Can't Be That Other Woman

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Can't Be That Other Woman Page 13

by Ambria Davis

  “Okay damn,” he said as he started back up.

  After a few minutes, the pain that I was once feeling was no longer. It had been replaced by an amazing and great feeling that I really didn’t want to stop. I barely knew a thing about having sex, but I knew that I couldn’t just lay there and do nothing, so as he was pumping into me, I thrusted my hips back at him.

  “Oh shit...” I heard him moan out. I don’t know if it was because I was bad or good, but he didn’t stop, I guessed it was the latter. “Slow down, Lay Lay, damn. As a matter of fact, come here.”

  “What? What are you doing?” I asked as he got off me and pulled me up.

  “Don’t be afraid, I promise I won’t drop you,” he said, as he picked me up. Immediately, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, praying that he wouldn’t drop me. He then lowered me onto his erection, which caused both of us to moan out in pleasure.

  “All you have to do is bounce up and down,” he panted, as he helped me a bit. After a while, he removed his hands, letting me do my thing. I’d be lying if I said that this didn’t make me feel good, because it did. I’d finally had sex and even though it was painful at first, I damn sure was glad that I did. I was no longer a virgin, even though I didn’t know how to feel about that.

  For the rest of the night, Onijae and I had sex on every surface of the hotel room. There wasn’t a spot in there that we didn’t touch, that’s how much fun we had. When we did stop to lie down, it was almost five that morning and I was beyond tired. Overall, today was a good day, and I can only imagine what the following days would bring.

  * * *

  I didn’t wake up until that evening, and when I say that I was sore, I was just that. I looked over expecting to see Onijae, but I didn’t. I sat up in the bed, hoping to see him, but he was gone.

  “Onijae,” I said, calling out his name, but he didn’t answer. I threw back the covers and got out the bed. He wasn’t in the bedroom, so I headed to the bathroom to check there. He wasn’t there either, but he did leave a message on the bathroom mirror saying that he was gone and would be back at two o’clock. I walked back to the room and noticed that it was almost one o’clock already, so he wouldn’t be that long. Since I’m up, I guess I’ll take care of my hygiene while I’m at it.

  I went back into the room to grab my bag, when my phone rang. Walking over to the nightstand, I picked it up and noticed that it was Tracy calling me. I had a mind to ignore her ass since she didn’t call me back, but I didn’t.

  “Well, look who finally decide to call me back,” I said, answering the phone.

  “Girl, bite me, I was busy and I’m pretty damn sure you were too. You liked the things I picked up for you yesterday?” she asked, laughing.

  “Bitch, fuck you. They were cute and yes, I was indeed busy,” I said, letting out a girlish giggle.

  “So you really did it, huh?” she asked. I’m sure if I could see her face right now, she’d have the biggest Kool-Aid smile.

  “Yup, surely did and it was fucking amazing. Now I see what all the fuss was about,” I said, as I thought about everything that went down last night. I had to squeeze my legs tight together, because I could feel myself getting wet.

  “Okay bitch, I don’t want to know too much. That is still my brother,” she said, making a gagging sound. She always had to be overdramatic and shit, but I got where she was coming from. If that had been my brother, I probably would’ve felt the same way she was feeling.

  “Anyway, where his ass at though?”

  “Girl, I don’t know. All I know was that when I woke up, he wasn’t here. Then when I walked into the bathroom, there was this note taped to the mirror, saying that he was going to be back at two.”

  “I wonder what his ass is up to,” she said, taking the words right out of my mouth. I also wondered what he was doing, and why he didn’t wake me up when he left up out of here. “Anyways, my man is here, so I got to go. I hope you have fun, bestie. Make sure you text or call me when you make it home, trick.”

  “Okay, don’t do anything I won’t do,” I told her, laughing.

  “Yeah, I should be telling you the same thing,” she responded. “Don’t go being too hot either.”

  “I won’t and you better not either,” I said, hanging up the phone. Grabbing the bag, I headed in the bathroom to take a shower.

  I placed my phone on the counter, along with the bag. I then walked over to the shower and turned on the water. I then walked back over to the bag and removed the dress that I saw in it yesterday. There was a pair of sandals in another bag that would go great with it. I went back into the bag and removed a two-piece black bra and panty set, and sat it on the counter as well. Once I had everything out that I needed, I began to undress. After stripping out of everything, I grabbed the Dove soap that I loved to shower with, and headed in the shower.

  OI stood exactly underneath the shower head, letting the water just run down my body. I don’t know about other people, but a hot shower really does give me life. After standing under the water for a few minutes longer, I grabbed the soap and washcloth, and began to take a bath. I washed every inch of my body, making sure to be easy to my already sore kitty. Once I was finished, I rinsed off and repeated the process a few times. When I was through, I turned the water off and got out.

  Wrapping a towel around my damp body, I grabbed my phone, the bag and my clothes, and headed back into the room. I placed everything on the bed, before removing the towel and drying off. Making sure that I was dried, I let the towel fall to the floor as I reached for the lotion that sat on the nightstand next to the bed. After putting lotion on my body, I slipped into my undergarments. I was about to put on my dress when I heard the door open. I turned around to find Onijae and some other dude standing there. I stood there frozen as I used the dress to cover as much of me as I could.

  “As much as I’m enjoying the view, I would appreciate it if you put some clothes on, shorty. We have company,” he said, as he tried blocking dude’s view. I was ashamed, so I hurried my ass to the bathroom to finished getting dressed.

  Quickly, I slipped the dress over my head. I walked over to the mirror to see how it looked. As usual, Tracy always gets my size right, but this one was a little tight. It showed off my figure a little too much. Since I was already in the bathroom, I grabbed the comb, brush and Edge Control out of the bag, along with a ponytail holder. Since I didn’t have much to work with, I just placed it into a high ponytail. Once I was through, I cleaned up the mess, placed everything back in the bag and headed back into the room.

  “Now that’s much better,” Onijae said, walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around me as he placed a kiss on my lips. “I missed you, Lay Lay.”

  “I missed you too. Where were you?” I asked him.

  “I had some things to take care of before we leave. You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  “What do you mean before we leave?” I asked, with a smile on my face.

  “I’m taking you to Miami for the week, shorty,” he replied, which made me scream. I couldn’t believe that he was taking me on a trip.

  “Are you serious?” I asked, jumping up and down. I was as excited as a kid in a candy store would be.

  “Dead ass. If you hurry up, we can make our plane, which leaves in an hour,” he said looking at his phone.

  “But I have to get my things together. You should’ve told me that earlier,” I told him as I tried to move out of his embrace, but he pulled me back. “Chill out. I already had my boy take your shit down to the car. The only thing that’s left in here is us, so bring your ass on, because if we miss our plane, I’m putting that on you.”

  “Boy whatever! Let me grab my purse and stuff first,” I told him. He let me go, as I went around the room collecting whatever I had left in there. I made sure to double check, because I wasn’t trying to leave anything behind. Once I had everything, I walked back over to the door, where Onijae was standin
g, talking on the phone. I wasn’t trying to be in his business, so I waited outside for him to wrap up his conversation.

  Three minutes later, he was ending his call. He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “You ready to have fun in the MIA?”

  “Surely is.”

  “Well, come on,” he said, grabbing the bag out of my hand. He then grabbed my hand as we made our way to the lobby. I couldn’t wait to call Tracy and tell her about this. She was going to be mad, because we always promised to hit MIA up together. Oh well, she was with her nigga and mine was taking me where I had always wanted to go. She was going to be all right, but if she didn’t, then that was on her. I was taking my country ass to Miami, and hoped Onijae would be ready, because I planned on having one hell of a time there too.

  * * *

  Chapter 17


  I don’t know where the fuck Onijae done fell and bumped his head, but he had better get his shit together. If he knew like me, he’d do that fast too. I’ve been sitting in the same spot where he had left me. The three pregnancy tests that I had taken were also there. Yup, I was pregnant, which meant that Onijae and I were going to be parents. What I thought was just a stomach virus, was actually a nine-month stomach virus. I couldn’t believe it and neither could he, so he went and purchased a few tests and had me do them in front of them. Just like before, they all came back positive. I could tell that he wasn’t all too happy about it, but that was his business, not mine. We spent over two hours arguing about any and everything. I don’t know why, but it felt like he was literally picking a fight with me. If he wasn’t ready, then he had better get ready, because if the Lord said the same, this baby was coming, and he had better be prepared for it.

  Getting up from my seat, I headed into the kitchen. I threw the three tests in the garbage can, before walking over to the sink to wash my hands. I then walked over to the refrigerator to find something to eat. I hadn’t noticed I was hungry until then. I looked high and low and noticed that there really wasn’t too much in there to eat, which meant that I would probably have to go grocery shopping, which was something I hated doing.

  After grabbing my purse and keys, I headed out the door. As I was walking out the door, my phone rang. I hurried and fished it out of my purse, hoping that it was Onijae calling, but it was Carlos instead.

  “Hello,” I said, answering the phone.

  “Hey baby, what are you doing?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m about to head to the grocery store. What’s going on with you?”

  “Waiting on this clock to move, so that I could get off. You busy tonight?” he asked, as I made it to my car. I unlocked the door and got in, starting the car immediately.

  “No, I’m not actually. What do you have in mind?”

  “I just want to chill, if that’s all right with you,” he said, shocking me. I couldn’t believe he’d said that, especially since he loved having sex.

  “That’s cool with me, Carlos. Where do you want to meet up?” I asked, as I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the grocery store.

  “Our usual spot would be good enough. I’ll pick up some snacks and food, and meet you there around eight.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later,” I said, hanging up the phone just as I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. That was the benefits of staying a few minutes away from the store. I was glad that it didn’t take long to get there. Once I found a parking spot, I grabbed my purse, got out and locked the door behind me.

  I headed inside the store, I decided to hit my sister up. I haven’t seen her in a while, which was normal for her. I wonder what kind of trouble she had been getting herself into. Anyways, I couldn’t wait to tell her all about the baby and everything, hoping she would be just as happy as I am. The phone rang a few times, before going to the voicemail. I hung up and proceeded to dial her again, but it did the same thing. I was going to leave her a message, but I decided against it. She would just call me back once she’d seen that I had called her.

  I was happy when I walked into the store and noticed that it was halfway empty, which meant that I wasn’t going to be up in here long. All I needed was a few things to hold me over until Onijae got back from his business trip in Miami, assuming he wouldn’t be gone too long though. Grabbing a basket, I went around the store, getting everything I needed. I even picked myself some snacks too. I had to work tomorrow, so I most definitely would be needing that. Once I had everything I needed, I headed to the register to check out.

  I was almost at the register when I spotted Onijae’s little sister and the dude Devin, who worked in his shop, holding hands two registers down. That little nasty bitch, I thought as I pulled out my phone to snap a quick picture. I quickly turned my head so that they wouldn’t see me, and looked at the picture that I had taken. The shit was clear as day. I know damn well her brother didn’t know a damn thing about the two of them dating or whatever. I couldn’t wait until that little bitch tried to play with me again. I was going to send that shit to Onijae’s ass so quick, that her ass was going to regret it.

  After paying for the few groceries that I did have, I headed out of the store. I was glad that my car wasn’t parked too far, because I was tired. Once I made it to my car, I loaded the groceries in the car and hopped back in. I checked my phone to see if my sister had called me back, but she didn’t, so I tried calling her again. Just as before, she didn’t answer, so I hung up the phone. Even though I didn’t want to, I headed back to my empty ass house. I hated being there when Onijae wasn’t there, but what else could I do. At least I had Carlos to keep me company tonight, but until then, I was heading home to take me a much-needed nap.

  * * *

  I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I noticed that it was almost eight o’clock. I hurried and jumped up, because I was going to be late meeting Carlos. Grabbing my phone, I saw that I had a few missed calls from him and two from my sister. Deciding to call her back later, I went ahead and called Carlos back.

  “Hello,” he answered on the first ring.

  “I’m so sorry for not answering the phone for you,” I said, immediately apologizing. “I had done fell asleep and obviously I was tired, but I just woke up.”

  “It’s cool, I was just calling to remind you about tonight, and to ask you what kind of snacks and food you wanted.”

  “It really doesn’t matter, whatever you get is fine with me,” I replied, yawning.

  “Shit, it sounds like you’re still tired,” he said, with a light chuckle.

  “A little but let me go hop in the shower right quick. I’ll call you when I’m on my way,” I told him.

  “Okay,” he replied, as we both hung up the phone. I took a seat on the side of the bed to get myself together. I was still a little bit tired and I didn’t feel like going anywhere, but I knew that I couldn’t stand him up. After sitting there a few minutes longer, I got up and made my way inside the bathroom, where I headed straight for the shower. Turning the water on, I allowed it to run a few minutes to get it to a decent temperature. Once I had it where I wanted it to be, I undressed and climbed in. I stood directly under the faucet, as I allowed the water to run down my body, thinking that the water would wake me up.

  After standing there for what was probably ten minutes, I finally decided to take a bath. I grabbed my body wash and rag and quickly washed and rinsed every inch of my body. Wrapping a towel around my body, I headed into the bedroom.

  “Damn!” I yelled out as I hit my toe on the dresser. Once the pain had subsided, I opened the dresser drawer and grabbed my undergarments. I then walked over to the bed, dried off whatever water I had left on my body, and applied a little bit of lotion, before I began putting my underwear on. Once I was finished, I headed to the closet, where I grabbed a simple sweat suit and threw it on with a pair of all-white J’s. Once I was dressed, I headed straight downstairs. I made sure that everything was locked and secure
, before I grabbed my keys and made my way to meet Carlos.

  * * *

  When I pulled up to the hotel, Carlos was waiting outside for me, as I had asked him to when I had called him a few minutes ago. I quickly found a parking spot, before cutting the car off. When I opened the door, he was standing there smiling down at me.

  “What you smiling for?” I asked, a bit curious.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, making me blush. “And your skin is glowing.”

  “Thank you,” I said giggling. I handed him my bag, before I got out.

  Together we walked hand in hand towards the entrance of the hotel. As we passed by, people were smiling and waving at us. If only y’all knew, I thought.

  Once we made it inside, we headed straight for our usual room. I was quite amused when I walked into the room and saw everything Carlos had laid out for me. He actually made me feel special, something I hadn’t felt in a while.

  “Take a seat on the bed and make yourself comfortable,” he said, handing me a tray with fruits on it. I was all too happy to do as I was told. When he walked over to the bed, grabbed my feet, and began giving me a massage, I almost fainted. This man was all too good to be true.

  “You keep making me feel this good and I’m going to have to hire you full-time.” I said, in between bites of the pineapple I was eating.

  “I’ll happily quit my day job too,” he replied, which made the both of us laugh.

  “I know you would, that’s why I said it,” I told him, laughing.

  “You know I’d do anything for you,” he said, getting up. I tried to act as if I didn’t hear that part.

  “What do you have to eat?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “I brought a little food my mother cooked and I picked you up some Popeye’s, since I know that’s what you like to eat at work,” he said, bringing the Popeye’s bag over to me. I went straight for the biscuit, and red beans and rice that I knew he had in it. I opened the bag and pulled everything out. Just as I removed the top off the beans to eat it, I jumped off the bed, running full force to the bathroom. I almost knocked everything down, but I didn’t.


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