Blame It on the Shame (Blame It on the Shame: Lou-Lou and Ricardo's Story #1)

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Blame It on the Shame (Blame It on the Shame: Lou-Lou and Ricardo's Story #1) Page 17

by Ashley Jade

  Chapter 17 (Ricardo)

  “Thanks, Emilio. I owe you. Let me know when you drop him off at the airport,” I say before hanging up the phone.

  Every minute that went by while she was with him in that car made me want to kill someone...namely him.

  Then when Emilio text me to let me know their talking had suddenly stopped...I saw red.

  Just like now as I'm watching her walk up the stairs and she proceeds to ignore me while making a beeline for her apartment.

  We didn't leave off on the best of terms but that was her doing.

  She didn't trust me to get her out of seeing him...which means she wanted to see him.

  She didn't choose me...but then again, she already told me she never would.

  Beside me, Tyrone gives me a smirk. “Trouble in paradise already?”

  Jackson hikes his gym bag up his shoulder and whistles. “Shit, Ricardo. How much does DeLuca pay you to coach us?”


  Tyrone laughs. “Damn, I know every kiss begins with Kay...and with that bling around her'd think home girl would break you off a few instead of blatantly ignoring you.”

  That's when I notice the very expensive designer necklace she's wearing.

  “It's not Kay. It's Buccellati.”

  And it's doubt custom designed by DeLuca himself.

  It's also something the Lou-Lou that I've come to know wouldn't wear.

  I've never seen her wear jewelry...which means she most likely doesn't like it all that much.

  She tries to get her key in the lock but it slips due to her hands shaking. I grit my teeth when I notice she's wearing a matching bracelet.

  “I'll meet you at the gym,” I say in their direction before heading over to her.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her big doe eyes dart around wildly and she gives me a subtle shake of her head. “Yeah. I'm fine.”

  Her mixed signals tell me that she's obviously trying to warn me of something, but what?

  I take another step forward. “Are you sure?”

  “I already told you, I'm fine. Happy even, seeing as I just saw mio amore.” My stomach knots, I've never hated a set of words more in my life. “I really miss him. I love him so much,” she adds to drive the knife in deeper.

  I ignore the way my guts twist and notice how her eyes keep pleading with me to stay back and keep my distance.

  That's when it hits me.

  He bugged her new jewelry. And I have no way of knowing whether it's audio, video, or both.

  By the looks of it, neither does she.

  She subtly taps the cellphone in her pocket with the hand not wearing the bracelet. I'd already figured out awhile ago that her phone was bugged and he was most likely reading any text messages and listening to any phone calls she made.

  I wouldn't put anything past him. That's why I made sure to get Jackson and Tyrone burner phones with specific instructions not to ever use it or turn it on unless it was an absolute emergency.

  I want to kick myself for not getting her a burner phone. Then again, what use would it be now? If her jewels are bugged with a video camera he would see it.

  “Well in that case, I'm going to head to the gym.”

  “Have fun,” she says.

  Her eyes close and she draws in a shaky breath. No, she can't fall apart now.

  If he's taken it to this extreme, chances are he already suspects something's up with her.

  Or me.

  Or worst of and her.

  Motherfucking shit.

  No, there's no way he would know about that.

  Just to be sure, I need to channel the old Lou-Lou. At least, until I can figure a way out of this mess.

  I reach for her hand and she hesitates for a moment too long before finally pulling back. “What are you doing?” she hisses.

  I lift her bracelet up to inspect it. “Having a look at your new gifts.”

  She stares at me wide-eyed but I ignore her. “I can't believe my father spent so much money on one of his sugar baby's.”

  She doesn't react like I expect or want her to. Her lower lip trembles and she looks ashamed.

  No wonder DeLuca suspects something. She's not behaving like she used to.

  I fight the urge to hold her in my arms because if this is DeLuca's new way of testing me and her because he suspects something, this needs to be done.

  I drop her wrist. “It's grotesque.” I give her a dirty look. “But then again...he's always had bad taste.”

  With that, I walk away and hope to god she knows it was all an act.

  “Christ, Ricardo!” Jackson yells.

  I ignore him because I don't see or hear Jackson right now.

  He tries to move around the ring and dodge me but he's too slow.

  I jab him again...and again...and again.

  And when that's not enough, I send a hard uppercut to his face.

  “Just trying to prepare you for the fight on Saturday.”

  I send another uppercut to his face and blood trickles out of his mouth.

  Tyrone yells something on the sidelines but I pay him no mind.

  I cock my hand back and deliver what's known as the 'Haymaker'. It's a power punch that's usually used as a finishing move when your opponent has grown weaker and is less likely to issue a counter.

  His face bounces off my fist and he staggers back against the ropes.

  “There won't be a fight if you kill me, motherfucker,” Jackson roars before sending a straight punch to my ribs.

  Tyrone jumps in the ring and stands between us while cursing up a storm.

  That's when I realize where I am.

  It's not so much Jackson's punch that did it, although he most likely just broke one of my's his words that zap me back to reality.

  And all the blood.

  Fuck, I took it too far. I've never acted like this in the ring with them. I'm their coach, I'm not supposed to.

  Shit, if it was anyone other than Jackson in the ring with me I could have killed them.

  Tyrone gives me a look I've never seen before. “What the fuck, man!” he shouts.

  He looks ready to go toe to toe with me on Jackson's behalf and that only makes me feel like even more of a shithead.

  Jackson gives me a look laced with pure malice before he spits blood at me. Then he steps to me. “Wanna make this personal, asshole? Because trust me, I can make this real fucking personal.”

  He taps the tattoo over his heart with his sister's name in warning before he charges in my direction.

  I'm not scared of him, but I know it's his way of telling me I've just brought out a side of him that shouldn't be brought out during training.

  It's a side he only lets out when he's in the cage...fighting for his life.

  It's his way of telling me that I just crossed the line.

  And he's right...I did.

  I brace myself but Tyrone pushes him at the last possible second. His gaze bounces back and forth between the both of us.

  “Knock this shit off!” he booms. “Y'all are my brothers and I'm not gonna let you destroy one another.” He takes out his cell phone and holds it in the air emphatically. “I'll call Momma. I swear it.”

  For some reason, him threatening to call Momma on us makes us both laugh.

  “Fuck, Jackson,” I say. “ I'm sorry, man. I got carried away. I didn't...I didn't see you in the ring with me if that makes any sense.”

  Tyrone hands him a towel and he wipes his face. “It makes perfect sense, fucker. Believe me, I understand. What I don't understand is what the hell set you off in the first place.” He points to himself. “It's me. I'm not your fucking enemy. What gives?”

  He snorts. “Never mind I think we all know what's changed recently.”

  He throws his bloody towel down. “I don't want to be an asshole who gets involved in other people's relationships but there's something you need to know.”

  Tyrone starts waving his h
ands telling him to stop.

  Since my curiosity's been more than peaked, there's no way I'm letting this go.

  “What's that?”

  He lifts his chin and Tyrone curses under his breath.

  “Your girl is still hitting on me and Tyrone. I don't mean innocent flirting either. I mean, still making sexual advances. And if you don't believe me for whatever reason; you can ask that guy Luke and he'll tell you. He witnessed it happening on more than one occasion.”


  I'm not mad. Lou-Lou's supposed to be doing that, it's part of the plan. I just never thought about how it would make me look.

  Or feel.

  “Well, we're not serious,” I say.

  Jackson blows out a breath. “Look, brother. There's keeping shit casual and then there's looking like a chump.” He gestures between him and Tyrone. “We're your boys...the last people she should be hitting on is us.”

  Tyrone rubs the back of his neck and Jackson shrugs. “I'm not trying to judge, but if I was calling someone my girl, buying her expensive jewelry, and letting her stay at my apartment every night. You better believe I would never be okay with her trying to cozy up to some other guy. Or in this case, guys.”

  The worst part about what he's saying is that I have no argument... because it's exactly how I feel.

  I'm not okay with it. I'm not okay with any of this.

  Especially given the guy she's really cozying up to is my father.

  They turn to go in the locker room and I'm about to join them but my phone rings.

  I'm mildly confused as to why DeLuca's name is flashing across the screen...but then I realize.

  He has camera's in the gym.

  And that means he heard everything Jackson just said.

  Chapter 18 (Ricardo)

  “Yeah,” I answer.

  “Don't you 'yeah' me. Explain,” he rumbles.

  I walk out of the gym and head to my car because the last thing I need is Tyrone and Jackson hearing this conversation. “What did you expect me to do, Babbo?”

  I hate calling him Babbo but I know hearing it makes him happy in some sick way.

  It makes him think there's a chance of me taking over for him one day.

  Too bad for him he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

  When he stays silent, I say, “You told me to look out for her, remember? You said that you didn't want anyone knowing she was tied to you because of your enemy's—those were your words. You also said you didn't want anyone taking advantage of her. You put me in a tough fucking spot. She's one girl surrounded by a bunch of men. How the hell am I supposed train Jackson and Tyrone, take care of the club and look out for your little girlfriend at all times?”

  I lock my jaw because I hate the next words coming out of my mouth. “You always told me the best way of commanding power was taking control of the situation first. You told me that a good business man looks at the big picture and makes the best overall decision for every possible problem that could potentially arise. You can be mad all you want, Babbo...but I took your advice. It was the only way to handle this situation and if you look at it from my'd see that.”

  I grip the steering wheel. “There was no better way to protect her other than letting people think she was with me. There was no way to make sure she didn't wander off and get killed at night other than having her sleep on the couch in my apartment.”

  He stays silent for what feels like hours before he sighs. “You remember my advice?”

  I have to dig deep within myself to pull out my next words. “Yeah. I mean, it's pretty solid advice. I decided to put it to good use.”

  He stays silent on the other line for another minute before saying, “I see now that I misconstrued the situation entirely. I realize that you were only doing what I asked you to do. You did the right thing. Good job, son. I'm proud of you.”

  I'm positive I must have misheard him.

  “Thanks,” I say because I'm still too stunned.

  “I have to go back to taking care of business but before I go, I think you should know something.”

  “What's that?”

  “Lucianna isn't my sugar baby,” he spits. “I don't appreciate you telling her such things. I thought you got along but I realize now that you don't care for her much at all. Therefore, I'm warning you, son. You better start being nice to her because she is sticking around,” he barks before he hangs up.

  I sit back in my seat and smile.

  DeLuca just showed his hand.

  There's no way Lou-Lou told him about our last conversation.

  DeLuca was so flustered he inadvertently let it slip that he's watching us.

  Now I need to figure out a way to get rid of those things.

  I don't even have to ask her to know he warned her not to take them off. Hell, he even prepared for one of them to malfunction at some point because she has not one, but two.

  And as much as I want to, I can't just rip them off of her. I have to be smart about it.

  It has to be something completely unexpected and smart enough to outsmart him.

  I pound the steering wheel when it comes to me.

  It's a long shot but I recall the very blunt opinion Momma gave me about a certain redhead I was sleeping with awhile ago.

  I pick up my phone and hope like hell Momma was right about her after all.

  Chapter 19 (Lou-Lou)

  I adjust my ring girl uniform and apply more concealer under my eyes.

  Not only have I been avoiding Ricardo because he showed his true colors to me the other day with his hurtful comments. I also haven't slept at Ricardo's for the past three nights...which means I really haven't slept at all.

  And right now? It shows.

  I stare at the choker in the mirror and fight the urge to give DeLuca the finger.

  I hate this fucking thing.

  I hate it so much that if a genie appeared and offered me three wishes for my birthday tonight...I'd use all three of them to wish for an hour of freedom without these godforsaken things.

  I stifle a yawn and Luke gives me a look. “Long night?”

  I nod because I don't feel like talking to him. I don't even know why he's in the dressing room with me right now anyway.

  On the bright side, he can't try anything because DeLuca will see it.

  He opens the door and gestures for me to get a move on.

  “Scarlet's already in the hallway waiting to go in the cage. I told you before, it's a special fight night. We need both of you on stage at the same time tonight.”

  I roll my eyes because this entire thing is so fucking stupid. There's no reason why two girls need to be in the cage holding cards at the same time.

  Luke's only doing this because the turnout tonight is huge and he thinks two ring girls in the cage will bring even more people in the next time.

  Apparently, DeLuca agrees.

  I want to tell Luke that he's nothing but a lackey for a mob boss...not an aspiring business entrepreneur but I bite my tongue.

  Instead, I down the rest of my energy drink and walk past him.

  I glance at my watch and sigh. I wish Jackson's fight was over and I could go home.

  Instead, I have another 5 minutes left before it even starts.

  Scarlet's yakking away on her cell phone talking a mile a minute when I reach the hallway.

  Yup, what a great birthday this has turned out to be.

  Then again, I've never had a great birthday in my life. Why should this one be any different?

  I lean against the wall and rub my temples. This bitch is really giving me a headache.

  I'm about to tell her to shut up before I ram her cell phone where the sun doesn't shine but then she says something that causes my ears to tune into her conversation.

  “Don't get me wrong, girl. Ricardo's hot as hell.” She laughs. “I know right? And don't even get me started on the way he works that cock piercing of his...or the things he can do with his magic tongu

  Jealousy burns through me like wildfire and I clench my fists. This bitch is gonna get it.

  But then I have to stop myself...DeLuca's watching me.

  And listening.

  I close my eyes and try hard to look disinterested in her conversation.

  “One minute, ladies!” Luke shouts from somewhere far away.

  I'm eagerly waiting for Scarlet to get off her phone...but nope, she keeps at it.

  “Anyway, Ricardo is just a means to get closer to what I really want.” She giggles and the tiny hairs on my arms stand up. “Rumor has it he's close to Bruno DeLuca. Now, that man has more money and power than god. He's the big fish I'm really after. And if I play my cards right and keep playing the shit out of Ricardo like I have been...I'll reel DeLuca in and he'll be all mine.”

  Oh, hell no.

  The announcer calls us out to the cage and Scarlet the manipulating bitch finally hangs up and puts her phone away.

  She starts walking out to the cage and I'm right behind her...with smoke coming out of my ears.

  I'm so mad, I'm not even seeing red.

  I'm seeing black.

  And right now? I don't give a fuck about DeLuca watching me.

  How dare she use Ricardo like this.

  She enters the cage and waves to the crowd but I grab her by her stupid red hair and throw her down.

  I'm pretty sure the crowd lets out a collective gasp but I don't care.

  “What the fuck are you doing, you ugly midget whore?” she shouts while standing back up.

  “Shut up, Raggedy Ann!” I land a punch straight to her nose and she yelps.

  She staggers for a bit, then she bares her teeth and snarls.

  I'm so fucking ready. I've been ready to take this bitch down.

  She lunges at me and although she's much bigger than I am...I'm one heck of a scrappy fighter.

  I bring my elbow up and get her in between the ribs. I hear her breath leave her in one big whoosh and the crowd goes wild.

  I'm not done with her yet, though. Far from it.

  She pushes me before pulling me back and punching me square in the eye.

  Then she gives me a smirk. “Take that, slut.”


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