Nicholas Sparks

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Nicholas Sparks Page 15

by At First Sight (v5)

  “It’s different, that’s for sure,” his father remarked. “You buy that down there?”

  “Lexie got it for me.”

  “You might want to talk to her about style. Now, I might look good in something like that, but it just doesn’t seem right on you. Especially if you’re going out tonight.”

  “We’ll see,” Jeremy said.

  “Suit yourself,” his father said, taking a seat on the couch. “So what’s going on? You have a fight with Lexie before you left?”

  Jeremy raised his eyebrows. First the mayor, now his father. Was he that easy to read?

  “What makes you say that?” he asked instead.

  “The way you’ve been acting. She mad about you having a bachelor party?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “’Cause some women get mad about that. Oh sure, they all say it’s okay, that it’s tradition, but deep down they don’t like the thought of their fiancés gawking at beautiful women.”

  “It’s not going to be that kind of party. I told Alvin I didn’t want that.”

  His father made himself comfortable. “Then what was the fight about? You want to talk about it?”

  Jeremy debated whether or not to tell him, then decided not to. “Not really. It’s private.”

  His father nodded. “Always a good idea, by the way. Take it from me. What a couple fights about should always remain private. If it doesn’t, there’s hell to pay. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give you some advice anyway, does it?”

  “It’s never stopped you before.”

  “All couples argue. That’s what you’ve got to remember.”

  “I know that.”

  “Yeah, but what you’re thinking is that you and Lexie argue more than you should. Now, I can’t tell you whether you do or you don’t, but I met that young lady when she came up here and I’ll tell you straight up that she’s good for you and you’d be dumb if you didn’t try to resolve whatever problems there are. She’s one of a kind, and your mother thinks you got mighty lucky. So does everyone up here, by the way.”

  “You don’t even know her. You only met her once.”

  “Did you know she’s been writing to your mother every week since you’ve been down there? And your sisters-in-law?”

  Jeremy’s face registered his surprise.

  “That’s what I thought,” his father said. “Been calling, too. And sending pictures. Your mom has seen what she looks like in her wedding dress, what the cake looks like, how the house is coming. She even sent some postcards with a picture of the lighthouse on them, so your mom knows what that looks like, too. All that so your mom and the rest of us feel like we’re part of what’s going on. Your mom can’t wait to go down there so they can spend some more time together.”

  Jeremy was silent. “Why didn’t I know about this?” he asked at last.

  “I don’t know. Maybe she wanted you to be surprised at the wedding, and I’m sorry if I blew it. But my point is that most people wouldn’t do all that. She knew your mom wasn’t happy about you leaving, but she didn’t take it personally. Instead, she just went about trying to make things better. It takes a special person to care like that.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Jeremy mumbled, thinking that Lexie was full of surprises. But this time it was okay.

  “Now, I know you’ve been married before, but you’re starting all over again. The one thing you’ve got to remember is to see the big picture. When things get tough, remind yourself why you fell in love with her in the first place. She’s a special woman, and you were lucky to find her, just as she was lucky to find you. She’s got a heart of gold, and you can’t fake something like that.”

  “Why do I get the sense that you’re on her side and you think the argument was my fault?”

  “Because I’ve known you all my life,” his father said with a wink. “You’ve always been good at picking fights. What do you think you’ve been doing when you write those articles?”

  Despite everything, Jeremy laughed. “What if you’re wrong about me? What if it was her fault?”

  His father shrugged. “Well, then I’d say it takes two to tango. My guess is that both of you are right and both of you are wrong. That’s the way most arguments go, anyway. People are who they are and no one is perfect, but marriage is about becoming a team. You’re going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other, you’ll always figure out a way to get through it.”

  Later that night, Jeremy was leaning against the wall of Alvin’s apartment with a beer in his hand, surveying the crowd, many of whom were watching the TV. Mostly because of the tattoo connection, Alvin was a big Allen Iverson fan, and as fate would have it, the 76ers were facing the Hornets in the play-offs. Though most of those in attendance would probably have preferred to watch the Knicks, they’d played on Wednesday. Nonetheless, people were around the television, using the bachelor party as an excuse to watch the game with a rowdiness not normally permitted by the wives they’d left at home. If they had wives, that is. Jeremy wasn’t so sure about some of them, who were as heavily tattooed and pierced as Alvin. But they seemed to be having a good time; a few had been drinking since they’d arrived and were already slurring their words. Every now and then, someone would suddenly seem to remember why he was at Alvin’s apartment in the first place and wander toward Jeremy.

  “You having fun?” he might say, or, “How about I get you another beer?”

  “I’m doing fine, thanks,” Jeremy would answer.

  Though he hadn’t seen these people in a couple of months, few seemed to feel the need to catch up, which made sense considering that most of them were more Alvin’s friends than his. In fact, as he scanned the room, he realized that he didn’t recognize half the people here, which struck him as somewhat amusing since it was supposed to be his party. He would have been just as happy spending the evening with only Alvin, Nate, and his brothers, but Alvin was notorious for seizing any excuse to have a good time. And Alvin seemed to be having a great time, especially considering the 76ers were leading by two halfway through the third period. He was among those whooping and hollering every time the 76ers scored. As were Jeremy’s brothers. Only Nate, who’d never been much of a sports fan, seemed uninterested in the game; he was busy loading his plate with another slice of pizza.

  The party had started out on a good note; he’d stepped into the room and had been greeted as if he’d recently returned from war. His brothers had crowded around and bombarded him with questions about Lexie and Boone Creek and the house; Nate had been kind enough to bring a list of possible story ideas, one of which concerned the increasingly popular use of astrology as a way to invest. Jeremy listened, making mental notes, and admitted to himself that it was original enough for a column, if not an article; he thanked Nate, with the promise to keep it in mind. Not that it would do any good.

  Nonetheless, it had been easy to forget his problems for the time being. Distance had a strange way of making the aggravations of Boone Creek life seem humorous; while telling his brothers about the renovations, they couldn’t stop laughing at his description of the workers, and Jeremy found himself laughing as well. They roared at the fact that Lexie made him stay at Greenleaf and pleaded with Jeremy to take pictures of his room so they could see the stuffed critters themselves. They wanted a photo of Jed, too, who in the course of the conversation had grown to almost mythic proportions in their minds. And they begged, just as Alvin had, to let them know as soon as he went hunting so they could hear all about it.

  In time, they drifted toward the television along with everyone else, getting in the spirit of the evening. Jeremy felt content to watch from a distance.

  “Nice shirt,” Alvin commented, coming up.

  “I know,” Jeremy said. “You’ve already told me twice.”

  “And I’m going to keep telling you. I don’t care whet
her Lexie bought it or not. You look like a tourist.”


  “So? We’re going out tonight. We’re going to storm this city, party it up in honor of your last few nights as a single man, and you’re dressed like you just spent the afternoon milking cows. It’s not you.”

  “It’s the new me.”

  Alvin laughed. “Weren’t you the one who was complaining about the shirt in the first place?”

  “I think it grew on me.”

  “It certainly grew somewhere. But I’ll tell you, my friends are getting a kick out of it.”

  Jeremy lifted his beer and took another sip. He’d been nursing it for an hour, and it was getting warm. “I can’t say that bothers me. Half of them are wearing T-shirts they bought at rock concerts, and the other half are covered in leather. I’d look out of place no matter what I wore.”

  “That may be true,” Alvin said with a grin, “but notice the energy they’re bringing to your party. I couldn’t imagine having to spend the whole night with just Nate along for the ride.”

  Jeremy spotted his agent across the room. Nate was wearing a tight three-piece suit, the top of his head was shiny with perspiration, and there was a spot of pizza sauce on his chin. He seemed more out of place than Jeremy. Noticing Jeremy’s stare, he waved a slice of pizza.

  “Yeah, that reminds me . . . thanks for inviting your friends to my bachelor party.”

  “Who was I supposed to invite? I tried the guys at Scientific American, but they didn’t seem all that interested. Other than them, the only names I could come up with, besides your brothers and Nate, were females. I didn’t realize that you were such a hermit while you lived here. And besides, this is just the pre-party to get us in the proper mood for the evening.”

  “I hesitate to ask what’s on the agenda later.”

  “Don’t bother. It’s a surprise.”

  A roar from the crowd erupted as people high-fived. Beer sloshed here and there as the replay showed Iverson sinking a long three-pointer.

  “Hey, did Nate talk to you yet?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Because I don’t want him ruining the evening by talking about writing all night. I know that’s a sore subject with you right now, but you’re going to have to leave it behind when we hit the limo.”

  “Not a problem,” Jeremy lied.

  “Yeah, sure. That’s why you’re over here leaning against the wall instead of watching the game, right?”

  “I’m preparing myself for the evening.”

  “Looks more like you’re pacing yourself so you don’t get in trouble. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re still on your first beer.”


  “So? It’s your bachelor party. You’re allowed to cut loose. In fact, you’re supposed to cut loose. So how about I get you another beer and we’ll get this party started.”

  “I’m fine,” Jeremy insisted. “I’m having a good time.”

  Alvin studied him. “You’ve changed,” he said.

  Yeah, Jeremy thought, I have. But he said nothing.

  Alvin shook his head. “I know you’re getting married, but . . .”

  When he trailed off, Jeremy stared at him. “But what?”

  “This,” Alvin answered. “All of it. The way you’re dressed, the way you’re acting. It’s like I don’t know who you are anymore.”

  Jeremy shrugged. “Maybe I’m growing up.”

  Alvin began peeling the label off his beer bottle as he answered. “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe.”

  Once the game ended, most of Alvin’s friends lingered near the food, doing their best to finish off the last of the pizza until Alvin finally shooed them from the apartment. When they were gone, Jeremy followed Alvin, Nate, and his brothers down the stairs, where they piled into the waiting limousine. Another case of beer was on ice inside, and even Nate was getting into the spirit of things. A lightweight when it came to alcohol, he was swaying after only three beers, and his eyelids were already at half-mast.

  “Clausen,” he was saying. “You need to do another story like the one you did with Clausen. That’s what you need to find. You need to bag another elephant. Are you hearing me here?”

  “Bag an elephant,” Jeremy said, trying to ignore the boozy breath. “Got it.”

  “That’s it. That’s exactly what you need to do.”

  “I know.”

  “But it’s got to be an elephant.”

  “Of course.”

  “An elephant. Do you hear me?”

  “Giant ears, long trunk, eats peanuts. Elephant. Got it.”

  Nate nodded. “Now you’re thinking.”

  Across the car, Alvin moved toward the front to give directions to the driver. A few minutes later, the car rolled to a stop; Jeremy’s brothers finished the rest of their beers before crawling out.

  Jeremy was the last to get out, and he realized they were at the same trendy bar where he’d gone to celebrate his appearance on Primetime Live in January. With a long granite bar and dramatic lighting, the place was as sleek and crowded as it was back then. Beyond the glass windows, it seemed to be standing room only.

  “I thought you might like to start here,” Alvin said.

  “Why not?” Jeremy said.

  “Hey!” Nate called out. “I recognize this place.” He turned around. “I’ve been here before.”

  “C’mon, big boy,” Jeremy heard one of his brothers say. “Let’s go on in.”

  “But where are the dancing girls?”

  “Later,” he heard another brother add. “The night’s still young. We’re just getting started.”

  When Jeremy turned to Alvin, he simply shrugged. “I didn’t plan anything, but you know how some guys get when it comes to bachelor parties. You can’t hold me accountable for everything that happens tonight.”

  “Sure I can.”

  “Gee, you’re just a big bundle of fun tonight, aren’t you.”

  Jeremy followed Alvin toward the front door; Nate and his brothers had already made their way inside, wedging their way around groups. Once inside, Jeremy found himself breathing in the atmosphere that had once felt like home. Most of the people here were stylishly dressed; a few others in suits looked as if they’d come straight from the office. He soon zeroed in on a gorgeous brunette at the far end of the bar who seemed to be drinking something tropical; in his earlier life, he would have offered to buy her a drink as an opener. Tonight, seeing her made him think of Lexie, and he fingered his cell phone, wondering if he should call just to let her know that he’d arrived okay. Maybe even apologize.

  “What do you want to drink?” Alvin called out. He’d already elbowed his way to the bar and was leaning in, trying to get the attention of the bartender.

  “I’m okay right now,” Jeremy shouted over the noise. Through the waves of people, he could see his brothers congregating at the other end of the bar. Nate seemed to be wobbling as he made way for another group to pass.

  Alvin shook his head and ordered two gin and tonics; after paying, he handed one to Jeremy.

  “No can do,” he said, handing over the drink. “It’s your bachelor party. As the best man, I’m putting my foot down here and insisting you lighten up.”

  “I’m having fun,” Jeremy insisted again.

  “No, you’re not. What? Did you and Lexie have another fight?”

  Jeremy surveyed the bar; in the corner, he thought he saw someone he’d once dated. Jane something. Or was it Jean?

  It didn’t matter, but he supposed that it was simply a way of avoiding Alvin’s question. He straightened up. “Sort of,” he admitted.

  “You two fight all the time,” Alvin said. “Did you ever think that might be telling you something?”

  “We don’t fight all the time.”

  “What’s this latest one about?” Alvin asked, ignoring Jeremy’s comment. “Did you forget to kiss her the right way before you left for the airport?”

  Jeremy frowned. “She’s not l
ike that.”

  “Well, something’s going on,” Alvin persisted. “You want to talk about it?”

  “No,” Jeremy said. “Not now.”

  Alvin arched an eyebrow. “Must be big, huh?”

  Jeremy took a drink, feeling the burn at the back of his throat. “No,” he said.

  “Whatever,” Alvin said, shaking his head. “Fine, you don’t want to talk to me, maybe you should talk to your brothers. All I’m saying is that ever since you’ve been down there, you haven’t been happy.” He paused to let that sink in. “Maybe that’s the reason you haven’t been able to write.”

  “I don’t know why I’m not writing, but I can say that it has nothing to do with Lexie. And I’m not unhappy.”

  “You can’t see the forest for the trees.”

  “What’s gotten into you?” Jeremy said.

  “I’m just trying to get you to think clearly about all this.”

  “All what?” Jeremy demanded. “You sound like you don’t want me to marry her.”

  “I don’t think you should marry her,” Alvin snapped. “That’s what I tried to tell you before you moved down there. You don’t even know her, and I think part of your problem is that you’re finally realizing it. It’s not too late—”

  “I love her!” Jeremy said, his voice rising in exasperation. “Why are you saying this?”

  “Because I don’t want you to make a mistake!” Alvin shot back. “I’m worried about you, okay? You can’t write, you’re practically broke, you don’t seem to trust Lexie, and she doesn’t trust you enough to tell you she’s been pregnant before. And now you two are fighting again for the umpteenth time. . . .”

  Jeremy blinked. “What did you say?”

  “I said I don’t want you to make a mistake.”

  “After that!” Jeremy shouted.


  “You said that Lexie has been pregnant before.”

  Alvin shook his head. “My point is—”

  “How did you know about that?” Jeremy demanded.

  “I don’t know . . . I guess you must have mentioned it earlier.”


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