Italian Doctor, Dream Proposal / Wanted: A Father for her Twins

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Italian Doctor, Dream Proposal / Wanted: A Father for her Twins Page 13

by Margaret McDonagh / Emily Forbes

  Ruth could not shake off the strange sensation as she continued down the aisle. As they neared the front, she caught a glimpse of Seb, whose expression of pride, love and sensual promise as he looked at Gina was just as Ruth had imagined it would be. It brought an ache to her heart and a hopeless wish that this might one day happen to her.

  Maria, tearful but happy, placed Gina’s hand in Seb’s and moved aside. Ruth took her place next to Holly, puzzled when her friend shifted closer, then reached for her fingers and gave them a squeeze.

  ‘What?’ Ruth mouthed silently, but Holly just shook her head.

  The priest cleared his throat and a reverent hush descended in the chapel. Seb and Gina stepped forward to take their place in front of the altar. The action brought Seb’s cousin, who was acting as his best man, into view for the first time. Wearing a charcoal suit, crisp white shirt and a silver-blue silk tie, he looked as if he had stepped from the pages of Vogue. Ruth’s breath lodged in her throat and she experienced an overwhelming sense of déjà vu as her gaze roved upwards and clashed with his. As soon as she had begun the walk down the aisle she’d had the unsettling feeling that she was being watched. Now she knew why. Waves of emotion crashed through her.

  Dear God! Ruth’s heart skipped several beats and she nearly fainted in shock as she discovered what—or who—her friends had been keeping from her. She was dimly aware of them watching her now, but Ruth couldn’t move or say a word.

  All she could do was stare in helpless disbelief into Rico’s sultry gold-flecked hazel eyes.


  ‘MAMMA, Papà, I want you to meet Ruth Baxter…one of Gina’s best friends and a very gifted doctor.’

  With his hand resting on the curve of her hip, Rico drew Ruth forward as he made the introductions. He felt protective and proprietorial, and, having missed her terribly these last few days, he was determined not to let Ruth out of his sight. The moment she had walked down the aisle behind Seb and Gina, Rico had been impatient to go to her. She had looked hauntingly beautiful. And whilst he had noticed a change in the way she carried herself, as if she was less self-conscious, he had seen at once the vulnerability that remained in her sage-green eyes.

  Some people were intimidated by her beauty and intelligence, but intimidated was not at all how Rico felt around Ruth. Stimulated, yes. Charged. Challenged. Impressed. From the second he had seen her again, every atom of his being had surged with excitement and arousal, proving that his feelings were real and not a fantasy. Ruth was the one. He looked at her now, noting how the pale pink dress suited her to perfection, the cut highlighting her slender figure, the pale pink bringing a warm glow to her alabaster skin. She was natural, elegant and graceful…and she took his breath away.

  Ruth was yet to recover from her shock at seeing him, Rico knew, and he had not been able to engineer even the shortest time alone with her to explain. From the moment the wedding ceremony had ended, he had been by her side, his arm around her to support, to guard and to stake his claim. He was aware of her discomfort—which he hoped was due to her unease at being in a crowd and not because of him.

  With the obligatory photographs having been taken outside the chapel, everyone had relocated to the castle’s function room where the reception was being held. Before taking their assigned places for the lunch, Rico had managed to draw Ruth aside, anxious for her to meet the other people who had a special place in his life.

  Although convinced his parents would love Ruth, he felt a sense of anticipation now that the moment had arrived. He had not been able to brief them, so he switched to Italian to hide from Ruth the meaning of his words.

  ‘La donna che ho intenzione di sposare.’

  His declaration of intent to marry Ruth was met by puzzled incomprehension from the lady herself—Rico sighed with relief that his gamble had paid off and she had not understood—and with the open delight he had expected from his parents. As they greeted her with warmth and enthusiasm, he kept Ruth close to his side, breathing in her subtle but arousing lavender scent.

  ‘Ruth, it is so lovely to meet you, mia cara.’ Smiling, and exuding the customary charm so familiar to him, his mother embraced Ruth. ‘I know we shall be very good friends and I will look forward to spending time with you.’

  ‘Thank you, Signora Linardi,’ Ruth murmured, her answering smile shy.

  ‘Please, you must call me Sofia.’

  His father eagerly shook the hand Ruth offered to him. ‘And I am Roberto, my dear,’ he greeted, kissing her on both cheeks.

  ‘I am trying to persuade Ruth to come and work at the clinic,’ Rico explained, feeling the quiver that shimmered through her. ‘She has a brilliant mind and a caring heart. One day I hope she will help me open the new clinic in the UK.’

  ‘That would be wonderful,’ his father responded with infectious enthusiasm.

  His mother nodded in agreement. ‘We will look forward to welcoming you to Florence very soon, Ruth.’

  ‘That’s kind, thank you. But nothing has been decided yet.’

  Ruth’s words demonstrated how much work he still needed to do. And, however difficult—when all he wanted to do was to take her in his arms and make love to her—he had to remember his vow that, if given a second chance, he would take things more slowly. Anxious not to pressure her, Rico reluctantly eased back.

  ‘I think it is time we took our places for the meal,’ he suggested, drawing attention to the fact that the guests were now seated.

  ‘Of course.’ His mother smiled and rested the palm of one hand against Ruth’s cheek. ‘I hope we will have more time to talk today, mia cara, before Roberto and I must leave. Unfortunately this is just a flying visit for us as I have an important function to attend in London for UNICEF. But nothing could keep us away from seeing Seb and Gina marry! And it is good to see Nic and Hannah again.’

  They parted company, his parents joining Nic and Hannah at the table nearest to the bride and groom’s party. Rico escorted Ruth to the main table, grateful that Seb, Gina, Holly and Maria had arranged things so that he and Ruth would be side by side. Hating to lose the physical contact even for a moment, Rico released Ruth and held out her chair, waiting for her to settle before he sat down.

  The arrival of the waiters with the first course delayed conversation, and Rico slid his hand into his jacket pocket, his fingers closing around Ruth’s locket. He would wait until they had a quiet moment alone before fixing it back in place around her slender neck.

  ‘What did your mother mean about Nic and Hannah?’ Ruth’s softly voiced question drew him from his thoughts.

  ‘It is another strange coincidence—there must be something in the Strathlochan air!’ he joked. ‘I did some of my medical training at a hospital in Milan. Nic was working there for a short time and we became friends. He visited us in Florence a few times, and I came to Lochanrig when he and Hannah married. It was a big surprise when Seb discovered the connection between Gina, Strathlochan and Nic,’ he added, explaining how that had come about.

  ‘I had no idea.’ Ruth shook her head, pausing a moment before continuing. ‘Your mother mentioned UNICEF?’

  Thankful that she was beginning to relax a little, Rico ignored his starter and gave Ruth his full attention, noting that their table companions were engrossed in a discussion of their own—a thoughtful if unsubtle attempt to give him time with Ruth.

  ‘Mamma has devoted herself to charity work for as long as I can remember.’ He leaned closer, taking care not to crowd her. ‘She did much for local groups in Florence, which won her recognition and appeals for help, support and advice from national and international organisations. For the last decade or so she has been involved with UNICEF and has visited many regions where children are in great need, heading campaigns and working tirelessly to raise funds and awareness.’ Pausing to take a sip of his wine, he indulged his desire to look at Ruth. ‘I am sure Mamma would love to talk with you about it.’

  ‘I’d be very interested to hear of her wo
rk. And your father?’

  Rico followed Ruth’s gaze to the nearby table where his parents were laughing with Nic, Hannah and a couple of other guests he did not know. ‘Papà is an attorney. He is in private practice and he specialises in corporate law, advising individual firms on issues from compliance and tax to employment issues and mergers. He also works with prosecuting authorities in various cases including fraud, financial crime, patent infringement, counterfeit goods, workers’ rights, corporate environmental abuses…that kind of thing.’

  ‘Environmental abuses like toxic chemical leaks?’ Ruth queried, an endearing knot of concentration creasing her brow.

  ‘Thankfully cases are rarely on a devastating scale,’ he told her, ‘but, yes, pollution or degradation of the environment that impacts on people’s lives.’

  ‘You sound very proud of them—and I’m not surprised. Your parents are lovely.’

  The wistful edge to her voice broke his heart. His arm rested along the back of her chair, and now he slid his fingers under the silken fall of her hair, finding her muscles knotted with tension. Out of sight of everyone else, he began a gentle massage, the only physical comfort he could offer given the setting they were in.

  Green eyes, filled with shadows and confusion, stared into his. A sigh whispered from her and Rico felt her easing under his touch, some of the tension draining away as she relaxed into him. He hated it that Ruth had not known the same love and support that he had enjoyed growing up, and he wanted to make everything better. Although he could not change the past, he would do all he could to ensure her future was a happy one. If she let him. His parents would welcome her to the family and treat her as the daughter they’d never had. Their warmth and love was a gift he could give her. But first he had to regain her trust…and win her heart.

  Their starter plates were taken away and the main course of salmon arrived. Rico reluctantly withdrew his hand from Ruth, his mind preoccupied as he ate. Her life experiences had been so different from his own. As a child he’d had security, love and an example of an excellent marriage—so much so he had determined never to settle for less. Ruth had only known parents who had been cold and uncaring…to her and to each other.

  Rico understood Ruth’s confusion. He had ever experienced anything like this before and it was taking some getting used to…and that was with the positive example of his parents to follow. Ruth had none of that. Not only had she missed out on love as a child, but her excuse of a boyfriend had shredded and destroyed any fragments of self-confidence she’d had left. Whilst he may have accepted straight away that Ruth was the one for him, he could not expect her to have had such surety from day one. He was certain, but even he knew they were obstacles to overcome, so it must be much scarier and more confusing for her.

  Ruth’s insecurities had deep roots and were not going to be overcome at once. He had rushed her the first time. Now he had to move carefully if he hoped to turn the dream of having Ruth by his side for ever…his equal, his friend, his lover…into a reality. It would not be easy, but he hoped to keep the focus on work to begin with and to persuade Ruth to accompany him to Florence. Then, slowly, they could get their personal relationship back on track. One thing was certain—no way was he going to let Ruth slip away. She touched something deep within him, filling an empty space he had never known existed until he had met her. He needed her. And for the first time in his life, something, someone, was more important than his work.

  A burst of applause startled Rico from his introspection, and he looked up in time to see Seb and Gina rise and prepare to cut the cake. Rico reached for Ruth’s hand under the table and linked their fingers, needing the contact. The next few hours would be crucial as he put the first stage of his plan into action. There was no room for error. Or failure. Not if he hoped to succeed in achieving the two things he wanted most. Ruth working with him…and marrying him.

  Ruth felt as if she was on an emotional roller-coaster. The wedding ceremony had passed in a blur and now, the meal over and the cake having been cut, she sat at her place at the bride and groom’s table as Seb, Maria and Rico took it in turns to make their speeches. She felt strange…as if she was watching everything unfold in front of her like scenes from a film, with her on the outside looking in. It wasn’t real. And yet it was.

  She would never forget the moment her gaze had clashed with Rico’s in front of the chapel’s altar, or the moment the truth had dawned—that he was Seb’s cousin. How long had he known? Why had no one said anything? Because it had been clear that they knew. Besides Rico, Gina, Seb, Holly, Maria, Nic and Hannah had all watched her with a mix of interest, anxiety and guilt. Why had they deceived her? Were they all laughing at her?

  It was as if the foundations had been knocked from beneath her. And it was Rico, the cause of her shock, who had become her anchor. The width of the aisle had separated them, yet his gaze had felt like a physical touch, exciting and calming her at one and the same time. She had not been able to look away from him. Her heart had been thudding, her breathing shallow, and the ache of want, which had become familiar since she had met him less than a week ago, had tightened deep inside her.

  The only part of the service that had impinged on her consciousness had come when Seb and Gina had exchanged their vows. Locked gaze to gaze with Rico, it had been an impossibly intimate moment. Ruth had felt the tug, the electric charge, the emotional pull, as if they were silently exchanging vows of their own.

  Attentive and protective, Rico had been by her side since they had left the chapel. She had been nervous meeting his parents, but Sofia and Roberto Linardi had been warm and friendly. The smart of envy hit her once more. How she wished she’d had parents like them. During the meal—and she had no idea what she had eaten—she had been expecting questions and recriminations about the way she had left him at the hotel, but Rico had not said a word about it. Maybe their night together had not meant anything to him after all. She had to prepare herself for that.

  He squeezed her fingers, and she looked up, meeting that enigmatic hazel gaze. She wanted to drink in every detail, to be as close to him as possible, and yet she was wary, uncertain, her defences in tatters. When he released her and rose to his feet to give his speech, Ruth missed his touch. She clenched her hands into fists in her lap. Despite her confusion, her indecision about what to do, her sole focus remained on Rico as he made everyone laugh with his stories about Seb.

  His impact on her was as great now as when she had first seen him on Monday. At some point since she had left him, he had shaved, but already the roguish pirate stubble was growing back to shadow his masculine jaw. It was not a look she had found appealing before. But this was Rico…and in her eyes it suited him to perfection.

  Before she knew it, the formalities were over and Seb whisked Gina off to the dance floor. As other guests began to join them, Rico stood up and held out his hand to her. Ruth didn’t hesitate. She loved dancing but rarely had the chance. Now it gave her an excuse to be held in his arms once more, and she didn’t know how many more opportunities she might have to be there. Trembling with excitement—and nerves—she placed her hand in his, feeling the jolt as the physical connection was made.

  Leaving Holly and Maria chatting at the table as they indulged in a second slice of the sinfully delicious white chocolate and strawberry wedding cake, Ruth allowed Rico to lead her to the floor and draw her into his arms. It was heaven to be held by him again. Ruth closed her eyes, inhaling his warm and familiar cedar-wood scent. She wished she had the courage to press herself against him, but Rico was holding her chastely and she was too uncertain—of herself and of him—to make any kind of move. She didn’t want to make even more of a fool of herself, especially if Rico was to be her boss and nothing more.

  ‘Gina looks so beautiful, doesn’t she?’ Ruth asked, smiling as Seb spun his laughing bride around.

  ‘She looks lovely,’ Rico agreed, watching the couple for a moment longer before his gaze returned to her, the expression in his
eyes sultry and intense. ‘But not as beautiful as you.’

  A flush warmed her cheeks and she felt as tongue-tied as a teenager in the presence of her first crush rather than a professional adult. But Rico had that affect on her—and she’d had so little experience of men that she was unsure how to handle Rico or her responses.

  ‘You and Seb seem very close,’ she ventured after a moment, deciding it was safer to keep to neutral topics.

  ‘We are.’ Rico’s breath fanned her cheek and a shiver rippled through her. ‘Have Seb or Gina not told you how he came to live with us?’

  Ruth shook her head. ‘I only know that he stayed with his aunt and uncle—your parents,’ she added, still struggling to absorb the coincidence.

  ‘That is so, but there is much more to it.’

  As they moved together in a slow waltz, Ruth listened in surprise as Rico explained the story.

  ‘Seb’s father was Mamma’s brother. He died suddenly of a ruptured aortic aneurysm when Seb was eight, and his mother, unbalanced and involved with drugs, took Seb and disappeared. My parents never gave up searching for them, but it was three years before Seb was found…living by his wits on the streets after his mother had died some months before,’ he told her, the tone of his voice betraying his emotions.

  ‘That’s awful.’ Appalled, her gaze strayed to where Seb and Gina were dancing, clearly lost in each other. ‘What happened?’

  ‘I am sure there is much about Seb’s life at that time that I do not know about even to this day, and I can only imagine what he went through,’ Rico continued, his hand at her back urging her closer. ‘Seb was found on the street, very ill with food poisoning. He was eleven then. The nuns who took him in remembered the notices and posters about a lost boy and contacted Papà.’


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