Starlight (The Lightning Strike Trilogy Book 1)

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Starlight (The Lightning Strike Trilogy Book 1) Page 19

by K. A. Rygaard

  “You know it’s rude to stare.”

  I shrugged, smiling at him.

  “You stare at me all the time.”

  He grinned at me, leaning over to kiss me full on the lips.

  “Of course I stare at you.”

  I giggled, rolling away from him and off the bed, Magic-Changing as my feet hit the wood flooring.

  “I think I need some coffee.”

  “As you wish,” he said, following after me to the cart that was resting behind the couch.

  I picked up the note paper that was on the coffee cart.

  “What is that?” Zach asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

  “Looks like a note from Galaxia.”

  Zach and I looked at each other.

  “Do we want to go down now?” I asked.

  He shrugged.

  “Sure. Maybe we can get some breakfast, too.” He took my hand and we followed the directions Galaxia had given us. The voices were in what turned out to be a dining room, with breakfast on the table.

  “Good morning!” the Council chimed.


  “Have some breakfast,” Louisa said, “and then

  we’ll give you the grand tour!”

  We nodded, slipping into two vacant spots. “Did you sleep well?” she asked.

  We nodded.

  “Yes, thank you,” I said. “The bed is incredibly


  “Lovely, isn’t it?”

  We agreed and began breakfast.

  After breakfast, the Council took us around outside. Whatever sort of land we were on, it seemed to be covered with a forest. The area we are in is surrounded by mountains, except for one area that we were told lead to the sea. There was a small lake near the manor itself, and multiple gardens.

  The manor house itself (for it is more of a manor than a castle), is red brick and three stories, with two large turrets for the stairs. It is taller in the back, with a large, thatched roof. Inside, there were more than enough bedrooms, a chapel, a dining room, a living room, a den, and, I was told, a glorious library.

  We had lunch outside on the terrace before Galaxia took us up to the room in which we had woken up. She told me that this would be my room, and Zach would be next door on the right.

  “Don’t be afraid to ask for anything here,” she requested. “This is your home now.”

  “It’ll take some getting used to,” I sighed.

  “Yes, it will, but after some time I hope you will be able to call it your home. We are trying everything we can to make this manor your home. Mab is making final adjustments on her plan to get your families out so she can bring back your belongings.”

  We nodded.

  “When will we see our parents again?” Zach asked.

  “As soon as the news of you two being the Kahi dies down some, you will be able to see your parents again. We just have to wait a few months after the Viewing.” We nodded. “And now I have a surprise.” She stood.

  Zach and I looked at each other, and then stood as well. Galaxia went behind the wall and when she came back in, she stepped aside to reveal a thoroughlyconfused Jessica.

  “Em, you have a of explaining to do.”


  Jessie? What—what’re you doing here?”

  “We brought Jessica because we know how you feel about lies,” Galaxia explained. “We felt you should explain fully, and in person.”

  Zach and I exchanged glances.

  “Eeverything?” I asked.

  “You two should tell Jessica why you are here. I

  will be back later.”

  “You should sit down.”

  Jessie stared at me, but obliged. She sat on the

  chair near the couch.

  “Explain, please, why you two are here, of all


  I hesitated.

  “You’re not going to believe me, but I swear,

  Jessie, I’m not lying about this. . .” I took a breath, saying

  the words for the first time. “Zach and I are the Kahi.” She stared at us and then laughed.

  “No, really, why are you here?”

  “Jessie, we are the Kahi,” I insisted. “That’s what

  Galaxia told me when I met them.”

  “I thought—I thought they just told you that

  you’re the Keeper!”

  I shook my head.

  “They told me that Zach and I are the Kahi, Jess.

  That’s why we’re here.”

  “Why here? Why couldn’t you stay home? No

  one has to know!”

  “We haven’t been Crowned, Jess,” Zach told her.

  “After the Crowning, they’re holding a Viewing. Everyone is going to know we’re the Kahi. We can’t live

  on e2 anymore.”

  “That—when’s the Crowning?”

  “The thirteenth,” I responded.

  “Of Ott?”


  Galaxia came back in.

  “We have discussed it, and if Jessica wishes to

  stay here with you, she may.”

  “She can?” I asked, excitement sneaking into my

  voice. “But I thought—”

  “We have changed our minds. For Heaven’s sake,

  we do not wish for you and Zachary to be recluses, we

  want you to be as normal as you can be.” She paused.

  “But the choice is up to Jessica.”

  We looked at her and she hesitated.

  “I guess now’s as good as ever to move out, huh?

  Dad said I had to move out soon, anyway.”

  “You’re staying?” I asked.

  “I’m staying.”

  I smiled.

  “You’ll be able to talk to your father whenever

  you wish, Jessica,” said Galaxia. She nodded. “I will see

  you all at lunch.” She left.

  “This is really weird,” Jessie muttered.

  “Trust us, Jess,” Zach sighed. “We know.”


  The day past quickly. Galaxia furnished up the

  room on the left side of mine for Jessie, and had her belongings brought here. Jess Pathed her father, telling him that she’s with me, but not where we are.

  After supper, Zach and I went out onto my balcony to watch the sunset. The sky looked glorious in hues of pink and orange, and then we went back inside. As soon as the sun set, a cold washed over the estate. We sat on the couch before the roaring fire, conversing nonchalantly.

  “We’re another day closer,” he mused.

  I sighed.

  “Yeah, and that day’s going to take forever to go


  “But it’ll pass.”


  “Relax, Em. I won’t leave your side.” “Promise?” I asked, looking at him. He took my hand.


  We watched a bit of television at Zach’s request, but at nine, he stood up off the couch. I followed suit.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Em,” he said, hugging me.

  “You’re leaving?” I asked, starting to panic.

  “Yeah, I’m going to go to bed. It’s been a really long day.”

  “Do you have to?”

  “I’m really tired, Em.”

  “I understand that. I’m tired, too.”

  He’s confused.

  “What—” he started.

  “I think Galaxia was right—what she said in the note this morning. It’s easier to be in a new place if you’re with someone you trust.”

  He understood now.

  “You want me to stay?”

  “Will you?”

  He watched me and then nodded.

  “I’ll stay.”

  I rested my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around him. He felt more comfortable than a pillow, even with the bones. Zach held me as I fell asleep, rubbing his thumb against my shoulder. Sleeping in his arms made me f
eel safer than I’ve ever felt.

  How to Rule the Worlds

  I stretched against a pair of arms, sighing. Zach’s

  hand started trailing up and down my spine, and I looked up at him.

  “Morning, Em.”

  “Morning, Zach.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes. Did you?”

  “Yeah.” He shifted so he was lying on his side. “Your breathing is so calm when you’re asleep. It’s like you aren’t worried about anything.”

  “I had you,” I told him. “You also happen to make a very good pillow.”

  “Any time.” He smiled, and then: “Galaxia came in when you were still sleeping.”

  “What for?” I asked, climbing out of bed. There was coffee at the end of it again. Zach appeared beside me as he answered.

  “She said that once you were awake we were to go downstairs. She didn’t say why, just that it’s something to do with the Crowning tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Tomorrow.

  “She said to eat breakfast first, though.”

  “How nice of her,” I said sarcastically.

  “Come on, Em.”

  He took my hand and sat me at the table near the fireplace. He sat across from me and then breakfast appeared. We breakfasted and changed before heading downstairs.

  We found Galaxia, Louisa, and Horatio at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Good morning,” they chimed.

  “Morning,” we replied.

  “Follow us.”

  Zach and I followed the three down a few

  hallways before coming upon a set of doors. Galaxia opened them, and my heart sang.

  The library was enormous, filled with thousands upon thousands of bookshelves. There are two roaring fires on either side of the library, with couches and large, cushioned chairs around. . . It was spectacular.

  When Zach laughed, I looked at him.


  “Breathe,” he said, the laughter still in his eyes.

  “It’s a library.”

  I frowned.

  “A very big library.”

  He shrugged.

  “True.” He looked at the Council. “Why are we


  “As the Crowning is tomorrow, we need to tell

  you the rules,” Galaxia spoke. “It is very important that

  you know what is expected of you. Come sit.”

  All of us went to sit by one of the fireplaces, and I

  finally succeeded in dragging my eyes away from the


  “As the Kahi,” she began, “much will be expected

  of you. You will have, at the least, bi-monthly meetings

  with the other Galaxy leaders, sometimes just the royals.

  The group of all leaders, yourselves included, is called

  Parliament. You two are the head, making the final

  decision for the Galaxies. If you both disagree with

  something one Galaxy is doing, you may question the

  leader and put the action to a vote.”

  “You are, however, in charge,” Louisa continued.

  “You may overrule anything, but do try not to be

  prejudiced. Being the Kahi is an open-minded job.” “What aren’t we allowed to do?” I queried. “Like,

  are there any restrictions?”

  “Do not cheat, do not steal,” Louisa added. “You

  may not be selfish; your first concern is always for the

  Galaxies as a whole.”

  We nodded.

  “You will also meet with the royals outside of

  Parliament,” Horatio stated. “It is integral that you are

  on good terms with them.”

  We nodded again.

  “Is there anything else you want to ask us?”

  Galaxia inquired.

  I didn’t, and Zach shook his head.

  “Not now,” he answered.

  They nodded.

  “Now what?” I asked.

  “Nothing. Tomorrow you two will be Crowned

  and once you consume the fact, you will be announced.

  When the Kahi are needed, you will rule. Otherwise, you

  are at liberty to do as you please. As I said before, we are

  not trying to make you recluses. We want you to live a

  life as normal as possible.”

  Zach and I left, then. Jessie was just coming down

  the stairs, and she smiled her good-morning at us. “Kahi stuff?” she asked.

  We nodded.

  “They were just telling us some of the ‘rules’ to

  being the Kahi,” I responded. “Now, I think some fresh

  mountain air would do us some good.”

  “You two have fun. I’m going to eat breakfast.” Zach took my hand in his, and we headed out.

  Our Bond

  We went in through the trees, just walking and

  talking about what we’d want to do here. Most of it entailed focusing on being normal, sometimes traveling to the islands Galaxia had told us about. The sea was very appealing to the both of us.

  Eventually we came out onto a large cliff, right outside the forest that overlooked the glistening sea.

  “This is beautiful,” I whispered, letting go of Zach’s hand and stepping closer to the edge. I looked down and when I saw how far it was down, I stepped back. “Dangerous, but beautiful.”

  “Hey, Em?”


  I turned around and froze. He—he’s—Zach’s on his knee, and he’s holding—holding a ring. He took my left hand in his and my heart went erratic.

  “Emma, I love you. I love you more than air.” He took a breath. “Your brilliance has outdone lightning. I’d give my life to save yours in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t have any regrets. I can’t live without you, Em, you are the only thing I live for and I want to spend the rest of eternity together. That’s—that’s why I’m asking, will you marry me, Emma Fitch?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, trying to control my shaking voice.

  Zach’s eyes lit up as he slipped the ring on my finger. My heart stuttered at the new feeling; it felt perfect. I looked at it, the diamond glistening in the sunlight, and then at him. He stood and I kissed him.

  “Now I’m really yours,” I said, smiling at him. He smiled back.

  “And I’m yours. I love you, Em, I’ve always loved you and only you. And that’s the way I want it, forever.”

  “I want it to be that way, too. And I’ll always love you, and only you, forever.”


  Zach and I didn’t go back into the manor for

  most of the day. We wandered through the mountains until we came to a sandy beach. It was a cove, surrounding on three sides by the towering mountain. We ended up swimming for a while, and had a picnic lunch around one. It started raining later in the day, so we decided it was as good a time as any to head indoors.

  I just wanted to prolong the inevitable.

  The End of Normalcy and the Beginning of Forever

  Today is the Crowning of the Kahi. The day that begins the rest of my royal life. The day that signaled the end of any chance of normalcy.

  I breathed deeply and rolled over on the cool sheets. I lay silent and still, hoping to fall back asleep. My thumb touched the ring that I refused to take off last night and I smiled.


  I looked over to my side, seeing Zach leaning against the wall with a cup of coffee in his hand. I smiled at him.

  “Hey.” I sat up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. “How long have you been up?”

  He shrugged.

  “Ten minutes, give or take a few. Coffee?”

  I requested tea instead, and he went over to a table behind the couch in here, pouring me a cup.


  “Welcome.” He leaned against the table. “Are you nervous?”

  I immediately dropped my gaze to the brewing tea.<
br />
  “Part of me wants to run, to go somewhere they couldn’t find us.”

  “And the other part?”

  I looked back at up at him.

  “Keeps reminding me that we can do something good with this, that we can make a change.”

  “Either way, at least we’ll be together.”

  “That’s why I haven’t run yet.”


  After we’d eaten, we went downstairs to find

  the Council. We found them in the dining room, finishing their own breakfast. Galaxia’s eldest daughter, Morgan, was with them.

  “Good morning!” they chorused.

  “Morning,” we said, a bit uneasily.

  “The Crowning will begin at noon,” stated

  Horatio, “and will be over by thirty minutes past.” “That fast?” I queried, feeling a bit better about


  He nodded.

  “It takes very little time, worry not.”

  Galaxia stood up.

  “I would like to speak with you two beforehand,”

  she said. “Follow me.”

  We walked behind a silent Galaxia down a

  corridor and into a red oak study. She shut the doors and

  had us sit on the couch before a lone armchair, which she


  “The ceremony is very simple. We will be

  holding it in our chapel. You two will stand outside the

  double doors and when they open you will walk forward

  to where Horatio will be standing next to the two

  thrones. Zachary, you are on the left, facing them.

  Emma, the right.”

  We nodded.

  “As for attire, just something formal. A nice dress

  and a suit are perfect.” We nodded again. “Dress shoes.” She paused. “Horatio will speak, and ask you two to promise to uphold your duties. Just say, ‘I do so promise.’ He will ask you to sit after you both agree, and then

  that’s it. Any questions?”

  We shook our heads.

  “All right, then. I will see you at eleven-fifty in

  the main hall.”

  We left, going back up to our room.

  “When are you telling Jessica we’re engaged?”

  Zach asked suddenly.

  I looked at him.

  “I hadn’t thought about that, actually.”

  “Before or after we’re Crowned? It’s up to you—

  she’s your friend, but—”

  “I think before. That okay?”


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