “It’s definitely not one-sided. I love you and Alec, and even though I live every day scared I’m going to mess this all up, I’ve never wanted to get something right so bad in my life.” Mason leans over the center console and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet and ends way too soon.

  “Okay, I’ll wear the ring.” Mason grins as he takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto my finger. “It’s beautiful, Mason. Thank you.”



  I pull up and the valet opens our doors. I pop the trunk and hand them our luggage so they can bring it up before I tuck Mila into my side, her arm coming around my back and her hand landing in my back pocket. She squeezes my ass cheek and giggles. Alec comes around my other side to hold my hand, and I feel like the luckiest damned bastard alive. The fans and press start shouting questions at me, and I can feel Mila tense. Leaning down, I give her a soft kiss hoping it will calm her nerves. I know it works when I feel her relax into my side.

  “Mason, is it true you guys got married in Las Vegas?”

  “Mason, is she pregnant?”

  “Mason, how does it feel to be officially off the market?”

  “Mason, do you think you’ll be able to defend your title against Jax Wilkens?”

  The questions keep getting fired while we walk over to the front entrance. I make it a point to lift Mila’s hand up to my lips to give her knuckles a kiss, and the cameras go off, each one trying to get a picture of her ring. I don’t bother answering any of the questions. I do, however, sign autograph after autograph. Mila even offers to play photographer while I take some pictures with my fans. Alec hands me shirts and hats to sign, and when I’m done I thank them all for coming and promise them all I will be winning my next fight. They cheer and shout and too many women beg me to fuck them.

  Taking Mila’s and Alec’s hands in mine, we walk into the lobby to check in, the noise immediately fading as the doors close behind us. When we approach the front desk, the woman is ready with our keys, so we’re able to head straight up to our room to get situated.

  “Alec, want to go to the pool?” Mila asks.

  “Yes!” he shouts excitedly. She throws him his swimsuit and excuses herself to get changed.

  “Hey!” I grab her arm and pull her towards me. “Am I invited?”

  “Of course, I just figured you would have other stuff to do with the fight tomorrow.”

  “And miss seeing you in a bikini? Not a chance.” I shoot her a flirtatious
wink, and she groans, rolling her eyes before she heads to the room.

  “Mason, that was so cool!” Alec yells, jumping onto the couch. “Those people were crazy! When I get older I’m going to be a fighter just like you.”

  “That’s awesome, Bruiser.” I sit on the couch next to him. “But what if you can’t be a fighter, what would you do then?”

  Alec looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. “I can’t be a fighter?” He pouts.

  “Of course you can. You can do anything you want to do. But what else do you want to do?”

  “What do you want to do?” he asks, answering my question with the same question.

  “Before I knew I was going to be a fighter, I wanted to be a paramedic. You know the people that drive the ambulance.” That dream began the day I found out my dad was hit by a car and the paramedics told my mom they did everything they could to save my dad. It didn’t work but it made me want to become one so I could work every day to try and save people. That same dream died the day my mom told me my father failed at taking caring of us and she wasn’t sure how she would be able to take care of me. Without any money, there was no way I was going to school.

  “That’s a cool job, too!”

  “What do you want to be?”

  Alec thinks for a second. “I want to be a fireman!”

  I chuckle, ruffling his hair. “That’s a good job to have.”

  “Yes, it is,” Mila adds. I turn to see her coming out of our room in a sexy two-piece burnt orange bikini. The material covers all the important parts, yet leaves nothing to the imagination. My wife has a MILF body I fully plan to enjoy. Her hips are curvy and her thighs are thick, and her tanned skin looks even darker against the dark orange material. She’s in the middle of throwing a white cover over her body when I jump off the couch and grab it from her.

  “We don’t really need this, do we?” I toss it to the ground. “Alec, go get your swimsuit on, buddy.” I waggle my brows at Mila who giggles uncontrollably as I push her into our room.


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