A Christmas Star

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A Christmas Star Page 11

by Judith Keim

  Her mother cocked an eyebrow. “What’s the story behind that? And is he the reason you’re here? The reason you’re carrying bags from the children’s bookstore?”

  Noelle laughed. “One question at a time. Let’s order first.”

  After they’d ordered their Chicken Caesar Salads and were served, Noelle told her mother about Edith, the phone call, and the unexpected flight to Boston.

  “This Jake Bellingham, how did you meet him?” her mother asked.

  “Through Silas, his son. Silas and I met on the beach and hit it off right away. And then when I met his great-grandmother, I realized she was being physically and medically abused by her caretaker, and I escorted the caretaker out of the house.” Noelle held up a hand to stop her mother’s protest. “I had to do something for her. She had bruises. It was awful. There was no way I could allow that to continue. And then I helped her grandsons, Jake and Brett Bellingham, find a new caretaker for her. Then I agreed to help Silas with a Christmas project. It’s all very complicated,” she ended lamely.

  Noelle twitched in her seat, well aware of the look her mother was giving her. Jen North expected the best from her children and she didn’t like what she was hearing. “It sounds to me like it’s more than complicated. And Bellingham? Are you talking about the people who own the Bellingham hotels?”

  “Yes. A horrible thing has happened to the family. Brett and Jake’s parents were flying together in a small plane that went down over the Rockies. They’re still missing and presumed dead. That’s why Silas is in Florida at his great-grandmother’s house for the school holidays. Jake and his brother have taken control of the hotels as they await word about their parents.”

  “That’s awful. I can’t imagine something like that happening in our family.”

  “I haven’t always gotten along with Jake, and neither of us wants more than friendship, but I was very touched by his hiring a jet to bring me to Boston.”

  Noelle’s mother frowned. “I’m worried you might get too caught up in the family. I know you said you’re just friends, but Alex hurt you terribly, and either of these men could do that too with their fancy lifestyles and the ability to have anything they want.”

  Noelle sat quietly. While Jake and Brett had the means to satisfy their every whim, they weren’t selfish. In fact, they were generous.

  “Well?” her mother said.

  “Jake and Brett are nothing like Alex. Don’t worry, I have no intention of having a relationship with either of them. Brett is like my brother, and Jake has been very hurt in the past and isn’t interested in me at all.”

  “And what about the little boy?”

  “Silas is a darling child, one who’s still suffering from the death of his mother over two years ago. He and I connected from the beginning. I promised to help him decorate a Christmas tree in memory of his mother. We’re using shells we find along the beach to decorate the tree. It’s really a sweet thing for him to do.”

  “But you’ll be leaving him in several weeks,” protested Noelle’s mother.

  “Yes, I’ve talked to him about that. He needs to understand I’ll be back in Boston after the New Year.”

  “Those women at the New Life community adore you. One of my friends’ mother is there, and she speaks highly of you.” Her mother reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “You’re such a wonderful person, Noelle. I’m anxious for you to find love again, but I don’t want you to get hurt, either.”

  “I know. I’m being careful too. But the trip to Florida has been healthy for me. I’ve even been experimenting with cooking. Now that I have more time to myself, I’m finding it fun. I’ll never be as good as you, but I’m learning.”

  “Nice,” said her mother. “The secret to cooking is to add a touch of love to any dish. Heaven knows I’m not a fancy cook, but my food is tasty. And with you children out on your own, your father and I have changed things up a bit. We eat a little later and lighter.”

  “I’m taking more time to enjoy things like watching the sunsets. And, Mom, if I didn’t have my commitments here, I’d like to live in Florida. In fact, as pretty as it is here with all the decorations, I already miss the palm trees, the water, the sand.”

  “Do you miss us?” her mother asked, giving her a steady look. Her mother liked her children nearby.

  “Of course, but I like it there too.”

  “Well, I’ll be glad to have you back in Boston,” her mother announced, signaling the waitress.

  “Yes?” The waitress waited for an answer.

  “My daughter and I are going to splurge on dessert. Isn’t that right, Noelle?”

  Laughing, Noelle nodded. Her mother had a sweet tooth and looked for any excuse to satisfy it.

  As they were getting ready to leave the restaurant, Noelle’s phone rang. She looked at caller ID and turned it off. No way was she going to talk to Jake Bellingham in front of her mother!


  Noelle walked Edith down the hall of the main building to her apartment at the New Life Assisted-Living Community.

  A crowd quickly gathered around, and questions were thrown at them like colorful confetti.

  Laughing, Noelle held up her hand. “Follow us and we’ll give you the lowdown on Edith. And, no, I’m not staying for long. I’m flying back to Florida tomorrow.”

  A sign saying: “Welcome Home, Edith!” was posted on the door to Edith’s apartment. Seeing it, Edith placed a hand on her chest. “I can’t believe the reception I’m getting.”

  Noelle gave her a gentle squeeze. “That’s because everyone loves you, Edith. Like I do.”

  Edith smiled even as tears filled her eyes.

  Noelle helped her inside and settled her in her favorite chair. Michelle Sanders, the nurse Noelle had chosen to assist Edith hurried over to them. In her forties, a grandmother already, and with an infectious laugh, she was the perfect choice to help Edith through some life changes.

  “So glad you’re back,” Michelle said to Edith, and turned to Noelle. “You’re really not going to stay?”

  Noelle shook her head. “I can’t. It’s a long story. A little boy is waiting for my return, and I won’t let him down.”

  “Does this have to do with the man who flew you here in a private jet? The handsome man in that photograph with you?”

  A sigh escaped Noelle’s lips. “Does everyone know about that?”

  Michelle’s smile was impish. “Of course. There are no secrets here. Besides, we’re all rooting for you to find a decent guy.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I appreciate being on my own without worrying about a man. I’ve even begun cooking and find I like doing it.”

  “Oh, you really are serious,” said Michelle. “You used to hate cooking.”

  After the crowd thinned out, Edith remained in her chair while Dorothy, Hazel, and Rose took seats on the couch nearby.

  “Okay,” Dorothy said to Noelle. “You have a lot to share with us.”

  Noelle sat in a chair next to Edith. She knew they wouldn’t allow her to leave without spilling a story or two about her time in Florida.

  With four sets of eyes on her, Noelle began telling them about meeting Silas, their growing friendship, and how, after meeting his great-grandmother she realized she was being abused by her caretaker.

  “You threw her out on the spot?” said Dorothy, grinning. “You go, girl!”

  “Yes, we can’t have that,” said Hazel. “It’s a lucky thing you were there, Noelle.”

  Edith leaned forward. “Noelle, dear, we need to know about that young man, Jake Bellingham. You say there’s nothing but friendship there, but are you sure?”

  Noelle nodded. “He’s been very thoughtful about flying me up here to see you, but that’s all it is. He’s a nice guy with a lot of baggage. Neither of us wants anything more than to be friends. And, honestly, there are times when he drives me crazy.”

  Rose grinned. “That could be a good thing. My husband, Joe, and I drove each other crazy,
but sometimes crazy turns out to be fun, you know?”

  “I’m not sure,” Noelle said. “He thinks I’m a busybody, bossy nurse who works for him. I told him I’d help his son and his grandmother, but I was doing it for free. Just because he has money, he thinks he can buy my services. I’m not falling for a guy like that. Did that once, remember.”

  All four heads bobbed up and down.

  “Yes, that man was so awful to you,” clucked Hazel. “Imagine his leaving you like that.”

  “It’s over and done with,” said Edith, giving Hazel a disapproving look. “Time to move on.”

  “Oh, yes,” said Hazel. “Of course.”

  “Plan B,” said Dorothy.

  The three other women in the group glanced at Noelle and turned to Dorothy.

  “Right,” said Dorothy, receiving their private messages. “Give it time, Noelle. Good things will happen for you. I just know it.”

  The four women smiled at Noelle, giving her a sense of unease. They were definitely up to something.

  “Ladies, I truly thank you for your concern, but I’m able to take care of myself. The trip to Florida was a wonderful idea, and I’ve begun to see things in a different way. I really don’t need a man in my life. I understand that now.”

  The expressions of horror on their faces brought a laugh out of Noelle. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s true.”

  Edith reached over and patted her hand. “We’ll see, my dear. We’ll see.”

  Her friends nodded.

  Edith smiled. “Noelle, dear, hadn’t you better run along? You told me something about a dinner.”

  “Oh, yes. My mother has called the family together. Long lost child and all that.” Noelle checked her watch and got to her feet. “Let me hug each of you goodbye. I’ll see you after the New Year. Until then, you know I’ll be thinking of you.”

  She gave each woman a hug, loving the way they returned it. This is what she needed.


  Sitting at the long table that had dominated her parent’s large kitchen for years, Noelle realized she also needed this. Loud family gatherings reminded her of what was important in life. And though a man in her life might be nice, it had to be the right person or, as she’d told the women at New Life, she was content to be alone experiencing new things.

  Watching her parents smile at one another, she wouldn’t settle for less.


  Noelle was sitting in the gate area for her flight to Florida when her cell rang. Jake Bellingham.

  “Hi, sorry I couldn’t get back to you earlier. How are things going with Edith?”

  “Fine. She’s back at her apartment under careful supervision. But I can’t thank you enough for getting me to Boston in a hurry. I would’ve been distraught if she hadn’t survived, and I’d missed saying goodbye.” As soon as she said the words, Noelle thought of the dilemma Jake and Brett shared. “I’m sorry ... I didn’t think ...”

  “It’s all right, Noelle. Wonderful news! My parents were found yesterday. They’re alive, but seriously injured. The pilot didn’t make it, but my mother and father were able to get to a cabin a couple of miles away. It’s a miracle I’m still trying to process.”

  Noelle’s heart raced. “That’s fabulous! I’m so happy for you! Where are they now?”

  “At the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver. I saw them yesterday. Brett is with them now. I’m back in New York, but I’m trying to make it to Florida later today. Do you want to catch a ride back to Florida in the jet?”

  “Thanks, but I’m at Logan Airport now. Is there anything I can do to help you and Brett? You must be overwhelmed by the happy news and all that follows.”

  “It would be great if you could spend extra time with Silas. We’re going to fly my parents to Tampa to a rehabilitation center at the hospital so they’ll be closer to Nana’s house, and Brett and I can visit them more often. But Silas needs to know someone is there for him.”

  “Not a problem. I’m anxious to see him anyhow. And, Jake, I’m so very happy your parents are all right. As you said, it is truly a miracle.”

  “Thanks.” Jake’s voice quavered, and Noelle knew how grateful he was.


  On the flight south, Noelle stared out the window of the plane at the clouds floating above the ground like cottonwood seeds, their shadows covering the fields and homes below in a checkered design. She thought of the miracle of finding Jake’s parents alive. Life was full of unexpected moments. For a long time, she’d felt lost and uncertain. The kindness of her friends at New Life had sent her to Florida where she was discovering a fresh outlook on life. She didn’t know what the future held, but whatever it was, she would embrace it.

  And later, as the hired driver drew his car into the driveway of Seashell Cottage, Noelle’s heart leapt with joy. It felt so good to be back among palm trees and sandy beaches. Better yet, she’d see Silas and help him continue his search for the tree decorations that meant so much to him.

  She paid the driver and then carried her suitcase to the front door. On the front porch, she stood a moment and inhaled the salty air, feeling its freshness enter her lungs. It hardly seemed possible that so much had happened in the three days since she’d been here. Opening the door, she stepped inside. Everything was just as she left it. In the kitchen, the dishes had been hastily rinsed and stacked in the sink, the food put away. But the table was still set with the placemats she’d used, and the hibiscus blossom in a container placed in the center of the table had long since wilted into a sad, dried clump.

  Noelle unpacked her suitcase, straightened the kitchen, and added several items to the grocery list she now kept on the counter. Satisfied things were in order, she called Dora to tell her she was on her way to see Silas.

  “Lots of excitement here, but I think it’s been confusing to Silas. His grandparents are alive, but his mother is still dead. That kind of thing.”

  “Oh? Thanks for telling me. I’ll keep it in mind.”

  Noelle picked up one of the art projects she’d purchased and headed down the beach. She’d found it was easier to talk to Silas when he was busy doing something.

  As she walked along the sand, Noelle thought back to the first time she’d seen Silas. With his red hair and freckles he was still the cutest boy ever. He’d confided that he didn’t like his hair, but she’d convinced him for a while that it was her favorite color. In any case, with his Bellingham features and healthy physique, he was destined to be a handsome man.

  From a distance she saw Duke running toward her with Silas at his heels. Her heart swelled with affection, and she hurried forward to meet them.

  “Noelle! You’re here!” cried Silas running into her open arms.

  “Yes, my sick friend is going to be all right. By the time I leave Florida, she’ll be all better.”

  “Poppy and Gran are almost healed,” Silas announced. “They came from the mountains. Dad says it’s a miracle. Uncle Brett says so too.”

  “Ah, yes. It’s a wonderful thing. Miracles sometimes happen, you know.”

  Silas gave her a steady look and shook his head. “I don’t think so. Mom’s not here.”

  “No, she’s not. I’m sorry. I know it makes you sad.”

  “Yes,” said Silas solemnly.

  Noelle held up the brightly-colored bag she was carrying. “I’ve got a new project for us. Let’s get started on it, and then tomorrow morning we’ll look for more shells.”

  As they walked toward Althea’s house, Gracie left a group on the beach and hurried over to them. “Hi, Thilath. Are you looking for thellth?”

  “Not right now,” he answered. “We’re going to do a project.”

  “We’ll look for some shells in the morning,” said Noelle. “Maybe, if you’re out on the beach at the same time, we can look for them together. Okay, Silas?”

  Silas studied Noelle and turned to Gracie. “Okay.”

  The smile that creased Gracie’s face was touching to
see. “Okay.” She turned and ran back to her family.

  “Thank you, Silas. That was very nice of you,” Noelle said.

  He shrugged. “I know.”

  Smiling, Noelle ruffled his hair.

  They entered Althea’s house together. “Wait just a moment,” Noelle said. “I need to speak to your Nana.”

  The minute Noelle entered Althea’s room, she noticed a difference. Althea was not asleep or slumped in a chair. She was standing at the window looking out at the water.

  “So beautiful,” Althea murmured. “I’d forgotten what it was like to simply watch the waves roll in and out.”

  Noelle came up beside her. “Yes, it is beautiful. And how are you?”

  Althea smiled. “My boy is okay.”

  “Yes, I heard that both Willis and Stephanie are going to be fine. I’m so happy for you.”

  Althea’s smile widened. “Jacob will be so happy to hear that. I must remember to tell him.”

  “Of course. He’ll be happy too,” Noelle responded, well aware that Jacob had been dead for many years.

  Noelle left Althea and went into the kitchen to find Silas. He was sitting at the kitchen table with the art project opened in front of him.

  “I like puzzles. Now I can make my own,” he said.

  “Yes. You make a drawing on the cardboard, and then we’ll cut it in different pieces, following the sample they’ve given you.”

  “What shall I draw?” Silas asked.

  “Anything you want,” Noelle said. “Take your time. I need to talk to Dora.”

  Once Silas was engaged in the activity, Noelle and Dora stepped outside the kitchen away from the back entrance.

  “Jake asked me to spend some extra time with Silas, and I’m concerned about what you told me. Is there something special I should know regarding his confusion over his grandparents’ surviving?”

  “He’s seen how emotional his father and uncle are, and he’s worried about them. He understands they’re really happy over their parents’ survival, but he wants the same thing to happen to his mother. He’s gone from thinking his grandparents were dead to suddenly having them alive. He’s had a couple of bad dreams.”


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