The Heart of Fire

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The Heart of Fire Page 24

by Michael J. Ward

  If you manage to defeat the bombardier ant, turn to 273.


  The stairs bring you to a dark-panelled door. You knock and push it open, to find yourself in a large high-ceilinged room dominated by painted friezes along each wall. In the centre of the room is a desk and chair, looking excessively small and austere next to the vivid painted scenes.

  Seated at the desk is a man in red robes. A cap rests on his shaven scalp, edged with gold and silver. He is poring over a pile of parchments as you enter, shaking his head and muttering to himself. It isn’t until the door clicks shut behind you that he flinches and looks up.

  ‘Ah yes, the traveller.’ His dark eyes scrutinise you intently. ‘The Wiccans believe you are a prophet. I see there may be some truth in their heretic notions.’ He taps a finger at one of the papers on the desk. ‘You were at Durnhollow. A prisoner of the inquisition, no less.’

  You stiffen, instinctively preparing yourself to run. But the man merely chuckles to himself. ‘You have nothing to fear from me. All I see before me is a tool. An instrument I can use.’ He rises to his feet, his robes rustling about his broad body. ‘I am Dean Margo. And I would like you to tell me about the forest of thorns.’

  You strain to keep your face neutral. ‘I don’t know . . .’

  ‘The visions,’ the dean replies bluntly. ‘I was able to retrieve these from Durnhollow – at great personal risk.’ You glance down at the papers, several of which are scorched and tattered. ‘I wonder if Allam had such visions – demons, swords, mountains of fire.’

  You back away to the door. ‘You have mistaken me for someone else. I do not . . .’

  The dean raises a hand, silencing you. ‘Enough. Come, follow me. There is something I want to show you.’ Turn to 154.


  Somehow you are able to stay one step ahead of the beast’s attacks, dodging its flailing claws and whip-like tail. A lucky blow from your weapon forces the manticore back against the canyon walls, where its wings catch on the jagged rocks. For a moment, it struggles to right itself – and a moment is all you need to drive your weapon home, ending the beast’s life.

  Exhausted, you step away from the manticore’s body, watching as its black lifeblood trickles into the pits and crevices of stone. You remove Anna’s vial from around your neck and collect a sample of the blood. Benin does likewise, using a small gourd.

  With your grisly task complete, you eye each other warily.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ says Benin at last. ‘To the One God, every life is sacred. I should not have chosen to judge you.’ He glances down at the corpse of the beast. ‘I had hoped for a different outcome to this, but what is done is done.’

  Searching the manticore’s cave, you find 10 gold crowns and the following items which you may take:

  Goblin bones

  Manticore’s tooth

  White mane


  (left hand: dagger)


  These might prove

  valuable to the

  right person

  +1 brawn

  Ability: savagery

  +1 brawn +1 magic

  Ability: charm

  Together you leave Crow Rock and return to Carvel. It is midday when you finally reach Anna’s apothecary. You fear that it may already be too late to save her patient’s life. Record the word prevail on your hero sheet. Then turn to 329.


  ‘Oh, these!’ says Bea, grinning from ear to ear. ‘They’re inscriptions. I copied them down from the shrines of Saint Mary. She was one of Judah’s disciples, the first pilgrim to spread the holy word across Valeron.’ She hands you one of the battered journals from the pile. Flicking through its yellowed pages, you see that most of them are filled with a confusing mix of arcane glyphs, annotated scripture and hastily-scrawled maps. ‘Mary’s teachings provide the faithful with safe passage – for those pilgrims who would follow in her footsteps and seek out the shrines.’ Bea lifts up her sword, revealing the inscriptions that are cut into the steel. ‘They have many uses. These are to provide healing, whilst others . . .’ She touches a necklace of charms that hang around her neck. ‘These give me protection. Useful when walking the darker roads – as we pilgrims must.’

  Will you

  Learn the pilgrim career (requirement: rogue)? — 481

  Return to the courtyard? — 260


  You are knocked to the ground by one of the tigris’ powerful swipes. Before you can find your feet again the white tigris straddles you, his fists raised. Behind him you hear the roars and snarls of his pack, urging him to finish the battle. But, once again, a single voice rings out, clear and commanding.

  ‘Hold your claws. This is not the place for killing.’

  The white tigris grunts and then climbs off you. ‘Skin not worthy of the Sheva. Take this one to marsh if that is your wish. We are done here.’

  The white tigris depart in silence, heading back into the dark forest. Scar-face walks over and helps you to stand. His disappointment is evident on his ravaged face. ‘I hoped you’d do better.’

  ‘Me too,’ you wince, putting a hand to your bruised rib.

  The leader, Grey-hair, watches you from the rock shelf. ‘We would still welcome you. The journey across the marsh has many dangers. Will you help us, bright claw?’

  Will you:

  Agree to help? — 549

  Decline the offer? — Return to the quest map


  ‘What business is it of yours?’ she yells, kicking over the table and sending pots and mugs flying. ‘Come on boys, time to show this one what happens when yer bait the fish!’

  There are screams and shrieks from the crowd as people scatter to a safe distance. ‘No fighting!’ bellows a voice from behind the bar. Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice – the ruffians run at you as a pack. You must fight:

  Special abilities

  Motley crew: The ruffians add 3 to Bilhah’s damage score for the duration of this combat. If the ruffians are defeated, this bonus no longer applies.

  In this combat you roll against Bilhah’s speed. If you win a combat round, you may choose to strike against Bilhah or her ruffians. If Bilhah is defeated first, then the ruffians will immediately surrender, winning you the combat.

  If you defeat this cruel band of mercenaries, turn to 194. If you are defeated, turn to 244.


  Bea gives you a sideways glance, her hands flexing around her sword grips. ‘Sanchen. You’re a prophet?’

  Your attention remains fixed on the Wiccans. The short man whispers something to the feathered woman, who nods and smiles. ‘We should never have left you at Durnhollow,’ she says with genuine regret. ‘We have need of your powers, Sanchen. Old one.’ She tilts her head, looking past you to the elderly man sat by the roadside. He is fumbling with one of the buttons on his coat, the rainwater dripping from the brim of his hat. ‘And we want that one. The so called “secret weapon”.’

  ‘God’s teeth,’ curses Ventus, looking straight at Bea. ‘Is there no one in Carvel who doesn’t know?’

  The pilgrim shakes her head quickly, her cheeks reddening. ‘I was careful.’

  ‘Not after a cup too many, dear,’ grins the Wiccan woman. ‘We have our eyes and ears, even in the towns.’ She points to the elderly man. ‘He is important. And he comes with us. Don’t try and stop us. As you can see . . .’ The woman gestures to her ragged band of warriors, all armed with brutal weapons. ‘A fight would not favour you.’

  Bea takes a step forward, raising her swords. ‘I’ll gladly put your steel to the test.’

  The giant throws back his head and laughs – a deep, hard sound, both daunting and terrible. His ragtag soldiers follow suit, throwing curses and jibes in a guttural-sounding language.

  With a bullish snort, the mighty warrior takes a step forward, beating the flat of an axe head against his chest. ‘I am Conall. The freed man. Leader of the Wiccans. We take ba
ck the old lands. The kin lands. And we make you pay for our suffering in tears and blood!’

  ‘Wait.’ The feathered woman stops him with a commanding tone. ‘Stay your hand, king in the making. Let our zealous friends here decide their fate.’ Her eyes flick to you, the corners of her mouth twitching with amusement. ‘What say you, Sanchen? The crows got your tongue?’

  Will you:

  Convince your companions to surrender? — 269

  Look for a peaceful compromise? — 242

  Draw your weapons and defy the Wiccans? — 309


  Amongst the piles of wind-scoured rock, you find a silver casket containing 50 gold crowns and one of the following items:

  Storm riders

  Shard of sky

  Silver flight



  (left hand: sword)

  +1 speed +1 armour

  +1 brawn

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  Ability: pagan’s spirit set

  Ability: blind

  Ability: charm

  (requirement: pariah)

  When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to 239.


  With Shonac defeated, you race up the pathway to the next platform. As before, your way is blocked by another ghostly scene. A group of dwarves lie sprawled across the ground, spears and arrows protruding from their armoured bodies. Goblins scramble over them, snorting and hollering in glee. Then the scene blurs and shifts as one of their number is brought into focus – a female goblin, with jewelled trinkets and bone charms threaded through her tangled hair.

  ‘Sarak Dun Garag Gar!’ The shaman pulls a wand from her belt, dark magic flickering around its spiked headpiece. ‘Gun Sark Virag Dor!’ Her guttural words become a cat-like hiss as she raises the wand and sends a cascade of magic surging towards you. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Dem bones: At the end of each combat round, Rap Unzal heals 2 health from the magic of her bone charms.

  Ghost of a victory: You cannot use cutpurse or pillage to gain gold/items from this combat.

  If you manage to defeat Rap Unzal, keep a record of your health and remaining abilities, and turn to 533. If you are defeated (or reach the end of your twentieth combat round), then the wind demon has outrun you. Restore your health and return to 630 if you wish to tackle the challenge again.


  The women are applying a thick coloured paste to the rock wall, using pieces of bark to quickly and skilfully craft it into shapes and textures. The last image shows some demonic-looking animal rearing up over the heads of two knights. Eva is adding the claws to its immense paws, scratching them into the paste with deft movements of her makeshift brush.

  ‘What is this?’ you ask with interest, leaning over to get a closer look at the two knights. They are cowering away from the mighty animal, their weapons discarded on the ground.

  ‘We celebrate when spirits aid us,’ states Eva, taking a step back to admire her work. ‘Conall is blessed by spirits. He will be king one day – and wear the crown of all peoples.’

  You look at the gigantic bear with its ferocious jaws and blazing red eyes. ‘But this is a demon,’ you reply tentatively. ‘Conall is a man, I thought.’

  The other women giggle to each other. Eva frowns at you. ‘Conall is our champion. With Damaris, his strength is greater than a thousand demons.’ She resumes her painting, while the other women continue to whisper and chuckle. (Return to 485 to continue your exploration of the cave.)


  The creature staggers back, dislodging stones from the wall as it grapples to stay upright. While it is distracted, you step in and deliver the killing blow, watching as the diseased monster slides down the wall into the thick sludge.

  With the beast finally defeated, you decide to search its remains. You find 5 gold crowns and may choose one of the following rewards:

  Number of the beast

  Bile-coated boots



  +1 brawn +1 magic

  +1 brawn +1 magic

  You also find a small pocket-sized book floating in the slime. Silver lettering on its cover spell out the title: Handy Herbalist’s Spotter’s Guide. This might prove useful, so you pluck it out from the sticky sludge. (Make a note of the book on your hero sheet. It doesn’t take up backpack space.) Turn to 328.


  The beast is fast and powerful, and yet somehow you are able to stay one step ahead of its attacks, expertly weaving between sharp claws and searing breath attacks.

  After an arduous battle the demon is finally defeated, its blistered body exploding into a cloud of fine black dust. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

  Earthen embers

  Armbands of living flame

  Grieving soul




  +1 brawn

  +1 speed +1 magic

  +1 armour

  Ability: cauterise

  Ability: sear

  Ability: fire aura

  If you have the word duty on your hero sheet, turn to 285. If you are carrying the broken silver locket, turn to 313. Otherwise, you leave the farmstead and continue your journey. (Return to the map.)


  Murlic hands you a second training dagger and then proceeds to teach you his technique. You discover that the Wiccan favour heavier daggers, adding their own weight to that of the weapon to deliver slow, punishing strikes. Murlic watches you, nodding with approval as you move through the stances. ‘You make good fighter,’ he grins.

  If you wish, you may now learn the pariah career. The pariah has the following abilities:

  Beguile (mo): You may use one of your speed abilities twice in the same combat, even if its description states it can only be used once.

  Double punch (co): (requires a dagger in the main hand and left hand.) Use this ability instead of rolling for a damage score, to automatically inflict 2 damage dice plus the total brawn modifier of your two weapons to a single opponent. This ability ignores armour. You can only use double punch once per combat.

  You may now ask Murlic about Durnhollow (turn to 129) or explore the rest of the cave (turn to 485).


  A fatal blow extinguishes whatever infernal life this demon once had, sending its body flying apart in a spray of black ink. You spin away, covering your face as the liquid showers across the room, splashing over the floor and walls. As it settles you realise, with a grim sense of unease, that the ink blots are spelling out a familiar phrase:

  paper, scissors, stone

  In the distance you hear a child’s laughter.

  Quickly, you set about searching the remains of the dark demon. You find one of the following items, which you may take:

  Quill of Aquila

  Ink-blotted tome

  (left hand: dagger)

  (left hand: spell book)

  +1 speed +1 brawn

  +1 speed +1 magic

  Ability: bleed

  Ability: dominate

  You also find an ink pot, which you fill with some of the magical ink. (Make a note of the magic ink on your hero sheet, it does not take up backpack space.) Your task complete, you cross the room to the iron door. To your relief you find it unlocked, its rusted hinges screeching in protest as you force it open. Turn to 46.


  You find yourself in a corridor fashioned from black stone, smooth and without decoration. To your left it continues for several metres before ending in a set of worn stairs leading up to a decorative wooden door. To your right, there is an open metal grille, beyond which you can see a set of rusted stairs spiralling down towards the sound of buzzing, hammering machinery.

  Will you:

  Take the stairs up? — 417

  Take the stairs down? — 382


  You deposit your grisly trophy on the counter. Kam’s eyes
widen with interest as he stumbles to his feet. ‘It can’t be . . .’ He lift’s the beast’s head, observing the smoke still billowing from its eyes and muzzle. The room steadily fills with the stench of sulphur. ‘They say seeing is believing, but . . .’

  ‘So, what will you give me for it?’ you ask confidently.

  The burly hunter straightens. ‘It’s the black shuck all right.’ He places the head carefully back on the counter, then proceeds to make a number of grunting sounds as he ponders the situation. ‘Reckon, this’ll cover it.’ He takes a pouch of money from his belt and hands it to you with a hopeful grin.

  You count out the grimy collection of coins. ‘Forty gold,’ you reply, making your disappointment evident.

  ‘Okay, okay.’ Kam blows through his moustache. ‘You ever heard of the Colt Phoenix, kid? The fastest crossbow in Valeron.’

  You shrug your shoulders. ‘How does this help our negotiation?’

  Kam reaches behind the counter and produces a small hand-crossbow. Its cross-piece is covered in runes, some of which are glowing with a fiery magic. A bolt already rests in the chamber. ‘She’s fast enough for you, kid. If you can handle her. Made a few modifications myself.’ He straightens his arm, resting the bolt-head to your chest. He stares down the groove, grinning through his beard. Your heart skips a beat as you wonder what his next move will be. A heavy silence descends, broken only by the creak of the hunter’s finger on the trigger.


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