Hating Gunner (Grimm Brothers MC Book 2)

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Hating Gunner (Grimm Brothers MC Book 2) Page 6

by Roxanne Greening

  Alanna told me to back off and give her space. It was the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done. Climbing back onto my bike I head to the clubhouse. Even the ride, which I normally enjoyed, seemed more of a chore.

  Reyes was gearing up for a run, and I was going to make sure my ass was on it.

  Chapter 31


  Day Twelve, Eighteen to Go.

  The bed felt too big, too cold, and too empty. Where are you, Gunner? I needed him to hold me even if I will never admit it out loud.

  I was alone. My heart felt as if it was torn into shreds and then lite on fire. I needed someone to tell me it was all going to be ok.

  God, I loved and hated that man. That stupid fine line between love and hate. Well, I hate you too line!

  Chapter 32


  Day Thirteen, Seventeen to Go.

  The stomach-churning, gut-clenching morning sickness was finally letting up. So, I thought maybe today I would venture out of this room.

  Oh, who was I kidding? Without Gunner, I didn’t want to see the rest of the world, fuck them all! Well all of them, except Alanna and maybe Bianca, they seemed cool.

  Chapter 33


  Day Fourteen, Sixteen to Go.

  It was all starting to sink in. I was pregnant, and Gunner was the father. Oh, hell. That’s where I was going in a handbasket or was that Gunner’s hand?

  Chapter 34


  Day Fifteen, Fifteen To Go.

  Oh god, I was pregnant. The world had finally smacked me upside my head. Reality had sunk in, and I finally came to terms with it all. Gunner was the father. A father who was still MIA. That Bastard!

  Chapter 35


  Day Sixteen, Fourteen to Go.

  Ugh and blah, blah, and blah.

  Chapter 36


  Day Seventeen, Thirteen to Go.

  Chapter 37


  Day Eighteen, Twelve to Go.

  Chapter 38


  Day Nineteen, Eleven to Go.

  Finally, Gunner decided to grace me with his presences. I glared at the dick standing in front of me like he was the gum I was trying to scrape off my shoe.

  What I wanted to do was throw my arms around him and beg him never to leave me again.

  “You can go,” he tells me, while he holds out an envelope overstuffed with what I assumed was cash.

  I looked at it like it was a snake. Did Gunner not want me anymore?

  Chapter 39


  Day Nineteen, Eleven to Go.

  I was going to let her go. I finally understood why I should.

  But you love her, that insistent voice said.

  And I helped kill her father. The best thing I could do for her would be letting her go. Let her find that happiness that I couldn’t give her, not anymore.

  Her eyes darted from the envelope and then to me over and over. Her eyes misted like she was fighting tears. They ripped a hole in me like a bullet.

  The pain had my head turning to the side. Turning back to her I stare at her in shock. What the fuck?

  Chapter 40


  Day Nineteen, Eleven to Go.

  I slapped Gunner, and I did it hard. My emotions were all over the place. How could he do this? He promised me thirty days.

  I watched as he turned back to me with his eyes peering down and his lips compressed into a firm frown. It was like he was waiting for something. Probably an apology, my mind whispered.

  Fuck him and his apology. I can tell him right where to stick it, how far up, and in what direction it should go.

  “Cassie,” he said calmly.

  “Gunner,” I snap back.

  “What the fuck crawled up your ass?” he asked me. His voice was taking a turn into the cold, icy territory.

  “You and your bullshit,” I tell him, coldly. I already reached the icy plane.

  “Isn’t this what you wanted? To be free?” he asked me in an aspirated voice.

  “Fuck you, Gunner!” I shout. I tried unsuccessfully to shout in his face, but the man was a giant compared to my five-foot-five stature.

  “Take the fucking money,” he snaps, throwing it onto the bed before turning to leave.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I tell him, grabbing his thick hard muscular arm. My hand didn’t even reach around it enough for my fingers to come close to touching.

  “Cassie,” Gunner warns.

  “Gunner!” I snap back.

  My eyes widen when he fully turns to me. His eyes were full of intent and purpose. Before I could open my mouth, his hands were on my hips, and he was lifting me.

  Then I was sailing through the air before landing on the bed with a bounce.

  His shirt was ripped over his head, and his hands went for his pants, only to pause and look at me.

  “Get those clothes off, now!” he demanded.

  Without a word, I tugged his t-shirt over my head and my underwear down my legs. I tossed them over the side of the bed, landing anywhere for all I cared.

  Blinking I gasped as he leaned over me. One minute he was by the door, then he was parting my thighs and slamming into me, hard. No foreplay, just his hard-thick cock spearing me.

  He split me open stretching me to my limits. Then he hit my womb and pressed in deeper still.

  “Fuck!” he growled as he pulled back and slammed into me again and again, harder and faster. The headboard slammed into the wall hard enough to leave dents, and I didn’t care, not about anything. Not about what happened days ago, not about what happened minutes ago. All I cared about was him fucking me as hard and as fast as he could.

  I felt every throb, every vein as he pulled out and pushed back in. My mind tried to keep a grip on reality only to fail miserably.

  The orgasm I was dying for hit me hard and fast forcing my legs to tense my back to bow and my lips to part on a scream I was sure everyone heard.

  “Fuck, darlin’,” Gunner moaned as he too found paradise.

  Chapter 41


  Day Twenty, Ten to Go.

  I passed out after he moaned and didn’t rise again until this morning when I came face to face with a sleeping Gunner.

  Could I honestly say I was over it, that I forgive him?

  Forgive him for what? Saving you? Keeping you safe? For not killing your father? That irritating voice asked.

  I was seriously starting to hate that voice. The more it was right, the more I wanted to strangle it. What did I have to forgive Gunner for? What did I hate him for? I had no answer to any of it, and that was the annoying part.

  His grey eyes opened and focused on me. I could see the wariness there, and it hurt to know that I put it there. All this time I could have had him holding me, comforting me, and making the pain feel less like a crater and more like a ditch.

  “I’m pregnant,” I tell him calmly.

  His eyes became huge, and his mouth opened and closed like a dying fish.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him as tears filled my eyes. Damn hormones were out to destroy me.

  I was sorry for all the time I spent making Gunner miserable. I was sorry for making him leave me, sorry for not telling him sooner, and sorry for just spitting it out like that.

  “Pregnant?” he asked stupidly.

  “Yes, do I need to spell it out for you?” I sassed him.

  “How?” Gunner asked me, what a dumbass.

  “So, no one gave you the birds and the bees talk? Well, when a man and a woman get together, one thing leads to another and usually some hugging is involved. Maybe some lip action, then the man sticks…” I tell him before he rudely interrupts.

  “I know how the fuck it works. How the fuck did this happen?” Gunner asked me.

  I felt hurt, and it was rushing up like a volcano getting ready to erupt.

  “You didn’t use protection,” I tell him quietly. />
  My voice was raw from the tears I was fighting back.

  “Shit, sweetheart I… I’m sorry,” Gunner tells me.

  “I can go if you want, no pressure,” I tell him quickly.

  When, in reality, I was stumbling around in the dark begging for freedom from this nightmare without an end.

  “The fuck you can,” he snaps at me.

  “I’m really sorry… I can’t get rid of it... I just won’t, and you can’t make me!” I shout the last part.

  “That isn’t happening, baby,” Gunner tells me firmly.

  At some point, I decided to sit up. This conversation was too much to have lying down and apparently Gunner thought the same.

  His hands cupped my face as his thumbs rubbed under my eyes gently.

  “I love you, Cassie,” he tells me.

  “Really?” I asked like the moron I was.

  “Yeah, baby, really,” Gunner says with a small laugh.

  I just stared at him, and he started to grow concerned. I could see it on his face.

  “I still hate you,” I tell him fighting back a laugh.

  I held my breath waiting for him to say something, but really, what can you say to that?

  “Just fucking with you, I love you too,” I tell him.

  Gunner’s lips pressed against mine and I moaned quietly. Leaning into him I felt his arms lower to my waist pulling me in close.

  “I’m sorry for everything darlin’, for taking you, locking you up, killing your family,” he said it all and fresh pain waved over me.

  “I know you did it all to save me, Gunner, but it still hurts,” I whispered putting my face into the curve of his neck and shoulder.

  His arms pulled me in tighter, and without a word, he held me, comforted me, and finally gave me what I needed. Security and safe harbor from the storm.

  “I’ll do anything for you, baby,” he whispered into my hair as Gunner’s lips press to my forehead.

  “I know,” I tell him, and I did know. He showed me in every word, every move, and every deed. I was cherished and loved.

  “Were you really going to let me go?” I asked him quietly.

  “You wouldn’t have gotten far,” he tells me with a small laugh.

  I couldn’t help but join him. Just like he promised I would be, I was free. There was no more need to count down the rest of the days. I may have hated Gunner, but I always loved him.


  Ten Months Later…

  Gunner bought me a house with a white picket fence like the adoring and dorky man he was. The realtor got a lesson on keeping her hands to herself.

  I laughed when I remembered the woman’s face when I grabbed her hand. I pushed it back until I heard her wrist snap. To be fair, she grabbed Gunner’s dick right the fuck in front of me, as if I was invincible.

  Just because I had been five months pregnant didn’t make me any less desirable, at least that’s what he liked to say.

  “Here’s Mama,” Gunner whispered as he came over holding little Decker, our three-month-old son.

  I was sure that Decker’s blue eyes were going to change to gray. He peeked up at me through the blankets that he was currently nestled into. He was so beautiful!

  “Gunner,” I sighed.

  “I know,” he tells me sheepishly.

  I had just put Decker down for a nap, and once again, Gunner went and collected him. He just couldn’t leave Decker alone.

  “If we keep holding him too much, that’s all he’ll ever want,” I reminded him firmly.

  I understood though, it was hard not to cuddle him as much as possible.

  “They’re going to be here soon, and I was hoping for a few minutes, just the two of us,” I whispered to him.

  Gunner looked up from Decker and his eyes filled with need.

  “I’ll put Decker back in his crib,” Gunner whispered while walking from the room.

  Who knew having a baby would make you so damn horny? I wanted another one right away, not that I was going to do that, but my body was begging for it.

  I felt him come up behind me. Gunner pulled me close, and his hands went to my neck. He pulled my hair aside and kissed the nape of my neck.

  I shivered with desire as Gunner trailed his lips all over my neck. I couldn’t help grinding my ass against his hard, jean covered cock. Moans were coming from both of us.

  “I can’t wait, baby,” he tells me while his fingers undid my pants.

  Just as they started to slide down my hips, someone knocked on the door. Gunner growled and helped me pull my pants back up, and I sighed in disappointment.

  “I love you, baby,” he tells me as he pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him, giving him a smile before he turned and walked out of the room.

  I heard Alanna and Bianca as they bickered back and forth. Life was never boring, and I knew one thing for sure, I would forever be thankful for hating Gunner.

  The End.

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