The Heart of Fire

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The Heart of Fire Page 29

by Michael J. Ward

  Add sagewort? — 192


  The words on the parchment spell out the same phrase again and again: paper, scissors, stone. paper, scissors, stone . . . As you stare at the dark lettering it starts to move, swirling into hypnotic spirals. You try and tear your eyes away, but you are mesmerised by the whirling currents, which drag you closer and closer to the parchment . . .

  Then, all of a sudden, the ink coalesces into a black fist which slams into you, throwing you backwards. You find yourself tumbling through the room, upsetting a shelf and sending books and paper showering across the floor. From the splintered remains of the table, a dark shape is starting to form, like threads of shadow being spun and woven together.

  There is a sickening squelch. You feel something cold and wet running past your hand. Glancing down, you are horrified to see that the ink from the scattered pages is now running across the floor, moving in snakelike patterns towards the dark monster.

  ‘I live!’ thunders a voice, rattling the remaining shelves and sending more books toppling onto the floor. You watch with growing dread as rivers of ink spill out of their bindings, joining those that are already flowing into the monster, allowing it to grow bigger by each passing second.

  You realise you must defeat this demon as quickly as possible, before it becomes an unstoppable giant! It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Back to black: Inkheart is growing all the time as the demon absorbs more ink into its body. At the end of each combat round, Inkheart raises its brawn by 1, up to a maximum of 8.

  Body of ink: Inkheart is immune to bleed, thorns and thorn cage.

  If you manage to defeat this black-hearted villain, turn to 303.


  You hurry after the goblin, the others following closely at your heels. By the time you emerge from the tight cleft into a larger cavern, your ears are ringing with the strange, hooting calls. They are now coming from the top of a steep slope, where you can discern shapes moving behind a row of boulders and rocks. At the foot of the slope, the ground is littered with piles of rotting corpses. From the spindly legs and shell-like carapaces, you guess they were once ant-men.


  You hear a cry behind you. Turning, you see that the captain’s armour has got caught in the narrowing of the passageway. He is struggling to free himself, face reddening with the effort. Behind him, Surl is pushing and shoving in an effort to break him loose.

  You spin back to face the slope. Something big is moving at the summit, grunting as it shifts its heavy weight against one of the boulders. You hear the scraping of stone, then suddenly – with a bellowing cry – the creature sends one of the boulders bouncing down the slope. The rock moves fast, barely giving you time to dodge aside, as it crashes into the cave below.

  Already the creature has moved on to another boulder, preparing to send it tumbling down towards you. The goblins at the top of the slope are cheering and hooting, believing that you are done for. However, you have other ideas.

  Weapons at the ready, you charge up the slope. The creature is an ogre, its thickly-muscled body covered in war paint. Before you are even halfway up, the ogre has pushed the next boulder in your direction. You roll aside, just in time – quickly scrambling to your feet to take on this deadly adversary:

  Special abilities

  Thick skinned: Konga is immune to bleed.

  This encounter is played differently to a normal combat. To be able to strike the ogre you must first dodge three boulders to get to the top of the slope. To do this, roll two dice and add your speed score to the total. If the result is 7 or more, then you have dodged one of the boulders flung in your direction. Roll again to see if you dodge the second boulder and then the third boulder. If you do, you have reached the top and may roll for damage against Konga as if you had won a combat round.

  If the result is 6 or less, then you have been hit by a boulder and must take 4 damage, ignoring your armour. You are also knocked back to the bottom of the slope and must dodge three boulders to get to the top again.

  Once you have rolled for damage against Konga, the ogre’s swinging fists send you back to the bottom of the slope. You must dodge another three boulders to before you can roll for another damage score.

  If you manage to defeat Konga, turn to 336.


  The half-giant plants his massive hands on top of the counter, his steely eyes glinting from beneath his protruding brow. ‘So, what’ll it be?’ he grunts, cracking his neck muscles. ‘Ma patience ain’t as big as ma good looks now.’ His subsequent smile presents an unsettling array of jagged metal teeth.

  Will you:

  Ask about his ‘good looks’? — 344

  Ask about local rumours? — 202

  Explore the rest of the tap room? — 172


  Quest: The dark interior

  (You must have completed the green quest The Temple of Boom before you can start this quest.)

  You stand at the canyon edge, ready for the next stage of your journey. Previous explorers have named this region the dark interior and now you can see why. From the rocky precipice the land drops away into a thick impenetrable mist, forming a silvery veil stretching from one side of the canyon to the next. Below it, hidden by the fog, there is a steaming jungle – unmapped and dangerous. Many have tried to navigate its tangled darkness, few have lived to tell the tale. Its reputation is not one you wish to test, but crossing the dark interior is the quickest and most direct way of reaching the southern jungle, where you hope to find the Lamuri city and the demon, Cernos.

  It takes nearly half a day to navigate the steep canyon wall, using ledges and caves to work your way down through the mist to the jungle floor. As you descend, the air grows thick once again, settling around you like a heavy mantle. With it come the eerie hoots and cries of the wildlife, lying unseen amongst the cobwebbed trees.

  You trudge onwards, scratching at the back of your scalp where the demon scales are now prickling along your spine. Your body is changing daily, not only in appearance – but also in other ways. It has been four days since you last ate a proper meal, but you feel no lack of strength or dizziness from fatigue. Your senses have also become heightened – sounds and shapes have taken on a sharper quality. Out here, far away from a society that would brand you a monster, your demon-side is fast becoming a welcome companion.

  After several hours of trekking, the forest begins to show its own changes. The first is the smell – the fetid reek of decay – accompanied by the wet squelch of mud underfoot. Then you notice the trees start to thin, their listless sagging bodies covered in thick bands of fungus and mould. To the west the forest continues in this manner, its smell and murky appearance suggesting the start of a stagnant marsh. In the opposite direction the view is more favourable, where the ground rises steeply into a ridge of hills. There, you can just make out the angular silhouettes of ruined buildings jutting out through the curling mist.

  Will you:

  Head west into the marsh? — 523

  Head east into the ruins? — 459


  The white tigris is strong but also impatient – eager to show off to the rest of his pack. When he leans away, going for an overhead blow, you are ready to retaliate. As the claws come down you twist around the attack, thrusting an elbow into his side, then launching a follow-up blow to the neck. The tigris staggers back, startled – giving you just enough time to level a weapon at his chest. Sheva glares down angrily, contemplating a counter attack, but the leader of the Khana intervenes.

  ‘You have your answer, Sheva,’ he states, with more than a hint of satisfaction. ‘Honour your word. You want vengeance – then bright claw was sent for this, with Shonac’s blessing.’

  Sheva snarls, then looks back at his pack. Their earlier gusto has been replaced by a reluctant admiration. Scar-face offers you a smile.

  ‘So be it,’ growls the white tigris, his green eyes burning fiercely.
‘But if this a trick, then you will pay with blood . . . bright claw.’ The last words are spat out with scorn.

  ‘Your mind is set then, Sheva,’ sighs Grey-hair. ‘Shonac be with you.’

  The white male grunts, then motions to his pack. Together they take their leave, while the Shara Khana watch their departure with a mix of sadness and relief.

  ‘May your claws be sharp,’ says Scar-face, tapping his chest with his paw. ‘And your eyes sharper.’ You echo his gesture, nodding a farewell to both Scar-face and his leader, before following the Sheva back into the forest. Turn to 527.


  Panic overwhelms your senses, driving you into a savage frenzy. Desperately, you hack and slash at the clammy wet bodies that surround you until at last, exhausted and dripping with grime, you find yourself standing in a vast circle of undead corpses.

  As rain drums against the rotting bodies, you spot a number of valuable-looking items lying amongst the remains. If you wish, you may now take any/all of the following:

  Coat of many scales

  Ghost cloth

  Pot of speed (2 uses)




  A dazzling coat made

  from basilisk scales

  +1 armour

  Ability: charm

  Use any time in combat to

  raise your speed by 2 for

  one combat round

  Eldias has defeated the zombies that were attacking him. He sheathes his blades, stumbling back against the stone well to catch his breath. Turn to 284.


  You cup your hands and take a tentative sip of the waters. Immediately the pain subsides, as a cool and refreshing sensation shimmers through your body. You sense that these waters have powerful healing properties.

  Reaching into your pack, you take out your empty water bottle and sink it into the basin of water. You have now gained:

  Saint’s blessing (1 use)


  Use any time in combat

  to heal yourself to full health

  If you are hexed, turn to 441. Otherwise, turn to 374.


  Bill opens a trunk and lifts out a feathered staff, an ivory ring and a tanned leather cloak, faded by the sun. ‘Don’t let appearances deceive you,’ he says, unfurling the plain-looking cloak. ‘All these are enchanted – the ring and staff I found in that Lamuri city, Lanko Curzo.’ He shudders with the memory. ‘I’ll never go back there, but if you’re planning on making a visit, you might do well to have one of these.’

  You may now choose one of the following special rewards:

  Medicine staff

  Ring of remedies

  Hunter’s burden

  (left hand: staff)



  +2 speed +3 magic

  +2 magic

  +1 speed +2 armour

  Ability: greater heal

  Ability: cauterise

  Ability: feint

  Bill also hands you a purse, containing 100 gold crowns. After making your exchange, you bid the hunter farewell and leave. You may now explore the rest of the camp (turn to 744) or return to the quest map.


  With the deadly swarm defeated, you turn your attention to the ant-man on the ledge. Vas is still firing bullets in its direction – one slams into its chest, producing a spray of black blood. The creature gives a shriek, teetering back on its bowed legs. Another bullet slams home, knocking the ant into the wall and forcing it to drop the boulder it was holding . . . right on its own head. There is a sickening, eye-watering crunch.

  Vas spins her pistols, before sliding them back into their holsters. ‘I still got it,’ she grins. When she turns around, her smile quickly fades. ‘Captain!’ She hurries over to Surl, who is kneeling by the captain’s side. The aged veteran is breathing hard, his teeth clenched against the pain from his wound. ‘I can’t go on,’ he gasps, gripping Surl’s arm.

  ‘I ain’t leaving you here,’ he growls. ‘Come on, Vas. Lift!’

  Together, they place their hands under his arms and hoist the burly warrior to his feet. The captain looks haggard, sagging in their arms. ‘You should leave me,’ he rasps.

  ‘It’s not fatal,’ says Surl, wincing as he looks down at the wound. ‘We’ll get you out of here.’

  As they move away, the captain glances in your direction. ‘To stop the flood . . . go straight to the source. Find out . . . what is causing this . . .’

  ‘Hey, enough crazy talk,’ snaps Vas. ‘We’re done here. We’re out!’

  As they start back across the cave, you find yourself hesitating. Vas looks back, frowning. ‘Tell me you aren’t gonna play the hero?’ She shakes her head. ‘Well, you’re on your own, fool.’

  You wave them away, then turn back to the heaped mound of beetle bodies. The captain is right – there must be something deeper in this cavern network that is producing these strange creatures. Turn to 355.


  Legendary monster: Kaala

  Night-time is never a pleasant experience in the jungle. Even with a makeshift shelter to escape the worst of the rain, there are still the bugs to contend with. Every inch of your body feels like it is under assault – driving you to the edge of insanity with the constant scratching, itching, chewing . . .

  And so, after a hard day’s travel, when the last thing you want to do is to spend another night in this rain-sodden, bug-infested place, a bright welcoming light is hard to ignore. You approach warily, having learnt that most things in the Terral Jungle are designed to lure and then eat you, but when you finally break from the trees, angrily brushing away yet another bug intent on chewing your neck, you see that the glow is coming from a set of crystal pillars, lining the walls of a narrow gully. Passing between them, you are led to the opening of a cave where more crystals grow out of the grey rock, bathing it in the same phosphorescent glow.

  Shelter and light. It is almost too good to be true.

  The cave turns out to be a tunnel, descending further into the rock. Following it, you are brought to the banks of an underground pool, its perfectly-still surface mirroring the hundreds of crystals protruding from the ceiling and the cavern walls. Removing your pack, you prepare to strip off and take a dip in the inviting waters – eager to wash away the stink of the jungle.

  As you unbutton your shirt, your hands brush against the demon scars, and the scales now growing around them. In the crystal light they appear like gemstones, coating your skin in the same blue glow as the rest of the cave. It is almost mesmerising, as you stroke the hard ridges, wondering how long it will be before your entire body is covered in this strange demonic armour.

  A splash from the pool drags you from your reverie. You step closer to its edge, peering out across the sparkling water. Something is moving beneath the surface, its own body glittering like a trail of diamonds. At first, you are not sure if it is a trick of the light; this whole cave seems to have an hypnotic quality to it, the blue crystals bouncing light off hundreds of surfaces. But no, you are sure this is no trick – there is something down there in the pool, winding through its turquoise depths. You blink in an attempt to refocus. When you look again, it is gone.

  You rub your eyes, wondering if tiredness is to blame.

  Then the waters of the pool explode outward, drenching you from head to foot. You slip on the wet stones, crashing down onto your back as a set of fangs snap closed inches from your face. Shaking with shock, you scramble across the ground, eyes locked on the serpentine head rocking back and forth. The creature is huge – you can dimly see the coils of its enormous body winding in and out of the water, the white scales spotted with glowing sigils of magic.

  The serpent gives a rattling hiss, its head continuing to rock from side to side. You find yourself gazing into bright white eyes that seem to grow larger and more intense, capturing the reflection of the blue crystals and dazzling you with their brilliance. It takes a
supreme effort to break that entrancing gaze, as you reach for your weapons and prepare to take on:

  Special abilities

  Look into my eyes: Make note of each time your hero rolls a in this combat. Once you have rolled eight results, Kaala has hypnotised you – and you automatically lose the combat. Abilities that let you re-roll dice can be used to change any results. If you have the golden mirror, then you gain control of this ability instead, automatically winning once Kaala has gained eight results.

  Lethal venom: Once you have taken health damage from Kaala, you must lose a further 6 health at the end of each combat round from the serpent’s deadly poison.

  If you manage to defeat Kaala, turn to 537.


  It is only a few hours until dawn. Your skin tingles with the cold, frost sparkling in the moonlight. When you reach the church, Eldias has his eyes closed, his head slumped forward onto his chest. You fear that you might already be too late to save him. However as you approach, picking your way between the corpses of the ghouls, he lifts his head, giving a low groan.

  You move to his side, kneeling to offer him the potion. His eyes flick open as you hold the mouth of the bottle to his fanged lips. There is a flicker of surprise on his face, then he greedily accepts the strange brew, gulping it down thirstily. Within seconds, there is nothing left – he has drunk the entire contents. (Remove the unknown elixir from your backpack.)

  You lean back, watching him with concern, wondering if the concoction you created was indeed a cure, or something that might have done more harm. Eldias remains silent, his breathing still laboured, forming bright clouds in the chill air. Then, as the sky turns a blood red, brightening towards the dawn, you see him transform before your very eyes. His skin flushes with colour, the fangs sliding back beneath his gums. A blink of his eyelids reveals blue-grey eyes, filled with a sudden vigour.


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