Her Alpha Mates

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Her Alpha Mates Page 6

by Maggie Ryan

  “I disobeyed Draco by purposely leaving the building after being instructed to remain inside. And, well, I got mad and almost had an accident driving home.”

  “Correct,” Draco said. “One day you’re going to learn that we put rules into place for a reason.”

  “Take off your blouse and skirt,” Deo instructed.

  I bit back a whimper even as my hands moved to obey. Unzipping my skirt, it just took a gentle push against my waistband to have the navy blue pleated material sliding to the floor. My fingers fumbled a bit pressing small pearl buttons through their holes, but before long, the white silk blouse joined the skirt, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. I could feel my nipples puckering to push against the cream-colored satin of my bra and a rush of moisture gathering in my sex that I knew would soon dampen the thin gusset of my panties. It might be wrong, but damn, there was something just… well, erotic standing in nothing but my lingerie while two men remained fully clothed in their hand-tailored suits.

  “The bra,” Deo said.

  His instruction startled me a bit as it was unusual and not really required. After all, his target was a bit further south on my body. Still, I didn’t argue. Unclasping it, I drew the thin straps down my arms, freeing my breasts to both the air and their view. My nipples tightened further, goosebumps pebbling my flesh as I opened my fingers and allowed the bra to fall to the floor. I felt heat beginning in my chest and moving up my neck to suffuse my face, staining my cheeks. It wasn’t as if they’d not seen me naked before, but they weren’t joining me in disrobing. No, they were stripping me of not only my clothing, but my resistance to their instructions. With every item I removed, I lost the desire to argue, to push against the boundaries they had set. With a shaky breath, I looked up to see that both of them were looking at me, appearing in no hurry. I knew then that they were allowing me to settle into the proper submissive mindset that would assure that what followed was not just a physical chastisement, but a lesson that would be taken to heart.

  “Panties off,” Draco said and I took a shuddering breath as I hooked my fingertips into the lace waistband and pushed the satin off my hips and down my legs. One after another I pulled my feet free and left the panties on the floor. Straightening, I put my hands at my sides and lifted my head.

  Draco stepped forward and took my hand. It was a short walk, but being escorted just felt right as he led me to Deo. As our co-mate spread his legs, Draco moved me between them.

  “Over his knee,” Draco instructed. “Hands and feet on the floor.”

  He didn’t step away until I laid myself over Deo’s muscular thigh. Once my palms were planted on the wood before me and my toes on the floor behind me, I couldn’t contain a shudder when I felt the weight of Deo’s right leg lifting to cover my mine. If he found it necessary to pin my legs in place, I knew this wasn’t going to be some light spanking. Remembering the wooden spoon, a soft whimper accompanied the shudder.

  Deo’s fingers began to run over the globes of my ass. “I’m going to warm you up with my hand first,” he said while gently massaging my flesh. “A thorough hand spanking will prepare you and help prevent bruising from the spoon.”

  “Is it… the spoon, going to-to hurt?” I asked softly.

  “Yes,” Deo said without hesitation. “It will sting and burn quite a bit.”

  Well, never let it be said that my mates ever saw a need to sugar-coat anything. Closing my eyes, I tried to ready myself for the pain he’d promised.

  “It will hurt, but you know we’d never harm you,” Deo said, giving my bottom another squeeze.

  “I know,” I said, the truth allowing the words to come instantly. Yes, they’d set my ass on fire, but they’d both sacrifice their own lives before allowing true harm to come to me. A sound had my eyes opening to see that Draco had squatted down before me.

  “It’s not as if this is the first time we’ve had to address this same issue, is it, Cassie?”

  I knew he wasn’t referring to my coffee break. He was talking about the time at the castle when I’d disobeyed an order to remain inside, choosing to sneak out to witness them shifting into wolves. That had been the first time Draco had taken part in my discipline. “No, sir,” I answered.

  He nodded. “When a lesson needs to be repeated, the consequences are higher. Once Deo releases you, you are to go bend over the bed. I will give you a whipping.”

  “No! I mean, the spoon is bad enough!”

  “You’ll pay for your disobedience with Deo’s hand and the spoon. You’ll pay for your tantrum and reckless driving with my belt. You could have not only hurt yourself, you could have hurt someone else. Not only are your driving privileges revoked, I promise the stripes I paint across your ass will burn even more than the strokes of Aunt Margaret’s spoon. It is our hope that by the time we tuck you into bed, you will have really learned that when we tell you to stay somewhere, when we give you simple rules to follow that aren’t meant to restrict but meant to keep you safe, you will obey.”

  I could only nod, the thought of what could have happened making me feel just awful.

  He smiled, reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Good girl. Now, I would like to see you unclench your cheeks and hear you ask Deo to begin your lesson.”

  I felt my face flush, thinking what I’d like was to be acquitted and allowed to climb off Deo’s lap. Pretty sure that motion would be unequivocally denied, I turned my head back to look at my other mate. “Please, sir, would you begin my lesson?”

  “And how am I to do that, babygirl?” Deo asked with a soft smile.

  “By spanking me,” I offered, accepting the verdict that I was guilty and needed to pay retribution to the courts.

  My mate’s dark head dipped in a nod. “If you need, you may grab onto my leg or Draco’s hands, but do not reach back.”

  I turned my head forward and didn’t even bother to wait for the first stroke before reaching for Draco’s hands. The large Greek man didn’t hesitate, moving from his squat to settle on the floor before me, entwining our fingers together and then glancing up to give our mate a nod.

  Chapter Five


  I suppose there were worse things than being punished by two Greek men you’d pushed to the limit yet again, but, at this moment, I certainly couldn’t think of any. My punishment had begun with Deo’s hand rising and falling to swat all over my ass. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it wasn’t truly awful… for the first two dozen strokes that was.

  When the direction of the swats changed, no longer falling directly on either of my nates, but slapping at an angle to connect with the sensitive skin on the under-curve of my right buttock, I knew the ‘warmup’ was over. A slap at the underside of my left cheek caused me to yelp sharply and arch as best I could. “Ow! Please!” I begged, grateful when I felt Deo’s palm press against my ass. That was his signal that the spanking was done and yet when I tried to pull my hands from Draco’s in preparation of being lifted, I felt Deo’s hand at my waist, pulling me into him even tighter and the touch of his flesh replaced by something foreign. As it tapped gently, I gasped. How could I have forgotten?

  When the spoon lifted, I bit my lip, promising myself that I’d accept the second part of my spanking with dignity. I’d prove that I truly regretted disobeying Draco. There were millions of these wooden implements. They were a common item found in every household in America and kitchens around the world most likely. They were used to stir things, to help create beautiful, delicious dishes. How bad could it be?


  Very bad.

  Very, very bad.

  Please! Ow! Oh, God! No! Ouch! Stop! Enough! I’m sorry! were just a few of the phrases that I babbled nonstop as that spoon took bites out of my butt. Every staccato thwap was sharp and crisp, each added another ember to the fire that I was afraid was going to burn for the rest of eternity.

  I arched, I cried, I tried to swim off Deo’s lap, but it was useless. His arm was like an iro
n band around my waist holding me to him, and Draco’s hands easily contained mine, leaving me no option other than accepting every single punishing pop of the spoon. I began to make promises that I truly meant with every fiber of my being. I assured them that I’d learned my lesson. I swore that my feet would be planted so firmly in whatever spot they directed me to stay that not even a bulldozer would be able to push me over. I promised that I would never, ever disobey them again. That when I was allowed behind the wheel of a car again, I’d be the safest driver in the entire world. And when the last swat came, I made myself a vow as well. I pledged that when this was done, when… if… the fire flaming across my ass was ever extinguished, I was going to make sure that every wooden implement, spoon or not, was banished from our house.

  “I hope you remember those promises, Cassandra,” Deo said, his palm once more splaying across my ass, stroking as if to make sure the fire wasn’t allowed to even begin to ebb. “I don’t like punishing you, but I will continue drilling the lesson into your ass until you really do absorb the fact that disobedience will not be tolerated. Understand?”

  “Consider me a freakin’ sponge,” was on the tip of my tongue, but while I was stubborn at times, I was smart enough to know when snark wasn’t a good idea. Well, that and the fact I’d learned that a wooden spoon was a very good teacher.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “All right then.” Before I knew it, my hands were released and Deo had lifted me to stand before him. My hands itched to move behind me, to rub at the painful mass that was my butt, but Deo reached out to turn me to the side, his other hand pointing toward the bed. “Go on now. Here’s your chance to prove your understanding. Let’s see how well you demonstrate your ability to soak up Draco’s lesson.”

  It wasn’t the swat to my ass that had me gasping, it was the look on Deo’s face. Shit!

  For some reason I didn’t think he was part bat, or that he had psychic abilities. From the look of displeasure mixed with disappointment, I instantly knew I wasn’t anywhere near as clever as I’d thought. “I-I said that out loud… didn’t I?” I asked softly. “About the… sponge?”

  “The freakin’ sponge? Yes, you did.”

  “I-I was just…” With a sigh, I shrugged because really, what could I say that wouldn’t just make it worse? Words would be nothing more than an attempt to excuse behavior that had not only been snarky, it had been disrespectful. Instead, the moment he released my arm, I moved… not toward the bed and Draco as I just couldn’t leave Deo like this. Instead, I bent over and picked up the spoon that he’d dropped to the floor beside the chair and laid myself right back over his lap. Looking behind me, I held out the spoon.

  “Please, sir.” I knew I should say more, but, honestly, I had no idea what to say. My mate proved far more intelligent than I as he merely took the spoon from my hand, tucked me into his waist and began.

  This time I put all thoughts of just enduring out of my mind, and well… became that sponge. I allowed every searing swat to imprint itself not only on my aching ass, but on my mind and… more important, in my heart. I didn’t beg, didn’t make empty promises… I simply accepted his dominance. Gave him my complete submission. The next time I was lifted from his lap, my face was wet and more tears ran down to drip off my chin.

  “Tha-thank you,” I managed.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He didn’t have to tell me what to do or where to go. I moved the few feet to the bed and after giving my second mate a nod, turned and bent my torso over the bed. A nudge of his shoe between my bare feet had me widening my stance. Draco didn’t make me wait, didn’t make me even ask for the whipping I’d been told would be coming. Instead, he placed his hand on the small of my back to help me maintain my position.

  “A dozen and I want you to count each one. Let each stroke so…”

  “I will, sir,” I said when he paused. “I will let every one soak into my heart and my soul.”

  “Good. Then let’s get this finished.”

  Nodding, I pressed my cheek to the bed, clutching the duvet a bit tighter the moment I heard the first whoosh of air being displaced as his belt sliced through it. Anticipation of that first bite of pain had time appearing to slow as the leather completed its arc to crack against my ass, driving the breath from my lungs.

  “One!” I shouted, the fire flaring hotter as the belt licked across my ass again. “Two!” Despite my determination to accept the punishment with dignity, by the time I called out, “Six,” I couldn’t help but wag my hips from side to side in an attempt to cool the burn. As Draco continued to place each stroke with precision, I could picture the bands of crimson covering my ass.

  “Position, Cassie, and push your bottom up,” Draco instructed as I stuttered out the number ten. “I want your ass nice and high for these last two.”

  Sliding my feet apart, I felt heat flood my face. I could feel the air waft across my sex and knew that this position afforded my mates not only a view of my striped ass, but my pussy… my wet pussy. I felt Draco’s hand press a bit firmer against my back in a silent reminder to push my bottom up. Arching my back, I lifted my ass and was rewarded with the snap of leather across the lower curve of my cheeks where they merged into my thighs.

  “Eleven,” I managed, bouncing on the balls of my feet as my body accepted the new flare of pain.

  “Last one,” Draco said, and I closed my eyes, fingers twisting burgundy fabric in anticipation.

  Though prepared, my head still reared back and I screeched as his belt licked across my sit spot, burning hotter than those before.

  “Number,” Draco reminded softly.

  “Tw-twelve,” I said shakily.

  I can’t explain how or why, but I did absorb the lesson. It wasn’t that these men were capable of causing my ass to burn; anyone larger or stronger than I could do that. It was that these men cared for me so deeply that they were willing to give me pain in order to hopefully keep me from putting myself in danger where the price paid could be death. Understanding didn’t mean that I didn’t hurt. I did. It had been the harshest punishment I’d been given to date and one I would do all I could not to see repeated.

  This time when I was touched, it wasn’t by one of my mates, it was by both. Each one moved to stroke a hand down my body, mirroring each other’s movement as my hair was pushed off my tearstained cheeks. Again and again, they softly ran their fingers through my hair and down my back until my tears ceased and my cries turned into moans. I couldn’t explain it, but accepted that I must be wired differently than most women. Did I hurt? Yes. Had the fire they’d lit gone out? Hell, no. But, God, I wanted… no, I needed their touch. And not just these soft, soothing strokes. My pussy throbbed in time with the pulsing in my ass, my clit as swollen as my buttocks.

  “Are you ready to make your penance?” Deo asked.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, meaning it with all my heart.

  “On your hands and knees in the center of the bed.”

  They helped me up onto the bed and while I moved to the center, they removed their clothing. I got into position, knowing how they wanted me: my head and breasts to the mattress, my knees spread as widely as possible, my butt high in the air. I could feel the air moving across my upturned ass, soothing the burn in my buttocks and letting me know how very, very wet I was between my legs. I knew I was making my penance, but I also knew that it would take just the barest touch to send me over the edge.

  I licked my lips as my mates joined me, Draco settling between my legs and Deo moving to kneel before me. Without preamble, Deo slid his hand through my hair before closing his fingers into a fist and pulling my head from the mattress. With a tug, he had my chin up, my eyes no longer looking to the side, but straight ahead—directly at his erection that was jutting from his groin. Like my pussy, his cock was already glistening.

  “Open,” he said, and the moment my lips parted, he slid into my mouth. I barely had time to take a breath before he was pushing against the back of my thro
at. “You’ll take every inch.”

  I jolted forward a bit when Draco rammed into my pussy, impaling me with one hard thrust. “You come without permission and the spanking you just received will be repeated,” Draco growled, his hands gripping my hips but his thumbs sliding over the raised wheals from the belt that had not yet faded.

  Every thrust in my mouth and my pussy had me climbing higher and higher. Each tug on my hair and squeeze of my already punished buttocks had me moving closer to the edge of the cliff. Every time my lips brushed against the black hair of Deo’s groin, his cock filling not only my mouth, but my throat, my nipples tightened. And every time I felt Draco’s balls slap against my pussy as he buried himself deeply in my cunt, my clit swelled. I was one big mass of nerve endings, every touch, every sound, every move threatening to shatter me. My eyes watered, my ass burned, my throat ached, but I craved every sensation.

  “God, you’re fucking beautiful on your knees filled front and back,” Deo said, pulling his cock almost totally from my mouth, allowing me to gasp for breath, to ready myself for the next deep plunge. “I’m going to come and you are going to swallow every drop.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, though the words came out far less articulate because of the huge cock in my mouth.

  “We’re going to fill you together,” Draco said, withdrawing until only the head of his cock split the lips of my sex. “And when we say, you are going to show us that you have learned your lesson.”

  “When we give you the order, you are going to come and come harder than you’ve ever come before. Do you understand?” Deo picked up the instructions as his fingers untangled from my hair and he placed both his hands on either side of my head.

  “Yes, sir,” I said again, aching to prove that I truly had learned the folly of my choice and that I did want to obey… I wanted to so very badly.


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