Cadet: The Academy

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Cadet: The Academy Page 8

by Commander James Bondage

  He smiled at her and pulled out in a sudden motion, and that hurt too. Robin’s rectum was so stretched by the invading organ that it remained gaping open, as if waiting to welcome another visitor. She wondered if it would stay that way forever.

  The general was not done with Robin. He went to one knee beside her and presented a ring gag like the ones the four cadets on the bench were wearing. “Put it in your mouth, cadet,” he directed. “I still haven’t come.”

  Robin tried to weep as she held the monstrous object in her hand and realized how the general was going to use her. Nothing came. She was dry; there were no tears left. She fumbled with the gag in her mouth, forcing it into place. It was so big that it nearly dislocated her jaw. The general secured it with a strap around the back of her head, and then took her free hand and looped it to her belt behind her back.

  Robin’s mouth was now no more than a lewd, gaping cavity waiting for her tormentor’s cock to enter. The general stood, took Robin’s head in his hands, and slowly advanced his rod into her mouth. She gagged as she tasted the inside of her own back passage, choked as he pushed past her epiglottis, increasing her retching reflex, and into her throat.

  This was a signal for the other three officers, who had been watching the stimulating show put on by Robin as she tongued and sucked Rahni Vishnan to orgasm. They returned to their involuntary playmates, and started in on them again with renewed erections, fucking and sodomizing their helpless young captives.

  Robin was finding it was impossible to breathe with the general’s massive meat lodged in her throat. She tried to tell him, with motions of her head and little noises in her throat that she was going to suffocate.

  The general looked down at her, holding her head close to his hairy belly, keeping his cock deep in her throat. “Relax, cadet, and breathe through your nose,” he told her. “I’m going to need your throat for a few more minutes.”

  Black specks were dancing before Robin’s eyes and she felt lightheaded. She concentrated her entire being on relaxing her throat while drawing air through her nose. It worked. She was able to force a little air in and out of her burning chest even with that monstrous log in her throat. It was not a complete lung-filling respiration, but it was enough to allow her to remain conscious as the general started to pull her head back and forward on his cock, gradually pumping faster and faster until she felt his organ pulse inside her and wads of sticky goop shot into her. She started to choke on his semen, until she coughed up enough of the stuff to clear her windpipe.

  “That is what I call a good skull-fuck,” the general told Robin as she knelt at his feet. He seemed well pleased with the way he had handled her. Robin’s head was bowed in exhaustion; she felt badly misused and all used-up. She wondered if a life that consisted of such pain and degradation was even worth living. Then she felt a thrill like an electric charge run through her body. She discovered, there on her knees at the feet of her torturer, her face and body covered with sexual fluids, despoiled, plundered, whipped, at that moment a new strength deep inside, a determination to endure for as long as she could draw breath into her body.

  She looked up at the man looming over her. The smirking expression on his face made it obvious that he thought he had crushed the upstart girl.

  Robin savored the way his eyebrows shot up and his big square jaw dropped when she calmly regarded him and asked in a neutral voice, “Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”

  Chapter Seven: Your bodies still belong to the Army.

  Winter settled in, cold and hard. The barracks were poorly heated, and completely without insulation. As a consequence, the temperatures inside often dropped into the 30’s. The cadets took to sharing a bed at night with a friend, just for warmth. Even this proved insufficient for the bitter cold mountain nights.

  After a series of nights where she was only able to snatch a few hours of rest in the cold, Kate Swenson loudly announced, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I need to get some sleep tonight!”

  The others stared at her in surprise. Kate was one of the quietest members of the platoon, and one of the toughest. She was rarely heard to raise her voice, and almost never to complain.

  “I’m from Minnesota,” she went on, “and the way we keep warm when we’re camping out in the winter is to get together in a sleeping bag in the buff. The damn skinsuits insulate us too much to share the body heat, and not enough to keep us warm. Who wants to try it with me?”

  There was a chorus of volunteers. Kate had the face of a fashion model and the lush body to go with it, and had in fact modeled swimwear professionally before she joined the Army. She was, by consensus, the most beautiful cadet in the platoon.

  “Say, Kate,” Kim Lee said reproachfully, looking up at the tall blonde, “what about me? I thought I was your partner.” Kim and Kate had been bundling together since the cadets had begun the practice.

  “I didn’t know you cared,” Kate joked. “Sure, Kim, it’ll be you and me.”

  A few of the cadets were a little squeamish about sharing a bed with another naked girl, and they retained their clothing under the covers. Most of them, however, after all they had suffered at the hands of the Army, the humiliations, handlings, nudity, tortures and assaults, had shed such ridiculous mores. They were sisters, who had worked together in strife, suffered together outrageously, and had no one to rely on but each other. Mere nudity was nothing to most of them.

  Jodie Lawrence and Robin were among the first to bunk together for the night, and they decided to try Kate’s suggestion. Robin was at little shy the first night they tried sleeping in the raw. She was afraid that if she touched the little blonde’s body too much, Jodie would think that Robin was making a pass at her and she did not want to do anything that might endanger their friendship. She lay in the bed stiffly, apologizing whenever her hands, breasts or lips brushed against her companion.

  Finally Jodie turned to face Robin and whispered, “What’s the matter with you, Robin? Are you going to keep this up all night? Do you want to go back to wearing the skinsuits?”

  “No, Jodie,” Robin said. “I guess I was just afraid you might think…” she trailed off.

  Jodie grinned. Robin could see her teeth gleam in the darkness. It reminded her of the Cheshire Cat. “I might think that my best friend was a rug-munching lezzie and was trying to drag me into a life of sin?” she finished.

  Robin giggled. When it was put that way, it did sound ridiculous. Jodie laughed softly along with her for a few seconds, and then touched her hand to Robin’s cheek. Her face moved close to her friend’s, and she regarded Robin with the intensity of a laser beam.

  “I love you, Robin Bransom,” Jody whispered, with a passion that raised gooseflesh all over Robin’s body. “I love you like the sister I never had, like my mother, like my child, if I ever have one. If they separate us after we leave this place and we never see each other again, I will still love my sweet Robin forever.”

  Both of them were crying by now, although neither girl noticed the tears that dripped down their cheeks. Jodie took Robin’s hand in hers, and pressed it against her firm little breast. “You don’t ever have to worry about touching me here…” moved the hand down the smoothness of her stomach until it settled on the mound between Jodie’s legs, “…or here…” she took Robin’s hand again, touching it to her lips and kissing her fingertips, “…or here, or anywhere else. I promise not to complain.”

  Robin felt a fire burning in her body. It resembled the sensations she had experienced when she was handled by General Cafferson, but it was much stronger and completely without the feeling that her body and mind were being controlled by another. She gently withdrew her hand from Jodie’s. She saw her friend look at her uncertainly, wondering if she had gone too far.

  Robin slipped her right arm under Jodie’s body and reached the left around to tenderly imprison her. Jodie’s face lit up again with her lighthouse-beacon smile. Robin pulled her close with gentle, irresistible strength
. She felt the smooth warmth of Jodie’s compact breasts against hers and the way her erect nipples slid along the smooth skin of her friends’ mounds. No, not a friend only, not a sister, but a lover, Robin told herself, as she pressed her lips against Jodie’s, opening her mouth to let their tongues mingle delightfully. Jodie’s delicious fragrance filled her nostrils and made her light-headed.

  “You saw right through me, didn’t you?” Robin whispered. Her hands caressed the soft skin of Jodie Lawrence’s lithe body, gliding down her back over the springy muscles on either side of her spine to end by cupping one firm buttock in each.

  Jodie was breathing in shallow pants. Her hands were filled with Robin’s breasts, playing with the nipples, and driving her friend to distraction. “What do you mean?” she whispered.

  “My plan,” Robin answered. Her hands now firmly, but gently, held Jodie’s sweet bottom globes, and she used her grip to pull her friend’s belly and pubic mound closer to hers. “I was trying to seduce you into sin.”

  Jodie giggled softly. “Nice job of seduction, cadet cunt. I’m just putty in your hands.” Her head disappeared down into the darkness under the blankets to kiss Robin’s rock-hard nipples. Robin gasped with delight, and felt her pulse hammer in her throat with excitement when Jodie drew her nipples one after the other into her mouth, nibbling them with her teeth and brushing the little heads with her tongue, until Robin thought she would burst from the pleasure.

  Jody slid down further, making a lump in the covers like a mole in a vegetable patch. Robin felt clever, loving fingers stroking the lips of her sex and spreading them apart. “Jodie,” Robin whispered. “Jodie, don’t… don’t stop.”

  When she felt Jodie’s soft tongue burrow its way inside her, she nearly fainted from the wonderful sensation that inundated her, submerged all her senses. It was not long before her body writhed in an intense, shuddering orgasm that seemed to go on forever. When Robin’s body finally relaxed again, Jodie slid up to the head of the bed and popped her head out of the covers. Robin could see that her mouth and chin were coated with some liquid that gleamed weakly in the dim light. She grinned impishly at Robin.

  “Anyway,” she whispered, “we’ll get along just fine if you remember to keep your hands to yourself, and not try any funny business with me. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  Robin clapped a hand to her mouth, but she was unable to prevent a little scream of laughter leaking out.

  “I wonder if anybody heard us?” Robin hissed, sitting up in alarm. In her excitement, she had forgotten about the rest of the cadets in the big room, forgotten about everything.

  They listened. From all over the barracks came the soft sounds of lips on flesh, heavy breathing, creaking bedsprings and whispered words.

  “Well, that didn’t take long,” Jodie said, looking around at her classmates with something like awe. “I guess everybody’s too busy to notice us.”

  “Great,” Robin said smiling. “‘’Cause I have something to take care of, and I want a little privacy for it.” She gently pushed Jodie down to lie on her back, and dove under the covers. In a moment her hands were underneath Jodie’s perky buttocks and her mouth was seeking the little blonde’s lower lips.

  Kate Swenson’s plan was not a big success that night; at least, few of the cadets got a full night’s sleep. It still proved to be a popular way to beat the cold weather, so popular, in fact, that they continued the practice even after the weather warmed up in the spring.

  * * * * *

  March second was Robin’s nineteenth birthday, and Jodie arranged a party for her. They were able to persuade one of the cooks at the mess hall to bake a birthday cake by using a now-standard procedure: they would draw straws, and the cadet with the short straw would fellate the cook in exchange for a cake.

  After Robin blew out the candles, and they sang “Happy Birthday”. Jodie presented her with a gift, a silver box tied with a sparkly silver ribbon and matching bow.

  “Jodie, what is this?” Robin asked. “It has to be some kind of contraband. What kind of trouble are you going to get into for this?’

  Jodie’s eyes twinkled roguishly. “The corporal that got this for me made sure nobody knows about it, and he’s not going to be telling anybody either. In fact, I’m not sure he’ll ever regain the power of speech after I got through with him.”

  “Jodie…” Robin began, exasperated, but then stopped. Her friend was incorrigible. She constantly took advantage of the rule (instituted immediately after Sergeant Powers had been disgraced) that forbade the enlisted men from having sexual contact with the cadets. Eventually, Robin was sure, she would be caught.

  “Just open it, lover,” Jodie urged. All the cadets gathered around as Robin fumbled with the box. She inhaled sharply when she saw the contents. When she lifted the item over her head, she was rewarded with exclamations of “Wow”, and whistles of appreciation.

  It was a piece of underwear, or rather lingerie, as the term “underwear” utterly failed to do any kind of justice to the garment. It was sky-blue, nearly the color of Robin’s eyes, lace, and seemed to be composed mostly of empty space. It was beautiful.

  “Victoria’s Secret,” a broadly grinning Jodie told the open-mouthed Robin. “It’s called a ‘cut-out baby-doll’ and it’s made of lace. Don’t bother to ask me what it cost, I’m not telling. Now model it for us!”

  As Robin quickly pulled her skinsuit off she asked, “What about Sergeant LeFevre? If he sees this, the whole platoon will get so many demerits he’ll probably sprain his arm dishing them out. Plus, he’ll confiscate this thing,” Robin said.

  “Trust me to arrange things better than that,” Jodie replied. “The Sergeant won’t be back for hours, maybe not until morning.” Robin stopped with her pants halfway to the ground to look quizzically at her friend.

  “You know the way LeFevre develops a big lump in his pants every time he sees Steph in bend over to tie her boots?” Jodie asked. Stephanie’s bottom was outstanding, even among the stellar selection of posteriors the platoon could boast. “She wagged it at him and whispered in his ear that he could do more than look at it tonight if he met her tonight over in ‘J’ barracks before ‘Taps’,” Jodie explained. “Steph told me to say ‘you’re welcome’, and you owe her a private show.”

  Robin was now naked, and she eagerly slid the garment over her head. It was so skimpy that it almost required an act of faith to see it at all.

  “How does it look?” she asked anxiously. “Is it pretty?” Her classmates appeared to have been struck dumb.

  “I never understood when a girl was sexually assaulted and they would say, ‘the way she was dressed, she was asking for it’ until just now,” Sandy Merriweather said. The remark was met by a chorus of agreement.

  “Model it for us, Robin,” Kate Swenson demanded. “Walk the runway,” she said, indicating the aisle between the beds.

  Robin would always remember the expression of happiness and pride on Jodie’s face as she flounced along the linoleum floor, doing her best to imitate the exaggerated hip-slinging stride of a runway model at a fashion show.

  “That’s my girl,” Jodie boasted. “Hottest little model in the whole damn Army.”

  * * * * *

  The cadets were treated to two more visits from General Cafferson over the winter. He saw each cadet again on his January visit, but spent the time talking to them and reviewing their records rather than fucking them and forcing them to have orgasms in his presence. He seemed to know absolutely everything about every cadet, including what was going on with their families back at home. He told the assembled cadets when he left that he was proud of every one of them, and told them to be proud of their achievements as individuals and as a group. In the beginning of March he returned, this time making them perform sexually for him as before. They found it somehow easier to live with the second time; in part because they knew what was coming, and in part because they had become hardened to such usage.

  “They really can�
��t get inside me!” Ally Reid exulted to her mates after she had returned from a session with Cafferson. The petite redhead had been penetrated back and front by the General and Captain Wagner. She had been forced to masturbate to orgasm twice before she was permitted return to the platoon. “My asshole is a little sore, but I’m fine otherwise. Those pencil-dicks don’t bother me any more. Fuck ’em. We’re the cadet cunts!” she chanted, joined by the platoon on the final four words.

  They also were visited again by a junketing group of generals, although none of the ones that had come to the Academy in December. Moreover, this group went much easier on the cadets. Although they all made use of the girls for sex, they were much more careful how they went about it. It seemed to the girls that they were worried about getting too rough with them.

  “Did somebody tell Cafferson about those assholes back in December?” Jodie demanded at a platoon meeting. “If somebody here has a pipeline to God, she should tell the rest of us.” No one in the platoon admitted to communicating with Washington, and they were forced to conclude that the Chief of the General Staff had ways of finding things out that were not available to ordinary mortals.

  With the approach of spring came a day that every cadet had been dreaming of: they would receive a full week of liberty before the first full class of the NWMA arrived at the beginning of May. A week before, they were given a pre-leave lecture by Captain Wagner in the echoing auditorium.

  “You all are familiar with the classified aspects of the Academy program,” he said to the assembled platoon. “Before you wrote your first letter home, you had been warned that it was a violation of the Military Secrets Act to communicate to any unauthorized person about matters such as administrative discipline, cadet skinsuits…,” this term had become universal since the day when Jodie had coined it, “…the nature of the personal aide’s work, and so on. Of course, every letter was reviewed and censored where necessary. But some of you may be wondering what is to keep an unhappy cadet from telling her parents or talking to the press once she is outside these walls at home on leave? Moreover, even if none of you is willing to risk the penalties for violating the law, there is always the danger of an inadvertent breach of security. Fortunately for the entire program, a solution was found.” He paused, looking them over.


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