Constrictor (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use constrictor once per combat.
Convulsions (pa): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, they automatically suffer convulsions. In all future combat rounds, the affected opponent will lose the combat round if they roll a double for attack speed – even if their result is higher.
Corrode (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also cast corrode. This lowers the same opponent’s armour by 2 for the remainder of the combat.
Counter (co): If your opponent wins a combat round you can use counter to lower your opponent’s damage score by 2 and inflict 1 damage die back to them, ignoring armour. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Coup de grace (pa): When an opponent is reduced to 10 health or less, you can immediately use coup de grace to reduce them to zero health. You can only use coup de grace once per combat.
Crawlers (sp): Cover your opponent in creepy-crawlies, forcing them to itch and scratch their way through the combat. This lowers their speed by 1 for two combat rounds. Crawlers can only be used once per combat.
Critical strike (mo): Change the result of all dice you have rolled for damage to a . You can only use this ability once per combat.
Cruel twist (mo): If you get a result when rolling for your damage score, you can use cruel twist to roll an extra die for damage. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Cunning (mo): You may raise your brawn score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use cunning once per combat.
Curse (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use curse once per combat.
Cutpurse (pa): Each time you successfully complete a combat, roll a die to discover what item you find:
or A purse containing 20 gold crowns.
or An elixir of invisibility (1 use – backpack item. Grants the ability: vanish).
or A flask of healing (1 use – backpack item. Use any time in combat to restore 6 health).
Dark pact (co): Sacrifice 4 health to charge your strike with shadow energy, increasing your damage score by 4. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Deceive (mo): (see Trickster). You can only use deceive once per combat.
Deep wound (co): You can use this ability to roll an extra die when determining your damage score. You can only use this ability once per combat.
Defender (pa): You may use this ability any time in a team battle (as a support or attack hero), to take the damage that would normally have been inflicted to an ally and apply it to yourself (armour can be used as normal, if appropriate to the type of damage). Defender can only be used once per combat.
Deflect (co): (see Overpower). You can only use deflect once per combat.
Demon claws (pa): For every double that you roll (before or after a re-roll), your hero automatically inflicts 4 damage to their opponent. This ability ignores armour.
Demon spines (co): (see Retaliation). You can only use demon spines once per combat.
Dirge (co): Use this ability to stop your opponent rolling for damage when they have won a round. You can only use dirge once per combat.
Disease (pa): If your damage dice/damage score causes health damage to your opponent, they continue to take 2 points of damage at the end of each combat round. This damage ignores armour.
Disrupt (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also cast disrupt. This lowers your opponent’s magic by 3 for the remainder of the combat.
Dodge (co): Use this ability when you have lost a combat round, to avoid taking damage from your opponent’s damage score.
Dominate (mo): Change the result of one die you roll for damage to a . You can only use this ability once per combat.
Doom (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also curse them with the sigil of doom. This lowers their armour, brawn and magic by 1 for the remainder of the combat.
Double punch (co): (requires a dagger in the main hand and left hand.) Use this ability instead of rolling for a damage score, to automatically inflict 2 damage dice plus the total brawn modifier of your two weapons to a single opponent. This ability ignores armour. You can only use double punch once per combat.
Evade (co): (see Dodge). You can only use evade once per combat.
Exploit (pa): For each result your opponent gets when rolling for attack speed, you automatically inflict 1 damage back to them, ignoring armour.
Faith (mo): Each time you roll a double, you automatically heal 2 health. This ability cannot take you above your starting health.
Faith and duty set (-): If your hero is equipped with both swords from the faith and duty set, then you can use the redemption ability. (See redemption.)
Faithful friend (mo): Summon a faithful hound to your side, increasing your damage score by 2 for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Fatal blow (co): Use fatal blow to ignore half of your opponent’s armour, rounding up. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Fear (mo): Lowers your opponent’s damage score by 2 for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Fearless (sp): Use this ability to raise your speed by 2 for one combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Feint (mo): You may reroll some or all of your dice, when rolling for attack speed. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Fiend’s finest set (-): If your hero is wearing both pieces of the night fiend set (gloves and hood), then you can use the exploit ability. (see Exploit.)
Fiery temper (pa): Keep a record of all results that your opponent rolls for damage. For every two results your brawn is increased by 2. At the end of the combat, your brawn returns to normal.
Finesse (mo): Use finesse to re-roll one die for damage, adding 2 to the result. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Fire aura (pa): You are surrounded by magical flames. This automatically inflicts 1 damage to all of your opponents at the end of every combat round. This ability ignores armour.
Fire shield (pa): Your fire shield will protect you from some opponents’ attacks. See combat descriptions for when you can use this ability.
Flurry (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can use flurry to shower your enemies with daggers. Roll 1 damage die and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring their armour. You can only use flurry once per combat.
Focus (mo): Use any time in combat to raise your magic score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use this ability once per combat.
Focused strike (co): (requirement: fist or fist weapon in each hand.) Use focused strike to ignore your opponent’s armour and apply your full damage score to their health. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Frostbite (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also cast frostbite. This lowers your opponent’s speed by 1 for the next two combat rounds. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Gouge (pa): Increases the damage caused by the bleed ability by 1.
Gorilla rage (mo): Each time you play a combat ability, roll a die. On a result you may raise your brawn/magic by 1 for the duration of the combat.
Greater heal (mo): You can cast this spell any time in combat to automatically heal yourself or an ally for 8 health. This ability can only be used once per combat. If you have multiple items with the greater heal ability, each one can be used once to restore 8 health.
Gut ripper (mo): (see Critical strike). You can only use gut ripper once per combat.
Haste (sp): You may roll an extra die to determine your attack speed for one round of combat. You may only use this ability once per combat.
Headshot (pa): Once an opponent’s health is reduced to 5 or less you may automatically ‘headshot’ them, reducing their health to zero. You can only use headshot once per combat.
Heal (mo): You can cast this spell any time in combat to automatically heal yours
elf or an ally for 4 health. This ability can only be used once per combat. If you have multiple items with the heal ability, each one can be used once to restore 4 health.
Heartless (mo): You may raise your brawn or magic score by 2 for one combat round. You can only use heartless once per combat.
Heavy blow (co): (see Deep wound). You can only use heavy blow once per combat.
High five (mo): Change the result of any die that you have rolled for your hero to a . This ability can only be used once per combat.
Holy protector (pa): Each undead opponent takes 1 point of damage at the end of every combat round, ignoring armour.
Hooked (mo): Use this ability to save one die result from your attack speed roll to use in the next combat round. You cannot change or re-roll the saved die. Hooked can only be used once per combat.
Hypnotise (mo): All of your opponent’s results for their damage score can be rerolled. You must accept the result of the rerolled dice.
Immobilise (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use immobilise once per combat.
Impale (co): A penetrating blow that increases your damage score by 3. In the next combat round, your opponent’s speed is lowered by 1. You can only use impale once per combat.
Indomitable (pa): You are immune to any effects or abilities that would lower your brawn in combat.
Insight (mo): Cast any time in combat to lower your opponent’s armour by 2 for two combat rounds. You can only use insight once per combat.
Insulated (pa): This ability will protect you from some opponents’ lightning attacks. See combat descriptions for when you can use this ability.
Iron will (mo): (see Might of stone). You can only use iron will once per combat.
Knockdown (sp): (see Webbed). You can only use knockdown once per combat.
Last defence (mo): If your health is 10 or less, you may raise your brawn by 2.
Last rites (pa): Once an opponent has 15 or less health, you can instantly cast this spell to lower your opponent’s speed and armour by 1 for the remainder of the combat. Last rites can only be used once per combat.
Leech (pa): Every time your damage score/damage dice causes health damage to your opponent, you may restore 2 health. This cannot take you above your maximum health.
Ley line infusion (co): Call on the fickle powers of nature to aid you. Instead of rolling for a damage score, roll 1 die. If the result is:
Both you and your opponent take 1 die of damage, ignoring armour. Roll separately for each.
or You are healed for 5 health and your opponent takes 1 die of damage, ignoring armour.
or You are healed for 8 health and your opponent takes 1 die of damage, ignoring armour.
You and an ally are both healed for 8 health and your opponent takes 1 die of damage, ignoring armour.
Lightning (pa): Every time you take health damage as a result of an opponent’s damage score/damage dice, you automatically inflict 2 points of damage to them in return. This ability ignores armour. (Note: If you have multiple items with lightning, you still only inflict 2 damage.)
Magic tap (mo): Cast this spell any time in combat to raise your magic score by 2 for one combat round. If you roll a double (for attack speed or damage), then this spell is restored and can be used again.
Mangle (mo): For each you roll for your damage score, you can add 2 to the result.
Many scales (mo): (see Might of stone). You can only use this ability once per combat.
Meditation (co + pa): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast meditation. This automatically heals 1 health at the end of every combat round for the duration of the combat.
Melt (co): (see Corrode). You can only use melt once per combat.
Might of stone (mo): You may instantly increase your own or an ally’s armour score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use this ability once per combat.
Miracle (pa): Your bless ability now increases one attribute (magic or brawn) by 2 for the remainder of the combat.
Missionary’s calling set (-): If your hero is equipped with both items from the missionary’s calling set (head and chest) then you may use the penance ability (see Penance).
Monkey mob (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can summon a monkey mob to pelt a single opponent with stones. The mob cause 2 damage at the end of each combat round, ignoring armour, for the duration of the combat. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Near death (mo): If your health is 10 or less, you may raise your magic by 2.
Overload (co): You can use the overload ability to roll an extra dice when determining your damage score. You can only use this ability once per combat.
Overpower (co): This ability stops your opponent from rolling for damage after they have won a round, and automatically inflicts 2 damage dice, ignoring armour, to your opponent. You can only use overpower once per combat.
Packmaster (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can summon a molten hound to attack a single opponent. The hound causes 2 damage at the end of each combat round, ignoring armour. As soon as you roll a double (for speed or damage), the hound leaves the combat. You can only use this ability once per combat.
Pagan’s spirit set (-): If your hero is equipped with both items from the pagan’s spirit set (dagger and boots) then you may use the vindicator ability (see Vindicator).
Parasite (mo): (see Steal). You can only use parasite once per combat.
Parry (co): Use this ability to stop your opponent rolling for damage after they have won a round. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Penance (mo): You may spend 4 health to add one extra die when rolling for your damage score. You may choose to use this ability before or after rolling your dice. Penance can only be used once per combat.
Piercing (co): Use piercing to ignore your opponent’s armour and apply your full damage score to their health. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Pillage (pa): Each time you win a combat, roll two dice and automatically receive that amount of gold as a reward. This is in addition to any other gold or treasure you might receive.
Pound (co): A mighty blow that increases your damage score by 3. However, in the next combat round you must lower your speed by 1. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Primal (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast this enchantment. It will automatically raise your own or an ally’s brawn and magic score by 2 for the remainder of the battle. Primal can only be used once per combat.
Prowler set (pa): If your hero is wearing all three items from the prowler set (head, gloves and chest) then you may use the prowler ability. This allows you to use evade, blind strike, backstab, sidestep and vanish (if available) without counting them towards your quota of hexed abilities.
Purge (mo): You may cast this spell on yourself or an ally to automatically remove all disease and venom ePects. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Quicksilver (sp): Increase your speed by 2 for one combat round. You can only use quicksilver once per combat.
Radiance (sp): Dazzle your foes, temporarily blinding them. This lowers your opponent’s speed by 2 for one combat round. Radiance can only be used once per combat.
Rake (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can rake an opponent. This inflicts 3 damage dice, ignoring armour. (Note: You cannot use modifiers with this ability.) You can only use rake once per combat.
Reaper (mo): For each 5 health damage that your damage score inflicts on an opponent, you can heal 1 health (rounding down). For example, if you inflicted 19 damage to an opponent, you could heal 3 health. You can only use reaper once per combat.
Reckless (sp): Use this ability to roll an extra die for your attack speed. However, if you lose the combat round, your opponent gets an extra damage die.
Redemption (mo): Use this ability to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round and heal 4 health. This ability can only be used once per combat.
Refresh (m
o): Cast this spell any time in combat to restore an ability that you or an ally has already used – allowing you to use it again. You can only cast refresh once per combat.
Regrowth (mo): You can cast this spell any time in combat to automatically heal yourself or an ally for 6 health. This ability can only be used once per combat. If you have multiple items with the regrowth ability, each one can be used once to restore 6 health.
Resolve (mo): Cast this spell any time in combat to raise your own or an ally’s armour by 4 for one combat round.
Retaliation (co): When your opponent’s damage score causes health damage, you can immediately retaliate by inflicting 1 damage dice back to them, ignoring armour. You can only use retaliation once per combat.
Roll with it (mo): If you win a round, you can use the result of one of your attack speed dice for your damage score (adding your brawn as normal). You can only use this ability once per combat.
Rust (co): If your damage score causes health damage to your opponent, you can also inflict rust. This lowers your opponent’s armour by 2 for the remainder of the combat.
Safe path (sp): (see Fearless). You can only use safe path once per combat.
Savage arms set (-): If your hero is equipped with both items from the savage arms set (main hand and left hand axe) then you may use the mangle ability (see Mangle).
Savage call (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can utter a savage call. This will automatically raise your brawn score by 2 for the remainder of the battle.
Savagery (mo): You may raise your brawn score by 2 for one combat round. You can only use savagery once per combat.
Sear (mo): Add 1 to the result of each die you roll for your damage score, for the duration of the combat. (Note: if you have multiple items with sear, you can still only add 1 to the result.)
Searing mantle (pa): Your armour is coated in fire. This causes 1 damage to all opponents at the end of every combat round for every 4 armour you are wearing.
Second skin (pa): You are immune to the piercing ability. If an opponent uses piercing, you may use armour as normal to absorb the damage.
Seraphim’s symbols set (-): If your hero is equipped with both items from the seraphim’s symbols set (necklace and ring) then you may use the tranquillity ability (see Tranquillity).
The Heart of Fire Page 71