Blame It on the Shame (Blame It on the Shame: Lou-Lou and Ricardo's Story #1)

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Blame It on the Shame (Blame It on the Shame: Lou-Lou and Ricardo's Story #1) Page 10

by Ashley Jade

  The office that connects the gym to the fight club.

  I agreed, but I should have known he had an ulterior motive.

  The moment I saw Luke's face I turned around and walked right back out.

  Apparently, Bruno hired him to be my 'boss'.

  It's obviously just a ruse because I know the real reason he's watch over me.

  And watch over me he does...the sick fuck.

  For once I'm happy to be linked to Bruno because Luke can look all he wants...but there's no way he will ever touch me because Bruno will kill him.

  Not that the world wouldn't be better off without him.

  He still looks at me the same way he used to back when I was 15.

  In other words, he's just as skeevy as ever.

  Especially when he handed me my ring girl outfit and told me I had to change into it right in front of him.

  I grabbed my phone and threatened to call Bruno. He called me a bitch and waited outside the office door after that.

  What I wasn't prepared for was him yanking my arm and walking me down the long hallway that leads to the gym.

  I protested but he told me this was all DeLuca's idea. Evidently, Bruno said I needed to prepare myself for tomorrow night and this was a great way to do it.

  Which is why I'm currently standing here wishing the ground would swallow me whole.

  The stares, the cat-calls, the whistles...I can't stand any of it.

  I'm breaking out in a sweat and I know I'm shaking like a leaf because some men are starting to laugh while saying things like, 'What's the matter, little girl? Want me to make it all better for you?’

  And, “Why don't you come back to the locker room with me and I can finish my workout there?”

  Bile works up my throat and before I know it, two guys are coming closer to me and one of them has the audacity to squeeze my ass.

  Luke's not doing a damn thing about it, useless prick that he is.

  In my peripheral vision, I see three huge guys parting the crowd heading straight for me.

  I'm about to shit a brick because there's no way I can take on all these guys; but to my surprise, I don't have to.

  I yelp when Ricardo sends a knockout punch straight into the face of the guy who grabbed my ass.

  Tyrone lunges for 'grabby hands' friend and Jackson stands directly in front of me like a big wall blocking me from everyone's view.

  Then before I have time to take my next breath I'm being picked up and tossed over someone's shoulder.

  I recognize the scary demon-devil on his left bicep immediately.

  Crap, it's Ricardo.

  He walks us down the narrow hallway and into the office before slamming and locking the door behind us.

  He puts me down and glares at me. “What the fuck were you thinking?” he screams.

  I'm about to respond but he waves a hand up and down my body. “You don't show up to an all guy's gym wearing shit like this, flaunting yourself.”

  “It's not like I had a choice,” I bite out.


  “Oh, you didn't hear? DeLuca hired Luke to be my boss.”

  He rubs his hands down his face. “I had no idea. He never ran that by me.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “That's because it's not your club, Ricardo. It's his and he can do whatever he wants.” His eyes flash but I jab a finger in his chest.

  “Anyway, Bruno thought it would be a good idea for me to flaunt myself out there in order to prepare for the fight tomorrow night. So you see? It wasn't my doing.”

  “I don't understand the point of hiring Luke. You're one girl. It's fucking weird. Luke's one of his top guys, there are much better ways of utilizing him.”

  He stares at me hard. “Unless there's another reason he's here?”

  He backs me into the wall. “I'm giving you one chance, Lou-Lou. One chance to tell me what the hell is going on and why you're really here.”

  My heart thumps against my chest. “Fuck you.”

  His eyes darken. “Is that your final answer?”

  “No.” I give him a sugary sweet smile. “My final answer is—fuck you, asshole.”

  I try and get out from under him but he leans into me causing every cell in my body to ignite. “Leave me alone.”

  “Not a chance. Tell me why you're going on a date with Tyrone tonight.”

  I'm so thrown off by the change of subject I'm not sure how to respond. I decide, to be blunt. “I don't owe you any explanations.”

  His jaw tics and he positions his hand beside my head. “You might not owe me any explanations but if you think I'm not telling my father about this you've got another thing coming, sweetie.”

  I laugh because he thinks he's got one up on me but he couldn't be more wrong. “Go right ahead.” I stare at the bruise forming on his cheek. “Knock yourself out.”

  The hand beside my head rattles so hard against the wall I jump. “I fucking knew it,” he says gruffly.

  I crinkle my nose. “You don't know anything.”

  “I know he's enlisting you to seduce Tyrone and Jackson as a way of getting close to them.”

  “You don't know what you're talking about,” I say.

  “Cut the shit. You already showed your cards the second I threatened to call him regarding your infidelity and you didn't piss yourself. That's how I knew you were in on it. Just like I know he's using you to spy on me. The only thing I can't figure out is why.” I really do want to piss myself because if DeLuca finds out that Ricardo knows all this because of me...I'm screwed.

  I have no choice but to resort to plan b. I stick out my chest and press myself flush against him.

  My breathing hitches when his eyes lock with mine, daring me to make my next move.

  I slowly trace my finger along his jaw before running it over his lips. He plants a soft kiss on my finger and I'm transfixed when he parts his mouth and licks the pad of my thumb, inviting me to continue.

  The electricity between us kicks up another notch and I slip my thumb past his lips.

  That's when he bites me.

  It's not hard enough to draw blood but it definitely doesn't tickle.

  I pull my hand back and flap it around to take the sting out. “That hurt.”

  His lips hover over my ear. “Consider that your warning. Stay away from my friends. Just go back home to the Hampton's where you can be a little mob princess and live off your sugar daddy.”

  The sound of my hand slapping his cheek takes both of us by surprise.

  “I'm not leaving,” I say.

  He rubs his cheek and his jaw works. “You don't have to because once I tell Tyrone that you belong to DeLuca he won't touch you with a 10-foot pole.” He smirks. “And once I tell DeLuca that you fucked up and let me in on the real reason you're here—I'm sure you'll be long gone.”

  I smile when the thought hits me. “I think you're forgetting something.”

  “What's that?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and drag my teeth along the shell of his ear before whispering, “You won't have any friends once I tell them you're DeLuca's son and you've done nothing but lie straight to their faces for the past three years.”

  The look he gives me could kill me right where I stand.

  I lift my chin and push him off me. “Talk to you later, Ricky.”

  The look on his face is priceless when I blow him a kiss and slam the door.

  I have no idea what in the world I'm supposed to wear on this 'date'. Since we're just meeting at some bar and grill, I decide on a pair of jeans and a simple off the shoulder top.

  To be honest, I don't even want to go in the first place. The jig is up— Ricardo knows why I'm here.

  My short-lived freedom is over and DeLuca's going to be pissed.

  I look through the glass window of the restaurant and see Tyrone sitting at a booth waiting patiently for me.

  He checks his watch again and for a moment, I debate standing him up.<
br />
  But then I remind myself that this is my very first date. And If DeLuca's going to kill me—because I'm not naive enough to think he won't—then I'm entitled to one last night of freedom.

  Besides, there are worse ways to spend an evening. Tyrone's sweet, good-looking and he's got a great personality.

  And unlike Ricardo...he actually seems to care about me.

  I push my shoulders back and walk through the double doors.

  Tyrone grins and stands up when he see's me. “Hey, you made it. I was starting to get worried.”

  I slide into the booth. “Sorry, I lost track of time.”

  He nods and the waiter comes by to take our order. I don't order much but Tyrone orders what looks to be the entire menu.

  I start laughing until the waiter asks what we would like to drink. Tyrone orders a jack and coke...and me?

  Well, I blink and stutter like a moron. I really don't want to drink.

  Chances are Tyrone wouldn't think anything of it if I didn't order a drink, but I can't help thinking that normal almost 24-year-old's drink when they go to bars—and I want this one night of normalcy so bad I'm willing to do almost anything for it.

  The waiter leaves and that's when my nervousness comes to a peak. I have no idea what proper date etiquette is or what I'm supposed to do.

  I play with the wrapper to my straw. “Are you nervous about the fight tomorrow night?”

  He takes a sip of his drink and winks. “Nah. Being nervous in the cage is like ordering a steak at IHOP.”

  When I raise an eyebrow he says, “There's no point. You're there for the pancakes—why make things complicated and order steak? It's only going to make the experience worse and it won't do a damn bit of good. Best to just eat the pancakes and get it over with.”

  His analogy is a little strange but I guess I can understand where he's coming from...sort of.

  The waiter comes by with our drinks and appetizers and I pick at my food.

  I've never been the kind of girl to watch my figure. In fact, I wouldn't mind putting on a little weight...but anytime I'm stressed or nervous...I lose my appetite.

  I force myself to nibble on a few fries and try to ignore my glass of wine.

  Tyrone gives me a funny look. “Not a big eater I guess?”

  My first instinct is to lie and make up some excuse like ‘I had a big lunch’, but honestly?

  I'm so sick of lying to people and I'm so sick of being forced to keep secrets, it's all I've ever known.

  “I'm nervous. I can't eat when I'm nervous,” I tell him.

  He takes a hearty bite of his burger. “Momma's not gonna like the sound of that.”

  I drop the fry which was halfway to my mouth. “You told your mother about me?”

  Jesus Christ, this is going way too guys normally tell their mother things like this?

  “You should see the look on your face right now,” he says. “Relax, it's not nearly as bad as you think. I made the mistake of rushing her off the phone earlier and she wouldn't hang up until I told her why. So, I told her I had a date with my new neighbor named Lou-Lou. It's really not a big deal.”

  I smile and relax against the booth. He's right, I need to stop freaking out. “I take it you're close with your mom?”

  His eyes light up. “Yup, born and raised Momma's boy and proud of it.”

  “That's sweet.”

  “Everyone who meets Momma loves her, you can't help it. She's very overprotective over her boys but she means well.”

  “Oh, so you have brothers?”

  He wipes his mouth with his napkin. “Sure do. Jackson and Ricardo.”

  I'm speechless....I knew they were friends but I had no idea they were so close.

  I fight the twinge of guilt that snags me while recalling what I threatened Ricardo with earlier.

  Telling them the truth will change everything for him...he could lose them.

  But then again, he did threaten to rat me out to DeLuca...and he should know better than anyone everything DeLuca's capable of.

  No, fuck Ricardo. I'm not giving him an ounce of my sympathy.

  My thick wall of self-preservation goes back up. It's the only way to protect myself. It's all I know.

  Tyrone's eyes grow soft and he reaches for my hand. “You okay?”

  I pull my hand back and open my mouth to answer him but a wall of muscle plops down next to me practically crushing me.

  I'm bewildered when I look up and Jackson's eyes bore into me. “How are you doing, Lou-Lou?”

  “I'm fine,” I say. “How are you?”

  He reaches for a fry but Tyrone swats his hand away. “What are you doing here?”

  Jackson feigns offense. “Wow, can't a friend enjoy another friend's company?”

  “Sure,” Tyrone says. “Just not when said friend is out on a date.”

  Jackson gestures between us. “You mean this is a date? Darn, I'm sorry, guys.”

  I think he's going to get up and leave but to my surprise, he drapes his arm over the booth. “Well since I came all this way I might as well stay.”

  “Our apartment is a block away,” Tyrone grits through his teeth.

  Jackson looks at me. “You don't mind if I stay do you, Lou-Lou?”

  I'm about to respond but he cuts me off. “Especially since you seemed to really want to spend time with me yesterday in the locker room.”


  Tyrone gives me a strange look. “Locker room? What's he talking about?”


  “Go on,” Jackson insists.

  Most guys would be happy about being propositioned for a blowjob but Jackson's acting like it's a capital crime.

  “Okay fine,” I admit. “Tyrone, you should know that I've hit on Jackson...a few times now.”

  Tyrone sits up in his seat. “Oh,” is all he says.

  Yeah, I think it's safe to say that my first and only date is officially the worst one in the history of first dates.

  “Look, I'm not looking for anything serious. I didn't think you were either.”

  I swallow my lies with a big gulp of water.

  Tyrone shrugs. “I'm not,” he says.

  “Good, so we're on the same page.”

  Jackson gives Tyrone a look but Tyrone ignores him and focuses on me. “Glad we got that cleared up. So anyway, tell me a little bit about yourself.” He pauses. “Actually, I've been meaning to ask you—is Lou-Lou short for something or is that your real name?”

  Damn, I don't want to lie to him. “My name is Lucianna. But please, don't call me that.”

  “No problem.” He smacks the table with his hand. “Man, it's too bad your name isn't Lucy and you aren't a redhead...that would have been epic.”

  Jackson breaks out into a big smile. “Shit, you're right. I didn't even think about that.”

  They both start laughing and I wish I could join them but I have no idea what's so funny.

  Tyrone’s laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes.

  Then before I know what's happening they're both screaming, “Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!” Loud enough the entire bar and restaurant turn to look at us.

  I have to admit, it is pretty funny.

  Even though it makes me think about Ricardo again.

  “I think I understand why Ricardo's so into redheads now,” Tyrone says. “Can't believe I never put two and two together before.”

  I don't know why that statement does something to me but it does.

  And the feeling only intensifies when I scan the bar and Ricardo's eyes find mine.

  For a moment, it feels like the entire world stops. All I can see is him...all I can feel is him and he isn't even touching me.

  Is this what it feels like to be so inexplicably attracted to someone?

  I push those thoughts from my mind before they have a chance to fester and take root.

  He's the last person that should be causing feelings I've never experienced before to ignite in me.
/>   A game of seduction is one thing...feelings are a whole different ball game.

  Feelings could get me killed.

  Because make no mistake about it, I wouldn't put a thing past Bruno DeLuca.

  For a second, I think he's feeling this intense moment between us just as strongly as I am.

  But then his gaze shifts to the tall and gorgeous redhead beside him.

  This woman makes me look like a hideous flea in comparison.

  I steel myself when they walk over to our table.

  Jackson waves and Tyrone says, “Hey, Scarlet.”

  They obviously know her...which can only mean one thing—Ricardo must hang around her a lot.

  Ricardo eyes my glass of wine and makes a face.

  However, that glass of wine is looking awfully good right now...especially when he introduces her to me as the new ring girl and puts his arm around her.

  Jealousy and anger burn through me and before I can process my next thought, I'm reaching for my purse and running out the door.

  Chapter 7 (Ricardo)

  Scarlet purses her lips. “What's her problem?”

  I knew it would piss Lou-Lou off when she found out I hired another ring girl.

  It was supposed to.

  It was my way of sticking it to both her and my father.

  I don't know what kind of game they're running or why but I'm not going to lie down and take it.

  Plus, Scarlet jumped at the offer to be a ring girl. I made it clear that it was just business and she said she understood.

  Tyrone throws his hands in the air. “Well, this date is going down in the record books as one of the worst.”

  Scarlet studies her nails. “Who cares, she seemed like a bitch anyway.”

  “You don't even know her,” I growl.

  Three pairs of eyes stare at me but I ignore them because I'm running out the door after Lou-Lou.

  It occurs to me that I don't even know her...and even though she's a bitch...she may just have her reasons for being that way.

  For all I know, she could be trapped in DeLuca's fucked up playground just like I am.

  And if that's the case...maybe we can work together to keep him at bay.

  But first, she's going to need to tell me everything and open up to me.

  Since she had a head start she's almost to the apartment already.


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