Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls

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Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

Did he not desire her? Was the man planning to never touch her? He'd said they'd wait until she was ready, but how was she supposed to know when that was?

  Rising up to her elbow she studied her husband by the moonlight streaming in from the window. Long lashes swept down almost touching the tops of his sharp cheekbones. Beneath his elegant nose, his full lips were slightly parted. Her eyes traveled to the indentation at his chin and she sighed at realizing how handsome he was.

  The broad expanse of his chest rose and fell with each breath he took, the well-formed muscles twitched at something he dreamed.

  No she didn't feel relieved at all.

  She was curious more than anything.

  Chapter Three

  Two days later Dugan stood by as Elsbeth bid a tearful farewell to her mother and father. The McNeils left with much fanfare and discussion of competing against the McDougalls at the next games. He remained beside his wife presenting a united, content front until her family disappeared into the horizon.

  Once inside, they made their way to the great room, Dugan looked forward to a quieter meal now that the other clan had gone. He sat and waited for the serving wench to bring a trencher. When Gertrude came to serve him, the maid's eyes lingered on him.

  He smiled at her. "Good day, fair Gertie, I am pleased to see you are well and beautiful as ever." The wench pursed her lips and fluttered her lashes before moving away. Although appealing and a good one for a tumble, the woman was no comparison to his new wife.


  He'd forgotten that Elsbeth sat at his elbow. Dugan swallowed and not brave enough to look to see if she'd taken notice of his flirting he instead turned and met his brother's wife Meagan's wide eyes.

  Finally he garnered the courage to look to Elsbeth who continued to eat, seeming to not have heard. Or she simply ignored his comments to the serving wench. Of course she didn't care, his wife had been very clear by her actions that she preferred anything but being married to him.

  "Dugan, perhaps you can take Elsbeth to the loch's shore. It's beautiful this time of year." Meagan attempted to save him from the awkward moment and he was grateful.

  "Aye, good idea," he replied in a voice much louder than warranted. He regarded his wife. "Would you like to go for a ride today?"

  Flat eyes met his. Ah, yes she'd heard his comment to the serving wench. Dugan waited for what he was sure was a stiff refusal. But then her gaze flitted to Meagan and she nodded instead. "Of course."

  Elsbeth paced in their bedchamber, instead of changing into something more suitable for riding than the gown she'd worn to see her parents off. How to spend the day alone with him now? It was time to get to know him of course, yet things felt so awkward.

  Dugan had not spared her the wedding night because he was kind. It was clear to her now. The man had been easy with a smile and compliments while flirting with the serving wench.

  Of course, she was aware he'd married her out of duty. It was not a love match after all. How would she deal with the fact he had no qualms in maintaining his trysts with the serving woman or whoever else caught his eye? Elsbeth took a shaky breath. With her head held high, of course is how she'd sustain. What else could she do?

  The oaf had yet to claim her, to fulfill his husbandly duties. Well, she'd see to it that he did and claim her solid status as wife. Perhaps bare a child, a son to give her purpose, something to cling to.

  She'd win in this battle of wills. Her father had constantly chided her about the fact she was not one to change her mind or course of thinking, once it was made up.

  Resolute in her decision, Elsbeth pulled a serviceable brown frock from her trunk and changed into it. After lacing her boots, she braided her long golden hair into a single braid that fell down her back. Afterwards, she went to find her husband, but not before stopping to see if Meagan was available.

  The laird's wife didn't seem to be surprised at her appearance in the sitting room, instead she smiled and held a hand out to her. "I hope you forgive Dugan's inexcusable blunder at the meal. Men can be thoughtless at times. Has to get used to the idea of being married I suppose. I assure you he meant nothing by it."

  "I am not so sure," Elsbeth sat and fidgeted with the folds of her dress. She raised her gaze and met her new friend's. "We've yet to consummate the marriage. I was willing, I tried, but he said we should wait until I was ready and more comfortable." Her face burned with humiliation, but Elsbeth continued. "It's been two nights. I thought by now..."

  The warmth in Meagan's eyes helped settle her nerves and she relaxed. "I suggest you don't make it too easy for him." Meagan's words caught her by surprise.


  "Of course not. I made things much too easy for Calum and before I knew it almost two years passed before we came to relish each other. It is only recently that we've, how can I put it, began to discover how to enjoy the marriage bed."

  Elsbeth was shocked. There was no mistaking the passion that transpired between the couple. She'd caught plenty of heated looks between them and assumed they'd been in love since the beginning. "What should I do?"

  "Bring him around slowly little by little until he cannot resist you," Meagan replied with a wide smile. "And then enjoy him. Being with a handsome man like him can be quite enjoyable. Free your mind of all the nonsense you've heart. In the marriage bed it should be only about you and your husband. Be brave when joining with him. You will not be sorry."

  "Will he think badly of me?"

  "Of course not. McDougall men have always had it easy, women fall into their beds without them having to so much as bat an eye. Their fair faces and stature do all the work for them." Meagan laughed. "So we as wives have to teach them, we are not for only their pleasure, but need our own as well."

  "Oh." Elsbeth's lips curved. "I think I understand. Tell me more."

  Elsbeth's hips swayed gaining all his attention. With her head held high and shoulders squared, her eyes on his, she seemed to float down the staircase toward him and Dugan could barely tear his eyes away.

  Her hand lingered on the banister at the foot of the stairs while her eyes raked over him. When she lifted her gaze to his, her lips curved as she reached for his forearm. "It looks to be a beautiful day for a ride, husband."

  "Aye." Dugan's throat was suddenly dry and he swallowed past it. "Indeed it is."

  The day was quite pleasant and Dugan was charmed by Elsbeth's excitement at viewing the McDougall lands. He was proud to show her the vast expanse of lush green lands cradled by mountains on one side and a loch on the other. It was sunny day, yet the mists remained atop the mountains giving them a mysterious feel.

  With bright eyes, she took in the different vistas he showed her and her husky laughter rung out at spotting a deer that darted into their path. They dismounted by the loch's shore and he tied the horses to a tree where they could eat and drink.

  She walked along the water's edge careful not to wet her shoes and leaned over every once in a while to inspect stones and plants. "Come look," she waved him over to where she stood on a fallen moss-covered stump. "The wee fish are plentiful here."

  Dugan peered down at the fish noting nothing of interest about them. "Aye, wee fish."

  When she placed her hand on his shoulder a trace of warmth traveled from it and he looked up to catch her studying him. A heated trail formed as her fingers slid from his shoulder to his bicep, but she no longer watched him, instead her attention was diverted back to the water.

  He doubted she realized how her touch affected him as her fingers lingered on his skin. Then just as quick as a butterfly's ascent, she removed her hand and stepped away.

  It was a new experience for him to follow behind her like a pup as she picked flowers and pointed to certain plantings telling him of their medicinal qualities. He learned much about his wife as she meandered about enjoying the outdoors. She admitted to leaving her keep quite frequently to pick herbs and seek looking at rare birds.

  The sun was beginning his descent, the hours fle
w past and Dugan was surprised how much he'd enjoyed himself.

  "Perhaps we should return to the keep," she told him making her way toward the horses.

  Dugan caught up with her and took her elbow. She turned to him with an expectant expression.

  "Yes, husband?"

  "I want to show you one other thing." He was not ready to leave. Dugan scrambled for something to show her, but came at a loss. He guided her past the horses to a flowering bush and pointed to it. "That's pretty, don't you think?" He hoped she didn't notice the huskiness in his voice.

  Elsbeth's braid fell forward when she leaned to sniff at the flowers. Just as she did, Dugan realized the bush was a poisonous plant with nettles that caused horrible itching. He grabbed for her and she squealed in surprise, "What are you doing?"

  Caught off balance, she fell into his chest. Lips parted, eyes wide, his stunning wife lifted her face and he covered her mouth with his.

  Stiff at first, she gradually relaxed in his arms. Her lips softened and she held to his waist. The soft plushness of her melded against his body and she released a soft moan. Her small breasts flattened against his chest and he was instantly hard.

  Dugan grew bold when she began to kiss him back with vigor, her mouth suckling at his lips. With slow movements, he slid one hand down her back. He could not wait to cup her pert bottom. Under her night shift, the round orbs had been beckoning him the past two nights..

  His other hand traveled down her side to allow his thumb to caress the tip of her breast.

  Just as he curved his palm down below the delectable curve of her behind and the other over her breast, she became startled and jumped back from him.

  "Someone may stumble upon us, we should return." She took another step away. Her chest heaved taking all his attention.

  Her face was flushed and her gaze scanned over him, her lips slightly parted. By her expression she was not shocked at his actions, but rather aroused. Of course being a maiden, she did not understand her reaction.

  He cursed himself for moving too fast, especially when her foot caught on a stone and she began to flail, her fingers wrapped around the bottom of his tunic as she fell backward.

  "Christ, woman, be still," Dugan reached for Elsbeth when her foot connected with his shin and he stumbled forward sending them both into the brambles of the prickly bush.

  At the last moment he was able to turn so that he fell bottom first into the plant saving her from most of the tearing thorns.

  Chapter Four

  "Augh!" Dugan growled when the women pulled the last of the thorns from his already throbbing bottom. He squirmed. "The itching is quite fierce."

  "Be still, this balm will help," Gertrude leaned into his ear.

  Elsbeth snatched the bowl from the woman's hand just as she was about to dip her fingers into it. "I'll take care of my husband, please leave." She'd had enough of the woman ogling her nude husband.

  The skin of his back was swollen and red from where he'd scratched and pulled at the thorns. She dipped her hand into the salve and scooped out a large amount. Starting with his lower back, she began to spread the pungent mixture onto his skin down to his taut buttocks. His reddened skin was soft to the touch and the hard muscles twitched under her hand. After four handfuls he finally became still and turned to her.

  "Thank you, I feel much better. You do know about herbage." Serious eyes met hers and she felt for him.

  "It would have been me lying here on the bed face down if you would not have caught me." Elsbeth continued to spread the salve. "By morning, you should be rid of the itch." She pushed him to his stomach. "Just a bit more."

  Her hand on the bottom of his derriere, she spread the last of the ointment on the back of his thighs. Dugan's muscles tensed and she looked to his face to ensure he was not in pain.

  Heated eyes met hers and although untouched by a man she understood the reason. He was aroused.

  "Do you require anything else right now, husband?" she asked him pretending not to notice when his gaze dipped down her bodice. "I can get you some ale." She wiped the mixture from her hands with a cloth.

  "Ale?" His voice was husky and he lower onto his stomach. "Nay, that is not what I require now." He reached for her and she remained still, her eyes locked on his. With gentle care, he reached up and his fingers traced over the top of her breast. The soft touch caused her breath to hitch. "I want this beauty in my mouth." Dugan told her, his eyes searching hers. "I want to kiss the pink tips. Come closer."

  Elsbeth neared. His hand dipped into her neckline and lifted her breast free, and pressed a kiss onto her heated flesh followed by his tongue across the hard tip.

  "Oh!" She grabbed for his shoulder to maintain her balance only to find that she made it easier for him when he opened his mouth and took more of her breast. He began to suckle, sending shivers from her chest to her quivering stomach. Trails of heat then pooled between her legs and she wondered what it meant. Not an uncomfortable feeling, but with each pull of his mouth, she found it became more intense. Her hips jutted forward and Dugan slipped his hand under her skirts to between her legs. Too overcome by the sensations, she didn't stop him.

  The instant his fingers slid over her heated core, she gasped and began to pant.

  Dugan allowed her breast to slip out of his mouth to speak. "That's right, lass, enjoy it."

  Not able to respond she could only mewl when once again he began his pleasurable assault on her body.

  "More," Elsbeth demanded, her head back as she tried to find the elusive height her body fought for. His finger slipped inside her and slid out, he moved his hand along with the rhythm of her body until she grabbed his shoulders and shuddered. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fought to hold onto something when the sensation of floating took over but lost the battle until her body seemed to fall to pieces. Delicious pieces.

  "Oh God."

  "You respond well, wife." His eyes twinkled up at her, his eyes flickered to her other breast. "Now, the other one."

  Upon hearing footsteps approaching the doorway, Elsbeth took a wobbly step back and adjusted her clothing. Just seconds later Calum entered the room and let out a loud chuckle. "I heard yer arse is red and itchin' ye, cousin," the laird was barely able to speak past his mirth. "Good thing it was a wee bush and the brambles did not reach yer..."

  "Get out," Dugan grunted at his cousin, his eyes shifting to Elsbeth who bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing with the laird who now leaned over Dugan's reddened bottom peering at it closer.

  "I think ye will be itching for a while yet."

  Elsbeth stepped forward to pull a sheet over Dugan, but the Scot got to his feet and stood nose to nose with Calum. Both giants faced off and she pondered whether to step between them or run for help.

  It was quite amusing to watch a naked Dugan with salve all over his rear attempting to intimidate his cousin.

  "I remember when you fell face first into a bramble after drinking too much ale. I'm willing to bet my arse looks better than your face did then." Dugan turned and shook his bottom at the laird. Elsbeth gasped at the lack of respect, but then she was further shocked when a guffaw sounded and Calum began to laugh harder.

  Hiding a smile at their antics, she left the room to see about helping Meagan with the evening meal.

  Chapter Five

  The itching was finally receding and Dugan stopped fidgeting in his seat. His clansmen kept a vigil, not missing any opportunity to chide him much to everyone's delight. He'd been the entertainment for days and although annoying, he'd not been able to keep from laughing at times. The men could be quite creative when given the opportunity.

  All throughout dinner, he'd felt Elsbeth's gaze land on him again and again. No doubt his wife wondered if he'd join with her this night. He'd thought of nothing else since bringing her to come with his hand. The lass was responsive to his touch and for that he was grateful.

  "Are ye well, wife? Settling in to life here at the keep well from what I hear."
He asked, his lips curving at her blush.

  "Aye, I am. Your clan has been most welcoming."

  "Perhaps you'd like to join me for a walk in the garden after the meal?" He'd gotten quite adept at finding time alone with her outside the bedroom. Teasing her into a frenzy often, getting her used to his touch and kisses. Lisbeth was responsive, which made him even more anxious to have her.

  After the meal ended, and they returned, he went to see about if Calum required anything before he went to bed.

  He climbed the stairs to their rooms. It was a moonless night and the darkness made it hard to see once he reached the second level of the keep where his chambers were. Dugan noted candlelight from the interior of the bedroom and followed it to enter. Elsbeth was bent over, in the process of undressing. Luck was with him, her round bottom pointed straight at him.

  It was time to make this enchanting woman his proper wife. He would not be put off another night. Dugan walked up and palmed her bottom.

  "Dugan, what do you do?" Elsbeth went to straighten, but he held her in place with one hand.

  "Don't move, allow me to touch you." His voice hoarse with want, he reined in the urge to lift her skirts and take her then with force and speed. Instead he pushed her legs open and slid his hardness between the mounds of her bottom. Rubbing himself up and down the wonderful friction making him even harder.

  Elsbeth's breathing hitched and she looked over her shoulder at him. "What you do. It feels good, I never knew..." She let out a soft moan.

  Dugan reached around her and slid his hand between her legs to caress her nub and she let out a soft gasp and bucked into this touch.

  "I want to have you like this and I will soon, but your first time should be on the bed with you facing me."

  She straightened and Dugan pulled her against his chest. With his fingers, he tipped her head back and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was not soft but demanding and his wife met the challenge, her lips taking his tongue between them suckling it with energy.


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