The Shifter's Future Mate (Fayoak Romance Book 1)

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The Shifter's Future Mate (Fayoak Romance Book 1) Page 7

by Moira Byrne

  "That’s what I thought." She sighed dramatically. "Well, have no fear; little sis to the rescue."

  "What’ll it cost me?"

  "Well," she said, dragging the word out gleefully. "Not much, really."

  "Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Just a token, really, a trifle," I said dryly. "Who's said that to me before? Oh, I know. You."

  She laughed. "It's nothing that bad. I need an escort to the barbecue tonight."

  "Why? What’s wrong with your car?" I knew there was something else. My sister was independent, I couldn’t figure out why she wouldn’t drive herself.

  "Nothing. Car’s fine." She sighed. "Okay, so yesterday’s scare has Joseph in a knot. He’s worried about the whole false contraction thing. We were going to go together when he got off work, but he found out a few minutes ago about a late conference call he has to be in on."

  "I don’t get why you need me to drive you, or why you won’t wait for him."

  "For some reason, my mate worries about me driving at night. As if I’ll have more contractions then or something. It’s no problem on my part to ease his mind and not go out at night . . . but, I don’t want to miss the barbecue. I pass out at, like, eight o’clock. If I wait for him, we might not even make the barbecue."

  "So you catch a ride with me and he makes it early enough to enjoy the barbecue, or picks you up on the way home?"


  "And if your witching hour hits, I can always give you a ride home."

  "You are the best big brother ever!"

  "Meghan, you know I would give you a lift without all this fuss. Why the blackmail?"

  "Because it’s fun, idiot." She laughed. "You should try a little blackmail more often."

  "I hope your kids are just like you," I said in a sour tone.

  She laughed again, then said, "So, want to hear my brilliant solution to your dilemma?"

  I blinked. She knew how to solve my desire to be with Red? "Uh, sure."

  "Okay, so we tell Mom and Dad you arrived today and came to check on me first. I told you about the barbecue. So we decided to surprise them."

  "Great," I said, glad she couldn’t see me over the phone. Why had I thought about Red? My problem was how to keep my parents happy. That was all I worried about. Meghan didn't know a thing about Red and me.

  We arranged a time for me to pick her up and hung up. I watered the newly-planted flowers and set the automatic watering on the drip system to that area to water daily. I’d have to remember to tell Charlie to change it in about a week.

  I took care of a few more minor repairs and cleaned up my tools. I went back to the cabin and took a quick shower, then was on my way to pick up my sister. I didn’t want to miss anything at the barbecue. Even if it sounded like it was going to be bigger than I thought.

  As I pulled into her driveway, I saw a car parked on the street in front of her house. Who could that be?

  I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. I recognized the scent of the visitor, and it was fresh. I gave a quick double knock and opened the door.

  "In the kitchen," Meghan’s voice floated to me.

  I walked in and stopped short at the door. I knew Sophie was there from the scent at the door, but I didn’t expect to see her looking so casual. Her hair was down around her face and she wore a T-shirt and jeans.

  "Hello again," Sophie said with a polite smile.

  "Hello," I said, my gaze meeting Meghan’s. I lifted one eyebrow in question.

  Meghan grinned. "Sophie hasn’t been to one of our barbecues before, so I invited her to come with us."

  I wondered if my sister was trying to set me up. I narrowed my eyes in warning at her, and her grin took a cheeky turn. She had something planned, but what? I didn't try to answer that for myself. I’d learned years ago that trying to figure out what was going on in my sister’s head only gave me a headache, so I didn’t even bother.

  I turned to Sophie with a smile. "The more, the merrier."

  She nodded at me and her smile grew wider. I couldn't help but notice again how beautiful she was, but it was like looking at a photo of a movie star or model. My body didn’t respond to her smile as it did to Red’s. It was the same as when I looked at my sister.

  As I thought about Red’s smile, I knew I was excited to see her at the barbecue, even if Alexander would be there. Even if all I could do was watch her. No one could know we were together—other folks wouldn't understand our relationship. I worried they’d think I strung her along all these years as I hunted for a mate, then pity Red when I finally found her. I couldn’t stomach the thought of that. The only way to avoid it was to hide being together. But we were old family friends and she was my sister’s best friend. That meant I could talk to her and be near her all night at the barbecue.

  "Ready to go?" I said, suddenly eager to leave.



  When I was getting ready for the barbecue earlier, I put a little more effort than I normally would for an evening of eating brisket and grilled corn. As I stood in a small sea of T-shirts and jeans, I felt awkward in my full face of makeup and not-so-casual dress. At least, I did until Maddox arrived. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. I was instantly happy with my added effort. I knew I shouldn't feel that way, but I couldn't help myself.

  Because he was with Sophie.

  Just as my vision had predicted, he drove here with her in his car. Talking and laughing all along the way, I was sure. Well, I mean, I had seen it myself, but some part of me had been holding out that this time my vision would be completely and utterly wrong. The future wasn't always fixed in place, and I frequently got things wrong anyway. I hoped that this was one of those times I misinterpreted things somehow. I don't know why I entertained those thoughts, but I did. It only made their happy-faced arrival that much worse.

  I had to wonder how he was going to break things to me when he finally realized his mate was standing right beside him. Was he going to introduce us? My stomach churned again, a feeling I was really, really starting to get tired of today. When was he going to end my torture and figure out Sophie was his mate? Had he figured it out during the car ride here?

  Maddox's eyes finished roaming over my outfit and I saw him smile but I shielded my face and turned around, at war with myself. I was pleased he had responded as I had hoped, yet I was still furious that he had arrived with Sophie.

  "I'm such an idiot," I whispered to myself. "I need to let it go."

  I couldn't believe I felt so strongly about this. Or maybe I could. I’d known it was coming but ignored it. I told myself I was prepared for it, but that was obviously such a lie. I was going to be the one crying in the corner as he waltzed off into his happily ever after. I felt like a giant fool for never even considering that could happen.

  "What was that?" Alex asked.

  I winced from embarrassment. I had completely forgotten that Alex was standing right next to me. I wasn't being the most stellar person lately, I had to admit. My constant distraction really lost its charm at times like this.

  "Muttering to myself," I said with a forced smile.

  I knew I had already been rude to Alex, but I still wanted nothing more than to turn around and see what Maddox and Sophie were doing. I was so tempted to try and see what I could glimpse of their future, to see for certain if she was his mate. I wished my gift worked that way. My grandmother could direct her visions, sure, but not me. Instead, I was left with random and mostly out of control visions.

  Even if Sophie wasn't his mate and I had it all wrong, which I doubted, Maddox and I both knew this thing between us was always going to be temporary. Two adults having fun. It worked well for so long, but it couldn't last forever. I gnawed on my lip for a moment, then finally looked back up at Alex as an idea wormed its way into my mind.

  Alex was a flirt and, frankly, as petty as it might be, I wanted to show Maddox that I could move on, too. Alex and I were friends, so I was sure he wouldn't mind

nbsp; I didn't even realize I had seriously made up my mind to flirt until I was already making eyes at him. Maybe this would help take my mind of Maddox and help my body realize he was no longer my guy.

  "I didn't thank you nearly enough for those pansies," I said as I took a step closer to Alex.

  He arched a brow as he looked down at what little space was left between us and picked up on my cues quickly and with gusto. He circled a hand around my waist. I jolted and tensed slightly for a moment. That was a little more than I expected, but oh well. I was in it now. This was it. I was going to shamelessly flirt and move on from Maddox. Yep. I was going to do it.

  The first thing I did, however, was look around for Maddox. I wanted to make sure he was watching. He needed to know that I was perfectly fine with moving on. Even if I wasn't. I gulped deeply, not certain I was doing the right thing. It felt less and less right the more I tried to convince myself otherwise.

  "I was going to ask what brought this on," Alex said with a soft chuckle, "but I think I have my answer."

  I stiffened slightly, then forced myself to relax. There was no way he knew it was Maddox. "I don't think you do."

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Maddox and Sophie made their way around the party, stopping to chat with people here and there. Sure, Meghan was with them too, but Maddox and Sophie stood so closely together.

  I resisted the urge to mimic one of Maddox's snarls when I saw him smile at Sophie and she put her hand on his arm. I turned my head away to hide my expression. She was so elegant, so perfect for someone like Maddox. She didn't check out in the middle of conversations or blurt out people's futures at inopportune moments.

  I brought my eyes back to Alex's and noted the way they sparkled with mirth. Crud. Maybe he did know exactly what my problem was. Not that I was doing a stellar job of hiding it, what with all the staring.

  I was surprised when, in the next moment, Alex leaned forward with an indulgent smile. He nearly brushed his lips against mine as he whispered, "Lucky for you, I'll play along."

  My kneejerk reaction was to deny everything, but I knew the jig was up.

  "I'm so sorry," I whispered back as I dropped my forehead to his shoulder with a groan. I was so embarrassed. I didn't know what had come over me these days. Well, I did, but still. I was acting ridiculous.

  He chuckled again, then pulled me in even closer. "It's okay. I've been there before."

  "Yeah, right, like you've been in a secret relationship with someone for six—" I clapped a hand over my mouth. I was spouting off our secret like it was nothing and at quite possibly the worst time. I needed to keep my mouth shut.

  Alex laughed. "I would hate to see you being interrogated."

  "There's no need for interrogation if you just blurt it all out." I smiled weakly. Nothing like a bit of mocking yourself to take the edge off things.

  His smile faltered for a moment, then he slid his hands from my waist to the middle of my back. It felt comforting, friendly.

  "He's got you all sorts of messed up," he said softly, his voice full of sympathy.

  "It's not his fault," I said with a sigh. "Well, I don't know. It's our fault, I suppose."

  My eyes found their way to Maddox again. He was watching us, and he seemed furious. I caught the telltale green of his cat peeking out of his eyes as they glinted in the sunlight. I hated how good it made me feel to know he was jealous. I wanted him to be, even if I was destined to lose him.

  "You're going to have to play it a lot cooler than that," Alex said, softly brushing his lips against my earlobe. Good God, he was good. If he had actually said something flirty, my knees would've turned wobbly.

  "It's a little more complicated than playing anything." I plastered a smile on my face for the show we were putting on but knew my eyes held my sorrow. "I can play all I want, but I can't win. The deck is stacked."

  He gave me a curious look, still smiling faintly. "What have you gotten yourself into?"

  "You don't even want to know," I replied with a shake of my head.

  He eyed me in silence for a moment, then nodded firmly. "I think I know just what you need."

  Steering me with his arm around my waist, Alex turned us around and walked me toward the booze table. We came to a stop in front of it and exchanged a look. Alex raised a brow, I raised one back. Why not get a little messy at a neighborhood function?

  I looked over my shoulder as if to survey the crowd, but I searched for Maddox. He still stood with Sophie. I bit down hard on my lip as my stomach gave an upset heave. It was in that moment, for some reason, that I realized he hadn't even come over to say hello.

  A small voice in the back of my head reminded me that we were in a public place and I hadn’t gone over to say hi, either. I ruthlessly pushed it back. So what if we were in public, we were still friends, weren’t we? And why did I have to be the one to go over there? It wasn't like I wanted him to sweep me off my feet and kiss me in front of everyone. We were still allowed to talk, right? Friends talked. Friends.

  I turned back to Alex with a smile pasted in place. "Let's get drunk and eat some chicken."

  If I were honest, I really wanted the smoked brisket but chicken would have to do. Maddox's dad made the brisket, and I loved it, but there was no way I could deal with the memories of chowing down with Maddox and his family at a time like this.

  "My kind of girl. We really should hang out more," Alex said with a laugh as he handed me a drink in a plastic cup. I didn't even bother to ask what it was before I downed the whole thing in one long gulp.

  Alex handed me another cup, then slung an arm around my shoulders with a grin. I smiled even as the liquor burned its way down my throat. I was lucky to have a friend like him. If it wasn't for Alex, I would be sulking in a corner somewhere. I tipped back my drink for one long gulp as he cheered.

  Unfortunately, the downside to normally being such a happy person is that you never develop any healthy coping mechanisms. I emptied plastic cup after plastic cup and watched as Alex matched me.

  As soon as the bottoms were up, we went back for more. It was about five drinks—maybe more—and a couple hours later that I realized I was trying to drown my sorrows. Then I decided facing your problems was for schmucks and took another bite of chicken.

  "I love barbecue chicken," I said with a mouthful of meat, my head resting on Alex's shoulder. It was the only way to keep the world from spinning around me too much. "It's my favorite. So much better than brisket." That was a blatant lie.

  "You sure do love chicken." He patted me awkwardly on the cheek, his motor functions suffering just as much as mine. "Hey, where'd the guy with the face go?"

  I looked up at him in confusion. "Which guy with what face?"

  "The guy you're replacing with chicken."

  "Oh, I dunno." I lifted my head from his shoulder and threw my hands up in the air. Risky move, considering how much the world tilted around me. "Something, something . . . happily ever after."

  "You poor thing." Alex took both of my cheeks between his hands and smooshed them together until I felt like a fish. "He's with someone else?"

  I nodded, unable to use my squished lips to reply.

  "Do you—Do you want me to sing you a song?"

  I nodded again.

  "Okay. Here goes nothing." Alex took a big, long breath and started to shout-sing, "Shot through the heart and you're to blame—"

  I clumsily pushed away Alex's hands so I could jump in.

  "Darlin'," we sang in unison, then raised our hands to the sky and shouted, "you give love a bad name!"

  We both stopped at the same time and his expression was as blank as mine. I couldn't remember what came next.

  "Okay, new song," I slurred, "You never close your eyes when I—" Alex joined in, and we sang together at the top of our lungs, "kiss your lips, but baby, baby, baby . . ." I trailed off as something plopped from my head and into my lap.

  Alex’s gaze followed mine as we studied the piece of chicken sud
denly sitting on my thigh. I picked it up and popped it in my mouth.

  "Where did that come from?" I asked, looking up at the sky as I waited for more gifts of chicken to rain down.

  Alex looked around, then shrugged. "I dunno. Think more will drop? I don't wanna get up to get more. Hey, y'know, I think we missed something in that song."

  "Probably," I said as I swallowed my unexpected snack. "Hey, watch what I can do."

  I tried to show Alex my amazing headstand, but I had some problems. Either my skirt fell in my face, or I fell over before I even got my legs in the air.

  "What the hell do you two think you're doing? Rose, you're flashing your underwear to everyone."

  I knew that voice. I fell to my side and blinked up at the person until her face finally came into focus. I waved, then frowned.

  "Meghan, I'm mostly an adult," I slurred out. "I can do what I want."

  "Oh my God, you're completely wasted, aren't you?"

  I squinted up at her. "What's your definition of wasted?"

  "I'm looking at it."

  I giggled and put my head on Alex's shoulder. "You're so funny. I love you."

  "This isn't like you. What's going on?" Meghan’s irritation grew even more apparent. Her eyes narrowed and flicked to Alex. "You left The Peach without even saying bye earlier today."

  "I'm really sorry. I've got some things going . . . not okay, I s'pose." I skirted a line with that one and I knew it. I hadn't meant to say even that much, but my filter was struggling to keep up. The last thing I needed was for Meghan to find out I'd been keeping a huge secret from her. Especially because the secret was that I’d been having sex with her big brother for years.

  "You're making a fool out of yourself," she said with a sigh.

  "Alex and I are having a great time," I replied, "thank you very much."

  "Rose," she drew out my name in a warning tone.


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