Billionaire Romance: The Storm SUCCEEDS: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire President Book 15)

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Billionaire Romance: The Storm SUCCEEDS: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire President Book 15) Page 1

by Sarah J. Brooks


  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2016 by Sarah J. Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah J. Brooks

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  The end is so close I can taste it. No do-good guy like Clint Bomber was going to ruin what I had built up. My heart, sweat, and tears had culminated into being on the brink of absolute power. Sure Clint was a good secret service agent, a good and honest one. He was intent on reporting every location I was at, every visitor who came to see me; I just couldn’t have that. There were just certain things that needed to remain a secret.

  I wasn’t sure any of the other secret service members could be trusted either, but by getting rid of Clint I, at least, showed them my power. If they wanted to keep their positions, they would obey my orders. It was a simple as that. Don’t obey me, then don’t work for me. I was the Vice President of the United States of America. Surely they knew better than to cross me.

  “So now that Clint’s gone, do you want to tell me the rest of the plan?” Kayla asked me as we got ready for another day in Washington.

  “I can’t tell you just yet. I know I made a promise to keep you in the loop. But it’s for your own good if you don’t know. Can you trust me on that?”

  Kayla was a smart girl, she probably had already figured out what my end game was and how I didn’t plan on waiting to achieve it. But I couldn’t risk telling her and having everything blow up without getting the results I wanted. It was a critical time in my plan.

  I had established that the secret service was lacking in their ability to protect people. They didn’t protect the former Vice President and they certainly did a poor job of protecting my wedding. Now, for the ultimate show of their inability to keep people safe. My plan hinged on their inability to properly do their job.

  What Kayla didn’t know was that I hadn’t just gotten rid of Clint. I had also gotten rid of a young up and comer that was working with the President. He had noted some issues while the President was at our wedding. Issues like the lacking of secret service personal, yet he hadn’t told his boss about them at the time. If he had truly been concerned for the President’s safety, he would have reported those issues right away. But he was observant enough that I needed him off of the President’s detail if my plan was ever going to move forward.

  “I understand Matthew,” Kayla said as she kissed me.

  Kayla had turned out to be one hell of a firecracker at my side. I still wasn’t quite sure how much she could be trusted with the darkest of secrets, but she certainly was proving to be invaluable as I rapidly climbed to where I needed to be.

  I grabbed her naked body and pulled her into the bathroom with me. It was impossible to resist her sweet little ass as she passed me. Physically impossible to resist.

  “I’ve got something for you,” I whispered as I leaned her over the bathroom counter.

  “Matthew, I’m meeting with Steven this morning about that charity job. I can’t be late,” she protested.

  “You’re the wife of the Vice President. Trust me, he’ll wait for you.”

  I pressed my rock hard body into hers from behind and watched her face in the mirror as I thrust into her. She was such a beautiful girl. Not only smart but knock down gorgeous. Never had I thought I would be able to make my plan work so quickly, it was due to her being there that everything had gone off so well.

  “Matthew,” she moaned as she looked up at me in the mirror.

  I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up as I continued to thrust into her. It was delightful to watch her body with each thrust, to watch her expression as I made her moan out in pleasure. She was mine. It was official and there was nothing else to say about it. I had her now and she was going to be by my side as I took over the entire country. Her sweet little ass was going to help me get right into that oval office.

  My lips moved to her neck and my hands to her tits as I thrust harder and harder into her. Soon I felt the built up of my explosion as I let out one final thrust and pulled her tight against me. Her body tensed up as I thrust hard and released into her.

  “Matthew,” she moaned again as she leaned over the counter in exhaustion. “Now my legs are wobbly and I’m exhausted.”

  “You’ll survive,” I teased as I picked her up and brought her with me into the shower. “We’ll save time by showering together.”

  “You stay over there and I’ll shower first,” she said with a huge grin on her face as she held her arms out. “I know how excited you get when I’m dripping wet.”

  “I fucking love you,” I said as I sat on the shower bench and admired my new wife.

  “I’m watching you. Stay over there mister,” she teased.

  She put the shampoo in her hair and scrubbed it as she washed her body and closed her eyes. She seemed so pure and innocent; I hoped I wouldn’t ruin all that by being her husband and forcing her into my world.

  “I’m staying right here,” I smiled as I took in the gorgeous sight of my new wife. “You’ll never get rid of me. I’ll stay here with you forever.”


  Matthew was my husband. It was crazy to think that we had actually gone through with it. He was the Vice President and I was his wife. We would have a few years to settle into life and get used to this new political world together and then I knew that Matthew was going to want to run for President.

  My old friend Steven had found a job as an office manager at Charity Water’s Washington D.C. office. They were looking for a fundraising Vice President. It certainly wasn’t something I had ever thought I would be qualified for, but I was excited to get the opportunity to interview with them.

  Since we had decided to postpone our honeymoon, it made perfect sense for me to go and visit with Steven and the Charity Water team to see if I would be a good fit for them. I needed something outside of politics that would keep me busy.

  If I sat around the house worrying about what Matthew was up to all the time, it would certainly drive me mad.

  “You can stay there all day long if you’d like. But I’m a busy woman, I need to get going,” I said as I leaned down and kissed Matthew on my way out of the shower.

  I thought I was going to make it out relatively untouched, but just as I set foot outside of the shower, Matthew’s hands wrapped around me and pulled me back in.

  “I can’t wait for the day to be over,” Matthew whispered in my ear.

  His warm breath on my neck made it close to impossible for me to move. Everything inside of me sizzled with excitement when Matthew was near. It didn’t matter what had happened in the past, all I knew was my body craved Matthew ever
y second of the day. Combine that with the amazing chemistry, sense of humor, and future we had together; there was no stopping us.

  “If you don’t let me go to my meeting I’m going to be a very angry newlywed when you get home.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you go,” Matthew said as his hand moved down to my clit and started to play with me. “As soon as I make you scream my name.”

  There was one thing that Matthew did not do well, take no for an answer. I could have continued to fight with him or just give in to the feelings of the moment. I decided giving in was my best bet.

  Matthew pulled me over to the shower bench and pressed me into the seat as he spread my legs open. He quickly kneeled to the ground and took me in his mouth as his tongue flicked and licked me precisely.

  As my hand grabbed his wet hair, I felt his fingers move inside of me. He was serious about getting me to scream and I couldn’t help but give in to him. As he worked my body, I let my head rest on the shower wall. The thick warm steam engulfing the two of us as I tried to find something to grab a hold of.

  “Matthew…I really have to …go…” I moaned.

  He didn’t slow down. He didn’t even listen, Matthew had his own plans and I was just along for the ride. He placed my legs on his shoulders so he could control me even more with his fingers and tongue.

  Before I knew what was going on, Matthew had twisted me around on laid me onto the ground under the large showerhead. The warm water sprinkled down on our bodies as Matthew pressed himself into me. I took in a deep breath and turned toward the side to gather another one. It was the hard stone floor that made the position most uncomfortable though and I eventually had to press Matthew away.

  “The floor hurts Matthew,” I said.

  The whole moment had gone from fun to not so fun in a matter of a minute. We were on the floor of our shower fucking. It wasn’t how I wanted to spend my honeymoon at all. I was going to be late for my meeting and that was it, I was done.

  “Get on top,” Matthew urged as he switched spots with me.

  “Matthew, I need to go,” I finally said as I stood up and made my way out of the shower before he had the chance to stop me.

  “Later, we can make love on a bed of roses,” Matthew teased as he watched me get ready in front of the bathroom mirror.

  “With my luck, there will be thorns.”

  I was joking, but a little serious all at the same time. Things with Matthew never seemed to be perfect for long. Although I couldn’t see much that would get in our way for the next few years. Yes, I knew Matthew wanted to be President and I expected that he would want to start running about a year ahead of time, but that was fine. We had at least two full years of settling in that we could do.

  As I finally finished getting ready and made my way toward the door. I couldn’t help but look back and admire Matthew in his blue business suit. He was one of the best-looking men I had ever met, and he was mine.

  “Goodbye, Mr. Vice President,” I said as I walked over and delivered one last kiss to him. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Have fun. I hope you get it,” Matthew said sheepishly.

  There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to get the position. It was more of a doubt that I would feel like the position was right for me. I had never been involved in a charity organization and I certainly didn’t know how to handle fundraising or marketing for an organization. But I knew that my new title brought with it some big-name recognition and it would certainly help any charity if I were to become involved with them.

  “I hope so too,” I said as I left and made my way downstairs.

  There was a new secret service officer assigned to me, I could only assume that Matthew had chosen him precisely for me.

  “Hello Mrs. Storm,” George said as he opened the front door for me. .

  “You can call my Kayla, or Michaela if you’d like George. I can’t see a need to be so formal.”

  “Miss Kayla, I will call you whatever you would like.”


  George was close to retirement and Matthew had asked for him to be assigned to me. He was thorough as I watched him walk around the SUV one last time before he let me into the vehicle. I had already seen him outside inspecting the vehicle for a good fifteen minutes before I had come down the stairs.

  I wasn’t really sure if Matthew had hired him more for his experience, or for that fact that he wasn’t a hot young guy like many of the other secret service officers. But for whatever reason Matthew had hired him and I felt pretty damn safe riding around with George.

  “How long will you be Miss Kayla?”

  “I’m not sure. I’d say maybe a half hour. Will you be coming inside?”

  “I’ll be inside and then checking the perimeter. I’ve already visited the office first thing this morning with my team. I don’t expect there will be any issues.”

  Wow, he was even more thorough than I had thought he was.


  “What a difference a year makes,” Steven said as he hugged me and brought me to the conference room.

  “It hasn’t even been a full year yet. I can still remember my legs shaking the day I walked into your office. You were so kind to me.”

  “Life, it’s a crazy ride, that’s for sure.”

  “So how did you end up at this charity?” I asked as I looked around and admired the high quality of furnishings in the room.

  It did seem a little odd to me that a charity would have such expensive furniture and artwork on the wall. But I assumed it was some sort of charity that was funded by rich people who just wanted a good tax write off. The good thing about it though, any charity work for a tax write off works just as good as charity work for a full heart.

  “I’ll be honest with you Steven, you and I both know I don’t have any experience that I can bring to this position.”

  “What are you talking about? You are very qualified and I’m not just saying that because you married the Vice President.”

  I had to laugh at the way Steven was talking to me. He appeared to be trying to make me feel better about my qualifications. It was something I had seen many times before when people would come to the college and donate money. I worked with the Dean for a short period of time and he would always build them up and ask if they would consider teaching a class. The Dean would tell them how smart they were, and their business ideas were innovative, etc. But basically the college just wanted high-level donors to feel like that were really involved so they would keep donating more money.

  “Steven, it’s just you and I here. How can you say I have any skills that would qualify me for this position? I understand my marriage makes me a good candidate, but you don’t need to snow me with praise.”

  “Listen here Kayla. I wouldn’t put myself out there and offer you this job if I didn’t think you could do it. Look how amazing you were with whipping those votes for Mr. Storm when he was Senator. You have a way with people and I think it will go over well in our charity. That’s why I asked you to come talk with me.”

  He seemed genuine in his reasons for inviting me and it threw me off a bit. I had thought I was only being asked because of my name and my position, I hadn’t considered the possibility that they actually wanted to hire me because of my skills.

  “Okay, so tell me a little more about what you’re looking for. What would my job be exactly?”

  “It’s easy. You’ll need to organize our large gift donors. This will include planning a gala dinner. Some other small events. You’ll visit the big donors personally and might even travel overseas to where the fresh water wells are being erected so you can place custom plaques for the high-level donors.”

  “Wow, that sounds great.”

  “There was one thing my boss wanted me to ask about and please don’t take offense by this. Are you pregnant? I mean, obviously, we would still want you here, but we are just trying to plan a really big event a few months from now and would need to know so we could plan accor

  I busted out into laughter immediately. I suppose many people had the same questions. I had even fielded them from my family back home. But it was funny to get asked such an inappropriate question during an interview. I guess when you’re the Vice President’s wife all questions are fair game.

  “No, I’m not and we have no intentions of having children within the next year; at least.”

  “I’m sorry for asking, but thank you for answering. So when can you start?”

  “Um, probably next Monday. Would that work for you?”

  “Yes, that’s perfect. Thanks, Kayla,” Steven said as he shook hands with me and stood up.

  The interview had only lasted about five minutes and I was on my way out the door. Even George seemed a little surprised by how quickly things had happened.

  “Did you get the job?” He asked with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

  “Yes, but I don’t think it was really an interview,” I laughed as I got into the SUV. “Would you mind swinging by my old apartment so I can grab a few things?”


  No one had liked the idea of Matthew and I keeping the old apartment so we had decided to sell it. Well, obviously, I liked the idea of keeping it; but none of Matthew’s advisers thought it was good. ‘It might look like you two aren’t really living together,’ his new aide said.

  We quickly made our way to my old apartment and George insisted on escorting me upstairs and helping me with whatever I needed to grab. It was quickly becoming daunting to have to bring a secret service person with me everywhere I went. I wasn’t sure how I would ever get used to such a thing.

  We stood waiting for the elevator and the awkward silence was deafening. I didn’t have anything in common with George at all. At least, the last guy had been closer to my age and I felt like I could talk with him. George felt like my creepy uncle who was there to supervise me, but he wasn’t creepy; just old.


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