Ready For Flynn, Part 1

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Ready For Flynn, Part 1 Page 5

by KL Shandwick

  I swallowed hard and thought it was never going to happen with me, and that thought almost killed me. Daisy sat to the side of his feet on the barn floor, and my breath hitched because her change in position meant that I’d been able to see all of him. She began licking his cock, fondling his balls and fisted up and down his shaft. My view was, unfortunately, perfect.

  Turning away from the sight of them I’d heard Flynn gasp so I looked back and saw that Daisy had taken his dick in her mouth. She was stroking his shaft with one hand and sucking at the same time.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I’d stayed and stared at Flynn’s face, his head thrown back facing the barn ceiling and his eyes closed again. Both of his hands were cradling her head, and his hips were canting back and forth while his cock thrust in and out of Daisy’s mouth. She gagged a few times but grinned and time after time she still took him back between her lips. Eventually, Flynn pulled out, and I saw threads of his cum shoot over her hair. I’d never seen anything like that before, and the rawness of what they were doing choked me.

  Without a sound, I’d turned away from them and picked my steps carefully for the first ten to ensure I didn’t make any noise then I’d quietly headed back into the house. Thank God I never saw Martin like that; I never heard him or saw Martin again while I’d been there. Buster lay down in his bed as we went inside and I turned the light off. My stomach was upset, and my chest felt tight as I made my way upstairs.

  Slipping into bed, my throat felt clogged by a huge lump that I just couldn’t swallow down no matter how hard I’d tried and I wept silently for having a foolish crush on Flynn.

  The next thing I remembered is waking to Buster barking as the sound of tires crunched on the dirt driveway outside the house. Placing my feet on the floor, I wandered to my small box window in time to see my parents old Buick disappearing in a cloud of dust.

  The memory of Flynn from the previous night came into mind. My stomach lurched and fell, and I felt depressed. I’d thought it was stupid to have feelings like I had for someone like him. So I made up my mind there and then to get past them for the sake of my sanity.

  Chapter 6 ~ You have no idea

  Cornflakes and scrambled eggs waited for me as I walked in the kitchen. “There you are Valerie. I was just about to call for you. Eat up. We’ve got to make tracks and pick up the stuff on the list mom left for us to get at the store.” Adam said.

  “Where is Martin? Isn’t he coming today?”

  Adam smirked knowingly, “I heard them come home at six this morning. He’s probably still asleep. I think he and Flynn made a night of it somewhere.”

  I sank into my chair at the table. I knew where that ‘somewhere’ was, and as I poured cornflakes into a bowl I still fought to purge the images I’d seen from my mind. I ate in silence then went to shower and dress while Adam got his car ready. Us kids always went to buy all the fruit and vegetables every Thanksgiving week.

  Adam chatted excitedly about football, his upcoming graduation and what he wanted to do afterward at college. I’d sat listening until he turned to look at me.

  “What’s wrong, Valerie? You’re very quiet. You worried about going back to school?”

  “Not in the least. I’m over all that. I just want to keep my head down and get good grades.”

  My answer seemed to satisfy him, and he changed the subject back to his beloved football.

  We arrived at the store, and the rest of our errand was uneventful. When we returned home, Martin and Flynn were already up, and they were playing a video game in the living room.

  Flynn turned and gave me a broad smile, and my heart flipped over just like all the other times when he’d done that to me. I gave him a tight smile back and walked to the table. I picked up my tablet and went up to my room.

  Opening the Kindle app, I scrolled through the books I’d downloaded and chose a romantic-comedy to read. I needed something to lift my mood and distract me. Around half an hour later Martin knocked on my door. “Hey gorgeous, there you are. Did I do something wrong?”

  Martin had been home for over thirty-six hours and we’d hardly spoken.

  “Of course not, I was just giving you time with your friend,” I answered and sounded as genuine as I could.

  “Well, thank you, but you don’t have to do that. I see him every day back at St. Cloud. I don’t get to see you there. You’re my friend too, Val. Is that what this is— your avoiding me because I brought a buddy home?”

  “You’re the one that went out last night. I’m not avoiding you. I’m just giving you… space.”

  A split second later, Martin whipped my tablet from my hand to get my attention and sat heavily on the mattress beside me.

  “Bullshit, Beatnik. What’s going on? What did I do?”

  Tears sprang to my eyes, and a lump grew in my throat again. I tried to move away from him, but he caught my wrist and pulled it back.

  “Val. Stop. Don’t you dare turn away from me. It’s me—Martin, remember? I’ve known you all your life, and I know when you’re not being honest. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours that’s making you hide away like this?”

  Every pent up emotion spilled from my body and I began to cry. Martin tugged me tightly to his chest and rubbed my back as he began rocking us both back and forth.

  “What is it? You can tell me, Val. You can tell me anything. This is you and me. We don’t do secrets. Share what’s going on and maybe I can help.”

  “You can’t make me eighteen.” I sobbed. I was distressed and when I’d heard what I’d said it had sounded such a stupid thing to say.

  “Eighteen? Why the fuck do you need to be eighteen?” His eyes searched mine, and his face scowled. “Is it because of Flynn? What he said the other day when I thought he was hitting on you?”

  For a moment, I’d considered telling him the truth, but I knew Martin well enough to know that if I’d said yes to that I’d never have seen Flynn again, and I hadn’t wanted that.

  “No. What made you say that?” I said trying to sound as if I was stunned he should even think of that.

  “Maybe it’s that brotherly thing where I want to punch every guy that looks at you, Val. I spoke to him before we came here. Flynn, I mean. I warned him about you and how attractive you were and told him to be entirely appropriate. He’s a great guy, and I don’t think he’d make a move on you out of respect for me, but he’s a… ladies man.”

  “Didn’t Kayden say you’re all like that, Marty?”

  Martin smiled and looked sheepish. “He did. And we are— which is why I’m hoping I’ve not made a mistake bringing Flynn here.”

  “You didn’t, okay? It’s me. Last night and the night before you all made a big deal of me being my age. I can’t change that about me. It’s never been a problem before, but suddenly it is. I’ve gone from being Valerie, the girl with three amazing brothers who were my friends, to the kid sister who needs three growly bears around to warn all the boys away from me like they’re all after my cherry.”

  A growl tore from Martin’s throat. “Don’t talk like that. That’s not who you are, Val. I love that you’re young, strong willed and have a mind that isn’t shaped by all those giggling girls you know at school. We’ve always treated you the same regardless of your age. I think it’s just this age. It’s hard for us. We’re almost all adults, and we’re kind of mindful that you are at a sensitive age right now.”

  His reply hadn’t made me feel any happier. It just confirmed that I was always going to be young as far as Flynn was concerned, and that felt torturous.

  “I’m sorry, Martin. I don’t want to spoil your visit home. I’ve never really felt this way around you all before. I used to enjoy being the little sister, but I guess I’m outgrowing it.”

  “Respect is important, Val. No matter how young or old someone is. We’ve all got to support each other. Look at Flynn. Poor guy doesn’t have anyone in the world to care about him. You think he gives a fuck about how old someo
ne is? That part worries me about him. He wouldn’t hold back because of age. I respect you, and I’m sorry if you felt I put you down by the way I acted yesterday. I know you know right from wrong. I trust your judgment it’s everyone else’s that I have issues with.”

  “Even Flynn?”

  “Even Flynn, Val. He’s a great guy—one of the best I’ve ever met. One thing that concerns me about him is I’ve seen girls go insane for him. He’s a chick magnet. I love having him around, but I don’t want someone like that for my baby sister.”

  “Flynn would never look at me like that, Martin. I’m just a kid, and he’s a man.”

  Martin was silent as he stared intensely at my face then his eyes flitted over it. He smiled a half smile and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “This may be an inappropriate thing for a brother to say, but I’m going to, just this once. I want to let you know why us Darsin men are like we are where you are concerned. You have no idea how beautiful you are, Valerie. I don’t think age would ever be a barrier for most men with you. Why do you think Kayden and I want to protect you so much? We’ve heard comments from buddies, who are no longer that because they voiced their thoughts about what they’d do to you. And Flynn… there’s just under five years difference I think… that’s too close in age for me.”

  Heat stained my cheeks, and Martin looked a little awkward as he stood up from the bed.

  “Whatever it takes or whoever, I’m here for you Val. We’re family. Everyone else is dispensable. Anyone disrespects you, Kayden and I… and Adam for that matter, we got your back. We’re always going to want more for you than the average guy.”

  Once Martin had said his piece, I wanted to say mine. If we were clearing the air, then I had to be frank with him about what his comments meant to me.

  “Martin, how come guys can do what they want when they want, but it’s different for a girl? You know I’m turning sixteen Christmas week? Do you all breathe a sigh of relief then? You said I have a mind of my own, but on the other hand, you think my judgment isn’t good enough to pick my boyfriend?”

  “You picked Bradley, Val.”

  Throwing Bradley in my face was the last thing I expected. It hurt.

  “Okay, Martin, this conversation is over,” I felt humiliated all over again. I rolled away from him and got out of the bed. Striding over to my bathroom I stepped inside and banged the door closed.

  “Shit! I didn’t mean that, honey,” Martin’s voice was laced with frustration as he rattled the door knob. I sat on the toilet seat and ignored him at first. “Come on, Val. Open the goddamn door.”

  “Or what, you’ll go all caveman and kick it in? Go away, Martin. If your talk was meant to make me feel better, it hasn’t worked.”

  I began to run water in the bath, so I couldn’t hear what he was saying after that. Eventually, he went quiet, and I stripped off my clothes and got into the tub. Wetting a washcloth, I covered my face and lay back with the rim of the bathtub under my neck. Life sucks.

  Almost an hour later I got out and dried myself. The water was freezing, and skin on my fingers resembled prunes. I hadn’t wanted to go back downstairs and face Martin, and that was a first. The gap between us had widened, and I hadn’t seen that coming. And once I’d had that thought I cried again.

  Mom knocked on the door as I was pulling up my yoga pants. I’d already put my t-shirt on. She hadn’t waited for me to answer before she pushed her way into the room. Her expression was sad when she saw mine, and she hugged me.

  “This isn’t like you at all, Val. What’s going on with my baby?”

  The word baby sucked, and I shook my head unable to speak. My throat had closed up with emotion and for the first time in my life, I’d wished I were anywhere else except at home.

  “Do you think being at Auntie Joan’s for so long has brought your mood down, honey?”

  I hadn’t thought of that and wondered if that was a possibility? Was it a delayed response to keeping it all together for the time I’d been up in Michigan?

  “Could be,” I’d squeaked, happy to accept any reason other than my feelings for Flynn.

  Mom talked me into going down for dinner, and when I’d arrived in the sitting room, Martin stood up and leaned in to hug me. Placing a kiss on my cheek, he whispered, “Sorry, sweetheart.”

  I’d nodded but said nothing. I’d just wanted to forget our whole conversation from earlier. Flynn looked up with a fleeting look of concern in his eyes but quickly turned to ask my mom what time my aunt was arriving.

  After that, the focus wasn’t on me anymore. We sat to eat, and I listened to Flynn tell my dad that his tutors at college didn’t think he’d make it as a mentor. One commented that there was too much rock and roll in Flynn for him to succeed in the dull environment of being a classical guitar mentor.

  Martin chuckled heartily and told us that Flynn had confidence in any situation except for when he had to display his talent.

  “I count myself fortunate he lives with me. Every night without fail I hear this frantic full-on flamenco guitar playing, which turns into Led Zeppelin or Metallica tunes after half an hour. He’s amazing—but ridiculously awesome. Problem is he’s so shy when it comes to his music, but I think he’s got enough talent to rival the best of the best.”

  Flynn looked suitably mortified that Martin had bragged about his playing abilities, “He’s lying of course. I’m okay. Just not good enough to earn a living at it is all.”

  I noted Flynn’s hands, his fingers gently touched his silverware nervously then he wrapped them around one of the bulb-shaped glasses my mom used for water. Watching him lifting it to his lips I suddenly became thirsty, and my tongue darted out to wet mine. At that very moment, he looked over at me, and he smiled around his glass. Crap.

  As if on cue, Auntie Joan’s headlamps shone through the kitchen window, and Kayden’s wooden chair legs scraped back against the tile. “She’s here,” he announced. Both of my parents and Buster headed straight to the back door to welcome her.

  Dad called to the boys to lend a hand, and all three left the table. Flynn almost stood, but Martin told him to stay with me. My cheeks filled with heat at Martin’s command, and Flynn stared at me with a puzzled look on his face. When they’d gone outside, Flynn covered my warm hand with his cold one, from holding the drink, and he smiled slowly.

  “I’m really sorry, Val.”

  Confused, I’d wondered what he thought he had to be sorry for. He’d been the perfect houseguest, apart from stealing my heart and fucking Daisy McGinty’s mouth. But he never knew how I felt or what I’d seen.

  “I don’t understand,” I replied.

  “The barn— Daisy. I don’t know how much you saw. I feel bad you were there.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I tried to find something clever to say in response. Something that would help me deny I’d witnessed any of what he’d done with her. I couldn’t think of anything. I was a bad liar, and my bitter side rose to the fore.

  “You knew I was there? Well, you weren’t feeling bad enough to stop. Yes, I saw some of it, but I wasn’t snooping. Buster just headed for the barn and with the light on I— anyway, it’s no big deal, and it’s not like I haven’t been around stuff before. I have three brothers after all. Although, I have to add, I’ve never seen any of them fuck a girl’s mouth before.”

  “You don’t have to remind me of your brothers. It’s not like I could fail to notice them. They protect you with everything they have. I’m not your brother, though, Valerie. It had to be different seeing me do those things to her. Were you turned on? Did you feel jealous?”

  He was so spot-on it had turned me on, but the thought of him and Daisy had made me want to vomit at the same time. “What do you mean?” I retorted.

  “You’re almost sixteen Valerie. You’ve got raging hormones. I’m not stupid. I know when a girl breaks out in goose bumps she’s responding to my touch. What you probably didn’t notice was that when you touched my thigh up there on those ble
achers, my skin did the same.”

  Flynn’s eyes darted to the doorway to check we weren’t being overheard and ran his thumb over mine.

  “I fucked her mouth because I couldn’t have you, do you know that?”

  My stomach instantly rolled and knotted at his words. To think for a second that he’d felt something for me too was a sudden head rush, but then again, I wondered if he was just playing with my feelings. I pulled my hand away and placed it on my lap.

  “Stop it! Stop toying with me Flynn. It’s a horrible thing to do. Leave me alone.”

  “Stop? If you weren’t Martin’s sister and only fifteen, I’d pin you to the fucking wall right here. You’re so fucking innocent and hot you take my breath away.”

  I’d have given anything for those words to be genuine before I’d seen him with Daisy. I’d wanted to believe him. In my head, this was where his mouth claimed mine in a scorching hot kiss and his hand slipped down to caress between my legs. My reasoning kicked in, and I thought, hot men who hit on dull teenagers were plots reserved for the movies. What Martin told me about Flynn suddenly made sense. Flynn had seducing girls down to a fine art.

  “Save your lines for girls like Daisy, Flynn. I’m not interested. Like you said, I’m fifteen. I don’t need guys like you to make me feel good about myself. You don’t need to pin me to a wall. There are plenty of eighteen-year-olds and older out there you can do that to.”

  “You’re right you’re too young, so have it your way Valerie—for now, but if I’m still around when you’re older I may just do that, and if I ever have you…” Flynn stopped talking and stretched up to look out the window then leaned in and spoke in a sexy hushed tone that sent a shiver down my spine, “I may die trying to get enough of that sweet body of yours, pretty girl.”


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