Ready For Flynn, Part 1

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Ready For Flynn, Part 1 Page 26

by KL Shandwick

  Flynn flashed me a warm smile and looked back at Bernie, “She was a few weeks away from her sixteenth birthday and had my visit been a few weeks later I may well have had a whole different life. I got with Iria to help me forget Valerie, but as you can see that didn’t work. I stayed away from Val to do the right thing by her brother and her at the time, but when she called me a few days ago I couldn’t stay away any longer.”

  Bernie nodded his head, “But fuck, Flynn, look how young she is. She’s gonna be eaten alive by the press. This isn’t good for the band’s image.”

  Flynn was about to speak, and I put my hand up, “She has a name, Bernie. It’s Valerie, and why are you talking about me like I’m not here? Let me tell you something about being young. I’ve been around boys my whole life. I know how they think… mainly with their cocks, and I’m not a fool. My brothers died around two and a half years ago. Two brothers—one accident. Who came to me in my time of grief? He did.” I pointed at Flynn and placed my hand on his knee.

  “I had all these feelings for him, but he left me because he wanted to do the right thing. I know that now, at the time I hated him. There’s strength in hate. It brings determination and drive. I believe it’s because of Flynn I’ve got my own business. I know that reputations can make or break business ventures. Believe me when I tell you I’m a business woman. I’m more than capable of dealing with people in your line of work, especially if they are narrow-minded like all of you. None of you intimidate or scare me and despite how I look, I’m no pushover.”

  Flynn turned and grinned widely, a look of pride in his eyes that I’d put them in their place.

  “You tell ‘em, babe. People need to think twice before they fuck with you.”

  Bernie snickered and mimicked, “Business woman,” widening his eyes and mocking me to the rest of the band. Tommy and Tyler chuckled, so I put them in their place.

  “Tell me, Bernie, I know that it’s Flynn that writes the music and lyrics for Major ScAlz if he walked tomorrow what income would you have from your investment in them?” When he said nothing, I continued.

  “My line of business is digital photography, mainly, some video trailer work and a few other small irons in the fire. I’ve been building my business since around the time your band hit the airwaves. The difference between you and me is that my business will continue to make me money no matter what. I know how to promote and market. The pictures I’ve taken bring regular income with each download. If I never took another picture, that would still be the case. I’m eighteen, but many people have lived and died and not had the life experience I’m bringing with me to Flynn.”

  Flynn hugged me and stroked my hair then turned back to the guys. “This lady is financially independent and has talent in her own right. More importantly, she’s everything to me. So you know how we began and how we feel. Valerie is it for me, guys. Take her or leave me. I know she’d never come between the band and up to now I’ve always done my job, and ignored all the shit that goes with working with you guys. But, if any of you try to come between us, I’ll fuck you up so badly you’ll wish you were dead. Understand?”

  Tyler sat and ran his arm across the back of the chair opposite us. “So is she gonna be in on everything or does she become a stay-at-home kinda relationship?”

  “Oh, she’s with me all the way. Val has a business, and I think given time we could use her in our crew, but that would be her call. Like Bernie said, she’s a young woman, but she has a mind of her own. I want her to do what makes her happy, but I want her with me.”

  Bernie raised an eyebrow, “What exactly does running your business entail?”

  “Like I said, I’m a photographer.”

  “So you take pictures? Of what? Portraits and stuff?”

  Flynn snickered and bumped my shoulder. “Nah, I watched a session, and Valerie is one talented woman. It’s… art. The images on her laptop are some of the hottest I’ve ever seen. People pay a small fortune for her stock pictures, and much more for tailor made shoots. Maybe we’ll share them with you sometime.”

  I felt my face redden, and I mumbled, “Not if you want to keep your balls, Flynn Docherty.”

  Flynn and the rest of the band chuckled, and he moved the conversation forward. “So what’s the urgent meeting about? It can’t be that much of an emergency when we’ve spent nearly an hour talking about my love life.”

  “The guys already know, but I couldn’t get a hold of you. The new tour starts October sixth. Stateside for four weeks and Europe for three weeks, back-to-back dates. Organize your shit, rehearsals start tomorrow at ten sharp.” Bernie sounded very authoritative, and I noted that no one questioned him. Once they had all aired their individual gripes and demands the meeting was over.

  Strangely enough, there was no interaction between the band members afterward. Tommy stood and gestured at the girl sitting on the far sofa, “Come on, babe, I need to get out of here.”

  Bernie nodded in acknowledgment at her as she was leaving. “Take care of him, Clemi, no heavy shit this week. He’s on the road next week. Keep him clean he’s gotta be race ready for the tour.”

  The undertone in Bernie’s voice made Tommy growl, and he’d strode toward the door.

  “Fuck you, Bernie that was twice and over a year ago, I’m clean these days. Let’s get the fuck out of here, Clemi. See you guys at ten tomorrow,” he said flatly.

  Chapter 29 ~ Old movie star

  Leaving Bernie’s house was a relief. I drew in a deep lungful of air. Once I’d witnessed the hostility from the interactions between the band members, it was clear a couple of them were jealous of Flynn. At least I knew who his ally was. Craig seemed to have his back and had been the most open to him being happy. Tommy was hard to get a handle on, but Bernie and Tyler were definitely on my ‘watch list’.

  When I saw how they aired their differences I had a better idea of the likely issues I was going to face. Tyler was a meddler. I could see him creating havoc for us given the right set of circumstances. Tommy was weak. Bernie, he was pretty difficult to assess because he should have been trying to keep Flynn happy, but that didn’t come across at all, and I knew he didn’t want me around.

  Flynn’s band had firm dates, and we’d been driven back to Flynn’s place. I’d wondered why the guy with the SUV was at Flynn’s beck and call then remembered that his car was being shipped back from my parent’s place. Something Bernie said came back to me.

  “He called you Errol?”

  Flynn shook his head, “Yeah he thinks it’s funny to call me after the old movie actor, Errol Flynn.”

  I smirked, and he smiled back, rolled his eyes and turned to look ahead. His face changed, and I followed his gaze to see what was wrong. News must have gotten out that Flynn was in town because when we’d arrived at the entrance in front of his house, there were a few dozen girls around my age waiting. Some had stuck love notes for him on the solid, high black enamel painted gates.

  When I saw how desperate some of the girls were it highlighted the temptations open to Flynn. I felt disappointed about that. I didn’t get much time to dwell on my feelings because a few began to bang on the window and my heart almost stopped I was so scared. Although the SUV we were in had black out windows it was still pretty terrifying and I felt worried for all of us but mostly for Flynn. I was certain if they’d managed to get into the car they’d have pulled him apart.

  One love-crazed fan stood in front of the gates looking slightly dazed until she suddenly slapped her hands on the hood and began screaming hysterically about how much she loved Flynn. Another climbed on the car and pushed her face hard up against the window, cupping her eyes with her hands as she tried to catch a glimpse of him. The driver of the car cussed and tried to wave at her through the window to get off.

  Initially, I’d thought Lee was going to get out and move her, but he shifted in his seat and pulled out his cell instead. I wondered if he was calling the police but when whoever it was picked up he simply said, “Top

  Less than a minute later a navy blue Land Rover turned up, and two huge menacing-looking guys jumped out. One ran around the back and pulled a German shepherd dog out of the back door of the vehicle. The presence of the dog made them effective in moving the fans back to a safe distance. They kept them there with the dog’s help, as it barked and bounced, straining viciously against the leash. As soon as it was safe enough, Lee opened the gate, and we drove through. The gates closed firmly behind us and I sighed with relief.

  When the car reached Flynn’s front door, Lee and the driver got out. Flynn and I were left behind. The doors of the car locked with us still inside, and they walked in the direction of the house. Staring out the window I’d been about to ask Flynn what they were doing when he offered an explanation.

  “They’re just checking around the house before we go inside, babe, not that anyone will be there. It’s just the routine they’ve developed to ensure I’m never put at any unnecessary risk.” I nodded wondering what a necessary one was, but felt uneasy that being with Flynn meant being dependent on other people to keep us safe. Lee reappeared and walked briskly in our direction, pointing the automatic locking key fob at the door.

  “Clear,” he declared, his voice muted by the window as the doors clicked open. Flynn slid along the seat, and I quietly followed. It was only when I was finally inside the house I released the heavy breath that had been almost bursting my lungs. “Jeez, that was a little intense,” I stated. Well, that was an understatement.

  “You’ll get used to it, babe. It’s only a couple of minutes every now and then. They don’t mean me harm, and for the majority of them, if I turned and pretended to take them up on some of the crazy offers they call out to me, they’d faint or die of embarrassment,” he said as he made light of the tense situation we’d just experienced.

  Lee reappeared from upstairs. “All clear on the top deck, boss. I’ll make myself scarce,” he informed us. Lee wandered over to a box by the front door. He flipped it open and keyed in a sequence of numbers, closed the door, and lifted a hand farewell before heading down a corridor off the hallway.

  “You’ll hear a series of beeps around 8:00 am. Don’t be worried, Valerie. That’ll only be Niamh. If you hear the alarm at any other time, there’s a panic room at the back of my bathroom.”

  I felt scared and apprehensive by all the talk about security. A panic room? It also made me realize the risks Flynn had taken when he dropped everything the moment I called him. He hadn’t given his safety a moment’s thought, apart from his comments about focusing on the road to come to me.

  Flynn wandered into the kitchen and I’d followed behind him. Wandering to the fridge, he pulled the door open and started pulling out something that looked like small meat pies and some plastic containers.

  “Hungry? I’m just going to put these in the oven for ten minutes. Niamh makes amazing Chinese dim sum. Grab some plates from that cabinet over there and some silverware from that drawer.”

  As I followed his lead, I’d marveled at how at ease he was with us. On one hand, we hardly knew each other. He’d lived in a world I had very little idea about, yet I felt that Flynn knew me better than anyone else ever had. He’d seen something in me that had held his attention. That was a difficult concept to manage in my head.

  Millions of women idolized Flynn the rock star, and I struggled to understand what his fascination was with me. I was Valerie, the little country girl who wasn’t that worldly. Yet he’d picked me with all my baggage.

  From my point of view, Flynn was the only man who had struck me from the moment I’d met him. He’d been there at the most difficult times in my young life. I believed I had faced the most horrid experience life could throw at me. So, as scared as I was, I’d been prepared to take risks that would have petrified most other girls.

  Strong hands wrapped around my waist as I stood with the plates. I placed them on the countertop just as Flynn’s arms tightened. He pulled me back against him. I leaned back trusting him to take my weight as his mouth dipped to the crook of my neck. From the moment his hands and mouth touched me, my heart rate spiked. Excitement flooded my body. When his lips touched my skin, another rash of goose bumps ensued. He pressed his hand on my belly, pulled me back and my lower back hit his hard bulge.

  A growl of arousal tore from his throat then he whispered, “You’re like a drug, babe. I’m having a helluva hard time controlling myself around you.”

  I turned and slid my hands around his waist then slipped them under the hem of his t-shirt. Skimming my palms over his soft, warm, silky skin made him shiver. Goosebumps covered his skin, and he moaned into my neck.

  His warm mouth came close to my ear again, and his voice sounded thick with lust, “I’m glad you were a virgin, Valerie. It’s made me take a look at myself. Going slowly feels torturous right now, but the anticipation of the fun we’re going to have when you’re comfortable with sex is going to be off the charts. I can’t wait to teach you.”

  I pushed away from him, and our eyes met. All I saw was wanton desire reflected in the smoldering look he gave me. His widely dilated pupils stared intently, and I’d felt my heart flutter. I’d had no doubt in my mind at that particular moment he was definitely serious about me.

  “What if we do this, and you get bored with me?” I asked with genuine concern.

  Reaching down, Flynn took my hand and placed it over his heart.

  “Feel that? It runs about twenty beats faster all the time you’re near me. Has done since the first time I met you. That’s true chemistry, Valerie. Nothing else has ever done that to me. You’re putting my normal heart rate out of whack. Being on stage in front of thousands of people is the only other thing that’s ever had that effect on it.”

  Flynn went over to the oven and turned the heat off. Opening the door, he’d taken the hot snacks and placed them on the plate, poured the sauces down each side and placed the tray in the sink. “Suddenly, I’m not hungry,” he smirked. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips as he pushed the plate away and lifted me onto the counter.

  My heart fluttered with excitement when he pushed my legs apart and nestled himself between them. “Actually, strike that, I’m starving, but not for food,” he said huskily, his voice thick with frustration and need.

  Excitement at his loaded statement made me wet. My pussy ached for his touch. I grabbed his shoulders to pull his upper body closer. Flynn’s big hands gripped tightly on my upper arms as he pushed me down on the countertop.

  The plate of food went crashing to the floor, but it appeared to have barely registered with him, he was so focused on feeling more of me against him. My fingers curled around his hair, and I grabbed it tight, pulling his face even closer to mine. He broke the kiss and growled again, straightening up and taking me with him.

  He slid his hands under my butt and he pulled me flush against him wrapping my legs around his waist. I was pressed firmly against him. He grew harder against me, and I instantly curled my arms around his shoulders and leaned down to kiss his warm neck.

  Once again, the intoxicating smell of him filled my senses. I buried my face in his neck and inhaled deeply. I couldn’t believe everything that was happening was real. Flynn Docherty had come to my rescue when I’d called and what had followed with us was way beyond my expectations.

  Reaching his bedroom, Flynn flicked on the light and strode over to the bed. His hands gripped my hips and kneaded my flesh with urgency.

  “We’ve got too many clothes. Get them off, babe. I gotta get naked with you.”

  I glanced at him and smiled speechlessly. His expression was serious and his eyelids heavy with lust.

  Flynn slid me down the front of his body to place my feet on the floor beside the bed, and I felt every inch of his thick hard cock through the rough material of his jeans. It was at that moment I recognized how empty I was without him inside. When I reached the floor, his hand wound around my hair, and he pulled my mouth roughly against his.
His tongue sought mine and tangled around it, and when he broke the kiss he stepped away and muttered, “Fuck, sooo fucking sexy, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with, Valerie.”

  I watched him as he stood taking me in. His chest rose and fell as his ragged breaths became shallower and labored. I had no idea why I could have that effect on him. “I doubt that, Flynn, but you’re definitely the most beautiful man I’ve ever been with.”

  He chuckled as he unbuckled his belt, the buckle clinking gently with the movement of it falling open. “As I’m the only man you’ve ever been with, I’m going to have to work to keep that title. The competition out there is fierce for a girl like you,” he stated as he started to push his jeans over his hips.

  Hearing his flattery and the way he never took his eyes off me while I’d begun to undress swelled my confidence, but my eighteen-year-old mind felt a bit scared that being in a relationship with someone like Flynn could end as quickly as we’d started. He stepped out of his jeans and tugged his t-shirt off over his head and threw them onto a pile on the floor. He kicked them out of his way. I’d only got as far as taking my t-shirt off when he swiped my hands away, too impatient to wait for me and the pace I was setting.

  “Let me do it,” he said with a renewed urgency. His eye raked over my bra clad breasts as his hands slid to my jeans button. Unfastening them he quickly tugged them down my legs and pushed me urgently back onto the bed. Excitement burst through me, the speed and the slightly rough way he handled me wasn’t expected at all.

  “Fuck, Valerie,” his raspy tone sounded almost as if he were in pain. He focused completely on my skin as his hands gently trailed down from my shoulders to my breasts. Flynn pushed my legs wide and crawled between them until he’d covered my body with his. His cock felt rock solid, the tip damp against my belly. He took hold of my wrists that were already placed above my head.


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