When Its Least Expected

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When Its Least Expected Page 32

by Heather Van Fleet

  He had to be at least three inches taller than Mase, and that was saying something.

  “Who is he?” Harley questioned, nudging her chin in their direction. Maisy didn’t

  answer, she only sighed. So that was Jake.

  “That’s the boy Maisy claims she’s going to marry someday,” Mrs. Daniel stated matter

  of factly. Maisy nodded and sighed some more. She was a love sick puppy. Harley could

  definitely relate.

  A few minutes later her attention turned to Mason as he guided himself out onto the

  water. It was a beautiful site to see, and he made it look so easy. Harley’s heart squelched with pride as she watched him. Mason was truly amaze-balls. The waves, they were his home, his

  sanctuary. He belonged with them. They belonged to him.

  It felt like only seconds had passed until she spotted him on his board, his arms

  positioned at his side as he took his water flight. Mrs. Daniel spoke in awe over the roar of crowd. Her gasping words caught Harley’s ears, “My god, Maisy! Look at that!”

  “I know mom, he looks amazing, doesn’t he? This is the best I’ve ever seen him do.”

  “He looks just like your dad!” Mrs. Daniel cried out, covering her mouth. Harley once

  again felt like an intruder.

  She moved, needing to get away. The water called to her, or maybe it was Mason

  himself. When he finally made his way back into the shore, Harley pushed and pushed until she was out there knee deep, wading in the water to join him. It might not have been a good idea.

  Hopefully he didn’t get in trouble, but she couldn’t help herself. His eyes locked with hers, and he smiled widely. It was cheesy to say, but she could have sworn up and down that the earth had stopped spinning the moment their eyes meet.

  “You were amazing out there, Mason! I–I had no idea …” He pulled her into his arms,

  dropping his board beside them. It bumped against her legs, but she barely noticed as the male model extraordinaire before her held her tightly to his wet body. She couldn’t delay the

  inevitable any longer, and she attacked his mouth with so much need that she was about to

  combust. It was a long and sensual movement and probably not entirely appropriate in front of a large crowd of people, but Harley’s body was desperate to be close to his.

  Would it always be that way?

  Their foreheads met, and small waves crashed against her legs. She shivered as the

  wetness explored her skin. His mouth caressed her ears, and his whispered words blew a warm breath over his cheek, “You’re my good luck charm, little beast.”

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Mason?” a deep voice hollered from behind them,

  interrupting with a deep chuckle. Mason pulled back again but still snaked an arm around her waist. He held her against him almost possessively, and she accepted and marveled in his

  nearness as they moved back on shore.

  “Harley, this is Jake, my best friend and my mentor.” Harley nodded her hello at the guy

  she saw talking to Mason earlier.

  Wow, he was even cuter up close. Too bad she was desperately in love with the boy by

  her side. He was the only one who could triple her heartbeat in such a short amount of time.

  “So you’re the little beast who has my boy so wound up. It’s good to finally meet you, Harley.”

  “Same here, Jake,” she blushed. She liked this guy already. He just had that kind of

  demeanor about him, like was an all-around decent guy. She leaned her head against Mason’s

  chest, not at all embarrassed at her clingy behavior around the best guy friend.

  The tell-tale sign of a giggling girl distracted Harley’s content state. She turned watching Maisy and her mom approach. Maisy stared dreamy-eyed at Jake, twirling her fingers in her long blond hair. She was barely sixteen, and Jake had to be nearing twenty. The look they shared though, woo-boy ... it was anything but platonic and friendly. There was history there, and Harley wondered if Mason had any clue. She sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him that though.

  “I have to go, Har. I’m up again in a few minutes.”


  “Yup, it’s the way of the game, little beast,” he grinned down at her, kissing her lightly

  on the tip of her nose only to scatter away seconds later. The sand under her feet felt cold, but the site of Mason’s sexy backside was electrifying her entire body.

  “You guys make me sick. You do know that, right?” Maisy replied, a finger going inside

  her mouth feigning a gagging motion. Harley gave her a brief glance, shook her head, and


  “I know,” Harley crooned. Then she smiled. There was no way she’d ever deny that fact


  * * *

  This was it, the last spot of the day. He rubbed a hand over his calves keeping them loose.

  He was beyond exhausted. He probably should have been nervous too, but his scores had been so off the charts awesome that he was guaranteed to place, no matter what. He was easily having the most amazing surfing experience of his life. The best part was Harley was there to see it all.

  “You ready for this, buddy?” Jake asked, smacking Mason along the back of his


  Mason nodded, crouching in a stretch to keep loose, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Jake smirked and shook his head. Mason may have been cocky, but it was the

  awesomeness of his girlfriend that had him believing in himself today.

  The offshore winds were perfect for the last set, and there was no doubt in Mason’s mind

  that this would seal a good placement for sure. Like always, it wasn’t about the win, it was about the high, the adrenaline, the rush of owning the waves, if only for a few moments at a time.

  He glanced back over to look at Harley once more. He winked at her. Her sunburned

  cheeks turned up into a smile as she waved shyly. She was an amazing site in that purple bikini top and those short black shorts and it was all the motivation he needed to ride those waves like the animal she made him feel.

  He paddled out quickly, immediately trying to get into the zone. Surfing demanded one

  hundred percent concentration, and that vision of Harley in her sexy outfit left Mason feeling way too off centered. He made it out though, immediately becoming greedy by grabbing the first perfect swell he saw. His dad had always told him to take his time, and that if he wasn’t patient enough, it would never take, but he didn’t listen to the old man alive. Why should he have done anything different in death? Besides, he had this. He owned it.

  Turning to ride in, he went immediately onto his feet. His arms outstretched to the side,

  and his smile etched across his cheeks.

  “Hell yeah,” he mumbled to himself. He was on freaking fire!

  The high of the moment was perfect like always, but after a few seconds, he realized that

  something felt off, uncomfortable. Then his legs began to shake and wobble. His body rocked back and forth just as his calves began to burn.

  Dammit, he was cramping up!

  He was losing his balance, and he was tired too, most likely from not taking a break.

  Those two things were not a good combination. There was no way he’d right his body on the

  board now. His right leg slipped, and the nose of his board went forward. He fell flat on his stomach, and just as his chin smacked down, the cruncher blew over his head in full force,

  stealing his board out from underneath him.

  He was pulled under completely. He fought against the pressure of the overpowering

  wave. His body was flung in frantic circles, and he struggled to fight towards the surface. The water was too overpowering, and it sucked him under even more. The sounds of bubbles and the raging water filled both his ears and his lungs. His nose b
urned. He couldn’t hold the air in much longer, and panic rose in his throat. Somehow or another he found himself coming into contact with the sea bed. Then something sharp cut deep into his calf, and an unbearable pain surged throughout the back of his leg.

  Holy mother of God. That burned!

  His eyes shut. He couldn’t fight to stay conscious much longer. Blackness accompanied

  his vision, and he let it. There was something peaceful knowing that he’d go like that, but then Harley’s brown eyes popped into his head. He started to fight back against the surface again, needing to live if only to see her face again.

  Unfortunately, he was too late to win this fight.

  * * *

  Everything sounded muffled and distant. Mason struggled to open his eyes into more than

  two tiny slits, but on the upside, he didn’t feel a lick of pain.

  “The drugs they gave him were pretty potent, Maisy. Give him time. He’ll wake up


  “But mom, he’s been out for like, eighteen hours now! How is that normal recovery


  “Maisy, I told you. He is going to be just fine. The doctor said that sleeping was

  important, especially since the infection consumed him quickly. It’s just his way of fighting it off. ”

  Ah, shit. The slice of his leg, the water over taking him … Nope, he wasn’t dead. He was

  in the hospital. What puzzled Mason the most though, was that his mom wasn’t the one freaking out. It was Maisy instead.

  “Well, I’m getting frustrated here, and if he doesn’t get up soon then I’m –“

  “Come on, little sister, pipe the freak down. I’m trying to sleep here!” he growled through their argument.

  His sister squealed as she heaved herself on top of Mason’s chest. Her tears soaked

  through the gown someone had dressed him in. He grunted as his chest collapsed.

  “Jesus, Mase, you scared us! I’m so glad you’re okay.” She leaned back. He could see

  that her eyes were glazed from exhaustion.

  Mason smiled, pausing half way to look around the tiny hospital room. His mouth

  snapped shut. Harley wasn’t there. “Where is she? Where’s Harley? She didn’t leave. Oh God, please tell me she didn’t leave!” He grabbed at the wires hanging from his arms and yanked on them, feeling the panic build up in his chest and threatening to explode from the inside out.

  He wasn’t the type of guy that prayed, but in that instance he changed his ways. He

  prayed to God himself that she didn’t get scared off and leave him. He’d just gotten her back!

  “I’m right here, Mase. Simmer down, would you?” His breath hitched in his throat, and

  he tensed, only to relax when he took in her beautiful frame leaning against the door well.

  There, in a perfect vision of her white cotton sun dress stood a very red eyed looking

  Harley. “Besides they had pizza in the cafeteria, and you knew how I feel about pizza,” she winked. Damn her. He thought she left, and here she was, joking about it.

  Maybe he could send his mother and Maisy away, lock the doors, and pull her down next

  to his body. He licked his dry lips. He could strip that white cotton thing away from her

  delectable body and… He groaned, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Jesus, he was either desperate or too hyped up on meds to think straight.

  Then again, was he just hyped up on the love he felt for her? He was turning into one

  corny ass bastard.

  He motioned her over, needing to be as close to her as possible. He tried to move his

  injured left leg, but a ripping feeling trailed down his calf. He winced. That damn, jagged rock; the thing just about tore his leg off. Harley must have seen the grimace in his face because she immediately went into nurse maid mode, rubbing his arms, pulling the covers up tight over his chest. Now all she needed was a naughty nurse costume to complete the idea. He almost grinned, but that burned too. He needed to touch her badly though. She’d make the ache bearable. He

  grabbed her hands pulling her down next to him on the bed. She squeaked, wiggling to move, but he wasn’t letting her go anywhere. She was right where she belonged.

  “Come on, Maisy. Let’s leave these two love kittens alone, shall we? Besides Mason’s

  going to need some more medicine soon, so I’ve gotta grab a nurse for him.” Mason’s mom

  yanked his sister’s arm to keep her moving towards the door.

  Mason sighed, partially from pain but mostly contentment right as Harley tucked her

  head under his chin and relaxed onto his chest. She was the only person Mason wanted there

  with him in that moment. He loved his family, but he needed her there just a little bit more.

  “God, Mase, you scared me to death yesterday. I seriously thought you were done for.

  Don’t you ever do that to me again, do you hear me?” She shuddered, and he gripped her tighter.

  It was her turn to sigh. “You took at least ten years off my life after that little stunt.”

  “And you are still as beautiful as ever,” he smiled, brushing his hand over her hair with

  one hand, interlocking their other hands onto his stomach. They were gripping each other so tightly that his knuckles throbbed. But neither of them let go.

  He closed his eyes. He knew how she was feeling. He’d felt that same way six months

  ago when she was lying in a hospital herself, but there was no point in bringing up those painful memories. With Harley, Mason only wanted to think about the future, their future together.

  It was definitely not a pipe dream anymore.

  Running his fingertips across her face, Mason encountered a wetness that could only have

  been tears. His chest tightened at the thought, and he shifted his body so he they could face each other. “Come on, Har. Don’t cry. I’m here now, and everything’s fine. I’m fine.” She nodded, leveling their foreheads.

  She loosened her hand from his grip, brushing her fingers over his forehead and down his

  cheek. She nodded, “I know.” Her words were soft, and the move was slow and gentle. He kissed her nose in a silent version of thanks. A thank you for her comfort, for being there for him, for loving him.

  They lay there like that just staring, studying each other, until slowly, her lips upturned into a devious smile. She blinked. “I told my parents I was staying here and going to school, Mase. I’m not leaving you. Ever again,” she whispered. He could feel the warmth of her breath seep against his lips. It was so intoxicating that he almost didn’t realize what she’d said.

  “Um, what? Are you serious? Holy shit, Har. I, uh … God, I can’t even believe this!

  You’re serious?”

  She nodded and laughed, “As a heart attack.”

  Holy shit, it was happening. His little beast was actually going to make the move to Cali.

  Mason groaned pulling her on top of him. Screw the hospital, the nurses, the doctors, and

  his mom and Maisy too. He had a girlfriend to kiss. Her breath hitched, and she giggled harder. It left her vulnerable for that seal-the-deal, connection of their mouths.

  The softness of her lips and tongue made him want to cry out in sweet bliss. If this was

  what completion felt like then he would deal with all the bad shit over and over again just to get to that point.

  Finally he pulled away, lifting her face up into his hands. Her eyes were closed, and she

  smiled. His heart monitor went crazy. Harley giggled even louder, covering her mouth in that oops sort of way, but no laughter left Mason’s mouth as he prepared the words that he had been dying to tell her for months.

  “Harley Ann Anderson, from the first night I met you, I knew you were going to change

  me. I felt it the moment I first saw you under those bleachers looking for that key chain.” He tapped her nose before trailing his finger
from the top of her lip to the bottom of her chin. Her eyes shut as her lashes brushed against her cheeks. “Have I told you how thankful I am that you lost those keys that night by the way?” She shook her head no but didn’t verbally respond. More tears welled in her eyes when she reopened them.

  “It was by chance that we met, little beast, but definitely by choice that I completely and whole heartedly fell in love with you.”

  A tiny gasp fell from her mouth, and she brought her face down level with his forehead

  again. Her tears dripped down onto his face. He didn’t bother wiping them away. Her hands were on both sides of his head, and her dark curls blanketed them from the light.

  “I fell so hard in fact that I knew there would never be anyone else for me. So please,

  please … move to Santa Cruz and be with me? I love you, Harley.”

  She didn’t move. Her eyes were glued to his. She was so mighty, so fierce. She was in

  that moment, a true beautiful beast.

  “I love you too, Mason.” He smiled with his chest lightening and filling at the same time.

  It was an oxymoron, but it was the truth. God, did those words sound good falling from her

  mouth. “Of course I’ll move here with you. I told you that, silly. You’re my life, and after all the wrong turns I’ve made, I still managed to find the one road that led me down the right path, the right path to you.”

  Holy shit! He’d said it, and she said it back! It was a damn miracle.

  Mason Daniel was officially and forever more a taken man.


  Six weeks later

  “Mase, I’m tired. Can’t we just call it a day?” Harley whined dragging her feet with each

  lingering step they took. “I seriously don‘t feel like crushing anymore roaches and spiders with my flip-flops.” She shivered in disgust. This last apartment had to have mutant roaches. So big, so disgustingly big. “Besides, I am completely fine with staying on campus if need be.”

  Six different apartments in three long hours. Ugh. Talk about being burnt out. Mason had

  to have been too. She could see it in his limp, but he never once complained.

  After the accident, he was told that he’d need at least six weeks of rehab before he could


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