Safe In His Arms (Life Unexpected Book 1)

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Safe In His Arms (Life Unexpected Book 1) Page 9

by Melanie D. Snitker

  They heard the front door swing open. Anna and Joel stepped apart simultaneously and she turned back towards the counter as Adam entered. He greeted them both and then he and Joel went up to the front.

  Anna released a shaky breath. With her hands braced against the counter, she tried to calm her racing heart. Call her crazy, but if Adam hadn’t come in then, she thought Joel might have kissed her.

  Somehow, she was both disappointed and relieved that he didn’t. What did that say about her?


  Anastasia remained on Joel’s mind for the rest of the day. If it hadn’t been for Adam’s untimely arrival, Joel had no doubt he’d have been kissing her. He regretted that he hadn’t had the chance.

  Since then, it seemed like everything conspired against him having a real opportunity to talk to her. Was she okay? Or had he spooked her? But all he could do was anticipate seeing her at dinner tonight.

  Brooke had texted him to say she’d contacted the realtor and already had an appointment to view several properties tomorrow evening.

  After Anastasia’s shift was over, she promised to meet him at the house in a half hour. Joel raced home to give himself time to change clothes and make sure the backyard was set up for Epic. He’d barely accomplished all that when her green van pulled up in front of the house.

  He watched as she stepped down, closely followed by her giant dog. She saw him and gave him a little wave.

  Joel smiled and held the gate open for them. Epic acted like he owned the place and trotted right into the backyard.

  Anastasia shook her head good-naturedly. “He likes it here.”

  She passed him on the way through the gate and he caught a whiff of citrus. He liked the way she smelled. He could still feel the way her hair had glided across his finger.

  He secured the gate and led her around to the back door. “Brooke can’t wait to talk to you about the houses she’s seen online. I’ve been hearing all about it every time Chess is out of earshot.”

  “Why doesn’t she want to talk about it when he’s there?”

  “He’s not real happy about her moving out. He’d rather we all stayed together. I’m not even sure what all’s going on in his head right now.” He paused. “I’m glad you’re here, Anastasia.” The others were waiting just inside, otherwise he might have stayed outside to talk to her for a few minutes.

  “Me, too.”

  Epic seemed content and they went inside.

  “Hello, Anna.” Chess greeted her from the living room. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You, too.” Anastasia nodded to him. “I hope your week was a good one.”

  Chess smiled. “It’s been long already. I go to Dallas Monday and Tuesday and this week we had a lot of bugs to work out. I’m glad I could work from home today. The rest of the week should be better.”

  Brooke peeked around the corner and waved to them over the bar. “Come on in and make yourself at home, Anna.”

  “Thanks! Do you need any help in there?”

  “Nah, I’ve got it covered. I’ll be out in a second.”


  Everyone in the living room found a spot to sit. Anna ended up next to Joel on the couch. That her pulse quickened was not lost on her. There was a sound at the sliding glass door and Chess chuckled when they spotted Epic watching them.

  “I think he’d like to be inside,” he commented.

  “Epic would like to be a lap dog,” Anna muttered. “He’s spoiled.” She almost commented on him sleeping with her every night but she didn’t know if Joel had told the rest of the family she was sleeping in her van. If he hadn’t, she’d rather not volunteer the information.

  Brooke made good on her promise and joined them, sitting on the couch on the other side of Joel. “I’m glad you could come. I hope you like chicken Alfredo and breadsticks.”

  “Are you kidding? It smells amazing.” Anna’s stomach let out a long growl. “As I was saying.”

  The room erupted in laughter.

  Chess smiled at Brooke. “Don’t worry, my stomach has the same reaction to Brooke’s cooking.”

  Brooke seemed embarrassed by the wink or the comment, Anna wasn’t sure which. But Brooke’s mouth widened with a grin at the same time.

  Anna waved towards the kitchen. “Well, I can’t wait. And seriously, if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.”

  “You spent the day cooking and serving food for this slave driver.” Brooke elbowed Joel. “I wouldn’t dream of putting you to work here. Relax and take the night off.”

  Anna had to admit that sounded nice.

  They all chatted for a while before Brooke disappeared into the kitchen again. Her voice occasionally floated over the bar when she had a comment to make.

  Anna had decided that everyone in the household seemed great when she came for the cookout. But now that she had another chance to chat with them, she liked them even more. Chess and Joel were very much opposites. Where Chess was quiet, Joel was outgoing.

  Chess didn’t speak much, but he seemed kind. And immensely more serious than the other two put together.

  And Joel? Well, he was being a gentleman. He made sure she had something to drink and that she was included in the conversation. He even went outside to check on Epic once and get the dog water.

  It wasn’t long before Brooke told them it was time to eat. She had everything out on the table.

  The Alfredo was perfect, complete with tender chicken, small pieces of tomato, and creamy sauce. Even the breadsticks were sprinkled liberally with garlic and Parmesan cheese. The whole meal was mouth-watering.

  If things worked out and she and Brooke did end up roommates, she might have to get Brooke to share some of her recipes. Anna could cook, but preferred to bake. Between the two of them, they should have no problem staying fed.

  Conversation flowed through dinner. When they were done eating, Brooke stood. “Why don’t you guys go play a video game or something? Anna and I are going to take care of these dishes and talk shop a bit.”

  Anna didn’t miss how Chess frowned and disappeared from the room before anyone else had gotten up from their chairs. She hoped he didn’t disagree with her and Brooke being roommates.

  Joel must have noticed the uncertainty on her face. He leaned close and spoke low near her ear. “It’s complicated and has nothing to do with you.”

  Shivers traveled down her spine at the sensation of his breath gliding across her cheek. She moved away quickly, hoping he didn’t notice her reaction.

  Seriously, ever since what she thought was a near kiss this morning, it was like her body was attuned to everything he was doing.

  He moved away from her and into the living room. Anna helped Brooke collect the dishes from the table and carry them into the kitchen.

  It wasn’t until they were busy washing them that the subject of a rental house came up. They spoke at length, comparing everything from how clean they preferred their living spaces to be to how they’d split electricity and water.

  Anna heard Epic bark from the backyard. “I don’t mind leaving him outside during the day when I’m gone. But I’d prefer he be indoors otherwise. I realize he’s a large dog. Will that be a problem at all?”

  Brooke looked thoughtful. “He seems like a sweetie. I don’t mind as long as we keep up with the vacuuming and you take care of the pet deposit.”

  “Of course.” Anna wouldn’t have dreamed of letting Brooke chip in on the deposit. And at her previous apartment, she vacuumed several times a week to keep the dog hair at a minimum. “Does that mean we’re going to do this?”

  The corners of Brooke’s mouth curled up. “I’m comfortable with the idea. You?” Anna nodded and Brooke motioned for her to follow. “I took the liberty of searching for houses that are available not far from here. I figured it would be better for you to stay close to the diner. And I don’t want to be far from the guys or the salon where I work. Don’t tell Chess I said that. He’ll assume it’s all because of him

  Anna made a motion of zipping her lips shut and tossing the invisible key over her shoulder. “Did you find anything?” She followed Brooke upstairs to her bedroom.

  Brooke opened her laptop and clicked on the web browser. “I did! There are a couple of two-bedroom houses and the rent is reasonable. If we split it, we shouldn’t have any problem. I called and they will let you have Epic. I’ve got an appointment set up with a realtor tomorrow at six-thirty. She’ll show us around and if we like a house, we’ll be able to sign the application papers on the spot.” Brooke’s voice rose with excitement.

  Her enthusiasm was catching. They browsed through pictures of the rental homes Brooke found.

  One in particular had a six-foot wooden fence surrounding the backyard. That was the one Anna hoped they’d like because it would be perfect for Epic.

  Anna stifled a yawn and checked her watch. “Wow, it’s getting late. I’d better get going. Brooke, thank you for a great dinner. I’m excited about the houses tomorrow.”

  “You’re welcome and I am, too!”

  They walked back downstairs where Anna wrote her phone number down for Brooke in case plans changed. She was supposed to meet Brooke at their house and they’d ride over together. Anna was assured that Epic could remain in the backyard while they were gone.

  Anna liked Brooke. She had a feeling their personalities would mesh well. Maybe they could even be friends. Gee, what a novel idea.

  Joel stood when they entered the living room. There was still no sign of Chess.

  Joel motioned to the back door. “I’ll walk you out.”

  She said her goodbyes and then stepped through the door Joel held open and into the waiting tongue of Epic. Her dog acted as though he hadn’t seen her in a week, running around her and bathing her arms. “Yes, I missed you, too. Come on, big guy. Let’s go home.”

  Home. She might have a real one soon. The thought elicited a smile.

  “What are you so happy about?” Joel’s deep voice rumbled at her side.

  “I think things are going to work out. I’m looking forward to actually having a home to go to.”

  He nudged her gently with his elbow. “I’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re not in your van, too.”

  Anna tilted her head up at him, unsure of what to say to that.

  He led the way to the van. Anna let Epic in and then walked around to the driver’s door. Joel followed. “I’m glad you and Brooke get along.”

  Anna smiled at him. “Me, too. Thanks for your part in pulling things together.”

  “You’re welcome.” Joel studied her face, his dark eyes a mix of emotions. “Anastasia?”


  “Will you have breakfast with me tomorrow?”

  “I’m here late tonight and then I’ll see you at work. Aren’t you worried you’ll get tired of me?”

  “Not even remotely.”

  His response sent another string of shivers up and down her spine. That in combination with the way he was watching her — as if he didn’t want her to drive away — made it impossible to refuse.

  “I’ll be at the coffee shop at eight.”

  “Good.” Joel opened the door for her. “Stay safe.”

  “I will.” She had to pass close enough to him getting into the van that her shoulder brushed against his chest. She got settled in her chair. “Good night.”

  “Good night.” Joel closed the door for her and took several steps back.

  When she checked the rear-view mirror, she saw that he remained there until she’d driven out of sight.

  She blew out a lungful of air, the windshield fogging over. She turned the heater on full blast to clear it.

  She’d basically agreed to a breakfast date.

  The realization resulted in a war between nerves, anticipation, and confusion.

  The interest definitely went both ways. But it was complicated. He was her boss. She was going to be roommates with his sort-of sister.

  And there was Liam. Joel still knew nothing about her ex-boss and ex-boyfriend. What would he think if he did?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Joel got to the coffee shop fifteen minutes early and claimed a table close to the window where he could watch for Anastasia. The moment he saw her, his heart raced like a freight train. He stood when she approached the table. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” She flashed a bright smile at him and slid into her seat.

  Those dimples. He never grew tired of seeing them. “We enjoyed having you over for dinner last night.”

  “I think it wore Epic out. He was snoring when I left.”

  Joel pictured the dog lying on his back in the van, tongue lolling to one side, snores filling the space. It brought out a bark of laughter. “Did you get any rest?”

  “Not as much as I do most nights.”

  Yeah, he hadn’t slept well, either. His mind kept going through the reasons why he continuously felt himself drawn to the beautiful woman sitting across from him. The sun filtered through the window and brought out the highlights in her hair. She wore a green shirt that seemed to take her eyes and brighten them up even more.

  She was drop-dead gorgeous. But it wasn’t only that. The way she approached the challenges in her life impressed him. Most people he knew would be complaining up one side and down the other if they had to sleep in a van for even one night. Much less for over a week. He admired her.

  And he was glad that she’d hopefully be in a rental house with Brooke before long. He hadn’t been teasing about sleeping better when she was no longer staying in a parking lot.

  “What would you like for breakfast? I’m buying. No arguments.”

  Anastasia raised an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly. “Hot chocolate. And surprise me with a pastry. Anything will be fine.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  The coffee shop was unusually busy today for some reason. He returned with her drink and set it down in front of her. “Okay, choices are a little different today. I got two things and you pick whichever you want. I’m good with either.” He slid the food onto the table. “We’ve got a peach scone and a wild berry muffin.”

  “Oooh! Those both sound good.”

  “In that case.” He produced a plastic knife he’d snagged along with napkins. “How about we split them?”

  Her face lit up. “That sounds perfect. Thank you.”

  Joel cut both pastries in half, handed her a napkin, and reclaimed his seat.

  Anastasia took a bite of the scone. “Yep, that’s amazing.” She groaned and took another bite. When she’d swallowed, she spoke again. “I get that Chess would rather Brooke not move out. But I’m guessing there’s more to it than that.”

  “Ah. Yeah, I’m trying to sort out the same thing.” He took a sip of coffee and set the mug down. “They both have strong personalities. And when we first all found each other, we kind of settled into our places in the family. Chess was the protector while Brooke was encouraging and nurturing. And I tried to fix everything and make sure we all stayed together.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t feel like he’ll be able to protect her if she leaves.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re right about that. I’m not keen on seeing her leave, either. But I want her to be happy.” Joel frowned. “I just hope Chess gets used to the idea. They aren’t talking as much as they normally do.”

  “That’s sad.” Anastasia seemed thoughtful.

  “They’ve always been good friends. I don’t want to see anything get in the way of that.” He studied Anastasia across the table. “You don’t have any siblings?”

  “No. No close family.” She hesitated, as if trying to decide how much to tell him. “I have no idea who my father is. My mother was young when she had me and the responsibility was too much. My grandparents took me in and raised me. They passed and I never got to know any of the extended family.” There wasn’t even a hint of sadness in her eyes, only acceptance for what was. “You’re luc
ky to have Chess and Brooke.”

  “Yeah, I am.” Joel swallowed hard and reached over to cover her hand with his. “Because of them, I’m not alone now. I’m sorry you’ve spent some of your life that way.” He wanted to tell her that she had him. That she wasn’t alone anymore.

  Anastasia shrugged. “It is what it is.” She turned her head towards the window.

  She sounded nonchalant but Joel didn’t buy it. In general, people were social beings and not meant to be on their own. No matter the circumstances that led them here, he was grateful that God had brought Chess and Brooke into his life. And now Anastasia. He lightly ran his thumb over the backs of her fingers, the soft skin a little cool to the touch.

  She swung her gaze from the window to where their hands touched. Then, slowly, up to his face. He gave her a smile and her hand a gentle squeeze before going back to his breakfast.

  When her cheeks took on a light pink hue, he was pretty certain she reacted as much to him as he did to her. The whole idea was both exhilarating and scary at the same time.

  Joel motioned to her empty plate. “You finished?”

  “Yes. Thank you again, it was wonderful.”

  “You’re welcome.” He cleared their table. Their hour had evaporated in what seemed like minutes and they needed to get to the diner. He was determined to ask her out on a real date soon — when they both were off work and able to spend an entire afternoon and evening together.

  The thought made him smile. Hopefully, when the time was right, she would agree to the date.


  Anna and Joel left the coffee shop together. There was definitely something changing between them. She sensed it every time they spoke, now. She was becoming more relaxed around him, despite every attempt to keep the distance.

  Had it truly been just over a week since he first met her? It seemed like a great deal longer. As if she’d escaped from a nightmare and found solace in a bubble that remained impervious to the stresses of the rest of the world.

  She rather liked her new life here.


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