Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances

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Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances Page 53

by Kate Pearce

  “You’re right. It would have made me feel better, though. The painkillers urgent care prescribed are utter garbage.”

  “I think you two are probably experiencing a testosterone crash from the fight, and you’ll be at each other’s throat’s again in a few hours. As much as I’d love to be in the middle of a yummy Viking sandwich tonight, it ain’t happening.” She dropped Ollie’s hands and walked to her overnight bag. She riffled through it and pulled out her comfy, shabby nightshirt.

  “I’m going to go sleep with Nadia. You two stay here. Or not. Whatever. If you’re still on speaking terms in the morning, come find me. And don’t forget.” She poked Ollie’s shoulder. “I’ll know if you’re faking it.”

  She waved goodbye as the two men stared after her, flabbergasted.

  Tess had turned down sex? She could hardly believe it herself, but apparently, being queen meant having to make difficult decisions. It meant having to bide her time to make doubly sure that her choices were the right ones.

  She shut the door behind her and headed for the stairs. She knew without a shadow of doubt that Harvey and Ollie would stick—that they’d both be hers, and they’d be tolerant of each other. But, that wasn’t enough. They needed to also be friends, because if they ever had to come to the aid of the other, she wanted there to be no hesitation. And as true friends, they’d come to understand each other in such a way that there’d be no jealousy about their sharing arrangement. It wasn’t going to always be fair, but they both needed to understand that it was for the best.

  She’d be damned if she’d let either “pull a Tess.” Running away was what cowards did.


  Tess felt the solid mattress give out from beneath her, and struggled to clear her sleep-fogged vision. And then she was tossed over some solid thing and moved briskly away from the bed.

  “What the hell?”

  She blinked rapidly and her vision cleared, treating her to the view of a muscled back and perfectly taut ass in sagging jeans.

  She inhaled deeply as he carried her outside into the pale morning light, and savored his familiar, earthy scent. “Where are we going?”

  They passed sleepy Nadia who stood at the door with one hand on the handle.

  “You said if we were on speaking terms in the morning to come find you,” Ollie said. “Well, we didn’t kill each other overnight.” He started up the stairs two at a time, bouncing Tess on his shoulder with each enthusiastic step. “In fact, we stayed up watching cop dramas on TBS and bemoaning the dearth of twenty-four-hour fried chicken joints in Fallon.”

  “You haven’t slept?”


  “How’d you find me? Did you knock on every door and wake the entire motel up?”

  “Nope.” He pushed the ajar door to Tess’s former room and carried Tess past Harvey on the right bed to the left one. He dropped her gracelessly on it and retreated to the door.

  Harvey leaned against the headboard in his rumpled street clothes wearing a shit-eating grin.

  Ollie locked the door, and said, “I’ll always be able to find you when you’re nearby and I know to look, baby. You’re Afótama. You should be able to track, but you probably haven’t isolated that particular skill yet.” When he turned to her, his smile was predatory. She’d seen sharks with smiles like that, and they were never up to any good.

  “Um.” She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and cleared her throat. “So, what’s the plan for today? Aren’t your boys expecting you at home, Ollie? Harvey, did you already arrange for your flight back to New Mexico?”

  Ollie approached the bedside and unfastened his jeans.

  Her eyes fixed on his hypnotizing swell. He’d gone from zero to sixty in about three seconds. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” She’d try to be authoritative, but her voice came out sounding very small.

  “No, I’m not expected at home,” he said. “My dear aunt is trying to get her quality time in with the boys before we move.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” She nodded, and not so much in response to his statement, but because she was entering some sort of pre-coital shock. She’d wanted this—to have them both at the same time—but the now logistical aspects were frightening. Who’d go where? Or maybe more precisely, who’d go where and when?

  “Mm-hmm.” He stepped out of the jeans and nudged them aside. “She’s old school.”

  “You say that like it’s a good thing.” Her gaze tracked down his naked chest to the cock hanging heavily in his boxers as he crawled toward her.

  “It is. I mean old school as in the old ways and not conservative old school. She prayed that I would have a second chance, apparently starting way back before my wife died.”

  “Yikes.” Tess had been leaning back onto her elbows, but Ollie poised over her on all fours. He was practically in her face, and she only had two choices, really: kiss him or lie back.

  She chose the latter, because kissing would lead to other things, and knowing these two men, quickly. Harvey remained on his bed for the moment, and she wanted him to stay there for a while longer.

  “Not yikes,” Ollie said. “She thinks it’s a good, sound match, and I happen to agree.”

  Oh. “Does she, uh…” Tess gulped. “Know about our arrangement?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He lowered his large frame over her and skimmed the tip of his nose along her jaw.

  She let out a breathy sigh as he kissed that sweet spot just under her chin.

  “Yes, baby. She knows now, and she’ll keep her mouth shut about it until I tell her otherwise.”

  Tess allowed herself one little touch—a skimming of her hand over his grown-out buzz cut. She loved that there was something soft on a man so strong, and wondered if it’d be blond or brown if it were grown out.

  “It’s brown,” he said. He nudged her legs apart and settled his big body between them.

  “You caught that, huh?”

  He didn’t answer her, unless leaning in for a toe-curling kiss counted as communication.

  She closed her eyes and hooked her right leg around his thighs. Rolling her hips up, she ground against him and moaned into his mouth. She’d foregone panties, as usual, so there was just one thin layer of fabric between them.

  The quiet chafing of fabric against skin at her left made her open her eyes. Harvey stood beside the bed looking down at them as he unfastened his second cuff. He tossed his shirt to the floor, along with his undershirt, and had that glint in his eyes Tess knew all too well. It was the I’m in charge twinkle that always titillated her, but…all those other times, Ollie hadn’t been in the room.

  If he went too far, the two men would be at each other’s throats again, and she didn’t want to be a witness to it. She had tacitly agreed to submit to him, but Ollie was under no such arrangement.

  “Stand her up,” Harvey said.

  Ollie didn’t immediately comply. He deepened his kiss and fucked her mouth so thoroughly with his tongue that her pussy quivered, aching to be treated to a similar treat. Right now, she didn’t care who filled it, as long as someone did.

  Ollie backed off her, but grabbed her hands. He pulled her with him over the edge of the bed and stood her between him and Harvey. Ollie’s cock pressed against her back as his hot mouth seared a burning trail down the side of her neck.

  Harvey’s fingers worked at his belt buckle, and Tess dragged her tongue across her lips. The men definitely weren’t shy. It was one thing to strip nude in a locker room because the unwritten code said you kept your gaze above the shoulders, and if you happened to catch a glimpse, you didn’t make a big deal of it. But it was another thing entirely to be nude in front of another man and be expected to perform.

  Harvey grasped her chin and tilted it upward, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Keep your eyes up here.”

  The bratty part of her wanted to ask, “And if I don’t?” just to see how he’d react, but she kept her mouth shut for Ollie’s benefit. He’d need to be slowly introduced to the way she and
Harvey played, and to understand that Harvey knew her limits.

  Harvey grabbed the bottom of her nightshirt and pulled it up, and Tess kept her gaze straight ahead.

  Ollie helped him pull it over her head, and then she was naked. The only one naked. Her compulsion was to cover everything she could with her hands, but before she could attempt it, Harvey grabbed her wrists and pushed them together behind her back.

  “Hold these, please,” he said to Ollie.

  Ollie took them without hesitating, but leaned down to whisper, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I like it.”

  “Good to know.”

  She heard the rasp of Harvey’s zipper unfurling, and no matter how badly she wanted to, she didn’t look down. He pushed down his pants, and she didn’t know if he were completely nude now like her, or if he’d kept on his shorts. If he’d shed everything, that meant he wouldn’t keep her on the edge for long. She hoped he wouldn’t keep her waiting, because she was so hungry for his touch. Their touches. She didn’t want to think, just feel.

  Harvey pushed his knee between her legs and nudged them shoulder-width apart. He slid his fingers into her slit and swirled them. “Lights are on. How do you feel about that?”

  She pushed up onto her toes and hissed when he pressed his thumb against her thumb. “I-I was trying not to think about it.”

  “Eyes up here,” he said, and tipped her sagging chin back up. “I want you to get out of your own head, and I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen. Nod if you’re listening.”

  She nodded.

  “Although I’d love to see you fucked into a delirium by both of us at the same time, we’re not doing that today. That’ll come later when we’re all settled in. Still listening?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good. Make no mistake, we’re going to touch you all over, and you’re going give yourself up to us freely, aren’t you?”

  She nodded once more, probably with far too much enthusiasm for a woman of her status.

  He skimmed a hand between her breasts and she gasped when his fingertips feathered over her navel, past the scar there. “Believe it or not, we’re playing this by ear. We’re going to do what feels good and what makes sense.” He pulled his fingers free of her cunt and licked them clean. “You’re already ready, aren’t you?”

  She had no shame. She had two extremely attractive, well-hung men at her beck and call. All the foreplay she needed was the sound of them unzipping their pants.

  “You can let her go, Ollie. And how about laying back on the bed? Back against the headboard. I need some room.”

  Room for what? Tess wanted to ask, but she knew better. Harvey would probably want to correct her for not trusting him, and while she would have found him warming her ass to be titillating any other time, right now she wanted to get down to business.

  Ollie unhanded her and shifted behind her. She didn’t turn to see what he was doing, and kept her eyes trained on Harvey. His gaze dared her to turn, but she didn’t.

  The mattress squeaked as Ollie settled onto it, and when he’d stopped moving, Harvey turned Tess around to look.

  He was naked as a jaybird, and lounged with his hands behind his head, one knee bent, and his big cock stood at attention. A pearl of pre-come glistened at the head, and his cock twitched, seemingly in response to her gaze.

  Harvey teased his palms up her ribs and pushed her breasts together as if for Ollie’s inspection. Idly, he flicked her nipples and leaned down to whisper, “Can you take him down your throat?”

  The fact she had to think about it didn’t bode well for her jaw, but she wanted to try. She wanted to taste that glistening slick of arousal on his cockhead and watch him try, and fail, to keep control of his expressions as she blew him.

  “Then wrap your lips around his head and suck.”

  She blinked at him, waiting for the punch line. Although she was used to Harvey’s candor, in the past, his instructions had been about what she could do to him. Now he’d brought a third party into the equation.

  The third party didn’t seem to mind. Ollie gripped the base of his cock and rimmed his thumb around the head. He inclined his head in an I’m waiting fashion. “You heard him, Tess.”


  She climbed onto the bed and settled herself between his legs.

  She must have hesitated for too long, because Harvey leaned in and put her hands on Ollie’s cock.

  “Don’t act like you’re afraid of it now, sweetheart, and if you want that in your pussy later, you’d better start sucking.”

  “And to think I was worried you wouldn’t share,” she said.

  She dipped her head over Ollie’s dick. Harvey pulled her hair clear of her face and knotted it at her neck.

  “Let’s not impede the man’s view.”

  “Wouldn’t want to do that, now, would we?”

  She’d talked back, so she should have anticipated the swat to her ass, but it made her jolt. And then as the pain gave way to heat, her body relaxed and pussy clenched. Her wetness seeped onto her thighs. With Harvey now moving behind her, he had to see and know what had caused it.

  He rubbed where he’d struck and kissed the stinging flesh.

  It would have been so easy to get distracted by his lips on her ass or his fingers probing her cleft, but she remembered she had a job to do.

  And so did Ollie. He guided her head down to his cock and stroked her chin. “Open up, baby,” he said.

  Gods, don’t tell me I have another one.

  Harvey thrust two fingers into her sheath and fluttered them against her G-spot. “Another what?” he asked.

  She curled her fingers into the meat of Ollie’s thighs and hissed at already-mounting fullness in her sex. Could she keep nothing to herself? Was nothing private?

  “Not when you’re touching us like this.” Ollie had picked up the thread of the conversation.

  “Another bossy one, is what I was thinking.” She rolled her eyes, but opened her mouth for him and dragged the tip of her tongue up and down his head’s slit.

  “Better be glad Harvey didn’t see that.”

  “I think you want to get me in trouble.” She put a two-fisted grip on his cock and settled more comfortably on her forearms and knees.

  He shrugged. “I think it’s sexy. You surrendering, I mean.” He pushed his cock farther into her mouth. “Not the backtalk. By the way, did you pick up all your foul language on the streets or is it just your Viking constitution? Sometimes, I think you need your mouth washed out with soap because you could make a sailor blush when you get ornery.”

  “Says the man who has a cock in my mouth,” she muttered around the thing.

  Harvey thrust fingers into her ass, and she whimpered. She liked being probed and rimmed, and there was something enticingly taboo about being fucked there, but she wasn’t ready.

  “Here we were, trying to be nice,” he said.

  Tess kept her words to herself, and locked her thoughts down. Given the early hour, she doubted there’d be any urgent pleas for attention from the Afótama web. People had to expect the queen to have some off hours. Her internet service provider had them all the fucking time.

  She went to work on Ollie’s cock, savored the satiny feel of him against her tongue and pulled him farther into her mouth.

  His moan told her he enjoyed her indulgently slow sucks and swirls, and his fist in her hair told her he didn’t want her to stop.

  She removed one hand from his shaft and ran it up the inside of his clenching thigh before cupping his heavy balls. They drew up tight in her palm as she brushed her thumb over them, still suckling his cock head with gusto. When her fingertips skimmed over his perineum, his grip on her hair tightened and he inhaled sharply.

  She rolled her eyes up to meet his gaze. His expression was one half nope! and one half tell no one.

  She chuckled around him and pulled more of him into her mouth so his head touched her throat. She waited for her gag
reflex to kick in and force her to expel him, but she was too relaxed. Neither her body nor mind feared that he’d hurt her. She took more of him down her throat and slid her fingers down his perineum and between his cheeks.

  She didn’t try to breach him, but strummed him while teasing him with her lips, teeth, and tongue.

  His eyelids closed, lips parted, and he thrust into her, carefully but desperately. It’d been too long for all of them.

  Harvey pushed himself into her in one long, slow thrust and gripped her hips possessively. “You might want to find something less delicate to hold onto,” he said. “Maybe he won’t mind a little pain, but I suspect you’d like to produce an heir at some point in the distant future.”

  Heirs. Oh.

  She relaxed her grip on Ollie’s jewels and let him fall from her mouth.

  Harvey pulled out almost all the way, only to give her a purposeful thrust that forced her farther up Ollie’s torso.

  Ollie grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up incrementally as Harvey accelerated. He moved her more and more, not stopping until her head was on his chest, his cock nestled between her breasts, and her legs straddling his thighs.

  Harvey moved up along with her, never losing his rhythm.

  He planted a hand on either side of Ollie’s waist and thrust harder, demanding her full attention.

  The sharp pain on her shoulder stole her breath. Harvey scored her with his teeth, and the sting gave way to pleasure when his hot tongue traced around the bite.

  Her pussy clenched around him, trying to keep him in and stoking that magical spot inside her, because she was so close. She hooked her feet around the backs of his thighs and pushed up so she could better meet his thrusts, but he pushed her back down.

  “This is a race that…” He thrust into her again, brushing the very end of her and making her shout out those profane things Ollie hated. “You’re not going to win.” He did it again, and this time pulled out and leaned back from her.

  Tess looked down his body to see his hand wrapped around his pulsing cock, and couldn’t even enjoy the show, because he wound his free arm around her waist and pulled her upright.


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