ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

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ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown Page 3

by Nancy Lieder

  her man servant, it was most certainly not raised in the home but sent to live with the father's relatives. Did white men, alone in a vast continent, not seek sexual comfort with black women?

  Father's Day weekend - from June 18 to June 20 this year - when 54 people were shot in Chicago. Ten

  people died, including a toddler. But no leads due to the "no snitch code", a street code, reinforced in rap music, that no one tells anything to police. Can the Zetas comment on how this, and gangsta rap, might be

  related to any STS alien counseling or life on STS planets?

  Certainly a rule that inhibits citizens from seeking protection and relief from the police when they or their loved ones are threatened smacks of the Service-to-Self rules that the brutal shall rule the weak, with no recourse. The basis of http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

  ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

  such rules is to keep law enforcement from doing their job, so that gangs can conduct what is in essence leveling wars designed to establish who is the most brutal and thus entitled to leadership. We have described these leveling wars as

  something the Service-to-Self do when encountering each other. Collateral damage of small children, relatives of

  antagonists, or neighbors or shoppers just walking down the street is considered justified, as he who would be king

  thinks of himself and his agenda as the top priority. Right from the rule book on Service-to-Self planets, yes.

  Obviously off camera, going about their daily routine with their peers, do the people that work at the

  Weather Channel or Accuweather have conversations and opine with each other about the obvious

  abnormal weather patterns they are seeing? Or do they just not bring it up at the risk of sounding crazy?

  The are obsessed with the subject and when they are certain the other is aware and under the same restrictions not to reveal their knowledge, they arrange such meetings and go to great lengths to conceal them from co-workers and

  family. Many have been accused of having affairs and even been divorced for these activities. Prior to any first

  meeting, and certainly prior to any group meeting, those who have been warned to keep their mouth shut have

  watched for worried faces or signs of stress such as pill popping or excessive drinking. Vague comments are made at

  the vending machine or while walking out to the parking garage, always in a context that could be taken many ways

  but with body language indicating otherwise. If confirmation is given, they arrange for a beer or a mutual jogging

  session and there continue to broach the subject carefully until finally one has the courage to address the issue openly.

  Most warned are not aware of the full truth, but only a piece of the puzzle. Therefore, the more pressing issue for these people is to see the whole picture, which they try to puzzle out for themselves.

  The latest commercial for the new television series The Event is quite interesting. It starts out with one

  person saying, "the President is getting ready to tell them." and someone else says, "He can't." Then the first person asks, "but shouldn't we tell them - to give them time to prepare?" It was quite eerily similar to ZetaTalk concerning the coverup, and the those seemingly in control. Where the short-lived series Jericho

  was an excellent portrayal of people being cut off from technology, neighboring cities, food supplies, etc.,

  it is possible that this new series is a fanciful step toward disclosure?

  The trend in disaster movies, whether in theaters or on TV, has been moving gradually from extreme examples of

  world disasters to the reality that will be presented to the common man. Movies in the past have shown the Earth's core stopping (The Core), having to be restarted by a team of intrepid scientists traveling down through molten magma. Or

  scenarios such as a volcano erupting in the middle of LA (Volcano), or New York City crushed by massive

  earthquakes (Aftershock). If the Earth is threatened by approaching asteroids (Armaheddon), a NASA team will fly up

  there and save the day. Always, some group of scientists or arm of the government rescues the world, else the theme

  of the movie is that no one will be saved except the elite in arcs (2012) or a dozen children rescued by benign aliens (Knowing).

  At times the theme of a coverup is presented, such as when a black president withholds information until before

  announcing a lottery (Deep Impact) to a remarkably calm populace, or more realistically, only announcing when the

  Earth is already fracturing (2012). A parallel theme has been what the populace must deal with - a group finding itself stranded and having to determine who gets to stay or must leave the group (Survival), or civilization thrown back,

  technologically (Postman), or massive flooding with the whereabouts of dry land unsure (Waterworld). Brutal gangs

  have been shown to be the strongest survivors (Mad Max) or only temporarily in charge (Book of Eli) or resorting to

  cannibalism (The Road), but the day to day existence in the Aftertime is best presented in a work of fiction not yet

  produced (Finegan Fine).

  Will you ask the Zetas to comment on NASA's new pronouncement that the Themis

  http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/themis/main/index.html project has discovered precursors to the conjecture that jetliners are piercing the magnetosphere causing "space quakes" that somehow find the

  effect reaching the Earth's surface. According to NASA, this "could have a noticeable effect on Earth" and also are suggesting it is also causing: "Ground current surges (that) can have profound consequences, in

  extreme cases bringing down power grids over a wide area." (gimme a break) I'm guessing this another in

  a series of failing attempts to explain Earth Changes to date. http://science.nasa.gov/science-

  news/science-at-nasa/2010/27jul_spacequakes/ [and from another] NASA is now suggesting that "Space http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

  ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

  Quakes" might cause earthquakes, magnetic anomalies or similar phenomena on Earth. Is NASA reading

  ZT re July 20 or Violent shifts soon to come? How much more ridiculous and silly will NASA get with

  their bizarre theories in the future? This is just plain stupidity on their part in terms of a cover up it


  Having failed with Global Warming and solar activity, they are desperate for any cover story. The Global Warming story was supposed to cover earthquakes as well as rising seas, because, the theory went, heavier oceans would make

  the plates shift. But this apparently did not sail well among the scientific community, especially given the quake

  patterns and the slight rise in sea level, only inches at most. Their fond hope was that the Sun would allow them to

  exaggerate solar activity, but the Sun is asleep and trying to invent activity when amateur scopes and the myriad solar wave reports would say otherwise has not proved an easy task. Thus blaming the Sun must be put aside to explain the

  Earth changes they anticipate - earthquakes, electromagnetic disturbance, and signs in the skies! Will this latest excuse fly? If jet liners can do this, why is the effect only now becoming apparent? Precisely how can a mere jetliner disturb a magnetic field to the extent that it "quakes"? Can this be produced in the laboratory? If such a thing happened, that the Earth is affected by this disturbed magnetic field, then how is it that the jetliner manages to escape without injury?

  This is beyond ludicrous, and will only further make NASA the laughing stock it has become.

  What will cause the human race to die out one hundred years after the shift? Will the Zeta's sterilize the

  remaining humans? Its in our genetic makeup to reproduce and we have done that after prior passages of

  PX and rebuilt the population. So why will
this time be different?

  What is missing from this perception is the Service-to-Other mindset, which does not wish for one's child any but the best and which is capable of putting ego aside. Your population reproduction on Earth involves careless sex where

  unwanted babies are conceived, parents who see a child as an extension of themselves and reject any baby that does

  not have their genes, and large families as a source of labor power and brute strength during confrontations. Service-to-Other individuals do not think like that. Imagine that every babe born after the pole shift will only have a Service-to-Other soul. Those who are alive today will die out in 60-70 years, or certainly within 100 years. Their children will be Service-to-Other, if the child survives at all in the Aftertime environment. Those children that do survive will likely be encountering the hybrids or other visitors, if not already in contact pre-birth. If and when they desire children of their own, they will be aware of the hybrid program. They may even be intermarrying with hybrids. And if genetics

  from both human parents is desired, they are highly likely to request assistance so that the child can in addition have hybrid genetics that will allow the child to be a peer of those in the community, and not be given a virtual handicap by being merely human. The instance where fully human offspring propagate and are present at the 100 year point will be

  rare and fleeting, as their offspring would likely have a different opinion on child bearing.

  My question is why such extreme cold in South America? (Mariaelisa's recent post says a lot of cold air

  from Antarctica) so is the magnetic south pole region being stimulated to extreme by PX and the wind

  dragging that air almost totally to South America - and barely affecting other Southern Hemisphere lands.

  The heat waves in the northern hemisphere are mirrored by cold waves in the southern hemisphere. The heat is caused by the globe tilting its N Pole too far toward the Sun, like an extra hot summer, so of course the S Pole is getting too little sunlight which makes the southern hemisphere's winter extra cold.

  Could you perhaps provide an update on the position of the Dark Twin, with respect to the Earth? [and

  from another] http://helios.gsfc.nasa.gov/ace/ace_mission.html ACE orbits the L1 libration point which is a point of Earth-Sun gravitational equilibrium about 1.5 million km from Earth and 148.5 million km from

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

  ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

  the Sun. From its location at L1 ACE has a prime view of the solar wind, interplanetary magnetic field

  and higher energy particles accelerated by the Sun, as well as particles accelerated in the heliosphere and

  the galactic regions beyond.

  The Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, and there stopped, halted like the Earth. Because of the increased crowding in the field in front of Planet X, which is moving steadily toward the three planets trapped in the eddy flow cup, it has dropped slightly behind the Earth's orbit. If one were to look down upon the solar system one would see coming out from the Sun first Planet X, then Venus, then the Earth, and finally the Dark Twin. Planet X is

  coming outbound from the Sun. Venus is being pushed back and forth in front of Planet X to simulate her orbit in the

  view from Earth. The Dark Twin is somewhat further from the Sun and to the side of the Earth, behind the Earth in

  their shared orbit. The Dark Twin on occasion is captured on film as a dim monster when light rays which have been bent out are returned to Earth, distorting the original size. These photos are taken after dusk, pointing out into the night sky toward the west, which would be where one would expect to find it. The exact coordinates can be surmised from these photos, but this changes about because these planets are all in a dance with each other. The Dark Twin

  intermittently shows up on the magnetosphere simulator, because the ACR satellite taking space weather measures drifts about between the Earth and Sun, and when at the right angle captures the magnetic field of the Dark Twin as

  well. Note the angle invariably puts it behind the Earth, confirming our words. This first came to the attention of the public on May 3, 2010 when the Dark Twin's magnetic field was evident on the 2D image. It has now reappeared on the images as a dual object. Why this dual image? This indicates movement in the Dark Twin, who has freedom to bop about as it is on the perimeter of the particle crowding in the cup. The ACE satellite is taking a type of long-exposure image of the space weather, and thus captures both positions.

  The Zetas have stated in "The Lift" that "during the cataclysms, when the Earth's crust has shifted and stopped, a great many humans will need to be located and lifted, simultaneously. As we have stated, most

  in the Service-to-Others have declined this offer so as to be with their loved ones during the time of

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/31jy2010.htm[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]

  ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

  greatest need". As it is known to ZT readers, after PS, STO will be separated from Undecided / Young

  Souls. The Q. is: even if one is qualified for 4th Density STO life, can one refuse it in order to stay with

  their loved ones, and follow them anywhere.

  Service-to-Other humans are not going to be separated from other humans during the pole shift, or after the pole shift, except if they walk away from these other humans, deliberately. There is no scenario as described in the book series

  "Left Behind" where some leave and the others are bereft, left behind. Since the Earth of the future is to be a Service-to-Other world, those who qualify, being fully Service-to-Other, are given the offer of a lift. What this means is that they can be prevented from dying during the hour of the pole shift, so as to be there for their families and neighbors afterwards. Most decline this offer because the hour of the shift will be the time of greatest terror.

  We have described, and our emissary Nancy has witnessed, some extremely rare instances where in today's world highly Service-to-Other humans would otherwise be killed or would go missing and their bodies not be found. The

  example Nancy witnessed, and participated in to understand the process, was a group of political prisoners being

  walked off a cliff. It was assumed by the executioner that they would die and since the crevasse was deep and dark, no one checked. Those political prisoners in that group who were Service-to-Other were snagged and taken to our dome

  cities, where they are hard at work as teammates with the hybrids and ourselves. Nancy also participated in the rescue of young children sold into sexual slavery, as here too the Element of Doubt was maintained because the slavers

  assumed the children either escaped or were stolen by a rival gang.

  Many people have illusions about the Lift, confusing this with the Biblical ascension whereby the faithful will be

  saved from harm and taken to Heaven early, or confusing this because they have a personal desire to be rescued or to

  be special. This is not the purpose of the Lift, which is extremely temporary during the hour of the pole shift only.

  Those humans who will be living with us after the pole shift are those who are already working with us as teammates.

  As we stated earlier, outside of our emissary Nancy, who has risked her life hundreds of times to produce our

  ZetaTalk, we decline to name them. We have often stated that if someone claims to be Service-to-Other, they likely

  are not, and it is likewise true that if someone is claiming to be a teammate of ours qualifying for such an offer, they also likely are not.

  The Zetas said that the soul should have at least 1000-1200 (or more) terms of embodiments for definition

  of the orientation. Also, the Zetas said that just STO souls will be embodied on the Earth after the pole

  shift. If the soul is inclined to the STO and has been embodied less than, for example, 1200 terms of lives

  such soul also will be moved to the 3d water world (together with not confident souls) for termination of

  definition of orientation, i.e. till it will not be the STO definitively? Or not, inclined souls to the STO will

  remain on the Earth also?

  You are asking where the line is drawn, as in human graduation where a student may go to summer school to catch up

  on their math in order to graduate with their class. If one misses the graduation, during a Transformation, because they were not quite ready, this does not doom them to an eternally long time on another 3rd density world. There are periodic harvests of souls on 3rd density worlds where those ready to graduate are taken. However, many prefer to

  linger with other souls they have become acquainted with, soul mates, in order to travel together. Those humans who

  do not qualify for Service-to-Other graduation when their current incarnation ends will not find life on a water world a step down. You would be surprised to find how pleasant and enticing such a world can be!

  I am hoping for some detailed information about the area of Northern CA during the moment of the shift.

  It is said that most valley's will be inundated and that the mountains to the north may have some safe

  locations but if understand correctly no where under 750' will not be inundated. Will some areas higher

  than that still be inundated? What about the triple junction plate near Petrolia and the lost coast? In

  another vein, will there be any return to normalcy after the shift? Reestablishment of production/supply

  lines or use of fossil fuels? What about international travel? Also I read that the next time PX goes by the


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