As Gods Above

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As Gods Above Page 22

by Andre Labuschagne

  It is an especial pleasure for me, in that they bring a number of unusual talents to our organization, which will strengthen us in the face of the coming battle.

  Although most of you have worked with them during the training, you will not have had the chance to see the full scope of the powers they have at their disposal.

  The AIs have decided that in the light of the festivities, it would be appropriate to set up a final graduation exercise designed to showcase their abilities.

  In the interest of a proper demonstration, and to ensure safety for the onlookers, the demonstration will be in the main hangar area.

  The area has been cleared and screened, so we will now all proceed here. Everyone please brace for teleportation.

  Everybody ready? Tina and Harold, please do the honors. On my mark, go!’

  Main hangar area – Sub-Antarctic base – 13th December 2035

  Even with the warning, being ported at such short notice was disorienting, especially for the newcomers.

  They appeared in a specially marked area in the main hangar area. Obviously the demonstration was not a surprise to everyone.

  Bernardo turned around to council, still seated behind him.

  “Thank you Tina and Harold.” He bowed slightly before continuing. “Could the high council members please turn around so they too are facing the launch pad? Thank you”

  A murmur ran through the assembled council.

  Everybody wondered what sort of props would be used, that would require so much space. There were no ships I the hangar at this time, the nearest ship that anybody was aware of was incoming, at least three weeks away by sub light drive.

  “Whatever could they have in mind?”

  Bernardo cleared his throat. “Most of you have heard about the meld we call the quad. As a matter of fact, most of you have over the past week been involved with them in training exercises.

  This fact was intentional policy on the part of the AI’s in order to ensure that you are all familiar with their personal patterns, with this demonstration in mind.

  The AIs have deduced a theoretical capability based on the quad’s performance in the tests and during training which we are about to test.

  The proposed experiment requires the assistance of the whole high council, but the rest of you are here as observers and as a safety net in case anything goes wrong on the final step of the experiment.

  Are you all prepared to assist?

  Thank you.

  High council, are you ready?”

  After everyone had confirmed, he continued: “Michael, please link to the AIs, we are ready.”

  As soon as Michael initiated the link, the voice of the senior AI Alpha 234 came over the area speaker: “Welcome Magos and Warriors of the council.

  Michael, please initiate the quad meld.”

  The assembled council observed in fascination as the AI built up the mental structure it required.

  First they brought Tina and Harold into the meld, then the rest of the high council. Finally the remaining four major AI’s were brought into the meld by David.

  Once the primary meld was completed, Bernardo formed a secondary meld, consisting of all the members of the extended council. To their surprise they felt Michael join them with a small compartment of his awareness.

  Before they had recovered from this shock, he brought the balance of the AI’s into this secondary meld.

  For the first time man and machine worked together as partners, mind to mind. This was the secret skill, assiduously nurtured by the AIs and the core council.

  Developed after Michael managed the meld with the AIs, and tested, firstly with the quad, and then with a small number of the warriors and magos.

  But even those involved in this historical event little realized the full implication of this cooperation, and how critical it was to become all too soon…

  *** *** ***

  “Tina, please establish primary contact as we discussed.”

  The AIs started the next stage of the experiment.

  Tina reached out into the void, searching for the familiar mind she knew was out there, about two light weeks away, and the quad pushed – tentatively at first, then with all the power of the integrated high council behind them.


  Awaki, who was off watch, was lying back comfortably, reading. Suddenly he sat up as if he had been stung. “’Zashi?”

  “And some friends!”


  “We’ve got some new recruits I hope you will be meeting soon – in the flesh.”

  “I hope so too. We should be starting final deceleration soon. I estimate we should be landing within four to six weeks.”

  “Still so slow, my love? I was looking forward to seeing you quite a bit sooner than that.”

  “Well unless you have a reliable FTL drive to come and meet us with, I’m afraid you will just have to wait…

  But… Is there?

  What do you have up your sleeve Woman – and don’t tell me your arm?”

  “We may have something. I’ll tell you about it soon.

  But first, I just need to check – you are using the Persephone?”


  “Good. We’ve got her specs, unless you have made some changes?”

  “No changes.”

  “Have you got a personnel and passenger manifest?”

  “I can get it – let me just port to the control room…

  Yes. How can I get it to you?”

  “Just let me in on your vision, and I can read it. Maybe we should do the freight manifest at the same time.”

  “You can do that?”

  “I always could, somewhat. But we’ve learnt a lot recently.”

  “Is this ok?”

  “Just relax a little… That’s perfect! Now just scan the pages.”

  “Did you get that?”

  “Got it, thanks. Have you got your latest positional fix?”

  “Just let me call it up. There.”


  “Right guys, have we got enough?” Tina asked.

  “Quite enough, thanks Tina.” The AIs replied. “Michael, these are the coordinates you’ll need.”

  “Are you ready for the farsight scan, Michael?” Alpha 234 asked in his private mode.

  “All set.

  I see it!”

  “Good! Now touch it – get the feel of it – yes, like that. Will you be able to grip it?”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “Thanks, Tina – Right everyone brace yourself – we will need maximum power 5 minutes from the mark!” Michael continued smoothly.


  “I seemed to lose you there for a moment.”

  “Sorry, I had to pay attention this side - we just had to coordinate our efforts.

  Could you stop your engines and secure for acceleration within 5 minutes?”

  “We can, but we will be losing a lot of time. We will have to restart the drive and recalculate for drift afterwards.

  Are you sure that is what you want us to do?”

  “Trust me, old friend, and hang on to your hat

  The AIs say it is right.”

  “The AIs?


  We will be ready in five minutes from now – Mark!”

  “Mark!” Both Anzashi and Awaki repeated this aloud as he initiated drive shutdown and sounded the five minute acceleration alert.

  “Counting - five minutes.” The AIs responded.

  On the Persephone, pandemonium reigned, as everyone wanted to know what was happening, and why the engines were shutdown.

  “Quiet down everyone! I’ve been talking to Anzashi – from earth…

  I can’t explain now – I trust her not to let us come to harm.”

  Fortunately Awaki was able to get everyone calmed down and ready well within the allotted time (although the thought bands still seethed with conjecture).

  Back in the hangar at Bernardo O’ Higgins
base, tension mounted as the countdown progressed.

  As the count reached T minus 30 seconds, the quad picked up the focus of the main meld, thrilling at the concentrated power presented to them by the massed members of the High council.

  The secondary meld also braced itself, redy to back them up if required.

  “T minus 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”

  “’Zashi! What the hell happened?” Awaki burst out.

  Around him the control room was total chaos, as every one tried to talk at once, and to access every screen at once.

  “QUIET!” Awaki finally snapped “Stop running about, and let us discover what had happened.”

  Slowly order returned.

  “There’s no doubt about it” the astrogator sounded as if he doubted his sanity: “That’s Saturn, and there’s Jupiter over there.”

  “Quiet please everyone. We have just tried an experiment with a new drive. We weren’t certain if it would work, which is why we kept it quiet.

  Astrogator, can I have an exact galactic fix please.”

  “Coming up sir!”

  “And get me our speed, direction and drift relative to earth and the ecliptic while you are about it please?”

  “With pleasure, sir.”

  “’Zashi, I need some answers please? What just happened?”

  “Sorry, we are still a little shaken down here as well.

  We tried a little experiment, and it worked a lot better than any of us suspected.

  Before I give you the details, please let me have your galactic coordinates, and also your speed and vector.”

  “They are coming up now - I don’t believe this! We seem to be in a stable orbit, just outside Saturn, our vector and speed are perfectly aligned with the ecliptic!”

  “Good! Can you wait another 10 minutes for your answers?”

  “If you say so, I can wait. What do we do next?”

  “Just a repeat of the first time, are all of you still secure?”

  “Give me one minute – Mark!”

  “One minute countdown please – Mark!”

  “Everyone Secure!” Awaki snapped. Immediately the ship quieted down.

  Again the countdown ran its course, but this time there was dead silence in the control room when they looked at their screens.

  They displayed, not the vast impersonal immensity of space, but the Hangar of Sub-Antarctica station, and the assembled council sitting in equally stunned silence.

  Then Anzashi suddenly appeared next to Awaki’s control station.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sub-Antarctica base. Please secure all stations and prepare to disembark.

  We thank you for flying Power Air.”

  There was another moment of dead quiet, as everybody continued staring. Then a great cheer rose from the crowd assembled inside the ship and out.

  As soon as everybody started quieting down, Anzashi used the public band to initiate debarkation.

  “Attention all personnel!

  Please note that the ship is still at space temperature. Please do not approach the outside of the ship or attempt to touch it.

  We are setting up teams to teleport the shipboard crew off. Each of you has been assigned to an assembly point.

  All Teleports please take your reference from Dianna.

  All officers please assemble in the control room immediately.

  Everyone else, please assemble any luggage you wish to take with you immediately, and assemble in your area lounges. The teleport teams will be joining you in thirty minutes.

  You have each been assigned living quarters which will be available until the debriefing and reassignment process is complete.

  Those of you with families you wish to be reunited with, please contact one of the board members; arrangements will be made for them to join you as soon as possible.”

  Within minutes the total complement of officers reported to the control room.

  Here they were joined by Bernardo, Dianna, David, Michael, Marianne, Tina and L’ki.

  There were a couple of moments of chaos as everybody greeted friends and family whom they hadn’t seen for almost a century.

  Then they settled down, and while the working personnel started disembarking, the officers were quickly brought up to date with essential news, and introduced to the new Magos.

  Then they too dispersed, going to their assigned billets, to rest and adjust to the sudden change in their circumstances while they waited to be called for debriefing.

  Anzashi and a still almost delirious Awaki invited Dianna, David, Michael and Marianne to their suite.

  After about an hour of chatting, Marianne diplomatically suggested that they adjourn to get some rest.

  Tina just laughed.

  “We’ll talk later – we have a lot of time ahead” Awaki agreed.

  “And you two have a lot of catching up to do!” Dianna quipped.

  “Only a hundred years – that’s nothing between friends.” Awaki came back quickly.

  “And we’re very good friends!” Anzashi added deadpan.

  “Come you guys – you can never beat these two, they gang up on you!” Dianna led the exodus.

  When they reached their lounge the couples separated.

  “I’m so glad we finally met Awaki.” Marianne commented as they settled down on the settee in their private lounge.

  “So am I. But I’m glad we have some time to catch up too. I need some time to discuss everything that happened today.”

  “I know what you mean! If I hadn’t known that you were in there with me, I would just have curled up and died.”

  “Same here! Some things are just too big to be believed.”

  “But I don’t think either of us would have missed it for anything.”

  “Nor any of the others who were involved.”

  “I wonder how many of them actually realized the true meaning of what happened today.” Michael said meditatively.

  “What to you mean – the experiment was a success. It proved we could move megaton loads over light week distances using the new merge.”


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