The Heart of Fire

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The Heart of Fire Page 43

by Michael J. Ward


  On the banks of the swamp, you discover the remains of several unfortunate adventurers – their grey corpulent flesh bloated with swamp water. Quickly, you rifle through their belongings to see if there is anything worth salvaging.

  You find a mouldy bag containing 20 gold crowns and one of the following items:

  Gravedirt girdle

  Armbands of attraction

  Broken blade



  (main hand: dagger)

  +1 speed +1 magic

  +1 speed +1 magic

  +1 speed +2 magic

  Ability: parasite

  Ability: confound

  Ability: bleed

  With your grim task complete, you return to the courtyard. Turn to 510.


  Virgil gives a weak moan, his back arching as he comes awake. You go to help him but Lorcan grabs hold of your arm, halting you in a vice-like grip.

  ‘I should have left him to die,’ he states, meeting your questioning frown. ‘He will betray you, before the end.’

  You pull away, breaking his hold. ‘I would question your loyalty first. Why are you here – why help us at all?’

  Lorcan looks about to speak but he suddenly flinches instead, his body going rigid. Beneath his face you can see the muscles twitching, as if they are going into spasm.

  ‘Are you . . . all right?’ You start toward him, putting out a hand for assistance.

  Lorcan knocks it away, his face twisting into an uncharacteristic scowl. When he speaks, his voice seems frailer, stuttering over words. ‘I must go back, back . . . the Nevarin says too much. Do not break the weave . . . all threads, yes. All threads.’ He tugs the staff loose from its harness.

  ‘No!’ As he brings the staff around, you catch it in your hand, feeling a shiver of cold race along your arm. ‘I’m not letting you go!’

  Lorcan’s scowl becomes something more bestial, almost evil. ‘Don’t touch the staff . . . staff . . . STAFF!’ His other arm rises up, its runes flaring as they strike you across the face. For a second all you can hear is white noise, then you are rolling across the island in a cloud of ash. There is a flash of golden light from the edge of your vision. Angrily you twist around, knowing already that you are too late. The stranger has vanished.

  Virgil shifts onto his elbows, looking around in confusion. ‘Wha . . . How’d we get here?’ He pats at his head, scowling when he discovers his hat is missing.

  ‘It’s a long story,’ you reply, picking yourself up. For a moment, your eyes stray to the scorched, smoking earth where Lorcan had been standing. ‘More questions than answers,’ you grumble beneath your breath.

  Virgil looks around dazedly at the mounds of rubble. One hand continues to pat absently at his head. ‘Blasted demons . . .’

  You walk over, offering out your hand with a dry smile. ‘Don’t worry. We’ll find the hat . . .’ (Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.)


  You slice cleanly through the arratoch’s neck, its wailing scream cut short as its carved face smashes into the ground, exploding into a thousand jagged pieces. These broken remains join the rest of the smoking rubble that now litters the accursed bridge.

  Amongst the debris, you spot one of the following items, which you may take:

  Angel’s despair

  Sentry shoulders

  Helm of reflection




  +1 speed +1 armour

  +2 speed +2 armour

  +2 speed +2 armour

  Ability: dirge

  Ability: heavy blow

  Ability: deflect

  (requirement: warrior)

  (requirement: mage)

  With the guardians defeated you hurry after Avian and Virgil, who are already in hot pursuit of Cernos. Turn to 762.


  You find yourself seated on a rock, overlooking the marsh. The rest of the tigris are resting nearby, talking in hushed tones. Grey-hair and Scowler stand apart from the group, discussing something with serious expressions. Scowler shakes her head, but Grey-hair presses on – evidently trying to convince her of something.

  You push yourself to your feet and approach the two tigris. Grey-hair turns as you approach.

  ‘Bright claw, you look troubled.’

  You realise you are rubbing at your wrists, which have started to throb with a dull pain. ‘It is nothing,’ you reply, dropping them to your sides. ‘Has a decision been made?’

  Scowler snorts and walks away, standing alone to look out over the marsh.

  ‘Yes. The marsh is too dangerous to cross,’ sighs Grey-hair. ‘I decide Khana stay here until safe. You and scouts go ahead. Once the witch dead, we all come.’ He glances over his shoulder, to where Scar-face is hugging the mother and young cub. You guess they must be family and Scar-face has told her the news. When the young tigris turns away, you can see the pain in his eyes.

  ‘This is not to their liking,’ you state solemnly.

  Grey-hair scratches at his whiskers. ‘Pack long feared this place. No one ever return.’

  Scar-face walks past in silence, beckoning to Scowler. The female nods, then together they start off into the marsh without another word.

  ‘Look after my cubs,’ says Grey-hair, placing a paw on your shoulder. ‘May Shonac keep your claws sharp – and eyes sharper.’ Turn to 735.


  As you leave the mansion you see Andos waiting outside, chewing nervously on a fingernail. He jumps as you approach, then quickly peers past your shoulder to check you are alone.

  ‘Here, wait up.’ He beckons you over. ‘Survive your meeting then? Better you than me but then Rotten-Runtis thinks I’m a right dolt – making me shift books and make his smelly tea. I was one of the best mages in my year, before I got shunted off on this dead-end farce with that stinking old misery guts.’ He kicks his heels into the sand, his already-red face turning a shade more crimson. ‘He thinks I don’t study, but I do – and I found out things in his library. Things he never told me about.’

  After another check to see if anyone is around, Andos leans in closer. ‘The Lamuri were some of the greatest mages that ever lived. They had three books that they kept all their spells in. Together they’re called The Negra Lumaris. The dark enlightenment. If you find them, then I’ll give yer something real special. I got access to stinky-grump’s possessions – and he has a Dwarven eye-piece. Powerful and very old. You wear it and you can understand anything – translate runes, decipher glyphs. I used it myself a few times.’

  ‘What do you intend to do with these . . . books?’ you ask dubiously. ‘They sound dangerous.’

  Andos shakes his head quickly, his forced laugh failing to put you at ease. ‘Oh, they’re nothing much – just mage-stuff, really. Thought they might make me look good – impress the university. They could be my ticket out of this horrid place. Can you blame me?’

  Andos gives you directions to a clearing in the forest. You agree to meet him there for the exchange. (Make a note of the number 471. When you think you have found all three books, turn to that entry number any time between quests to receive your reward.) Return to the quest map to resume your journey.


  Scar-face walks over and places a paw on your shoulder. ‘You are kin now. I believe the great spirit, Shonac, sent you to fight for us.’

  The leader, Grey-hair, beats his chest three times. ‘We welcome you to Shara Khana, bright claw. Gather your strength, we leave for the marsh at first light.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the name, Shara Khana? — 358

  Ask about Shonac, the great spirit? — 334

  Leave for the marsh? — 722


  You have discovered rare Lamuri treasures that have been locked away for thousands of years! You may now choose up to two of the following rewards:

  Sol shield

  Golden gr

  Fyre fiend

  (left hand: shield)



  +2 speed +2 armour

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 armour

  Ability: radiance

  Ability: charm

  Ability: fire shield

  You also find a bronze coffer, containing 100 gold crowns. Having looted the vault you return to the main chamber, where you take the sloping ledge up to the open doorway. Turn to 595.


  The two severed heads crash to the ground in a spray of black blood, leaving the beast’s scaled body to sink beneath the turbulent waves. Exhausted from the battle you lean against one of the rocks, your eyes seeking out Lorcan. The man is barely out of breath, his wounds healing instantly as purple light flares from the runes branded into his arm.

  ‘Now for my favourite part,’ he grins, walking over to the nearest drake head. ‘The spoils of war.’ (Each hero may now help themselves to one reward.) For warrior rewards, turn to 745. For rogue rewards, turn to 770. For mage rewards, turn to 761.


  ‘This is Boogaloo, the water spirit.’ The shaman raises his staff and points it towards the pool of dark water. ‘Weaken it and we get spirit’s power.’

  You approach the edge of the pool, your eyes cautiously scanning the layer of dirt and weeds floating on its surface. Seeing nothing untoward, you lean in closer . . .

  Suddenly a huge worm-like head bursts out of the water, filled with hundreds of spine-like teeth. You twist away, managing to dodge the snapping jaws – but in saving yourself, your foot catches on a water-slick stone, plunging you into the foul, stagnant pool. Through a flurry of bubbles, you see a long grey body coiling around you. Then you break the surface, gasping for air.

  ‘Watch yourself!’ shouts Boom Mamba. ‘That thing – it’s ’lectric!’

  You have no clue what he means, until the creature’s skin lights up with a bright coat of magic, sending painful jolts through your body. Recovering quickly, you suck in a big lungful of air before ducking back down beneath the fetid waters. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  It’s ’lectric: At the end of each combat round you must automatically take 2 damage plus 1 for each point of armour you are wearing. (If you had an armour of 4 you would take 6 damage per round). If you have the insulated ability you can ignore this damage.

  If you defeat Boogaloo, turn to 577. If you are defeated, you may return to 510 to choose a different foe to battle.


  The steamy haze makes the going more difficult than you anticipated. Several times you misplace your footing or your fingers slip on the smooth, slick rock. However, with patience and determination, you manage to complete the climb, joining Virgil on the bridge. Turn to 749.


  Manoeuvring while in flight proves more difficult than you anticipated. Numerous times you are knocked to the ground by the wyrm’s flailing head or by a deluge of pulpy missiles. Nevertheless, your persistent blows have succeeded in weakening it. When the wyrm breaks off to regurgitate more of its stomach’s contents, you grab hold of the chain ladders and use them to gain height.

  Once you are above the wyrm you leap off into space, weapons reversed in a downward strike. The wyrm rears back, its jaws stretching open to fire its pulpy missiles. But it is a second too late. You drive your weapons between its eyes, then flip away as blood and brains spew forth from the gaping wound. Its body twists in a spasm of pain, then its head crashes to the ground in a storm of paper and dust.

  At last, the giant wyrm has been defeated. From its pulp-spattered remains, you may now help yourself to 100 gold crowns and one of the following rewards:

  Gullet scales

  Patchwork pulp





  +1 speed +1 armour

  +2 speed + 2 brawn

  +1 magic

  Ability: charm

  Ability: slick

  Ability: vortex

  (requirement: mage)

  If you have the word spooks on your hero sheet, turn to 691. Otherwise, you find nothing else of interest in the room, so decide to leave. Turn to 842.


  ‘We try to talk, then we try to fight, but they keep coming, spreading like a disease across the forest.’ Grey-hair’s shoulders slump, looking as old as his years. ‘They hunt us and take us away from den homes. We have lost many – pack brothers, sisters, young cubs.’

  The white tigris clenches his paws. ‘And that is why we must fight, Khana! We are the hunters of the forest, not them! Flee to the marsh and death will follow. Sheva are not cowards. We will show our claws!’ There are roars of approval from his pack members, whilst the other tigris have fallen into a rebellious silence.

  Will you:

  Ask about the marsh? — 337

  Agree to help the Khana flee? — 452

  Agree to help the Sheva fight? — 704


  All that remains of Umbra is a pile of rumpled clothing and a scatter of jewellery. You also spot the skeleton of an adventurer, propped up against one of the columns. The mildewed white robes and cross-shaped pendant suggest they had once been a priest.

  You find a pouch containing 15 gold crowns and one of the following rewards:

  Shade’s mantle

  Nocturnal leathers

  Pious halo




  +1 speed +1 brawn

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +2 brawn

  Ability: trickster

  Ability: savagery

  Ability: seraphim’s symbols set

  (requirement: monk)

  When you have made your decision, you return to the courtyard. Turn to 510.


  (You must have completed the orange quest The Abussos before you can access this location.)

  Following a crude goblin map scrawled onto animal hide, you find yourself standing outside a ruined building at the corner of two streets. Something had once been written over the doorway – possibly a sign. But it is so faded with age that you can’t make out any of the symbols. With a sigh you tug open the iron door, which comes away loose in your hands. Awkwardly, you lift it up and put it against the wall, then step inside.

  The interior is much as you expected. The ground is covered in rubble and bits of broken glass. What had once been rows of shelves now lie smashed across the floor. In one corner the ceiling has collapsed, allowing thin rays of ashen light to illuminate the cobwebs and dust motes floating in the air.

  ‘So much for treasure maps,’ grunts Virgil, kicking at a stone. ‘We’re wasting time.’

  ‘You’re right, this is a dead end.’ You pick up what looks like a tattered, dirt-stained blanket. Somehow it has survived all these years, but is riddled with mould and smells like a sewer. You toss it away with a grimace.

  ‘Er . . . do you mind,’ says a voice right next to your ear.

  You spin around, so abruptly that you almost lose your balance and fall over.

  Much to your surprise, there is no one there.

  ‘Virgil, did you hear something?’ You glance over your shoulder to see that the witchfinder has left the building and is now waiting for you outside.

  Cautiously, you begin searching between the rubble and broken shelves, looking for someone who might be hiding.

  ‘Can I help you? Are you looking for something in particular?’

  You twist around again. ‘Who’s there?’ you shout. ‘Show yourself!’

  ‘I would suggest you calm down.’

  You feel something touch your arm. You look down to see a white gloved hand hovering in mid-air. . . With a cry you knock the limb away, back-stepping to the nearest wall. As you go to draw a weapon you hesitate, wondering if your eyes are playing tricks on you.

  Gliding across the room are a pair of white gloves an
d a black bowler hat. ‘Welcome to my humble establishment,’ says the disembodied voice. ‘I am the proprietor, Mr G H Claypole. How can I help you?’ The gloved hands spread themselves wide in a welcoming gesture.

  You realise that you are looking at the shopkeeper, or what is left of him. Mr Claypole is a ghost.

  ‘You’re a little tall for a dwarf,’ you remark, puzzled. ‘How did you get here?’

  ‘I came from the shroud, slipped through a space – a doorway, if you like. I’ve been here for. . .’ He pauses, while his gloved hand scratches at an invisible chin. ‘Substantially longer than I planned. But no mind, you’ve made my journey worth its while. And how did you find yourself here, pray tell?’

  ‘I followed a map; I thought it might lead to . . .’ You stop yourself, glancing around at the broken remnants of the building, suddenly feeling more than a little foolish ‘A stash of weapons, armour . . . something useful.’

  ‘Of course!’ says the ghost, clasping his hands together. ‘I have everything you might need, for a price of course.’

  ‘But there is nothing here,’ you implore.

  You are met by an angry tut. ‘Not in plain sight, mortal. I keep them in a vault of runes. Protects them from the living and the dead. Now, I sense your need is urgent, so what would you like to see?’

  Will you:

  Purchase potions and elixirs? — 609

  Purchase runes and glyphs? — 799


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