Dirty Lessons

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Dirty Lessons Page 13

by Ella Jade

  “Thank you for coming.” I extended my hand. “I know you care about her. She loves you too.”

  “Just not the way she loves you.” He shook my hand. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Just as I was using the app to get a car to take me to the rehearsal, there was a knock at my door. Gazing through the windows, Miles stared back at me looking dapper in his light gray suit and black shirt. When I moved closer to the door, he smiled at me. His adorable grin made all of my anxiety of the last day leave my system. I quickly opened the door to greet him.

  “Miles.” Having him close gave me a sense of relief. Like maybe I could fix what had happened between us. “What are you doing here?”

  “Escorting you to the rehearsal.” He stepped into the foyer. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Will you come with me tonight?” He pointed outside. “I have a car waiting when we’re ready.”

  “I thought you were mad at me.” He had every right to be. I wasn’t honest with him.

  “You were mad at me first.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” I’d been thinking about why I had overreacted the way I did. It had little to do with having sex in such a public place and more to do with my fear of committing. “I didn’t mean to say the things I did.”

  “You meant some of them.” He placed his hand on my back and led me into the living room. “I shouldn’t have assumed that you would want to do something like that especially not after the incident with Ellie. I did make sure we were isolated, but I won’t risk your career again. I promise.”

  “I appreciate that but I wasn’t totally honest with you last night.” I sat down on the chaise lounge. “I tried to convince myself that you were a safe bet. That I couldn’t possibly fall for you because you could never commit to me. But then you went and fell for me.”

  “You’re difficult to resist.”

  “You surprised me and I wasn’t sure where we could go after how we’d begun.”

  “And now?”

  “I never thought we could be anything more than sex but then I really got to know you. I liked spending time with you. I enjoyed all those late night conversations we had after being intimate. That’s when I really got to see who you are. The man I had no idea you’d become.”

  “I had no idea the man I’d become until you. We were never just sex.”

  “I know.” I rested my hands in my lap.

  “Looking back on the whole situation, I’m sorry I agreed to your terms. It had disaster written all over it. I should have convinced you that we could date. That it would all work out.”

  “I misjudged you. I based who you were on what I remembered about you as a kid. I decided you were the carefree, rich bachelor I saw in the papers and that really wasn’t fair.”

  “I may have been the cocky teenager who wanted inside every girls’ panties,” he said. “And I may have overindulged in my fair share of gorgeous women in college and a few years after.” He took my hand. “None of those experiences meant that much to me. I was having fun, enjoying my privileged life. Trying to find an outlet when Jameson spiraled. It didn’t always work but it helped me forget for a few hours.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Miles carried so many burdens when it came to his brothers. He worried about Max more than he should. He looked up to Jameson, but deep down he harbored feelings that his older brother would slip up again. He was often stuck in the middle when Jameson and Max didn’t agree on something.

  “I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel sorry for me. I’m telling you this because I need you to know that no one has ever moved me the way you do. I’ve never envisioned a future with someone until you. You’re right.” He inched closer to me. “I have fallen for you. I’ve fallen in love with you and I’ll do anything you need to trust me so that maybe one day you’ll reciprocate.”

  “One day?”

  “I know you sought me out for the kind of relationship you thought I was comfortable with.” He kissed the corner of my mouth. “You were protecting yourself. I get it. I have a lot to prove when it comes to us but I’ll keep trying until you see that I won’t bail.”

  “You don’t have anything to prove.” I traced his lips with my fingertips. “I’ve already fallen in love with you. That’s why I’m so scared.”

  “You love me?”

  “How could I not?”

  “You are very hard to read but I’m learning.” He took my face between his hands and kissed me. “There is nothing for you to be afraid of.” He kept his hands on my cheeks. “We’re meant to be. I know it.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since that afternoon on the bench at the park.”

  “That long?”

  “I didn’t know it was love but I knew it was different with you.” He kissed me again. “I want to share chicken salad sandwiches with you on a park bench for the rest of my life.”

  “You do?” I laughed as the tears streamed down my face.

  “That would be an awesome life.”

  “I’d like that.” Why hadn’t I trusted him from the beginning? It took my head a little time to catch up with what my heart had already known. Miles was the man I’d been waiting for. He was my HEA.

  “Good because you’re not going to get rid of me.” He reached inside his jacket pocket and took out a long, silver box. “I thought maybe, since you’re not wearing your other necklace these days, you’d like something new.”

  “You got me a present?”

  “I asked CC to help me pick out something that would go with your dress on Saturday but you could wear this tonight too.”

  “What is it?” I glanced at the box and then back to him.

  He opened it to reveal a stunning diamond choker. “I know it’s a lot fancier than the pendent you wore but...” He shrugged. “I’m a Clark. We’re kind of flashy.”

  “It’s beautiful.” I turned my back to him and lifted my hair. “Will you put it on me?”

  “Of course.” He trailed his lips along the back of my neck before securing the necklace. “Let me see.”

  I faced him, fingering the jewelry as I admired his flawless face.

  “It doesn’t do you justice.” He stroked my cheek. “You’re far too exquisite.”

  “It’s perfect.” I climbed into his lap, needing to be close to him. “Just like you.”

  “Just like us.”

  “I don’t want to fight with you ever again.” These past twenty-four hours without him were horrible. “When you walked away last night, and then again this afternoon, I wasn’t sure what to do. I screwed up and I didn’t know how to fix it. That terrified me more than falling in love with you ever could.”

  “Last night I was giving you your space.” He kissed my temple. “This afternoon I let my temper get the better of me. When I saw you with Ross, I lost it. I figured it was best for me to leave. I didn’t want to do anything to upset you.”

  “There is nothing between me and Ross.” I stared into his eyes, hoping he understood. “I loved him a long time ago but it was nothing compared to what I experience when I’m with you. The passion, the excitement, all the feels I get when you walk into a room. You’re everything to me. I need you to know that.”

  “I know exactly what you’re saying because it’s the same for me. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me.”

  “Just be by my side.” I draped my arms over his shoulders. “That will be enough. We’ll be enough.”



  Watching Kirsten giggle as she danced with CC and Rayne was the highlight of my night. She was happy and full of life. Spending the day with her, celebrating the marriage of Jameson and CC put things into perspective for me. It was still early in our relationship but I was certain she was the one for me. I envisioned us on our wedding day. Just as in love as my brother and h
is beautiful bride.

  “I see you and Kirsten have worked things out.” Jameson joined me, placing his sparkling water on the bar.

  “We’re moving in the right direction.” Soon my brother would be standing by my side when I said my vows.

  “I’m glad.”

  “CC is gorgeous. Inside and out.” I nodded toward the women as the danced. “You’re a lucky man.”

  “She truly is my salvation.” He smiled when CC blew him a kiss. “I wanted to thank you for being my best man.”

  “It was an honor.”

  “Not just today,” he continued. “You’ve always been there for me. During my darkest hours, I could always count on you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate that.”

  “I’m happy those days are behind us. It’s much better to celebrate a day like today. You deserve this.”

  “Thank you.”

  “There’s my two favorite brothers.” Max joined us by the bar. “Why do you look so serious? It’s a party.”

  “You never miss a party,” I said. “Well, except when you’re in England.” I thought about the last party he’d missed. The one where Kirsten and I made use of that shed by the lake. That was some night.

  “About that,” Max said. “I’ve been doing some thinking.”

  “Really?” Jameson smirked. “That doesn’t happen often.”

  “I’m going to ignore that because it’s your wedding day and Mom would be mad if I punched you at your reception.”

  I rolled my eyes. My brothers had a unique relationship but they loved one another. Even if they didn’t always show it.

  “What were you thinking about?” Jameson asked.

  “I’m coming home for good.” Max finished his beer and placed the empty bottle on the bar.

  “That’s good news.” Jameson patted his back. “You’ve been away for too long.”

  “Let’s see how you feel in a few months.” Max grinned. “When I’m driving you crazy.”

  “What are your plans when you come home?” I asked.

  “I was hoping the job offer was still valid. Do you need another Clark at your firm?” Max stared at Jameson. “I want to work with you guys.”

  “That’s fantastic news.” The agency was growing faster than Jameson and I could have imagined. Having Max with us was exactly what we needed.

  “Absolutely,” Jameson said. “We’ve been waiting a long time for you to come home.”

  “I’m ready now.” He glanced over at the dance floor. “D.C. holds so many possibilities for me.”

  Rayne? That was a story for another book.

  “When I get back from my honeymoon we’ll discuss the details of you coming on board.” Jameson shook Max’s hand. “Miles and I are excited to have you.”

  “That means a lot coming from you,” Max said. “I look forward to it.”

  The photographer came up to us. “Excuse me, Mr. Clark,” she spoke to Jameson. “Your mother has requested I get a shot of you and your brothers.”

  “You didn’t get enough of us throughout the day?” I pointed to my cheek. “My face hurts from smiling so much.”

  “Your mom wants me to capture this particular moment.” She held up her camera. “She said you’re not fighting and that’s rare.”

  “I guess we have stressed Mom out over the years,” Jameson said. “We can give her the picture.”

  “To commemorate our new partnership,” I said. “A day will always remember.”

  My brothers stood on either side of me, leaving me in the middle. How appropriate. We put our arms around one another’s backs and smiled as the photographer took several pictures of us. My mother was right to memorialized this moment. It was the start of a new chapter for the Clark brothers. One that held much hope for the future.

  As the last picture was snapped, my gaze connected with Kirsten. She’d come off the dance floor and headed toward me just as she was meant to. I didn’t know it was possible to love anyone so much but I was happy I’d waited for her.

  “Hi.” She smiled when I met her halfway. “That was a great picture you guys took. You all looked so handsome and happy.”

  “I think we are all happy for a change. I hope there are many more days like today.”

  “I know there will be.”

  “Me too. As long as I have you.” I took her hand and led her to the dance floor as the band slowed the music down. “Will you dance with me, Dr. Dunlap?”

  “I’d love to.”

  I placed my hand on her back, bringing her close to me. “Are you having a good time?”

  “This has been a magical day.” She glanced around the room. “CC looks like a princess, and Jameson is so in love with her. The ceremony was perfect. The whole day was amazing.”

  “You’re a good friend to her.” I could see the joy in her expression. Her smile was infectious.

  “She’s great.”

  “Your parents seem to be having a nice time.” I had met them when I was younger. I’d even had Professor Dunlap as a teacher when I was a freshman, but today was the first time I’d seen them since Kirsten and I had been together.

  “They like you.”

  “Do they?” I twirled her in a circle, bringing her back to my embrace. “My mother wants to have them over for dinner. I think they’ve already set it up.”

  “They work fast.” She caressed my jaw with her lips.

  “They should get to know one another.” I gently kissed her. “Considering I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “You’ll get no complaints from me.” She moved her lips along mine. “I love you.”

  “Do you have any idea how much I enjoy hearing you say that?”

  “I plan on saying it often.”

  “I love you too.”

  When I gazed into her eyes, all the love I had for her came to the surface. Taking her in both of my arms, I pressed my mouth to hers, kissing her slowly, deeply, and passionately. She gave into the kiss, allowing me to just have the moment. The clapping and hollering coming from around us halted my actions. Breaking the kiss, I opened my eyes but didn’t move away from her lips.

  “Oops.” The blush in her cheeks overtook her face. “I don’t mind this public display of affection.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I winked at her. “For later.”

  Jameson, CC, Max, and Rayne surrounded us. Each taking their partner and dancing along with us.

  “Does this mean you two are next?” Rayne asked.

  “Talk about pressuring Miles.” Max shook his head. “Leave him alone.”

  “Then we would be sisters!” CC exclaimed. “How cool would that be?”

  Jameson kissed his wife’s forehead, whispering into her ear as he swayed her to the music.

  When Kirsten gazed into my eyes, the answer to Rayne’s question was obvious. Of all the lesson’s I’d learned this summer, the most important one was when you find someone who makes your soul complete, you never let them go.

  The End

  The Clark Brothers

  Follow these characters in the last installment.

  Coming in the Fall of 2018.

  Intrigued with Max and Rayne? They have history and I can’t wait to tell it.

  Waiting For Max

  Maxwell Clark isn’t supposed to be the man of my dreams. He doesn’t do relationships. He does sex. When I was eighteen, I let him take my virginity. Four years later, he’s taken my heart, mind, and soul but he has no idea how much I love him.


  We always want what we can’t have...

  Maxwell Clark has finally come home from England to help his brothers run the family business. They’re dominating the D.C. political consulting world but Max isn’t feeling his new job. He’s not sure where he fits in when it comes to working with his responsible, established brothers. He’s used to drinking hard, partying even harder, and dealing with the consequences later.

  Rayne Stanford loves Max, but she knows he’ll nev
er commit. She’d rather be his friends with benefits girl than risk losing him. They’ve known one another most of their lives. Max’s older brother has a soft spot for her, and treats her like a kid sister. He expects Max to do the same. Too late for that.

  Now that Max is home for good, can he settle down long enough to see the woman Rayne has become? Or, is she finally ready to move forward and find a man who treats her the way she deserves?

  Do Bad Things

  Want to see how it all started?

  My mother is dying. Without the experimental trial she’ll succumb to her cancer. Our bills are out of control and I’m desperate. Desperate enough to accept a mysterious, sexy stranger’s inappropriate proposal. The terms...

  1-My body is his to do as he pleases

  2-He doesn’t care about my pleasure

  3-I say yes and I get paid

  4-Deny him one time and it all ends

  I should stop what I started, but it didn’t take long to become addicted to his forbidden touch. Now all I want is for him to do bad things...


  When did Mr. Wrong become Mr. Right?

  Jameson Clark spiraled out of control years ago. Drugs and alcohol nearly ruined his life but somehow he managed to get himself back on track. His career as a political consultant is at an all time high but his personal life is lacking. Old habits die hard but the addictions that almost killed him must stay buried. He needs an outlet. Something to take the edge off. Sex. Unattached, no commitment sex. He’s found the perfect candidate for what he has in mind.

  Struggling legal intern Cecilia Keller’s world is crumbling around her. College debts and her mother’s medical bills are more than she can handle. Working hard seems to be getting her nowhere. No matter what she does she can’t manage to get ahead until an intriguing stranger with a tormented soul makes her an improper offer. Straight up sex. When he wants it and how he wants it. Nothing else. No small talk, no dating, and definitely no intimacy. No one has to know he’s paying her.


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