The Heart of Fire

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The Heart of Fire Page 64

by Michael J. Ward

  ‘Then learn to read us better. Look.’ You nod towards the bridge.

  It is clear from the demon’s demeanour that the creature has become weakened. Its shoulders are stooped, its body heaving with short, ragged breaths. It looks tired, drained of energy. . . a wind that has blown itself out.

  Virgil’s frown deepens. ‘Even so, we can’t defeat it. We should look for another way.’ He twists around, taking in the sweeping walls of the canyon. Several other bridges are visible through the smoky haze, jutting out from different levels of the city.

  You shake your head. ‘And waste time? This demon will be forever hunting us. I’d rather face it on my terms.’

  You start forward onto the bridge, ignoring Virgil’s angry curses. As you get closer to the demon, you break into a run. The creature gives a blustery snort, expelling more ash from its turbulent innards. Two eyes, like orbs of lightning, flare into being amidst the darkness.

  You pick up speed, your wings snapping back from your body. The leathery membranes bulge as they fill with wind. Then you kick off from the bridge, your fast-beating wings driving you towards the demon. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Black breath: At the end of every combat round, the demon seeks to engulf you in a dust cloud. To avoid being hit, roll 3 dice. If the result is equal to or less than 10, then you have avoided it. If the result is higher, you have been hit and must take 5 damage, ignoring armour. You must also lower your speed by 1 for the next combat round.

  Body of air: Nyx is immune to bleed, disease and venom.

  If you manage to defeat this abyssal monster, turn to 789.


  Quest: The Black Library

  (NOTE: You must have completed the orange quest The Abussos before you can access this location.)

  You put your shoulder to the large bronze door, pushing against the rubble that has piled up behind it. Beyond, through the whirling dust, you glimpse broken statues and more debris. You step through the doorway, clambering over the loose mounds of rock. Virgil follows, the glow from his swords spilling out to illuminate the chamber.

  The atrium is high-ceilinged, its walls and vaulted roof carved with intricate scenes. In several places the carvings have melted, as if exposed to heat or some powerful magic, distorting the figures into unsettling demonic shapes.

  The statues that litter the chamber all show dwarves, captured in various poises of pain and suffering. Titans, you quickly conclude – the dwarven warriors that could change their bodies to stone. Virgil walks over to one of the figures, standing at the head of the party. The portly warrior appears to be trying to pull a spear from his chest, the dark metal still lodged in the stone.

  ‘The dwarves were fighting each other,’ he states, running a finger along the shaft of the spear. ‘This is runed metal.’

  You notice some ragged clothing amongst the ashes, embroidered with silver runes. ‘I thought their enemy was Barahar and his sword, not each other.’ You pick up a dwarf helm, which has the blade of an axe lodged in its visor.

  At the other side of the room, blocks of stone have been stacked together to form a makeshift barricade. Most of the stone has been scorched by magic or chipped by weapons. Beyond the barricade there is a passageway leading away into darkness. Its mouth is choked with broken stone. As you approach, you hear a bang and then a scuffling sound coming from the depths of the building. A series of wet-sounding hisses echo along the passage. They quickly grow in volume, headed in your direction.

  ‘Looks like someone’s home.’ Virgil puts his back to the wall, swords raised to strike.

  A moment later and a creature scampers up onto the rocks, its gruesome form illuminated by Virgil’s blades. It has no skin, only muscle and sinew, glistening with a sheen of wet blood. The head is almost human, but instead of a mouth it has a trailing beard of tentacles, each one ending in a small mouth of snapping teeth.

  As it stops to sniff the air, you see another pair of the creatures bounding along the passageway, running on all fours. The moment they reach the room, Virgil is upon them in a flurry of slashing blades. ‘Let the shroud take you, demons!’

  Blood sprays from their wounds, but the demons show no sign of pain. Instead their tentacled-teeth latch onto the witchfinder, tearing through his clothing to get at the flesh beneath. You leap to his aid, slashing frantically through muscle and tendon in an effort to draw their attention. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Blood drinkers: If the demons roll a for their damage score, then they automatically get to roll another die for damage. They also heal 4 health.

  Blood rage: Once the demons are reduced to 40 health or less, they may raise their speed by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

  If you manage to defeat these grotesque monsters, turn to 869.


  You hesitate, not wishing to pick a side in the fight – unsure whether anything you are witnessing is real or part of some elaborate fantasy.

  ‘What are you waiting for?’ shouts Murlic, glaring at the monk. ‘This is our enemy!’

  You shake your head. ‘No, Murlic. Nothing is what it seems . . .’

  ‘Wise move,’ growls Ventus – suddenly speaking with a guttural, female voice. ‘You are strong, bright claw.’

  ‘No!’ Murlic shrieks with anger, fists clenching at his side. ‘You were supposed to kill her!’

  Suddenly your surroundings start to blur, sweeping into ribbons of ochre light. Then you lurch forwards, as if pushed by some invisible hand, to find yourself inside a ruined building, its roof open to the misty marshland sky.

  Where Ventus had been standing there is now a female tigris. She is panting heavily, looking exhausted. ‘The witch,’ snarls Scowler. ‘We must fight her together!’ Turn to 445.


  For defeating Ixion, you may now help yourself to one of the following special items:

  Ixion’s wheel

  Heat of ardour

  Soldering iron

  (left hand: shield)



  +2 speed +4 armour

  +2 brawn

  +1 speed +1 brawn

  Ability: fire aura

  Ability: sear

  Ability: dominate

  If you are hexed then you have gained an extra reward, turn to 800. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  Inside the tent you find two large trestle tables, covered in an array of different-sized bottles, and a crate containing netting. A young woman is stood over a smaller table, pressing the fangs of a snake to a cloth-covered jar.

  ‘Taipan,’ she says, removing the jar and holding it up. ‘Deadliest venom in the jungle. Seen it bring down a tigris in under a minute. That’s good going.’

  You approach the table and examine the various potions and bottles. ‘How much?’ you ask, picking up a healing tonic. ‘I could use some of these.’

  ‘Thirty shinies,’ she replies, gently teasing the snake back into its basket. ‘Uncle Bill sets the prices, so save the haggling. Where else you gonna go shopping out here?’

  The following items are available for 30 gold crowns each:

  Taipan poison (1 use)

  Flask of healing(1 use)

  Hunter’s net (1 use)


  Use at the start of a

  combat to coat your

  weapons in snake

  venom. This gives you

  the venom special ability

  for the duration of the combat


  Use any time

  in combat to

  restore 10 health


  Use at the start of a

  combat round to

  reduce your opponent’s

  speed by 2 for that round

  When you have made your decision, you may explore the rest of the camp (turn to 744) or leave and return to the quest map. />

  Virgil strides through the ash cloud, his white blades resting across his shoulders. ‘Seems your foolishness has paid off.’ He stops to grind a chunk of stone beneath his boot heel. ‘You have the luck of demons.’

  You take a handful of ash, watching it spill between your clawed fingers. ‘Demons die,’ you reply flatly. ‘And Cernos is next.’

  The witchfinder grunts as he gazes up at the sprawling city. ‘Easier to find a Wiccan in a wood.’ He spits at the ash. ‘This is a fool’s errand.’

  You rise to your feet, your attention drawn to an object fluttering down through the black snow. It looks like a piece of torn clothing. You reach up and snatch it out of the air, shaking it to rid it of a coat of grime. It turns out to be a square of animal hide, with a crude map drawn on one side. ‘The goblins left us a memento at least.’ You wave the cloth in front of Virgil before rolling it up and stuffing it into your belt.

  ‘Is that your answer?’ Virgil’s tone is challenging. ‘Now we resort to goblin maps?’

  You meet his gaze, weighing his expression.


  You fold your arms, drawing yourself to your full height. ‘Make your point, Virgil.’

  ‘You have a power. A link with Cernos. Why don’t you use it?’

  ‘I can’t. It doesn’t work like that.’ Annoyance creeps into your voice. ‘I don’t control it – it controls me.’

  Virgil shakes his head. ‘At Durnhollow, your visions spoke of the future. You’re a prophet.’

  ‘So I’m told,’ you reply sharply.

  The witchfinder sheathes his blades, pushing them roughly into their scabbards. ‘Perhaps this will help you remember . . .’ He reaches inside his tattered coat, hesitating for a moment to enjoy your anxious frown. Then he lifts out a bundle of cloth. He proceeds to unravel it, revealing a small clay bottle wrapped inside. ‘Know what this is?’ Virgil holds it up by the tips of his fingers.

  Your eyes widen. You take an involuntary step backwards, raising your hands defensively. ‘No, Virgil. Don’t do this.’

  ‘Elysium. It’s what they used in Durnhollow. It’ll help you to see again – gain control of your power.’ He extends his arm, moving the vial closer. ‘What value is there in ignorance?’

  Your eyes narrow. ‘I don’t want that poison inside me. We can find the sword, we can find Cernos, without resorting to that.’

  Virgil shakes the vial. ‘You fight demons well enough.’ He kicks a stone off the side of the bridge. It goes spinning away into the steaming mist. ‘When will you stop fighting yourself ? Take the Elysium and tell me what you see.’

  Will you:

  Take the Elysium? — 541

  Refuse to use it? — 639


  Congratulations! You have created the following item:

  Self-published tome

  (left hand: spell book)

  +2 speed +3 armour

  Ability: regrowth

  If you wish to create a different spell book, you can start the process again (turn to 850). Otherwise, you may now leave the chamber and continue your journey. Turn to 866.


  A giant rodent swings over the side of the wall, sniffing the air with a whiskered snout. It is accompanied by a repugnant odour, like damp earth and decay. The creature grapples with the crumbling rock, splayed paws scrabbling frantically to drag its bloated, black-haired body into the corridor.

  ‘Sorry,’ hisses a voice in your ear.

  A foot slams into the back of your knee, sending you lurching to the ground with a cry of pain. Angrily, you twist around to see the thief hurrying for the bronze doors. You tense, ready to follow, then a teeth-grating squeal shakes the corridor, dislodging stone and dust from the ceiling. Turning back, you see the rodent shifting to face you, its lips curling back to reveal rotting, dagger-sized teeth. Then it springs forward, intending to snap you up in its powerful jaws. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Tail lash: Each time the devil rolls a double for its attack speed, you automatically lose the round, even if your attack speed was higher. For the remainder of the round you cannot use combat or modifier abilities.

  Disease: Once the devil’s damage score inflicts health damage to your hero, you must automatically lose 2 health at the end of each combat round.

  If you manage to defeat this revolting rodent, turn to 641.


  Aether tugs on your arm. ‘This way, the gate is near.’

  You follow the spirit along the side of the building, to where a sloping track leads down to a circular platform. At its centre is an archway of black stone, carved with runic symbols. Part of the keystone has broken away, leaving a rough-toothed space at the crown of the arch.

  ‘Dwarves did this,’ hisses Aether. ‘They wanted to stop Barahar from reaching the other cities. Let’s see . . .’ The spirit passes a hand over the runes, drawing a flicker of light from their dark recesses. ‘I cannot repair it fully, but I can draw on the magic that remains, craft a portal to the shroud.’

  Virgil scowls. ‘This is too dangerous. An open gate to the shroud will attract every demon in this place . . . it is madness!’

  Aether looks back at the witchfinder. ‘That is why you must destroy the gate, the very moment I am gone. Break the runes and scatter their magic.’

  ‘And the reward?’ you insist.

  Aether is studying the arch once again. ‘Patience. Just a little more time . . . yes, yes!’ His shadowy hands dance across the arcane symbols. The runes flash, then brighten into a steady glow. ‘Your reward is on its way.’ Suddenly a sickly green light pours out of the stone, spreading out to form a glowing doorway. ‘It is done,’ he gasps.

  A gargling roar rends the air. You spin around to see a nightmarish creature oozing between the building’s chimneys. It looks to be made entirely of blood, its glutinous body sparkling with coins and treasures.

  You look back at the spirit. ‘Is this your doing?’

  ‘Just honouring my word. My master’s treasures are right there . . .’ Aether points a smoky finger towards the advancing slime beast. ‘You just need to convince Kuderas to part with them.’

  Angrily you go to grab the spirit, but your hand passes straight through its vaporous body. Tittering with laughter, Aether steps into the portal and vanishes from sight.

  ‘I told you it was a trick!’ Virgil steps up to the arch, hacking furiously at the glowing runes. ‘I’ll destroy the portal – you take care of that thing!’

  The giant blob is now seeping down the walls of the crematorium, its treasures scraping and clinking against the stone. You move to head it off, hoping that your weapons will prove powerful enough to break this demon’s magic. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Blood money: Each time your damage score/damage dice cause health damage to Kuderas, roll a die. On a or result you have gained 100 gold crowns. If you roll or less, then your weapons have become stuck in the creature’s body. You must lower your speed by 2 for the next combat round, while you pull your weapons free of the sticky gloop.

  No money, no cry: If you are defeated by Kuderas, in future combats his blood money ability no longer applies.

  If you manage to defeat the blood slime, turn to 730.


  The imp teleports past you in a purple blur, the air popping as he reappears further along the passage. Virgil raises his pistols to take a shot, but the imp vanishes again – trailing ribbons of smoke in its wake.

  The witchfinder grunts, before holstering his pistols. ‘I’m done with chasing shadows.’ He turns his attention to the runed bars, still glimmering with magic. ‘Least we aren’t alone in our dislike of thieves.’ Turn to 696.


  For defeating Krakatoa, you may now help yourself to one of the following special items:

  Kraka’s vengeance

  Collar of correction

  Rock-spine coat

  (left ha
nd: sword)



  +2 speed +5 brawn

  +1 speed +1 brawn

  +2 speed +4 brawn

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: sweet spot

  Ability: gouge

  When you have made your decision turn to 651 if you still need to choose rewards, or 545 to continue.


  When next you awake you find yourself lying on a mattress, tangled in sweat-soaked blankets. A red-skinned man is standing over you, feathers woven into his jet-black hair. He backs away with an uncertain expression, his hand moving to the dagger at his belt.

  Modoc. You recognise Virgil’s healer – the man who helped you, after you were wounded by Cernos.

  ‘You’re safe here,’ he nods, speaking in a thick accent. ‘Modoc help you gain strength.’

  You pull away the blankets, half-hoping that you might see a human body beneath – one free of the demon curse. But the black scales remain, glittering in the light from the narrow window.

  ‘Nothing has changed.’ You scowl, sliding your legs off the bed. ‘Nothing will heal this.’

  Modoc tilts his head to one side. ‘Scars run deep, yes.’

  You clench your fist, grimacing as the sharp nails draw blood. ‘How far is it to Carvel?’

  The healer gasps. ‘No, you are not ready to leave. Need rest. Long rest.’

  You glance over your shoulder, smirking when you see your newly-restored wings. You flex them, just to be sure. ‘Rest?’ Your eyes shift to Modoc, meeting his gaze. ‘I will not rest, my friend. Not until I’ve had my revenge . . .’


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