Drago (Second Wave Book 2)

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Drago (Second Wave Book 2) Page 16

by Mikayla Lane

  Angel shrieked in frustration. “Do you know what they’ve done? Have you freaking heard? They took the damn warehouse Chris! Granted they saved some hostages, but they took the warehouse! They are going to ruin everything! Can’t you get them under control?”

  Chris sighed and counted to ten in his head as he tried to calm himself. “Angel, I know exactly what happened because Dad had me use one of our back up teams to go get the hostages and transport them to a medical holding facility.”

  “What?” Angel asked, wondering how her father had gotten involved.

  Chris gave a hard look to his sister. “The Tezarian’s and the Prime appear to be keeping dad pretty up to date on what they are doing and he’s providing unlimited assistance, as usual. We’re the closest teams to them, even if they don’t know we exist, so who do you think dad would send?”

  Chris softened his tone. “Angel, it’s time to let it go. Things have gone too far. Them taking the warehouse is a major sign from the Gods that we need to back off this personal mission of yours and work with the Tezarian’s and the Prime. We need to tell dad what is really going on before he finds out on his own and kills us.”

  Chris tried again to get her to stop this, even though he knew damn well that his stubborn sibling would rather die than give up on something she believed in. And she believed that Devon Sinclair needed to be erased from history.

  Angel paced, her mind in turmoil. She was so close to what she’d spent so long trying to achieve. Devon’s complete downfall was so near she could taste it. No, no she could still make this work, she thought. She just needed another two days.

  She looked into her brother’s concerned face and shook her head. “No, I’m two days away from finishing this. Then, I promise you, we take everything to dad and let him decide what goes to the Prime and what doesn’t. Please Chris,” Angel said, allowing just enough of a pleading edge to infect her voice, trying to sway her brother with the childhood trick to get her way.

  Chris growled under his breath before caving in to her. Again. “Angel, I’m giving you two days and that is all. On Friday, we take everything to dad. Do you promise me?” Chris asked, trying to sound tough when he knew it was pointless.

  It wouldn’t bother his sister in the least. Even their father didn’t scare the fearless brat, Chris thought with affection and respect.

  Angel grinned at Chris through the vid. “I’d hug you if I was there, but I’ll save it for later.”

  Chris rolled his eyes. “Enough. How bad are the plans messed up because of the warehouse? Can things be salvaged? Are you in danger?”

  Angel had been thinking about the same thing for the last hour and had no answers yet, other than what she’d already set in motion.

  “Yeah, I think it can be salvaged and I’m already working on it. And no silly, I’m not in any danger. You’ll be the first to know if I am. Besides, not much can happen where I’m at. It’s beyond boring,” Angel said, leaving out the bulk of her plans. She’d learned at an early age how important it was to keep some things to herself. Especially around her overprotective brothers.

  Chris tilted his head to the side and nodded. Angel knew someone was speaking to him through the Shengari’. He confirmed it with his next words.

  “I need to go Angel. Don’t you dare move from your location without telling me. Are we clear?” Chris asked.

  Angel laughed. “You go and do what you gotta do. I will be fine right here,” Angel assured him.

  Chris grunted. “I love you, brat. Be safe.”

  Angel smiled with affection at her favorite brother of the day. “I love you too, you big oaf. Now go play hero,” Angel said before she cut off the call.

  She sighed and resumed her pacing, trying to work out the details in her mind, to make her plan still work the way she needed it to work. The Tezarian’s and the Prime could not have come at a worse time. The fle’ te’ Trugh, House of Death, were certainly living up to their name, she thought with frustration. They’d just about laid waste to everything she’d been working for and it made her want to kick somebody.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wednesday Morning

  Drago dragged his exhausted body out of the shower and quickly dried himself off. Although he was tired, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than to see Devon. To be near her. Just for a little while.

  Since they needed to get the surveillance equipment in her home anyway, he was going to use it as an excuse to go see her. With that in mind, he put on a clean set of civilian clothes, doubting that he would need his tact gear for this particular meeting.

  He had never felt the least bit of danger when he was around Devon, no matter what the reports said about her. Even if she was living in a house with a mass of illusions that they still didn’t fully understand.

  All right, he thought, the situation was definitely not optimal for a bonding with his mate, but Drago was determined to try and fix things. There had to be a way. He just had to find it. He also needed some sleep, he thought tiredly.

  The energy disturbances he’d been having since they had arrived in DC and the situation with his mate was not conducive to getting any kind of restful sleep and after a week, it was beginning to take its toll on his body and mind.

  It hadn’t helped that they had spent the entire previous day and night at the warehouse going through every damn room looking for anything that would lead them to Satalis. Or proof that John Rothfeller was Satalis.

  They’d come up empty, but they had the names of the men who were at the warehouse to run through the system and they were waiting for the women to be cleared for questioning at the medical holding facility.

  There were still far too many questions and not enough answers and Drago was tired of feeling like they were floundering with this. There was something they were missing, but he just couldn’t figure it the hell out and it was driving him crazy.

  Drago kept running everything through his mind, since they had first arrived in DC to the warehouse and there was something there that he just couldn’t put his finger on. He knew that Devon was somehow connected to all of this, in a way they hadn’t considered before and he was desperate to figure out how. He knew it was the key to being with her, to keeping her. He didn’t know how he knew, but it came from the bottom of his soul and he couldn’t ignore it.

  He felt like roaring in frustration. Instead, he convinced himself that he’d sleep better once he checked on Devon and made sure she was all right. Then he could come back and get some much needed rest. With a plan in mind, even if it was a short term one, he left the bathroom and headed down the stairs to grab his coat and the surveillance gear.

  Dread was waiting for him at the coat closet door. His brother gave him a once over before handing Drago several micro bugs that he pocketed. “Just make sure you place as many as you can. Then get back here, you look like hell and won’t be any good to anyone if you don’t get some rest,” Dread warned, his concern for his brother apparent in his voice.

  Drago grinned. “Mother would be proud to know you are taking such good care of me. Do you plan on tucking me in when I return?” He asked teasingly.

  Dread blushed in embarrassment. “Fuck you asshole. You should be glad I care, it’s not like you’ve been real awesome to be around lately,” Dread countered, feeling better when Drago blushed this time.

  Drago rubbed the back of his neck nervously before meeting his brother’s concerned gaze. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ll be fine once we figure this out. One way or another. I promise you that brother.”

  Dread knew that Drago was telling him that he would deal with whatever outcome happened with Devon. But he didn’t believe it. He could see the toll this was already having on his brother and he wished there was something he could do to help him. It killed him to see his normally quiet and strong brother brought to his knees by a situation they had no control over and didn’t even fully understand.

  Their only hope was to get some information from the surve
illance equipment that would tell them what was going on. Even though he knew the last thing Drago needed right now was to see her again.

  Needing to get away from this house and his brother’s concern, Drago headed to the front door. He shrugged his coat on and turned, Dread had followed him to the door. He quirked a brow at his brother as he grinned teasingly.

  “Just go!” Dread said before he stomped out of the room, pretending not to care. His actions said otherwise.

  Drago smiled and left the house, his long strides ate up the sidewalk as he headed towards Devon’s house. Worry lines creased his forehead as he wondered if she was there and if she would open the door for him.

  His hopes rose as he could see her outside lights and her living room light on, halfway up the block. Suddenly, he shivered violently from a sharp chill. The hairs on the back of his neck rose and his beast immediately went on guard.

  Drago stopped and sent his energy out into a circle around him, trying to find what it was that had touched him physically and through his energy. There was nothing there that he could see or feel, but he knew he hadn’t imagined it. He was not so tired that could mistake it.

  He waited several minutes, staring hard into the darkness with his enhanced vision, trying to see anything that could have done it, but found nothing. Even his beast, Jinba, couldn’t detect anything, but had felt it as well. Someone, with some serious energy skills, had touched him.

  Fear for Devon caused him to run down the sidewalk, his silent, agile movements at odds with his massive size as he skidded to a stop on her doorstep seconds later. He stood outside the door and listened carefully for any sounds of distress that may be coming from inside her home. Hearing nothing but the clicking of keys on a keyboard, he sighed.

  Drago turned to scan the street, looking for any possible threats before he would knock and let Devon open her door to him. He and Jinba waited several minutes and when nothing appeared, he turned back around and knocked three times before he took a step back and did another check of the area.

  He smiled as he heard Devon grumbling as she walked to the door. He kept the smile on his face, even though his heart sank when he heard her cursing when she saw who was at her door. He was surprised and charmed when she opened the door in a rush.

  “You may as well get your ass inside, because I’d rather be warm when I beat the hell out of you!” Devon said angrily as she moved aside to let him in the door.

  Not willing to argue when she was allowing him entrance, Drago hurried inside. He’d barely made it in when she slammed the door shut so hard it shook in the frame for a few seconds. Uh oh, Drago thought, she’s pretty pissed.

  If the door hadn’t been a clue, the angry flush to her skin and the energy rolling from her were very big clues. Drago wondered what the hell was going on. She could not be this angry just because he had shown up a few days earlier than he said he would.

  More curious than ever, Drago asked, “Is everything all right? You look a little…” He didn’t get to finish before Devon erupted at him.

  “Why the hell are you here? Do you not comprehend Earth numbers and days? Because I don’t think I was supposed to see your ass again for another two days!” Devon said through gritted teeth. He couldn’t have come at a worse time!

  She was still dealing with the mess he and his damn family had made at the warehouse. The boss was freaking pissed as hell and she was scrambling to try and fix things! And here, the reason for her lack of sleep, panic and stress just comes knocking on her door like it’s a freaking social call. After he wrecked several years of her hard work like it was nothing! She wanted to kill him herself.

  “Hey,” Drago said grabbing her hand gently in his own. “Take a deep breath.” Hearing her ragged attempt, he corrected himself. “Take a few minutes to breathe deeply, in and out,” he said as he breathed with her to get her going.

  Control, Devon thought, she needed to get control. She could deal with this. Just another damn complication to figure out. She could do it. Opening her eyes, she looked into Drago’s and narrowed them slightly as a plan began to form. Maybe, she could stop him from interfering further. At least until she could get to her boss. She wouldn’t have to worry about Drago after that.

  She didn’t have a full plan formed yet, but Devon was confident she could wing it. She’d been in worse situations and had no doubt of her skills and abilities. Pulling her hands from his, she took a step back.

  “I need a glass of wine,” she said as she headed into her kitchen, knowing he would follow. She never heard a footfall but when she turned to ask him if he would like a glass, he was right behind her. It was unnerving and she had to stop herself from slapping him.

  Devon grabbed two glasses and held one out to him with a questioning look. When Drago nodded his head, she filled both glasses and left his on the counter for him to grab. The last thing she needed was more skin contact with him. He had an effect on her that she wasn’t sure that she liked at all and with her emotions on edge, now was not the time to test things out or explore unknowns.

  Drinking down half of the full glass, Devon met his stare. “Why are you here? Again.”

  Drago cleared his throat, wishing he could remember the excuse he had planned on using. But seeing her beautiful face, her skin flushed with anger, he couldn’t think of anything but his need to kiss her full, pouty lips and feel her in his arms. It took more control than he wanted to admit, just to keep from holding the glass too tightly and breaking it.

  Devon began to feel a little too warm under his heated stare and shifted her feet, suddenly unsure of how to handle the situation. She didn’t realize how stupid it had been to open the door until right now. Only a fool wouldn’t feel the tension in the room and the heat from his smoldering gaze. And boy was she feeling it, she thought as she suddenly became very warm.

  She took a step back and felt the counter behind her. Feeling suddenly trapped, Devon looked to the doorway, as if looking to escape the room. Drago’s intense gaze took in her movements and furtive looks and knew she was getting ready to bolt. The predator in him, quelled millennia ago, suddenly rose to the surface and he snatched his prey into his arms mid-stride.

  Devon tried to fight the steel band-like arms that were wrapped around her stomach and above her breasts. “Let me go!” She screamed as she fought uselessly against him.

  “Why do you run from me? What do you hide from me?” Drago asked against her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. He groaned as her body rubbed against his own, his comfortable jeans quickly becoming a prison for his rising manhood.

  “Why would you grab me like that? Put me down!” Devon said, quickly losing strength.

  It wasn’t just that he was stronger, it was her fault as well. The feel of his body against hers was unlike anything Devon had felt before. He made her feel warm, safe and protected. It made her feel like she could be weak, just for a few minutes, because he would be her strength. She was so tired of trying to be strong all the time. One step ahead of everyone and everything.

  Devon wasn’t sure when she had stopped fighting him, when she allowed him to hold her. It didn’t matter though, she couldn’t have changed it, and she didn’t have the will to. When he set her feet on the floor, he kept his arms around her and she turned to face him. It was a mistake.

  His eyes blazed with heat, the black swirls of his beast rolling like storm clouds in his eyes. His arms tightened around hers and she could see him coming towards her to kiss her, but for the life of her she couldn’t seem to bring herself to turn her head or to stop him.

  Drago felt like he was on fire, like he needed to kiss her as much as he needed his next breath. The second he felt her relax into him, he leaned down and took her lips with his own in a possessive kiss. His tongue plunged and receded, drawing out each movement while he explored and tasted her.

  He moaned in pleasure when she put her arms around his waist and pressed her body closer to his. The contact was electric and Drag
o felt more energized than he had in a week, his body springing to life.

  Devon felt like she was drowning. Her mind had shut down the moment his lips had touched hers and she couldn’t think of any good reason to stop him. Just a few minutes, she thought, giving in to the desire to hold him and revel in the feel of his large, hard body wrapped around her own.

  She felt overwhelmed by him. But in a way that made her feel safe, like she could trust him enough to let go of herself and enjoy the moment. Which she did. Her hands traveled from his waist and around his back as she pulled him closer, needing to feel all of him.

  The hard length of him, pressing into her abdomen, made her legs feel weak and she held him tighter as his kiss became deeper and more possessive. She couldn’t help the moan that escaped when his large hands cradled her ass and easily slid her up his body. Instinctively, she wrapped her long legs around his waist. It was his turn to moan when she reached her hands up and entwined them in his shoulder length, dark hair.

  A part of her mind tried to think through the sensual haze that had engulfed her, but her body had a mind of its own. Fitting herself against his hardness, she rubbed up and down until they were both moaning and Drago was leaning against the wall for support.

  “Bed,” Drago panted, one hand holding her against him while the other was braced against the wall. He knew he should stop this, but he couldn’t. And he didn’t want to.

  Devon pointed towards the hallway and before she could blink, Drago was down the hall and opening doors looking for her guest bedroom. Devon knew she had a few moments of clarity to change her mind about this, but she didn’t want to. She knew this was all they could ever have, but she didn’t care and she was too selfish to stop it now.

  She wasn’t a fool. Devon knew that everything would change after she met with the boss tomorrow evening and this would be a perfect farewell for her and Drago. Her new home was already set up and waiting for her and there was no way Drago would ever find her after tomorrow night. She made up her mind that she would give them both this one night.


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