Cadet: The Academy

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Cadet: The Academy Page 2

by Commander James Bondage

  “This is just a little something for the pain,” he said as he jabbed the needle deep into Kim’s thigh and drove the plunger home. In a few minutes, he saw the girl’s body relax, her eyelids close and her breathing slow.

  He washed his hands and began to work on her wounds, cleaning out the dirt with a sponge. She jerked when he touched the raw flesh. “Oh, ow, that hurts, doctor,” she said dreamily.

  The doctor continued to scrub the girl’s torn bottom as he told her, “Yeah, this is chloral hydrate. It isn’t exactly an anesthetic: you still can feel the pain. It’s really a sedative. It just makes you a little stupid. Also, you will have forgotten by tomorrow anything that happens here tonight. So, it’s the perfect thing for letting the two of us have a quiet date.”

  He quickly painted the welts with antiseptic liquid, and then efficiently closed two small open gashes with a half-dozen neat stitches.

  “Let me help you with your clothes, cadet,” he said, pulling Kim’s shirt up over her head and leaving her naked from the waist down. “Oh, what are you doing?” Kim whispered. Her limbs felt weak and watery, her mind cloudy, her thoughts dim.

  “I just need to do a quick examination,” the doctor replied. He tugged the remains of her trousers down to her ankles, and tried to pull them off her legs. The pants tangled in Kim’s boots. The doctor growled, and returned to the medicine cabinet to get a large pair of scissors that he used to cut away the torn pants from the girl’s naked legs. Kim struggled feebly during this process, murmuring, “Please stop.” The doctor tossed away the remains of her Army issue boxer shorts, which Sergeant Powers had already torn into rags. The beautiful Asian girl was now naked except for her Army boots. The doctor smiled as he looked down at the sparse straight black hairs that decorated her pubic mound and the delicate lips of her sex that peeped shyly open. He felt his cock surge in his pants, the head tangling itself in his underwear.

  The doctor now lifted Kim by her shoulders and lay her on the table on her back. From underneath the foot end, he swung up a pair of metal stirrups, which he locked into place just above the naked girl’s feet. He placed her calves in the cradles of the stirrups and strapped them in. She stirred, softly pleading, “Don’t. Please stop.”

  “I have to take a quick look inside, my dear,” the doctor said reassuringly, patting her leg as he leaned forward between her outspread thighs. He inserted a speculum, which consisted of two curved metal blades connected to a grip, into her pussy and squeezed the handle to open the blades, exposing the interior of her box. Kim moaned softly. The doctor shined a bright penlight inside her vagina, and clucked his tongue at what he saw.

  “So you’re still a virgin, eh?” he said, clicking off the light and removing the speculum. “Well, cadet, I’m not going to take your cherry, but don’t count on it lasting very long around here. Come on, let me get you down from there,” he said briskly, releasing her legs from the stirrups and steadying her as she swung her feet to the floor and slid off the table.

  The doctor supported Kim under her arms, keeping her from falling. She found it impossible to stand or walk under her own power. He led her to a low metal examining stool and gently lowered her to her knees, facing it. The doctor pulled Kim forward until her naked abdomen rested on the stool.

  “Oh, oh, my ribs, it hurts,” she complained when she felt her weight pressing down on her injury. She writhed weakly on the cold metal seat.

  “Don’t worry, honey. It’s just a little bruise,” the doctor said as he knelt down to tie her wrists to the base of the stool with lengths of rubber tubing. He used more tubing to secure the quietly groaning cadet’s thighs high up on the legs of the stool, which lifted her delightful ass several inches into the air, with her round bottom cheeks opened wide. The doctor now had an unobstructed view of the girl’s pink labia and the delicious brown rosebud of her asshole. He stroked the valley between her trim buttocks, his finger probing gently between her nether lips, and daring to enter the smaller hole above.

  “Please… what are you doing? Stop,” Kim protested in the loudest voice she could produce, a low, scarcely audible whisper. She tried to struggle, to escape from her bonds as the finger invading her rectum became more insistent, but she was as weak as a half-drowned kitten. A tear formed and slowly rolled down her cheek when she felt something cold and slippery being smeared on and inside her bottomhole.

  “I always wanted to try this, but never had a chance until now,” the doctor confided. He unzipped his fly and fumbled with his stiff cock to get it clear of his underwear. He laid his organ in the valley between Kim’s firm bottom globes, and slid it up and down a few times so that the shaft passed back and forth over her little hole, growing slippery with the lubricant he had spread there. When he could contain himself no longer, he positioned the head of his rock-hard organ at the entrance to the helpless cadet’s back passage.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as he took his rigid organ in hand and began to force her rectal ring to distend itself around the purplish head of his advancing rod. “This may hurt a bit, cutie-pie.”

  Kim moved her hands and feet feebly. “No, don’t, please don’t,” she repeated softly, hopelessly, as he drove deeper into her. “It hurts, please stop,” she begged.

  “No can do, sweetie,” he replied. “God! You are a tight little bitch.” He clutched her hips and forced three more inches of cock into her with one thrust. Kim groaned wordlessly and made weak movements of her lower body, as if trying to escape the painful invader. Her rectal ring went into spasm, rapidly squeezing and releasing the doctor’s cock in its effort to expel the intruder, an enjoyable sensation for the doctor.

  The doctor struggled to cram the full length of his cock in the girl’s ass. After several frenzied thrusts, he succeeded, and took a little time out to enjoy his conquest with his balls resting against the lips of her vagina. He sighed as he bent forward to take her fine breasts in his hands. Her skin was as smooth as satin, her tits as firm as the seat of a new car.

  “You can’t get anything this good from hookers,” he told the weeping girl. “And anyway, it’s almost a guarantee that you catch something from them. But you fresh young girl cadets are different,” he went on, squeezing her nipples. “Maybe you’re not all virgins, but I’ll bet the others are nearly all as clean as you. Now fuck me!” he ordered, and he resumed buggering the bound girl with long, excruciatingly slow strokes. Kim had abandoned her efforts to plead for mercy as the assault progressed. Now, under this brutal assault, low, meaningless noises like “mmmm, ohh, nnnah, gahh…” were expelled from her mouth by each deep thrust of his rod. After what seemed an eternity to the defenseless girl, the doctor shouted, ripped his penis violently from her rectum, and directed streams of warm semen over her back, buttocks and thighs. He patted Kim’s shaking head as she cried brokenly, then wiped her body clean with a towel and quickly untied her. As he carried her off to spend the night in one of the infirmary beds, he told her, “By tomorrow morning, none of this will have ever happened.”

  He lay her on a bed and unlaced her boots, which she had worn all through the assault, and he put them at her bedside. Then he turned her face down, and spread her ass cheeks and carefully examined her anus for damage. He was relieved to see that although there was a tiny trickle of blood, there was no torn tissue in her little ring. He gave her another injection in the buttock, saying, “This will put you out until morning,” and covered her with a sheet.

  When Kim awoke the next morning, she sat up suddenly and looked around in alarm, wondering where she was. She thought back to the previous day, and remembered being brought to the infirmary after Sergeant Powers had beaten her, and she relaxed. She could not remember much of what happened after the doctor had examined her, but she concluded that he must have decided to keep her overnight for some reason. She could not explain why she was naked, however.

  The doctor entered the room, and Kim clutched the bed sheet to her chest.

  He came to the side of her bed,
and said briskly, “Ah, I see you’re awake at last, Cadet. Do you feel better today?”

  She took a moment to consider. There was a mild throbbing sensation in her lower ribcage, a swollen feeling on her buttocks where she had been whipped, and a pain in her bottom hole.

  “I think so, but it hurts down in my…” she hesitated, embarrassed to talk about it, but finally deciding that since she was talking to a medical man it was all right.

  “My… uh, rectum is a little sore,” she said shyly.

  “Well get up, bend over, and let me have a look,” the doctor said, producing a plastic glove from his lab coat pocket and snapping it on to his right hand.

  She rose from the bed, and bent over, placing her palms on the mattress and planting her legs apart.

  “Raise your buttocks a little higher,” the doctor urged as his cock began to stir to life in his pants again. He admired the way the girl blushed modestly at the exposure. “Stand still, now,” he ordered.

  He leaned in and performed an intimate examination, toying with the lips of her vulva and fingering her virginal clit until the girl moved uneasily, and mildly protested, “Doctor, it doesn’t hurt there.”

  “Be still, Cadet, this is a routine test,” he replied a little gruffly, continuing to roll her clit between his fingers until it grew swollen and he smelled her womanly musk. Reluctantly, he switched to her anal ring, probing it carefully with his index finger, and causing her to inhale sharply one or two times. The examination seemed to remind her of some unpleasant experience, but she was unable to think what it was.

  He straightened up, pulling the glove from his hand. “Have you ever had hemorrhoids?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “It would be a little unusual for a girl of your age, so I don’t think you are developing them,” he told her. “Just come back in two days, just to make sure there’s no problem.”

  “Thank you so much, doctor,” Kim said gratefully. “Could you please get me my clothes? I have to report to my unit.”

  Chapter Three: Administrative Discipline

  Cadets Bransom and Carroll had no trouble finding “B” barracks among the many rows of identical buildings, as it was the only occupied structure in the area, and in any case they could hear Sergeant Powers bellowing long before they saw the light streaming from inside.

  They glanced at each other and hurried forward, almost running up the four wooden steps to the door. Inside, they saw a double row of metal frame beds on a linoleum floor, each with a green plastic container at the foot. Each bed had a window at the head and three small shelves set in the wall under the window. Next to each bed was a wooden desk and chair. Some of the cadets were making their beds, and others, who had apparently finished, were standing in front of the green boxes at the foot of their beds, at parade rest, with their hands clasped behind their backs, and their feet shoulder-width apart.

  “I want you cunts to move,” the Sergeant shouted as Robin whipped the flimsy screen door open and pushed inside, side-by-side with her companion. Powers glared at them. “So, the two angels of mercy have decided to join us at last,” he commented sourly. “What did you do with the other cadet? Not that she would be any use if she was here.”

  “Sir, the Regimental Surgeon said he was going to keep the cadet overnight for observation,” Robin said, bracing to attention and saluting.

  “Thank you for the information, Cadet…” he paused and peered at her nametag, “…Bransom. Now I will tell you something: you see these stripes?” he asked, tapping the chevrons on his sleeve.

  “Yes, sir,” Robin answered.

  “They indicate that I have the rank of Sergeant,” Powers said. “A Sergeant is a non-commissioned officer,” he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You only address officers as ‘sir’, not non-coms. Are you able to grasp that concept with your tiny brain, cadet?” he asked, his voice rising threateningly on the final question.

  “Yes, s…Sergeant,” Robin replied, blushing with mortification. Of course she had learned the difference between officers and NCOs in her first day at Basic, but she had been taught to address her drill instructors, whether sergeants or even corporals as ‘sir’ during training. “I understand, Sergeant.”

  “On the other hand,” he went on, turning to address the entire room, “you would normally not be expected to salute an NCO either. But in the Academy, where there is a shortage of officers, you will be expected to salute all of your instructors of whatever rank as a show of respect. Is that understood, cadet cunts?”

  “Understood, Sergeant,” the girls chorused.

  Powers turned to the girl at the first bed, a petite blonde whose face somehow suggested mischief. “Cadet Lawrence, have you properly completed your assignment?” he inquired in a tone that suggested he doubted it.

  Lawrence saluted, and shouted in a penetrating soprano, “Yes, Sergeant. I have completed my assignment!”

  Powers jerked his head back at the ear-piercing screech, and glared at the cadet suspiciously for a long thirty seconds. Lawrence’s face was empty of expression, but both Robin and Steph had to struggle to maintain poker faces.

  Finally, the Sergeant shook his head, and said, “Cadet Lawrence, you will instruct these cadets about the assignment. I am going to kick some cadet butt,” he finished with his normal roar. He moved off quickly, and a moment later they heard the meaty smack of a swagger stick on flesh, followed by a female shriek.

  Cadet Lawrence paid no further attention to Powers. She looked up at the taller girls with a little grin playing on her lips, and recited: “The cadets are to empty the contents of their duffle bags into the containers provided. Cadets are to retain the following items: boots, socks, fatigue caps, prescription glasses (if any) and personal identification tags. Cadets are permitted to retain one personal photograph. Cadets will place all other items in the storage containers, and will identify said container with the cadet’s name. Cadets are not to retain any items other than those specified. Is that understood, cadet cunts?” Lawrence had mimicked the exact phrasing and delivery of Sergeant Powers like a magpie, forcing Robin and Steph to clap their hands to their mouths to avoid bursting out laughing. A few snorts escaped from Robin when the pint-sized blonde spat out the final two words.

  “Understood,” Robin said, clamping her jaws together to suppress a giggle, and moving to one of the vacant beds. She quickly went through the contents of her bag, saving her extra pair of boots, six pairs of socks and her spare mottled gray cap. She placed the picture of herself, her kid sister and her father relaxing on the beach in Florida on the top shelf over her bed. It seemed a little strange to Robin that the cadets were permitted to keep so few of their possessions. She wondered what it meant as she closed the green container and carefully printed her name on the block of white provided with the black marker that had been provided. She quickly made the bed, making certain that the sheets taut were enough to bounce a quarter, and stood at the foot of the bed in parade rest. She was not the last; Steph finished a few seconds later.

  Sergeant Powers inspected their work without showing any sign of approval. “You cadet cunts will learn to do better than this, or I promise you, you will be sorry,” he barked. “All cadets will take the personal containers outside the barracks and stack them neatly to the left of the steps. After all containers have been removed, the entire platoon will report ASAP to the shower room. You will place all items of clothing that you are now wearing in the receptacles provided. Cadet uniforms will be provided after you have showered. Move!”

  There was some confusion, until the women managed to work out how to carry the bulky containers down the narrow aisle without knocking into each other, but in a few minutes the plastic bins were stacked in a neat row outside the building. Cadet Lawrence, the first cadet out because her bed was next to the door, remained outside to direct the stacking of the containers, making certain that the job was done neatly and efficiently. Robin was impressed by the ease with which the l
ittle blonde took command of the little project.

  After the last cadet had returned to the barracks, the women crowded down the aisle between the beds to the rear of the building that contained the latrines and showers. They eagerly stripped off their clothing, which some had been forced to wear for three days, and tossed it into large trash barrels, talking excitedly. There were piles of towels on shelves across from the showerheads and some of the naked cadets grabbed them. There only were ten showerheads altogether, and there were some collisions as they tried to coordinate which girls were to take the first turn under the water. The shower room was really too small for so many of them at once.

  Suddenly, from just outside the entrance to the shower room, they were shocked to hear Sergeant Powers’ unmistakable roar: “Atten-shun! Officer in the barracks!”

  There was a little shriek from someone (Robin could not see who), and a dark-haired man with a medium build wearing the bars of Captain and carrying an instructor’s baton, walked into the room, Sergeant Powers at his side.

  Robin was shocked by the intrusion by the two men into the showers. In boot camp, the male instructors respected the privacy of the female boots that they commanded, never entering the showers when the female boots were exposed. But, as she had already discovered, the rules at the Academy were obviously different. Along with the other naked cadets, Robin stiffened to attention and saluted. The Captain lazily returned the salute. One cadet was not at attention; she modestly held a towel over the front of her body instead of dropping her arms to her sides as prescribed by regulations.

  Powers went to her immediately, positioning his face a few millimeters from the erring cadet, a beautiful dark-skinned girl of Indian (Asian) ancestry that Robin had not yet met.

  “Cadet, did you hear me order you to attention?” he screamed.


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