Safe In His Arms (Life Unexpected Book 1)

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Safe In His Arms (Life Unexpected Book 1) Page 11

by Melanie D. Snitker

  Joel jabbed a thumb behind him. “We’re going to unload some of Brooke’s things. The house is great, Anastasia.”


  Her relaxed expression stayed with Joel as he and Chess hauled in a futon, an old loveseat, Brooke’s bed and dresser, and a small collection of boxes she’d packed over the previous week.

  They’d also found an extra dresser. Joel and Chess carried the piece of furniture to Anastasia’s room. When she peered up from her spot on the floor, she stood quickly. “What’s this?”

  Chess brushed the dust off the top with one hand. “No one was using it and we thought you might be able to.”

  “It’s been in the garage for years,” Joel added, raising his eyebrow, daring her to argue with them.

  Anastasia hesitated and Chess seemed to catch on that something was going on between them. He glanced curiously at Joel.

  “Thank you.” Anastasia motioned to the section of wall under the window. “If you’ll put it right there, that would be awesome. It’s kind of you both.”

  Joel went out to the truck and retrieved a plastic bin with a lid on it. He carried it back to Anastasia’s room.

  She was already taking clothing out of her rolling suitcase and putting it in the dresser drawers. When she saw him, her eyes went to the bin then to his face.

  He set it down in one corner of the room. “I put together a few things for you yesterday. I thought you could use them.” When she started to object, he held up his hand to stop her. “Take them, Anastasia. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Okay?”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Joel.”

  “You’re welcome. We brought in a futon as well as a loveseat. I’m sure Brooke wouldn’t mind if we moved the futon in here until you got a bed.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. I’m planning on picking up a mattress after my next paycheck.” She must have seen him open his mouth to speak because she gave him a stern glare. “Which is only next week. I think I’ll live.”

  Joel chuckled. Yes, he was going to offer to give her an advance just this once. He admired that she would refuse to accept it. Even sleeping on a pallet on the floor was a huge upgrade from the van. “You’re something else, girl.”

  He tried to swallow past a lump in his throat, working up the courage to voice his question. “If I brought fried chicken, potato salad, and drinks by Monterrey Park — say, around noon tomorrow — would I be able to persuade you and Epic to have a picnic lunch with me?”

  A healthy dose of pink colored Anastasia’s cheeks and she ducked her chin as a smile lit up her face. “Are you asking me out?”

  “Well, you and Epic. We could make it a double date, but I’m afraid I don’t know many single dogs right now.”

  Anastasia’s laughter was like music to Joel. He gently put a finger under her chin and brought her eyes to his. “Is that a yes?”

  “It is.”

  “Good.” He leaned forward, his lips brushing the skin near her ear. “I’m looking forward to it.” He straightened when he heard someone walk past behind them and spoke unnecessarily loud. “I’d better go and help Brooke bring the last of her things in. That lady is a slave driver.”

  “Whatever!” Brooke’s voice floated down the hall followed by chuckles all around.


  Anna followed Brooke and Joel into the living room. While still sparsely decorated, it was a whole lot homier with the furniture in it. The room didn’t echo now like it had when she’d first walked in.

  She was curious about what Joel had put in that bin. But she’d decided to wait until they left to check it out.

  Chess set a box down on the floor against a wall and then surveyed the room. “That’s the last of it. Are you sure you’ll be okay here?”

  “We’re going to be fine.” Brooke flopped onto the futon. “Any idea what you guys are going to do with my room?”

  Joel and Chess exchanged a look and it was Joel who answered the question. “Not yet. We’re not in a hurry.” He draped an arm around Brooke’s shoulders. “You’re going to be missed. I hope you realize that.”

  Brooke’s eyes grew misty as she nodded. “I know. I’ll miss you guys, too.”

  Anna watched the exchange between them and wondered what it’d be like to have such a strong support system.

  Joel’s eyes shifted to her face and she was afraid her thoughts might have been plastered there for all the world to see.

  “I’d better get back to work.” Chess gave Brooke a hug, his jaw set. “Congratulations on the new place.” His voice was tense

  “Thanks, Chess. I appreciate the help.”

  “Of course. Bye, Anna. Congratulations to you, too.”

  Anna thanked him and gave him a friendly wave.

  Joel hugged Brooke, too, and then smiled at Anna. “Glad we could help out. I’ll go and let you two get settled. My manager called in sick. I need to swing back by the diner and make sure my back-up is doing okay. Call if you ladies need anything. And I’ll see you tomorrow at the park, Anastasia.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Anna thought the house seemed strangely quiet after the guys left. “Well, here we are.”

  Brooke put her hands on her hips and surveyed the area. “Here we are.” She focused a watery gaze on Anna. “I feel as though I’ve moved away from home for the first time. It’s weird.”

  Anna sympathized. “You guys are family. And whether you live there or here, that’ll never change.”

  She helped Brooke with a few things, let Epic into the house, and then went into her new room. Sunlight came through the cracks in the white mini blinds, making the room bright and cheerful. After carrying the bin Joel had given her to the pallet on the floor, she sat crossed legged on the blankets.

  Anna had no idea what to expect from the contents. She pulled them out one-by-one. Three packages of plastic hangers. Between those and the dresser, she’d have a place to put the few articles of clothing she owned. There were several toys for Epic, a soap dispenser, toothbrush holder, and a wastebasket.

  But what brought the biggest smile to her face was the box of blueberry muffins from the coffee shop. A piece of paper was folded and taped to the top of it.

  Anna carefully removed it, her eyes taking in Joel’s handwriting.


  I’m excited for you and this new phase of your life. I’m proud of your determination that has led you to this point. Your ability to live in the moment and do what’s necessary is something I find both endearing and inspiring.


  Anna read the note again, warmth spiraling through her.

  For the first time in weeks, she felt safe.


  The moment his phone rang, Liam swiped the screen. “Rick, you’d better have something for me, or I swear I’ll strangle the life out of you.” He resisted the urge to crush his phone in his hand and throw it to the ground.

  “A real estate company ran Anna’s social security number for a credit check. I can’t tell you whether she’s obtained a house through them. But I can tell you where the real estate office is located.”

  Finally! “Spit it out, man.”

  Rick gave him the name and address of the office. When Liam hung up, he opened the road map of Texas.

  Quintin. It was less than an hour away.

  His lips stretched wide as he said, in a sing-song voice, “I’m gonna find you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Anna was in Monterrey Park with Epic, waiting for Joel to arrive. She found a picnic table that had a good view of the parking lot. She sat there and watched Epic explore the nearby grass. The sun was warm and while she still needed a long-sleeved shirt, no jacket was necessary.

  She hoped the large number of birds, butterflies, and wildflowers meant nice weather might be here to stay.

  Anna heard the popping of tires rolling over rocks in the parking lot. She rotated and noticed Joel driving towards her. “Come here, Epic.”

  The dog jogged
to her side, his eyes intent on the new vehicle. She stood and clicked the leash to his collar.

  He parked the vehicle and approached them with a wave. “How are you two on this beautiful Sunday?”

  “We’re good. How about you?”

  “I slept a lot better last night knowing you were safe. And Epic, too, of course.” He winked. Good grief, did his smile have to send her heart racing like this? “You two were comfortable in the house, then?”

  Anna chuckled. “Oh, yeah. I took a shower without a time limit, I got to sleep without dog hair in my mouth, and I woke up warm. I’d say it was downright luxurious.”

  Joel laughed. “I’m glad.”

  “Thank you for your help with the move. And for the box. You thought of everything.”

  “You’re welcome. For what it’s worth, I may not know what’s happened in your past. But in the end, it brought you here to Quintin. And I’m thankful for that.” He held her gaze for a few breaths then pointed a thumb behind him. “I’ll go grab the food if you’re ready to eat. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  “Sounds great. I’m pretty hungry, too.” Anna had been anticipating this meal since Joel suggested it. Even more, though, she’d been looking forward to the company.

  Joel carried a small plastic tub to the picnic table and set it on the ground. He pulled a vinyl tablecloth out. “Never hurts to set the stage.”

  Anna helped him drape it over the table. They then proceeded to unpack a container of fried chicken that was still warm, potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, and rolls. When everything was all on the table, she placed her hands on her hips and surveyed the spread. “Wow, you outdid yourself.”

  Epic stood as close to the table as possible without touching it. He did nothing but stare at the food, his pink tongue licking his chops on occasion.

  Joel patted the dog on the head. “I think he’s hoping the chicken will get up and dance right off the table and into his mouth.”

  Anna got a length of rope out of the van and tied it to both a tree and Epic’s leash. That way, he’d have a lot of space to wander around while they ate. Even after Anna got him set up, Epic still watched them with envy.

  If previous meals were any indication, Anna suspected Joel would toss him scraps when they were done eating.

  For now, her mouth watered at the thought of that fried chicken. She took a seat on one of the long benches, noting that Joel chose to sit beside her. “Everything smells amazing.”

  “I didn’t know if you were a potato or macaroni salad fan so I brought both.” He handed her a thick paper plate. “Dig in.”

  “Thank you. And I actually like both.”

  He smiled at her, his gaze lingering on her face for a handful of moments. “Me, too.”

  They got their food and began to eat.

  Joel wiped greasy fingers on a paper towel. “I’ve only driven by this park before. It seems like a nice one.”

  Conversation flowed easily as they enjoyed their meal. To Epic’s delight, Joel had several chunks of chicken for him along with a leftover roll.

  After cleaning everything up, they decided to take a stroll through the park. Anna retrieved Epic’s ball from the van before they started out. Joel held his hand out for it and she gave it to him.

  He lobbed the ball and Epic didn’t hesitate to bound after it. The dog brought it back and Joel repeated the motion. The next time, Joel handed the ball to Anna.

  She laughed. “I think he’d rather you threw it.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “You know the expression, ‘You throw like a girl?’ Yeah, I make that girl look good.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Surely you exaggerate.”

  He was daring her. She brought her arm back as far as she could and threw the tennis ball with all her might.

  Epic didn’t have to run far before scooping it up off the ground not far from them.

  “Wow.” Joel shook his head in mock pity. “That was terrible.”

  “Told you.” Epic brought the ball back and dropped it at Joel’s feet. “See, even he knows it.”

  Ten minutes later, Anna pocketed the tennis ball. “That’s all, boy. Come on, let’s walk some more.”

  Epic meandered his way along the path while Anna and Joel walked side by side. Joel’s arm brushed against Anna’s, and each time, it completely distracted her.

  They’d been strolling in comfortable silence for a while. When Joel spoke, his voice almost startled Anna. “May I ask you something?”


  “When you moved here, where did you come from?”

  Anna hesitated. She hadn’t meant to, but Joel picked up on it immediately. What she didn’t expect was for him to reach over and take her hand in his.

  “What are you running from, Anastasia?”

  Her mind scattered in all directions. What was she supposed to say? She wasn’t ready to tell him what she was coming from — she might not ever be. Panic welled in her chest and she forced herself to focus on the pressure of his hand on hers. On the way he was lacing their fingers together and then giving a reassuring squeeze.

  Mustering every bit of strength she had, she prayed she’d sound casual and said, “Epic and I came here from Utah.”

  “Wow, that’s quite a ways. Did Epic ride in the passenger seat the whole time?”

  Anna chuckled at that and cast him a sideways look.

  “Every last mile.”

  Epic heard his name and had trotted back over to them. Anna ran her hand over his warm head.

  “What made you stop in Quintin?”

  She considered her answer. “I can’t explain it except to say that, from the moment we crossed into town, I felt God was telling me to stop.” She peeked at him from beneath lowered lashes. “Does that sound insane?”

  “No, it doesn’t.” He stopped and moved to stand in front of her, their hands still linked. “It’s always both humbling, and a relief, when God shows us that he has a plan and is going to help us achieve it.”

  Anna couldn’t agree more. Coming to Quintin had certainly been an answer to prayer in more than one way. Now that she had this rental with Brooke, could she hope for some semblance of a normal life? Did she even know what that was?

  Joel reached his other hand out and traced the outline of her jaw with a single finger. “I, for one, am grateful you stopped in Quintin instead of driving right through.”

  His eyes were intense as he studied her. He curled the same finger under her chin and gently tipped it up. A breath later, he dipped and softly touched his lips to hers. It was the briefest of kisses before he pulled away, his breath warm on her cheek. Then he claimed her lips again, gentle, yet confident.

  Anna’s heart beat wildly as if trying to escape the confines of her chest. What if things stayed like this? What if she actually found someone to share her life with?

  But could she open herself up to him? Tell him about Liam and what had happened? She didn’t think so. Not now.

  Joel must have sensed the change because his lips left hers, hovering mere inches away. “Anastasia?” His gaze contained a mix of concern and confusion.

  He deserved answers. He deserved an explanation. And she couldn’t give him one right now. Joel must have seen that in her face because he released a frustrated breath of air.

  “Joel, I…” Ugh, she hated this! Everything about it. Would she ever be able to outrun Liam’s reach? The thought alone brought tears to her eyes. She refused to let them fall. “There are things in my past I can’t talk about. Things I wish I could forget.”

  “There are things like that for all of us. I’ve got my share of memories I’d rather not ever speak about. As much because I’ll have to relive them as anything. It’s part of life.” Joel reached out and touched her shoulder gently.

  “I know.” Please help him understand. “But this is different. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to tell you. Mine aren’t just memories. I’ll always wonder if the
y’ll catch up with me. And if they do, I think your opinions of me would change.” She took a step back away from him. “Please, Joel. You deserve someone who’s honest with you and I can’t do that right now.”

  The pain in his eyes bruised her heart. But there was nothing else to be done. He had no idea how much she wished things were different. The kiss had been incredible. Being held in his arms again sounded like heaven right now. But she didn’t deserve it. Didn’t dare risk her heart — or his.

  “I understand that you’re not ready to talk about things. I get it. But I want to make one thing clear.” He put a finger on her chin. “I’ll be here when you are. I’m here if you need me and I hope you’ll give me the chance to prove you wrong. To show you that my opinion of you won’t change.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was a whisper and tears threatened mutiny.

  Joel held a hand out to her and she took it. “Let’s walk for a while.”

  It was only after she got back to the house and safely in her room that she brought down her defenses and allowed the tears to escape. It was the first time she’d truly broken down and cried since leaving Utah. Maybe this was exactly what she needed.


  Liam was certain he’d driven up and down every road in Quintin. A slight exaggeration, perhaps, but he was already tired of the small town. He was beginning to wonder if he might never find Anna.

  He stopped at a red light. He was going through options when a van matching the description he’d been given passed in front of him.

  Adrenaline surged. “Come on! Move!” He slammed the palm of his hand against the steering wheel. The light turned green and the car in front of him rolled slowly into the intersection.

  Liam made a hard right, eyes searching for a hint of the green van. There. It turned left up ahead.

  Careful to keep his distance, he turned to follow it.

  Several blocks down, the van pulled into a driveway.

  Liam steered his car close enough to be certain it was Anna getting out of the vehicle and going into the house. Apparently she still had that mangy mutt with her. Another car waited in the driveway.


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