Ice Commander

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Ice Commander Page 4

by Roger Frank Selby

  She laughed. ‘Who do you want me to be?’

  ‘Your hair – what happened to the grey from your...accident?’

  ‘Unusual for a man to be so observant. I tinted it. Is that important?’ She seemed genuinely puzzled.

  ‘Well, I guess not.’

  ‘I thought you’d like me to call on you, Frank. I couldn’t help noticing you looking at me over these weeks. Frankly, I could do with a change of company – Pete has become somewhat over-attentive since the accident.’

  I relaxed, smiling inwardly at my stupid imagination.

  My junior officer’s cabin was cosy rather than palatial. I motioned her to sit down with me on the small couch. Her closeness was bound to have an effect on me, especially with her new openness – and with that revealing flexisuit emphasising her curves, my cock was already in danger of showing his uncouth enthusiasm.

  I lowered the lights. ‘Would you like a drink?’

  She leaned towards me. We kissed – a good, 30-second kiss that got my heart thumping. I guessed she didn’t need that drink.

  ‘I’ve been waiting to do that since I first saw you,’ she said breathlessly, her hand on my thigh.

  Well up my thigh, too. She was very close to touching me intimately.

  I don’t know whether my uncouth member extended to meet her or her hand slid further up my bare leg but suddenly there was contact – her cool hand was resting against the hard, straining tip of my cock.

  She must have felt it. She let it stay there for a moment longer, then I felt her fingers wrap around and hold me.

  Without any fuss she had me out of the shorts and upstanding. I saw her full lips part, descend upon the taut cockhead straining up to meet her, and felt the moist warmth of the inside of her mouth.

  I couldn’t stop myself sighing out loud.

  My joyous hands stroked her hair and found the fastenings of her flexisuit. Then I was caressing, kissing the pale expanse of her smooth shoulders, revealing more of her body as I peeled the garment off her, baring her full, pink-tipped breasts that were almost floating in the low gravity, floating their softness into my cupping, squeezing hands.

  Her mouth lifted off me for a moment, her half-closed eyes full of desire while I stripped the suit down her hips, off the width of her bottom and down her long thighs.

  She stepped out naked, then cleared the shorts from my legs while I pulled off my T-shirt. Her mouth lowered onto my loins again, my hand slipped between her warm thighs, and there we were, a pair of lovers with a whole night ahead of us.

  I joke that sex dies in bed – but not on a bed in low gravity, where a concave picture window onto the stars, below and above, runs the length of it.

  As I lay down on my back she knelt astride my thighs and stroked the shaft of my cock against her smooth belly. She leant forward while I held each superb breast separately and teased and kissed its nipple until it stood proud to be sucked and very gently taken between my teeth. Shining faintly above me in the starlight, those twin moons were my playthings while she eased her open body down on me, to be slowly impaled by mine. I guided her down, reaching around her, my hands holding onto the cool, broad width of her bottom, spreading her wide.

  We both sighed.

  Once I had slid up right inside her, she used the low grav to set up a slow bouncing motion, sliding up and down on me while her breasts dipped and swayed, mesmerising me with their complex motion.

  We made love – fucked – like that for a long time, the pressure gradually mounting within me.

  Then she gently slowed.

  She stopped completely and dismounted while we took a natural breather to let the tension ebb a little – for we had a whole night to fill with endless variety.

  She knelt down close to the window and watched the stars below while I kissed the cool cheeks of her buttocks. I spread her wide, my fingers probing, my tongue tasting her inner sweetness.

  She gave out soft, musical sighs while I belatedly returned the intimate favours she had so freely bestowed upon me.

  Then she wiggled the big round cheeks of her perfect bottom in my face. It was a challenge. Smack me if you dare! I gave her a playful slap on the right cheek before I’d even thought about it.

  Smack! It sounded harder and louder than I intended.



  Some women hate anything that smacks of smacks, while others love a spanking. Which was she? I wondered. ‘I’m sorry. I did that without thinking...Was that too hard?’

  ‘Oh, no, Frank. I wanted you to do that – harder!’



  Harder and louder it was. Then, with my slightly cupped right hand, I smacked and gripped each buttock alternately, occasionally stroking my fingertips along her labia. She yelped and cried out with each spank, moaned with each gentle touch.

  The broad white cheeks of her bottom became tinged with pink – and warmer.

  My hand tingled. Her lovely breasts swung with each impact.

  Natasha was certainly an uninhibited lover – but now an impatient one.

  ‘Frank. Come into me again, now...Fuck me.’

  I was more than ready.

  I entered her again, holding onto her waist, looking down the silvery length of her back and then out to the stars.

  I wanted to make it last even longer, but her tight body gripped me; her abdomen seemed to undulate and milk the length of my shaft, her body moving like an eel. Reaching forward I held onto the fullness of her tits while I began to explode inside her, thrusting hard against her softness. She howled like an animal, pushing back against me in answer to each filling thrust.

  Lying beside her in the afterglow was sublime. I have no idea how long we lay together like that. I looked out at the bright stars again...I must have slept awhile.

  And then she was gone.

  I saw her in the canteen next day, chatting with Steiner.

  She was being fairly friendly with the man, I thought, considering how she was so bored with him.

  And then they kissed.

  It really wasn’t a lot more than a peck as she went off and left him at the table – but it was a real kiss on the mouth. Deep affection.

  I felt my breath catch in my throat.

  What the fuck is going on here?

  I got up and followed Natasha. I caught up with her in the corridor.

  ‘Hey, Natasha.’

  She looked around in complete surprise. ‘Hello. What is it?’

  Something about her puzzled expression made me backtrack from what I was going to say. I checked her hair roots. They seemed honey blond again. Tinted? But the set of her face was different, harsher, somehow.

  And that spoilt look was back.

  ‘I, ah, wondered if, ah...If you’ve had any recall of what happened on the shuttle?’

  ‘Oh, right. Thanks for asking. I was just telling Peter that the doctor thinks I’ll never recover the memory of that trip – just like Commander Hamilton.’

  ‘Ah, right...I knew Commander Hamilton.’

  ‘Really? How interesting. Look, I’m on duty in ten minutes. I have to get changed. Nice talking to you, er, Frank. See you around.’

  ‘One quick question.’

  ‘Yes?’ She pursed her mouth.

  This didn’t feel like the right time but I pressed on. ‘Ah, I couldn’t help noticing that your hair was starting to go grey at the roots – just like Commander Hamilton’s did...’

  Her eyebrows came together sharply. ‘Yes, well, as you can see, I’ve done something about that!’

  I watched her bottom swaying contemptuously as she moved off.

  That is not the woman I made love with last night.

  I explained as much to the
captain in her day cabin. I’d called on the off-chance and found her in – looking relaxed and quite radiant.

  ‘But the experience was different, captain. Natasha’s er, duplicate concealed the fact from me – she lied. Laura was always honest.’

  ‘You were very fond of Laura, weren’t you, Frank?’

  ‘Yes I was...very.’ I shifted my gaze from the outside universe to the captain. She really looked great this morning, as if she’d just made love last night. Her hair seemed to shine and the womanly shape under her military-style uniform drew my gaze downward. I wondered if she had a secret lover among the crew. ‘So you believe me then, ma’am?’

  ‘Yes, I do. I think that this alien entity may be learning from previous encounters. She lied only as much as necessary to prevent you from being spooked.’

  ‘You mean that it’s the same entity?’

  ‘It could be that previously, she found the encounter with only one person she could, ah, copy – perhaps only briefly – too restrictive and limiting. That was the situation with Commander Hamilton when the Betelgeuse was regrettably destroyed. In this latest encounter however, no lives have been lost and the whole crew of the Rigel are available to interact with.’

  This seemed to be pretty wild speculation. I had no idea the captain could be so imaginative. I added my own hunch: ‘I like to think that the entity is some kind of lost soul – a survivor of an ancient race, in hibernation for thousands of years until discovered...’ I stopped abruptly as her previous words sunk in.


  A strange word for an OSF captain to use...

  The loss of the Betelgeuse had been a fucking tragedy that shook the OSF to its very foundations. I looked hard at the woman. Only an outsider could use such a word...The penny dropped.

  She had been watching my face – maybe actually reading my mind. ‘Very close, Frank. It was a war. It ended 30,000 years ago in a system you call Procyon.’

  ‘This is the captain. Prepare for freefall in 30 seconds.’ A routine call from the captain on the flightdeck confirmed that this was not she.

  And the face in my dream had been that of the captain.

  Numbed, I automatically reached for a grab handle – normal freefall drill. So did she. I said nothing until the drive cut and we floated. Then, when I felt I could speak in a level voice: ‘Was that you – last night in my room, Laura?’

  She smiled. ‘It was wonderful, wasn’t it? I missed you, Frank.’

  Ice Mountain

  It was the captain at my cabin door.

  ‘Sorry to disturb you, Frank, but we have to talk.’

  I looked at her for a moment, wondering...then saw the routine e-board she was holding, her genuine air of command. ‘Of course, ma’am. Come right in.’

  There was a secret between us, something I’d told her and she’d asked me not to divulge to any of the crew.

  As usual, the ship was accelerating between distant frozen objects in the outer solar system – the ‘Realm of Ice’ – so we had a pleasant low-gravity environment that made moving around the Rigel more comfortable than zero-G float.

  I watched her body moving gracefully in her flexisuit as she sat down, her breasts doing a slow-motion bounce when her bottom found the seat. I remained standing.

  ‘You haven’t reported any new activity from our guest and yet you have been behaving rather unnaturally these last few days, Frank, if you don’t mind me saying.’

  I had been dreading this. Our unique guest ‘Laura’ seemed to be a very human but alien female presence. I was the fortunate focus of her attentions. Putting it bluntly, she’d impersonated two of the most desirable women on the ship, and visited me in that guise. The first had been our navigator, Natasha Lemanski.

  ‘So have you seen another Lemanski again?

  ‘No, ma’am. That’s stopped completely.’

  ‘Has there been anyone else?’

  It was time to come clean. I’d already known of Laura’s ability to impersonate the captain when I told her about Lemanski. Telling the captain now would avoid all sorts of complexities. I was pleased to get it off my chest. ‘There has, ma’am.’

  ‘And who is she impersonating this time?’

  ‘I’m afraid it was you, ma’am.’

  Her eyebrows shot up. ‘What! And you failed to report this occurrence to me?’ Her brown eyes blazed. ‘Lieutenant Carter, Don’t you think that an entity impersonating the captain of an Outer System Fleet vessel is a dangerous issue – to be reported to me at once?’

  Of course it is. She’s right to be pissed.

  I came to attention – carefully in the low gravity. ‘Ma’am, I was about to report this...’

  ‘So why didn’t you earlier?’

  ‘She’s gradually supplying me with information – who she is, where she comes from...I was worried that if I broke the spell by telling you, she’d stop. She seems benign, ma’am.’

  ‘I bet she does. And, no doubt, you were also having sex with her, and that might stop, too, eh, Carter?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ I said miserably.

  ‘So what was I like?’

  I looked at her sharply. There was the ghost of a smile haunting her lips.

  Could this be Laura again?

  I glanced at her hair, her skin. She had that Laura glow about her. I would play this straight for the moment, until I was sure.

  ‘It’s really not as simple as that, ma’am. Laura has an overlying personality, continuing from her original guise taken from Commander Hamilton, when this all started back on Saturn V. She seems to absorb aspects of the person she’s duplicating...’ But I still needed to answer her straight question. ‘And, if I may speak freely, ma’am, you were wonderful, another reason why I didn’t want it to end.’

  The smile grew. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment, then. And did you spank your captain?’

  Interesting. Especially if this is not Laura...yet I’m crazy about Laura, aren’t I?

  ‘Yes, ma’am. Laura always likes to be spanked, whoever she’s emulating.’

  Her smile faded. Her mouth opened a little.

  The captain put down her e-board, stood up as gracefully as she’d sat and went to the door. For a moment I thought she was leaving. But she secured the door and turned to face me as if she had a proposition. ‘Would you like to spank a real captain, Carter?’

  A shock ran through my loins. I felt my heart gallop.

  Shit, this is Laura, isn’t it?


  She sauntered back, drawing the pull of her flexi down a little. Not too far, just enough to reveal cleavage.

  ‘So how does one do this, Carter? Shall I lie across your lap?’

  ‘Er, yes, ma’am, that would be one way.’

  ‘Then you had better sit down.’

  I sat in an armless chair, slid out from under my desk. I was still aware of my heart beating.

  I guided the woman down, gently touching her shoulders and waist, to drape herself across my thighs. She was feather-light in the low gravity. I felt the underside of her breasts push against the side of my thigh. My cock stirred.

  Her bottom, rising under the flexisuit looked ripe for spanking. I rested my hand upon it – felt the roundness. I knew this bottom well.

  But I was hesitant.

  ‘And now, I would imagine, you need my flexi-bottoms off.’

  Reaching back, she unfastened herself at the waist. I took over and eased the tight-fitting trousers over hips and legs, revealing the creamy rise of her rump beneath white briefs. I slipped off her crew moccasins, clearing away everything below her waist except the panties.

  Pushing the material into the cleft of her bottom to expose more cheek, wisps of dark hair peeped out from around her concealed labia, emphasis
ing the enormity of what I was about to do.

  I was getting really nervous.

  ‘Well, come on, Carter – get on with it!’

  The bitch, teasing me like this!


  I smacked whoever it was quite hard on her right buttock with my open hand. It made a loud noise, quivering the flesh in a satisfying way.



  Just as hard on the other cheek.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  I spanked her. After her initial yelp, she maintained a gritty silence, just grunting occasionally. From the way she hunkered down her shoulders and held her bottom high, she seemed to be savouring her spanking.


  I stopped immediately.

  ‘Yes, ma’am?’

  ‘Get my knickers down and let’s do this properly.’

  The knickers came off.

  This time, while I spanked her, she kicked her legs a little, up and down.

  My hand passed close to her labia. Had this been Laura, I would have been touching her intimately by now, stroking my fingers across her openings, maybe penetrating her slightly with my fingertips. But more and more I was sure.

  This really was the captain.

  My hand was hovering, its sting matched by the glow of the captain’s buttocks.

  ‘What’s the problem, Carter?’

  ‘Can you be just a little friendlier, captain? That’s part of it...And this is where we usually go beyond spanking.’

  ‘I understand. Don’t worry, Frank, I would not pull rank on you now...Ohhhh!’

  I slipped my fingers up the wet inside of her. Now she was my lover, not my commander.

  And so our sex began. After squirming around my penetrating fingers for a while, she stood and freed her breasts in my face, discarding her clothing while I grabbed and squeezed the compliant flesh.

  She sighed as I sucked on her familiar tits – a realm already known to me but now with the rightful ruler in place.

  She did things differently to Laura, frequently taking the initiative even when I wasn’t the slightest bit hesitant in my hunger for her.

  She had me out in her hands before I could shed my T-shirt – she’d already whisked my shorts away. I groaned as her strong hands manipulated my cock and balls as if she’d found a weapon, with searching fingers that went from the tip of my cock to his very root behind my sac.


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