The Lost City: The Realms Book Two: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

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The Lost City: The Realms Book Two: (An Epic LitRPG Series) Page 42

by C. M. Carney

  Lex sniffed himself and his nose turned up in disgust. “I think that’s a bit unfair. We have been camping against this door for days. Where do you expect me to bathe?”

  “I wasn’t that concerned about the bathing. It was all the murdering and thieving that really sealed the comparison.”

  “That wasn’t my fault, well not totally.”

  Vonn pulled his hood up and gave Lex his patient look that all great teachers and religious figures seem born with. A look that said, ‘you know you’re full of shit, but I’m gonna let you figure that out on your own, cuz I’m super wise and Zen.’

  “Fine, I may have gone a little overboard.” Lex said, pouting.

  Vonn harrumphed in amusement and pulled his hood back over his eyes.

  Maybe I do have issues, Lex thought. After he’d been separated from his player Gryph, Lex had found himself in the quaint town of Harlan’s Watch. He’d had limited time to relax however, and soon he discovered he was stuck in some kind of time loop, cursed to repeat the same day over and over and over. During that challenging time, he may have committed several thousand murders and robbed a whole bunch of people.

  “But it was a time loop, so it can be said that none of really happened.” Vonn gave Lex another of his patented judgmental gazes. It had some of its intended effect. “I’ve changed since then.” Lex kicked a clod of dirt and sat back down next to Vonn.

  “Yes, you have, and I am proud of you.”

  “Thanks man.”

  The distant hoot of an owl added charm to the pleasant night.

  “We have been here forever,” Lex whined.

  “It has only been three days, and I would think after your recent experiences you’d have learned some patience,” Vonn said and flipped the page in Lex’s copy of the Writs of Cerrunos. “Plus, the weather has been lovely.”

  Lex looked up in a panic. He’d seen enough movies to know that kind of statement always led to a sudden, inexplicable downpour. But, the night skies were clear, with just a few wispy clouds passing in front of Korynn’s moons. He heard no distant rumbles of thunder, saw no flash of lightning. After a moment he eased back against the door.

  “And I’ve got the patience of a saint,” Lex said.

  Vonn chuckled in derision and Lex felt his face flush with heat. How does he do that? He banged his head against the door several times. “I’m just so bored.”

  “You want the book?” Vonn asked.

  “Nah, reading is not really my thing. I’ll just wait for the movie.”

  “You’re not making sense again.”

  “Am too.”

  “You do realize that you are a priest of a knowledge god, right? So, maybe reading should be ‘your thing’.”

  “Yeah, a dead one.” That had been a particularly irritating discovery. Right after his physical form had been forged, he’d learned the god he was a devotee of had been dead for millennia. "Just another eff you from the Realms to Lex."

  “All things have a purpose.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that. If your dipshit philosophy is true and your all-powerful Source has some hidden purpose for us, why are we still camping in the dirt?” Lex stood and for the umpteenth time in the last several days, he traced his fingers along the edges of the carvings, seeking some hidden catch or mechanism that would open the doors.

  “It is not for us to question the Source.”

  Lex roared in frustration and pushed against the doors with all his might.

  “What makes you think that’s going to work this time?”

  “Didn’t you tell me to have faith? Well, I’m gonna faith the shit out of this bastard until it lets us in.”

  “You sure you don’t want a turn with the book? It is likely the only copy on Korynn,”

  “Great so my god is dead, and I can’t even discuss his book with my book club, CUZ NOBODY ELSE HAS A COPY!”

  “Why are you yelling?”

  “I DON’T KNOW!” Lex roared and pushed and grunted and swore and sweat, but the door refused to budge.

  “Huh, this is interesting,” Vonn said, absorbed by the book.

  “What is interesting?” Lex said a bit too harshly.

  “According to this, your god may not be dead after all.”

  “Well … maybe … he … can … open … this … effing … door!” With each word, Lex smashed the door with all his might, and as the last word exploded from his mouth there was a small click and the doors flew open.

  Lex tumbled forward and fell flat on his face. He grumbled, spat out a mouthful of dust and slowly got back to his feet.

  “Uh, Lex?” Vonn said in alarm.

  Lex looked up to see a group of five large, bald, featureless men staring down on them. They held very long, very pointy spears and they were pointing them rather close to Lex and Vonn’s faces.

  “Hi, fellas. Say, wouldn’t happen to know a guy named Gryph would ya?”

  The End of The Lost City

  Continue your journey into The Realms.


  Killing Time

  Book Three of The Realms.

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  Killing Time

  Book Three of the Realms


  C.M. Carney


  Gaarm’s dull and stupid eyes were on me. I could almost see his alcohol-drowned thoughts swirling through his mind as he tried to decide if I was bluffing. I held eye contact with him for several moments, before lifting my mug of mead to my mouth, draining the last few sips. The mug’s wide brim blocked Gaarm’s stare, and he grunted in annoyance.

  I set my empty mug down onto the table with a hollow thunk and jumped as a surge of energy flowed through my body. I looked around in confusion. What the hell was that?

  Gaarm took my jumpiness as a sign I was bluffing. He grinned, sucked at some bit of food stuck in his crooked Stonehenge of brown teeth, and pushed his pile of coins forward. “I’m all in,” he said.

  Now, I know what you’re thinking. Here I am gambling and getting wasted when my Player, good ol’ Gryph, was out there somewhere alone, without his trusty NPC to watch his back. Where’s the loyalty? In my defense, I didn’t start my day getting hammered.

  After Gryph shoved me through the portal and onto my ass, some weird shit happened. I’d jumped up and tried to rush back through the portal, but that smug bastard Aluran had done something to it. I’m not sure he meant to, but when I tried to pass through the threshold to get back to Gryph, a surge of energy shot into my body. It didn’t hurt, exactly, but the next thing I knew I was lying on my back with a bunch of townsfolk looking down on me and the portal had closed.

  I tried using my Player Tracking gift but kept getting an ERROR message. This freaked me out and deeply saddened me. Player Tracking was infallible, everyone knew that. Only the strongest anti-scrying magics could block the Gift. Yet, somehow mine was failing.

  “Now what do I do?”

  Depressed, I spent the next several hours talking to the locals, who were of no help. I even hired a wizard named Harry to track him. That failed, but I suspect it was due to the wizard bullshitting me about being able to find lost items and people. He even offered to sell me a love potion or an endless purse. While that sounded lovely, I decided his wares were likely less legit than his skills.

  It was getting hot, so with nothing else to do I plopped down on a bale-of-hay to wait for another portal to open. It never did. I was alone and
sad and took a moment out of my busy sitting on a bale of hay schedule to check out my Character Sheet. It would help me take my mind off things while I waited for Gryph to show up.

  Lex - Level 1


  Deity: Cerrunos

  Experience: 0

  Next Level: 2,000


  Health: 128

  Stamina: 131

  Mana: 132

  Spirit: 132


  Strength: 17

  Constitution: 14

  Dexterity: 12

  Intelligence: 16

  Wisdom: 16


  Player Tracking (Gryph)

  Ordonian Bloodlust

  I was a typical low-level noob. The only interesting bit on the sheet was a Gift called Ordonian Bloodlust.

  You possess the Racial Gift Ordonian Bloodlust.

  Ordonians are fierce warriors with a close connection to the wilds of nature. Once per day they can call upon their animalistic natures to provide a temporary increase to their Physical Attributes.

  Bonuses: +5 to all Physical Attributes (Strength, Constitution and Dexterity). -5 to all Mental Attributes. + 20 Health and Stamina. -20 Mana and Spirit.

  Duration: 5 minutes +20 seconds per level.

  Ordonian Bloodlust seemed like an anti-social gift, but I’m sure I’d find a use for it, say in the unlikely event I ever needed to go on a murder spree. I checked out my Skills Sheet.

  Magic Skills:

  The ability to manipulate the primal forces of the Realms. There are thirteen spheres of magic and each user will have an Affinity percentage for each sphere. An Affinity of 100% means the user’s ability to learn that sphere is limited only by their, Intelligence, willingness to learn and advance. An Affinity of 100% also grants a +25% Immunity to that variety of magic.

  An Affinity of 0% (AKA Antipathy) means that no matter how much study is dedicated to the sphere the user will never have an ability to cast spells in that sphere. Antipathy also provides an automatic +25% Weakness to that variety of magic.

  Magic Skills: Level (Affinity) (Tier)

  Fire: 0 (75%) (B)

  Air: 0 (25%) (B)

  Water: 0 (75%) (B)

  Earth: 0 (50%) (B)

  Chthonic: 0 (25%) (B)

  Empyrean: 0 (75%) (B)

  Chaos: 0 (0%) (B)

  Order: 0 (100%) (B)

  Life: 0 (50%) (B)

  Death: 0 (25%) (B)

  Thought: 0 (50%) (B)

  Aether: 0 (25%) (B)

  Soul: 0 (0%) (B)

  B = Base. (Levels 1 - 20)

  A = Apprentice. (Levels 20 - 49)

  J = Journeyman. (Levels 49 - 74)

  M = Master (Levels 75 - 99)

  GM = Grandmaster (Levels 100)

  My Magical Skills were interesting. I had a 100% Affinity in Order Magic, which kinda bugged me. I had always thought of myself as more of a wild child lover of chaos, which made my 0% Affinity in Chaos Magic a serious bummer, but I'd work with the others.

  Martial Skills:

  These skills measure a user’s ability with weapons, armor and other techniques of battle. There are no Affinity limitations and the level a user can gain is limited only by their physical prowess and dedication to training and practice.

  Martial Skills: Level (Tier)

  Blunt Weapons: 5 (B)

  Light Armor: 5 (B)

  My Martial Skills made sense considering what I knew about priestly types. The cool thing was that if I wanted to become a shifty dagger-wielding rogue, then all I needed to do was practice. I liked the idea on not being limited by the choices foisted on me by otherworldly powers. But, for now, smash, smash with my hammer worked just fine.

  Knowledge Skills:

  These skills measure a user’s ability to understand and make use of knowledge. Like Martial Skills there are no Affinity based limits to these skills. However these skills rely upon Intelligence and Wisdom scores. A dumb man will never learn Spell Crafting, no matter how much study they put into the skill. Intelligence and Wisdom affect a Knowledge Skill in complicated ways that one must discover over time.

  Knowledge Skills: Level (Tier)

  Analyze: 5 (B)

  Invocation: 5 (B)

  So, I had to be smart to up my Knowledge Skills. I already considered myself a brainiac, so I was game for that challenge. I also got a boost to a few skills. Was that part of my NPC auto generation, or a result of previous skills like it had with Gryph?

  I tapped on the Analyze skill and a description popped up.


  Level: 5 - Skill Type: Active

  Analyze is the ability to gain information from other people. While most people in the Realms will ogle and people watch, those skilled in Analyze can glean a deeper understanding. Analyze is a prized and rare skill for those who believe knowledge is power. Use it wisely.

  “Well, that sounds sweet,” I muttered. Having once been a repository of digital information, I loved that I could be something similar in the Realms. Visions of standing beside Gryph, whispering secret knowledge into his ear, swam through my brain. He'd make me his spymaster once he, with my invaluable help, carved a small kingdom for us out of the chaos of the Realms.

  I had no idea what Invocation was, so I tapped the skill and a description popped up.


  Level: 5 - Skill Type: Active

  Invocation is the ability to create new Invocations (prayers with spell like effects) by communing with one's deity. Like spells, Incantations come in Tiers. The user must be one Tier higher than the level of Incantation he hopes to create. Base Tier Invocation allows the user to create Blessings, Incantations of low power.

  Invocation sounded amazing in theory, but since my god was dead, it was useless. Who had I pissed off this time? Lastly, I checked the swag in my Inventory.

  You have found an Order Bolt Spell Stone (Order Magic) (Common)

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Order Magic.

  You have found a Commune Spell Stone (Order Magic) (Extremely Rare)

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Order Magic.

  You have been awarded a Maul of Holy Might

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Active

  Base Dmg: 16 (+2 Base Item Bonus)

  Active Powers

  Power (1): Holy Might: This mighty war hammer can be infused with Spirit Energy to provide an extra +1 damage per point of Spirit. Spirit Limit is increased by 1% for every five levels of Blunt Weapons skill. Cooldown is decreased by 1 seconds for every 5 levels of Blunt Weapons level.

  Spirit Transfer: 100% - Spirit Limit: 10% - Cool Down: 20 seconds

  The preferred weapon of the Priests of Cerrunos, this war hammer can deal great damage to the enemies of knowledge.

  You have been awarded Robes of Cerrunos. (Light Armor)

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Passive

  AC Bonus: +10 (+2 Base Item Bonus)

  Passive Powers

  Power (1): Holy Aura: Provides a Priest of Cerrunos with +10% Health, Stamina, Mana and Spirit Regeneration while they keep faith in Cerrunos.

  My stuff was real snazzy. The hammer and robes were sweet. I wondered about the powers of my robes. How could I have faith in a dead god? Was it as simple as having his name typed in the Deity slot on my Character Sheet, or did I have to say daily prayers? It's not like I could ask the guy. Dead bastard. I cast a paranoid glance up at the sky, wondering if my dead god would hear and smite me for my brazen heresy. The sky was blue and cloudless and no lighting strike cast me down, so I guessed I was okay for now.

  I checked out the spells. Order Bolt’s purpose sounded straightforward. I had no idea what Commune would do, but it had an Extremely Rare designation that was both awesome and curious. I knew newly generated NPCs were given a single spell, and that spell was always of the Common variety. Why did I have two and why did I have an Extremely Rare one?

This day is getting weirder and weirder.”

  I knew I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth and also knew there was only one way to find out what Commune did. I held the stone in my hand, closed my eyes and pushed my will into the stone. Warmth flowed from the stone and up my arm. The motes of my being, the atoms that made up my body somehow realigned themselves into a more orderly pattern.

  You have learned the spell Commune.

  Sphere: Order Magic - Tier: Base.

  Allows the caster to Commune with beings from the Realm of Order once per day. The Realm of Order is one of the Higher Realms, therefore streams and snippets of information flow to it from the Mortal Realms. During this communing, the caster may ask one Yes or No question. While the answer is always truthful, the servants of the Lords of Order are odd beings by mortal standards and therefore their answers may hold several meanings or be obfuscated. Trust them at your peril. Servants of the Lords of Order find precision and perfection appealing. Properly asked questions may be rewarded with a Boon. Beware, Boons always require payment.

  Mana Cost: 100. Duration: Instantaneous. Cooldown: 1 day.

  You have learned the skill ORDER MAGIC.

  Level: 1 - Tier: Base - Skill Type: Active

  You can now wield the power of Order Magic. Order Magic allows the user to tap into the energies of the Order Realm. Order Magic makes use of defensive spells and spells that enhance others, but it does also have some potent offensive and summoning spells. Note: Users of Order Magic are generally accepted by most cultures, but their fondness for control makes them unpopular. Most people consider them “no fun” and to have “sticks up their butts.”


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