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Pleasure Page 28

by Jacquelyn Frank

  “Guin, I’ve never been in romantic love before. Never even thought I might be. Never wanted to be. Why do you think I couldn’t recognize it in you for so long? Half of me was unfamiliar with the entire concept, the other half just closing its eyes and not wanting to see anything that might mean risking…Guin, I’ve suffered pain and loss all of my life. Constantly losing those I love in such violent ways. I could only let myself continue to love through the years if I kept at least one part of me secured away from the cruelness of fate. Even now, if you could feel the terror inside me, the racing of my heart and the instincts crying out to protect myself. But it’s too late. Those cries are being drowned out by all the rest of me, every fiber of me, grasping for you. I’ve opened myself to this so suddenly and it’s so overwhelming and powerful. Please…when I think of you trapping this feeling inside for so long…Please, Guin…”

  She was so sweetly begging him, her face turned up to his and her whiskey eyes full of yearning and need. He caught her head between his hands, searching her for a flaw he could expose or exploit. But all he could see were the soft, gorgeous contours of a face tattooed on his heart and the soul behind her eyes that could feed him forever.

  “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you,” he said at last, the words rushed and full of roiling emotions. “Sitting there in powder blue and waiting for your killer so you could turn the table and slaughter his heart instead. Since then I’ve seen no other face but yours, smelled no other perfume, touched no other skin. None of it could compare, every woman paling in my eyes. How unfair for them to be held up against what I have always deemed as perfection. But no other would do for me but you, and you were forever out of my reach, my class, and my rights. I’ve felt this way for fifty years, Malaya, never giving it an ounce of freedom or breath to breathe and then you touched me…you danced against me and touched me and the need all came crashing in on me. You have no idea the relief I felt that morning when you were finally mine to take. And I thought it would satisfy my soul to have at least that much of you, but I knew—even as I ran through the city thinking Acadian was within reach of you, I knew it was nothing if I couldn’t have the right to love you.

  “Then that damned law, Malaya. To think I was holding myself in check so you could have what you deserved and then you were throwing it all away with that fucking law!” He couldn’t help giving her a fierce shake. “You were such a little idiot! I couldn’t watch it. I couldn’t bear it anymore. And I couldn’t only have your body, Laya. As beautiful and as succulent as it is to me, it wasn’t enough. You broke my heart with that fucking law and I couldn’t take it.”

  “I know. Oh, honey, I know and I’m so sorry,” she cried softly. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t see. I was so stupidly blind. I was torturing you more and more with everything I did night after night…I’m so, so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him with all of her strength.

  “I was”—he swallowed hard—“my mother had an arranged marriage in the old clan tradition of marrying the children of enemies in order to make peace. Her husband held her in such contempt, and he never let her forget it. Starved for attention and love, she took a lover…and she conceived me. Since her husband never touched her, he knew I was another man’s bastard. He never let me forget that either. He waited—until I was old enough to be certain I understood—and then he dragged my ‘faithless whore of a mother’ to me by her hair and beat her to death in front of me. He even did it close enough to me that I had her blood all over me. I was seven years old.”

  “Oh, Guin,” she exhaled in soft horror.

  “He was my first kill. A contract I put out and filled for myself. Thought it would make me feel better, but all it did was make me feel like him. Bitter, vengeful, spoiled to the core. I killed the man who raised and sheltered me, Malaya, and a long list of others besides who never did me any harm. This is the man you want to love?”

  “This is a part of him, yes. A distant part of him. I also want to love the reformed man who, just on the precious words of his mother, begged me to change him into the better man I saw he could be. Ever since then you’ve been loyal and honorable and you’ve done great things to make a great world for our people.”

  “I have no faith, no belief in your gods, and I don’t have a third power. I can’t—”

  “Guin, stop it! After all these years”—she laughed—“don’t you think I know all of this? I knew everything except the story of your mother and the details of all those contracts you filled before meeting me. One was important, the other is not because it cannot be changed now. Do I hope that one day you will repent these sins to Magnus and ask for penance? Of course I do. I love my gods and I will always want their love to protect you and cleanse you at all times, whether you accept it or not. But you can’t change my mind about being in love with you, Guin, any more than I could change yours. Please…I’m fifty years behind you in terms of loving you this way, and I want to spend the next fifty making it up to you. You’ve been alone and lonely for so long, and I want to drown you in attention. I want to make love with you and let you speak to your love for me every single minute. And,” she said soft and sly as she kissed his lips, “I want to say I love you, over and over again, like it’s something naughty that gets you off.”

  That made him smile against her mouth.

  “It is and it will, you know.”

  “I know.”

  Guin took her mouth softly with his, the kiss sweet and obviously different than the ones they’d shared before. It was so filled with their emotions that it instantly dragged them into a spell of need and passion.

  Chapter Twelve

  Guin had waited so long to hold her and love her with total freedom that he couldn’t slow himself down as his hands ran her body. They kissed over and over, each clash of lips and tongues singing the message into him like an aria. She loves me…and I am finally free to love her.

  He quickly pulled away her clothes, needing her skin on his palms. Malaya was just as quick and efficient with his and just as eager with her touch. They began to pant together in bursts of needy breath stifled with unrelenting kissing. The instant they were naked Guin grabbed her up under her arms and ran her back across the room to the bed. She lowered herself onto it and watched him kneel down to be with her, a sensual avarice written all over her expression. Her hands were held out in reception, reaching to draw him to her eagerly. He was over her in a heartbeat, his blood rushing as their skin melted together in warm, wonderful ways. She slid smoothly beneath him, her long legs wrapping around his and stroking over him.

  “Be my wife, my honey,” he invited her as a man should do, no matter how powerful the woman. “Be my wife and I will be your devoted husband.”

  “I will be your wife and no one will dare gainsay that. Not even Tristan. I love you, Guin. I’ll be saying it thousands of times because it surges so pleasurably through me every time. We’re both free now. We’re both set free.”

  “I love you. Gods, how I do,” he groaned against her skin as he kissed her jasmine-scented body everywhere he could reach. “Only you can convince me I will be good enough for you, Malaya. Gods know I don’t deserve you. But in this one thing, I’m going to be very, very selfish, my honey. I’m taking you for myself. Gods help anyone who gets in my way.”

  “Oh yes…that feels so good,” she uttered as he rubbed her nipple between his teeth, then flicked his tongue against her. She cradled his head as he slowly sucked her, drawing on her so roughly sometimes that she cried out. But he had slid a hand tightly between her legs, his fingertips stroking lightly at her labia, and he felt the ooze of moisture that accompanied every one of those cries.

  Not to be neglectful, Malaya’s hands were busy, too. She was petting his rock-hard belly over and over, her nails flashing lower and lower against him. She felt a wet drip on her skin and wasn’t surprised at all when the head of his cock was already slick with his excitement. She rubbed his own wetness into him like a lotion, slowly
and methodically and erotically until he lowered his forehead against her breastbone and groaned from deep inside.

  “It’s magic, your touch,” he said on a rushed breath. “Do you have any idea how knowing you love me makes all the difference?”

  Malaya heard the roughening of his voice and felt the damp stroke of his kiss as he tried to cover his overwhelmed emotions. She felt her throat go tight in answer to knowing how much he felt about her, and how happy she was making him.

  “I love you,” she whispered softly. He drew up to look down into her eyes and saw she was just as overwhelmed as he was. Her eyes began to swim with slowly filling tears. She reached to draw his head down and set her lips against his ear. “Come inside me now and let me tell you again.”

  Guin didn’t want any other invitation. Her legs were already around him, the heat of her pussy radiating against his lower belly. He slid against her and right into her in a single driving thrust. They both gasped at the rushing, thick sensation of him burrowing into her all at once. He felt erotic stabs of pleasure feeding back across his scrotum and up his spine until he couldn’t help but shudder with the sensation.

  “Now say it,” he beckoned her hoarsely as he began to move in long, deep strokes.

  “I love you, my Guin,” she breathed, her head tilting back and grinding the words out on a lusty sound. “I love you with everything I am.”

  Guin groaned hard and rough, the feelings she inspired rushing over him like a million of her kisses on his skin. She said it again and again, and he could instantly appreciate Magnus’s response to Dae when she had done this to him. He couldn’t keep from driving harder and faster into her, as if trying to reach as deep as he could to touch her as much as he could.

  Malaya could feel his intensity. Every surge of pleasure that went through him every time she said she loved him jumped directly from his nervous system and into hers. She was wildly alive with vibratory tingles on the end of every nerve. Her next declaration came out on a gasp as she felt her body twisting into blissful sensation. She didn’t stop speaking her message to him even when she began to spiral up into a thunderous orgasm that threatened to take her breath away. She realized her cries turned into screams of ecstasy, and she didn’t care. In fact, she let him hear everything she felt because of him.

  It had its desired effect. Hearing her love and passion was the most powerful trigger he’d ever known. Guin felt his own climax rushing up on him as he struggled to thrust into the clamping muscle surrounding him. He pumped into her frantically as it screamed hot and glorious through him and into her. He cried out his love for her in return, not able to stop repeating the message until his entire body gave out from the sudden relief of his release.

  It was all he could do just to breathe. He lay heavily over her, sucking for oxygen as if he’d been drowning. He had been. In love. He laughed at how wonderfully corny that sounded, and how perfectly suited. His chuckle made her smile and she gave him a sated little kiss before touching her fingers to his lips. She shaped and felt his mouth, smiling enigmatically.

  “What?” he asked her, nipping at her fingertip when it came close enough.

  “All this time I thought the best use for this mouth was in yelling at me about how stubborn I am. Or that I was wrong. Or that I was being foolish. Now I have all that and kisses and licks and cries of ‘I love you,’ too. Adds a bit of balance to it, don’t you think?”

  “You could look at it like that.” He chuckled. “Although—”

  The bedroom door banged open hard, startling them both. Men, armed and in black, rushed into the room and one raised a gun and shot Guin.

  Guin barely felt the sting of the barbed dart that gouged into his back. He was already grabbing the dagger from under the pillow under Malaya’s head and rolling up to his feet. Keeping himself between Malaya and the shooter, he met the first swinging blade fearlessly, not even caring that he was naked but furious because Malaya was. His dagger flashed in and out of a chest as he disarmed the man of his sword and took it for himself. Though it was poorly balanced in the hilt, Guin compensated enough to decapitate the next man who rushed him. His only advantage was that they had to keep coming one at a time through the narrow door. He could keep them away from Malaya and defeat them by ones and twos as long as he stayed fast and savage.

  Unfortunately, by the sixth intruder, the narcotic from the dart began to saturate his system. He became light-headed and disoriented. Still, he took down another and another. But he worked too slow and they overwhelmed the room, some even getting past him and going toward Malaya. Laya had gained her feet and one of the dead men’s weapons, a short sword she swung hard and fast, reminding these fools she wasn’t just a pretty little princess. Few could match her footwork and she floated in and out of reach, flexing and stretching to avoid their blows.

  It was going to come down to a matter of how many men there were in his house versus how long he could fight the narcotic effect. The odds weren’t in his favor, he realized with dread as his already sexually sated body made him fast and easy work for the drug. He fell to his knees hard and had never known his eyes to feel so damn heavy. Malaya was the only thing on his mind, her name on his lips to the very last as he collapsed hard and fast onto the bloody floor.

  “Ah…there we go.”

  Guin awoke to the distorted sentence, lifting his head slowly as it reeled with the remnants of the narcotic in his system. His vision was blurred, his eyes heavy with drugs. He tried to move, only to find he couldn’t. He pulled, working his muscles harder, and he heard the distinct rattling of metal as he was restricted from movement above his biceps and at his wrists.

  Becoming sharply aware of the binding helped him rouse out of his stupor, and his whole body surged upward. He realized very quickly that he was bound at both arms, around his throat, and around his thighs and ankles, too, and he was restricted to kneeling, his knees on hard stone and separated by about a foot and a half distance.

  He was also stark naked.

  It was hot and he was covered in sweat, his hair drenched as he shook it out of his eyes. He saw two pyres of black fire burning, one on either side of him, and felt the way they were heating the metal that lashed him down. Turning his head sharply, he looked across from himself.

  His gut soured and his heart stopped when he saw Malaya in almost a perfectly mirrored situation. Her head was drooped forward, her hair sticking to her damp body everywhere.

  “Malaya!” He lunged against his bonds, testing their power against his own.

  “How typical of you,” a woman’s voice drawled from behind him. “Chained and leashed like the dog you are, and still all you think of is running to your mistress and panting over her.”

  Guin tried to turn and see the speaker, but he was rigged up so tightly he barely had two inches of movement. But he didn’t have to guess at who his captor was. He only wanted to get his hands on her.

  “Acadian,” he greeted her, his throat coarse with thirst.

  “Ajai Guin,” she returned.

  The sound of a chain jerked his attention straight ahead and he watched Malaya’s head lift, her whiskey eyes dulled with the same drugs they’d given him, no doubt. When she roused enough to see him she jolted against her chains.


  “It’s okay, honey,” he said quickly, everything in him straining to get across the room to her.

  “No, it’s not. You’re both fucked and he knows it,” Acadian said with amusement.

  Malaya looked up over his shoulder and he watched as she realized what he already knew.


  “Acadian,” she corrected. “Actually, both. Acadian Helene, or so my mother says. I never used my first name until the war. I figured it was wise to keep my noble name separate from the reputation I knew I could develop as a torturer. Just in case.” She leaned in to whisper into Guin’s ear. “Very clever of me, don’t you think?”

  “The only clever thing about you is the way som
ething so poisonous could be put in such an innocent-looking package, and that credit strictly belongs to the gods who made you,” Guin snarled at her.

  “Insults right off the bat. Again, how typical. Let’s see what else I can predict, hmm? I predict that when Andonel, the trusty servant you see standing behind Malaya, begins to rape her royal body, you are going to go absolutely crazy.”

  She didn’t have to wait. Malaya watched with tears in her eyes as Guin roared in fury and fought the chains that held him until he began to bleed at every point. He called for her in desperation, terror, and self-recrimination swimming in his granite eyes. Realizing the futility of his struggle, he settled, but he kept his eyes on the servant in question until waves of threat and hatred poured out of him.

  “If you touch her, I’ll break every fucking bone in your fucking body,” he threatened in a rasp of deadly promise.

  Andonel gave Guin a half-smile, then reached out to brush his hand against Malaya’s cheek, pulling her hair back over her shoulder with a stroke that traveled along as much of her skin as possible before falling away. Guin watched her shudder as she turned her head hard away in an effort to avoid him.

  “But wait. Before we get to that,” Acadian said with delightful amusement in her voice, “I want to show you I’m not completely heartless. Everyone makes me out to be this stone-cold bitch with no feelings. It’s simply not true. I felt my daughter’s death very deeply. And now, the priest and the bitch who killed her are feeling her death very deeply. I’d say about womb deep, wouldn’t you?” She inspected Guin for a moment from the side as if waiting for him to reply to that, but then shrugged and walked around to his side. “Anyway, let’s make a little bargain, shall we? Guin, you’ll appreciate this, I think. You’ve spent years of your life knowing you could lose your life protecting the little queen here from all the big bad things in our world. But did you ever wonder if she’d be willing to do the same? Hmm?”


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