When Its Least Expected

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When Its Least Expected Page 23

by Heather Van Fleet

  enough for him to see shit he so didn’t care to see again. “What, Mase, you want me on top now?

  That can be arranged.” She stood and closed the distance between them.

  He closed his eyes reining in his temper just as she pressed her barely clothed body

  against his. She gripped his wrists, went on her toes, and kissed him open mouthed.

  He yelped as she bit down, and he pushed her away with his fists. The bitch was going

  down. “Shit, Kylee, get the hell out of here!” She obviously hadn’t let his angry move deter her because she came back for more. Her hand went immediately to the edge of his jeans.

  “What are you doing? Get the hell away from me!” He pushed her hands away and turned

  to grab his coat on the chair. He had to get the hell out there, otherwise he’d do bodily harm to a girl, and even the nastiest of girls didn’t deserve to get punched by a guy.

  “Aw, my little Mase has gone virginal on me. Who would have thought? It’s actually

  pretty smokin’ hot…”

  “Not virginal, Kylee,” he grunted, throwing on his coat as he grabbed his keys from his

  dresser. “Just committed.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and he smiled smugly back at her. That’s right. He was deeply

  committed; long run committed as a matter of fact, but two seconds later, her grin was back as she moved in for the kill once more. She clutched at the collar of his coat and pulled him in just inches from her mouth. He cringed, but stupidly he didn’t stop her. Visions of a broken-hearted Harley distracted him as Kylee whispered in his ear.

  “Baby, I can guarantee you that by the time this weekend is over you are going to be begging me to fill your bed at night.” She winked and turned to walk from his room, leaving him standing there, fuming in rage at her declaration.

  She was no longer needy. She was a damn skank.

  He zipped up his coat, tucked his phone in his pocket, and was out the front door only

  seconds later. His entire body shook as he stepped towards the car. She had everyone fooled, everyone except for him of course. Now, all he had to do was keep her claws retracted until she left.

  * * *

  “You’re sure you guys want to go tomorrow night?” Harley’s bit her lip, hoping above

  hope that their parents would abandon the light show idea altogether.

  She was dying to get home. She was dying to see Mason more than anything.

  Harley glanced over at her grinning brother sitting across the dining room table from her.

  The same eager and hopeful expression was in her twins eyes. It was good to know she wasn’t alone in her hopes.

  “Yeah, Mom, we’re sure,” Harley replied, ready to jump for joy like a girl high on life.

  Hell, who was she kidding? She was high on life.

  “Alright then, we’ll get up bright and early and leave in the morning. I know that you’ve

  got a party you wanted to go to anyways, so we should get home just in time for that.”

  She jumped from her seat, running around table to grab her mother into a tight bear hug.

  “That’s awesome, Mom! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, so, so much! Eek! I’m going to call

  Mason and tell him!”

  “No problem, sweetie. I know that you guys are getting too old for those lights anyways,

  so it’s not a big deal if we leave a day early.” Harley nodded excitedly, staring over at David. He was rolling his eyes, but a smile just as big was on his lips.

  She made it to the spare bedroom in record time, dialing Mason’s number from memory.

  One ring, two rings, three rings … Where was he?

  “Hello? Mason’s phone…”

  Her glee shattered, and her eyes narrowed. Her heart kicked into overdrive as that voice

  pierced her ears, and just like that, all the extra energy she had vanished as the unfamiliar feminine voice purred at the other end of the line.

  She swallowed the burn in her throat. “Yeah, uh, is Mason there? This is Harley.”

  “Um, Harley? Do I know you? I don’t think I know a Harley…” The girl giggled, and the

  sound clamored down onto her stomach, creating a tightness that wouldn’t go away.

  “I’m Mason’s girlfriend. Who are you?”

  “Girlfriend, huh? Mason doesn’t do girlfriends. Anyways, he’s not available to come to the phone right now. He’s, uh, a little … preoccupied.”

  Oh this bitch, who Harley was now assuming to be Kylee, was so going to get her ass kicked.

  “Well, honey, he does do the whole girlfriend thing because he does it with me and has now for over a month.” Harley grinned. She loved it when her bravado made an appearance. She gave herself a mental high five. This girl had gone and messed with the wrong lady.

  The girl laughed, and the noise grated on Harley’s one last functioning nerve. “Are you

  going to tell me where my boyfriend is, or are you going to sit there and act crazy?” She had the freaking audacity to laugh harder; even more menacingly if that was even possible. Harley dug her nails into her skin surely drawing blood.

  Huh. Maybe the girl had a speech impediment and could only say minimal words.

  “Oh, well, at least I’m not a crazy stalker like you are! Mason isn’t here right now, and I don’t know where he is. I do know where he will be when he comes home though.” With that last cryptic line, the girl hung up.

  Well hot freaking damn.

  She was speechless as she practically crushed her cell phone between her fingers. Her

  heart wasn’t about to let her take this lying down though, so she instantly dialed Maisy’s cell phone. She didn’t answer either.

  Frustrated, Harley stood and paced the room.

  Maybe Abigail would know what to do.

  Like the true best friend she was, Abigail picked up on the first ring. “Oh my God, what’s

  wrong? Is it David? Is he okay?”

  “Jeez, Abs, calm down!”

  “Well freaking-a, Harley, you never call when you’re out of town unless something is wrong. Now spill it because I have a date tonight with that junior hottie Gavin. You know how I love to get my sexy on before a date.”

  Huh. So she’d moved on again. Nice.

  “Oh yeah? So you’re actually going through with the whole dating a million dudes’ thing

  then, huh?” Harley asked suspiciously, lying back down on the bed with a thump. She kicked off her ballet flats and closed her eyes, but her attempt at relaxing failed miserably as that Kylee girl’s words continued to play on repeat in her head.

  “What else can I do, Har? He told me he didn’t want me. I’ve got to try and get over him otherwise I’m gonna go crazy.” Harley sighed at the defeat in her best friend’s voice. Maybe if she ran down to her brother’s room she could use her cell phone to beat his head into thinking clearer. Then he could finally see what an idiot he was.

  “I know how it is, Abs. Really, I do.”

  “How would you know, Miss I’m hopelessly in love with a surfer boy? You two are the most swoon-worthy couple at Hillsdale, and you know what they say – ya gotta keep up with the Benjamins.”

  Harley giggled, plucking her bottom lip with her fingers. “Whatever, you freak.

  Anyways, I’ve got big issues, and I need the help of my BFF.”

  “Spill it, babe. What’s up?” Harley smiled. Abigail was her go-to girl, always and


  The story spilled out of Harley’s mouth like ice cream melting down a throat, smooth but

  cold. It wasn’t the most pleasant feeling, but it was necessary to get to the good stuff.

  Abigail’s silence was deafening, but then her words when finally spoken were even more

  painful. “You mean to tell me that surfer boy has only screwed seven girls? That’s it?”

  Harley gaped, her mouth wide. “What do you mean, that’s it?” So much for a s
upportive best friend. How could she not see this as a big deal?

  “Well, have you looked at your boyfriend lately? I don’t mean to be crude, but the boy is

  like sex-on-a-stick. What girl wouldn’t want to do him?”

  “Okay, Abs, enough, please,” she pressed the palm of her hand over her eyes. Maybe

  Abigail was right. Maybe that wasn’t such a big number after all. Ugh, if only she had some experience herself. “Can’t you just, like, help me out a little bit here?” Harley sat up along the side of the bed, unable to keep still. She stabbed her toe into plush carpet in frustration.

  “Okay, fine, you want my advice? Here it is. Kick. Her. Ass. That’s exactly what I’d do.

  Oh! And I’ll even throw in a bitch slap myself for free, if you’d like any help that is…”

  Harley laughed, shaking her head as she stood. “You’re crazy, Abs. I can’t beat her up.

  She’s Maisy’s best friend.” She gnawed on her thumbnail contemplating the thought anyways.

  “Well, you know me. I’m always up for a little ass kickin’, so if you change your mind,

  you know where to find me.”

  “What would I do without that illustrious mind of yours, Abs?”

  “Not much, I’m sure! I’m like the cheese to your taco, girl. You’d never feel complete

  unless I was right in the center of your shell!” Harley snickered. Jeez, only Abigail could compare their friendship to Mexican food. “Don’t worry, Harley, seriously. Mason cares about you a lot. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize your relationship.”

  Her attempt at reassurance worked for the moment. “Thanks, Abs. You’re the best friend

  a girl could ask for.”

  “Hell yeah I am, Har, and don’t you ever forget it either!”

  She smiled widely, genuinely that time. A brilliant idea had formed in her head. She

  bounced on her heels, two seconds away from letting out a squee of giddiness. Her family probably thought a kangaroo had taken up shop in the room for as much stomping and bouncing as she’d done. “I’ve got an awesome idea, Abs.”

  “Oh yeah? Me likey. Spill.”

  “How about we go to Ava’s party together?”

  “That sounds great,” her voice trailed off. “But what about Mason? Don’t you want to go

  with him?”

  “I’m gonna surprise him at the party.”

  Abigail snorted, “Oh girl, you sure you wanna do that? Um, guys and surprises usually don’t go hand-in-hand you know.”

  She grinned, “Of course! He’ll be stoked!” Well, at least she hoped so. Her shoulders

  drooped. Okay, so her plan wasn’t perfect.

  Dang it...

  She sure as hell hoped Mason wasn’t like most guys…

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Mason, do you realize this is our first real party since moving to Hillsdale? I’m so


  “Yep, so super cool, mouse.” Mason cracked his neck to the side as he turned the radio up, hoping to drown out the girls’ squeaking in the back seat. He was irritated as hell with the whole idea of going to this party in the first place, but his sister was queen of coercion. He had definitely been coerced.

  “Oh and Kylee, I can’t wait for you to meet Aric. He’s so sweet, and I just know that you’ll love him!”

  Maisy’s blabbering grew muted in his ears as they drove through town. He occasionally

  caught sight of Kylee in the backseat staring up at him in the rear view mirror, a deep-seated look of need was always there in her blue eyes, but all it did was disgust him. In the past, Mason would never have had the heart to tell his sister that her supposed “best friend” was nothing but a conniving bitch, but he was dangerously close to doing just that.

  Mason hadn’t been able to find his phone since the night before either, and when he tried

  to call Harley with his mom’s phone, it went to straight to her voicemail. He’d left her a

  message, in hopes that she’d call him back, but she never did. He missed her like hell. It hurt his heart and ate away at his insides that they hadn’t talked since Friday morning. He bit the inside his cheek.

  One more day. Then all would be right again. Kylee would be gone, and he’d have his

  little beast in his arms once again.

  His car bumped and rattled as they finally pulled down the gravel road leading to the

  house. He cringed as the rocks assaulted his car, but his sister giggled, staring over at him in amusement. He shook his head. Little brat. She could pay for the new paint job then.

  He did a double take, blinking furiously as the house appeared in front of them. The place

  was about the size of three of their Santa Cruz houses put together, and that was putting it mildly.

  It was huge, like something out of a historical civil war movie. Giant columns and a white wrap around porch graced the length of the front, and the enormous front yard held acres of giant trees and a landscape job his mother would die for. Crowds of cars littered the huge driveway and grassy areas to the side. Mason sighed in relief, thankful that the place was so far removed from the actual town.

  “Wow, Mase, look at this place. It’s gorgeous!” Mason glanced at her in the mirror as her

  eyes practically lit up the dark car as she gazed ahead. Kylee on the other hand, just yawned seemingly unimpressed.

  She was the epitome of a spoiled bitch.

  “Hah, this is nothing, Maisy. Don’t you remember the houses back in the Blueville

  district? This place has nothing on those. Besides, this is in the middle of a freaking forest, or is that corn? To me that’s just … nasty.” Mason rolled his eyes at the city brat but almost laughed too at the irony of his thoughts. Was he turning into a country boy after all?

  “Well, I like it. Don’t you, Mason? And Ava’s super nice too, not like some of the

  spoiled jerk-offs who live in Blueville.” Mason stepped out of his car, grinning over the hood at his suddenly grown up little sister.

  A year ago, she would never have dreamed of standing up for herself like that. It amazed

  him how time and a place could truly change a person.

  “You’re right, Mouse. This place is pretty rockin’.” Mason reached his sister in front of

  the car, placing his hand on top of her head only to ruffle her blonde curls. She yelled at him, smacking his hand away, but overall seemed to be fighting a grin herself. It was good to see her so happy and content. It had been way too long.

  Out of practically nowhere, sheets of rain began falling on top their heads. Maisy hollered a “woo-hoo” while Mason swept her over his shoulder, taking off like a mad man towards the

  house. Kylee, on the other hand, trailed behind them, whining about getting her heels stuck in the muddy grass.

  “Take your shoes off, Kylee,” Maisy giggled, her head bouncing against Mason’s

  shoulder. “That way you don’t sink so easily.” Vaguely, Mason heard Kylee in the distance,

  saying something to the effect of “wasted two hundred dollar straightening hair job.” He grinned menacingly to himself.

  Thank you, rain gods.

  Then thoughts of Harley and her curls slipped into his mind, and he grinned harder. Now

  that was a vision he’d like to see wet, preferably in a white t-shirt.

  Just one more day, man. Just one more day.

  They reached the front porch, and Mason muttered a warning over his shoulders towards

  Maisy before they went their separate ways. Man, when had he turned into such a dad? Maisy gave him the stink eye in return but managed a little wave too. Then she galloped off, most likely in search of her boyfriend. Mason on the other hand, steered clear of everyone, finding an empty corner on a couch. It was time to be anti-all people for a few hours.

  He chuckled quietly as he sank into the cushions. He used to be the life of every party in

a Cruz. The guy who did keg stands and who drank shots like water too. Now, he was

  warning his little sister away from that very same shit. He shook his head. Their dad would have been proud.

  “Mason, get me a beer, would you? I’m soo thirsty…” Somehow unnoticed, Kylee had

  managed to sneak up next to him, maneuvering her body onto the neighboring cushion. She

  eased her legs onto his lap, and he rolled his eyes and pushed her away.

  “Get it your freaking self!” He angled his body away, leaning his elbows into his knees.

  So much for being anti-people. “God gave you a pair of legs for a reason. Now use them.” She stuck out her lower lip before standing to make her way to the keg.

  Stupid girl…

  “Well if it isn’t pretty boy Daniel waiting to cozy up on another fine, looking lady. Man

  dude, you’ve got some serious game coming out of that California ass of yours, don’t ya?

  Wonder how your girlfriend would feel if she saw that…”

  Toby. Damn.

  Was he truly up for another ass-kicking?

  “You don’t know shit. If you want that filth then take her. She’s all yours.” Mason waved

  his hand towards Kylee’s re-approaching figure. She sidled right up to Mason again, this time on his lap, not helping the situation at all.

  Toby snarled, staring down at Mason with a look that said “oh man, you’re done” right

  before he scooted away, his posse in tow. Mason shook his head at the dirt bag. He was a dog in need of a seriously large muzzle.

  “Who was that, baby?” Kylee cooed, rubbing her hands all over Mason’s shoulders and

  chest. Mason growled as she leaned down to lick his ear. He was running on a fine line there, a line that said hit her, girl or not.

  “Get the hell off of me,” he warned, pushing her back, but as he did, his body, usually

  balanced and poised for a guy, went off kilter, and he just barely managed to stay upright.

  Somehow in some ungodly way Kylee had managed to pull him down on top of her, in a full on

  missionary position.

  Her hands grabbed at his hair, and she yanked at him, their lips inches from touching. He

  snarled, and vomit rose in his throat. She smelled like fish – nasty, wet, tuna was more like it.


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