ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

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ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown Page 7

by Nancy Lieder

  I'm no astronomer but took an astronomy class in college, so I have a basic understanding. My question

  is, has the Sun recently begun setting much farther North? And has the Moon's orbit been heavily affected


  One will notice the Earth's wobble depending upon where one is on the Earth's surface. The Moon has had an extreme

  tilt since early 2004, as it has been trying to evade the heavy traffic lane of particle flows around the Earth's equator.

  Only at the full and new moon points will the Moon be close to where expected. The wobble will continue to get more

  extreme, and violent, as we approach the last weeks.

  I saw Dick Cheney in Iraq giving his speech, he looks near death. Very near death. Is he one stroke away

  from death?

  It is no secret that the Cheney heart is in failure, and another heart attack would kill him. He will in any case die from heart failure unless he gets a transplant, which he will not allow himself to do.

  So the pole shift won't happen during this current trimester? Not enough happening so I assume the next

  candidate would be the August trimester for a possible pole shift?

  We have given enough description on the last weeks - the sequence and timing - to allow mankind to gauge the timing

  of the pole shift when the last weeks commence. Nancy has computed the whole sequence to be approximately 7

  weeks, and this is accurate enough. That we have previously stated that the Planet X complex would be seen in the

  skies, undeniably, 7 weeks before the shift is another clue that this guess is not far off. We have stated that the pole shift would happen at the end of a magnetic trimester, at the end of an April, an August, or a December,

  approximately. Thus, for this particular trimester, it would be accurate to say that the pole shift will not happen at the end of this April. Correct.

  I've read in the aftertimes that the Pacific NW would be good as there would be fish for food. I was

  wondering if the Olympic forest was safe enough to ride things out as there are 6-8000ft peaks and

  freshwater and does not seem volcanically connected to the Rainier / St. Helens range. Also will there be

  any warnings before a big one hits here?

  As we have explained, we are not allowed to warn mankind about the exact timing or location of earthquakes or other

  natural disasters. General guidelines are OK. Specifics are not OK. We are obliged to operate in compliance with these rules. Your description of the safety factors - high peaks and fresh water sources and the lack of active volcanoes - is a good start. Consider evidence of recent mountain building, as this would indicate instability in the area. Remember that we have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000 years are likely to become active again during this pole shift. Also, consider the direction of the winds, after the pole shift, and ensure that your fresh water will not be under volcanic dust.

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  ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

  There are various books about the highly sensitive people. For what I read their nervous system is more

  sensitive then others. Only these books don't speak about aliens and so. And that those people always

  existed. That they where the advisors to the kings and so. I also read that this is also common in the

  animal kingdom, senstive animals and so . I wonder if the Zetas could say something more about this

  issue, and if this has to do with the genetic engineering that was done and so?

  A naturally nervous nature, being high strung, does not indicate contactee status. Animal species differ in this regard, depending upon whether being nervous and high strung increased the species' chances of survival. Within a species,

  this is likewise true. Such characteristics are bred into or out of a species by natural selection. Being nervous can allow a creature to escape danger and hover over its young, thus enhancing survival. Or it may merely torture the creature so it cannot seek food or a mate, decreasing those genes among survivors.

  If the Zetas wish to answer, what kind of weather (climate, geology, astronomy) can we expect this spring

  and going into summer?

  We have predicted that the weather will get more extreme on all fronts. Temperature swings, extreme enough that it

  will seem that the seasons are blending into one another. Drought and deluge swings, which will switch about

  unexpectedly. Absolute unpredictability, so the weathermen throw their hands up. You can also expect an increased

  wobble, the stars not where expected and the Sun and Moon seemingly out of position. Earthquakes will increase in

  severity and frequency, but in particular the stretch zones will be active, silently adjusting and creating chaos in

  mankind's infrastructure.

  Why do the Zeta's waste their time with political questions or talking about politics? They themselves state

  that politics is in the hands of man, and they have no control over it whatsover. I distinctly remember

  when Obama was running that the Zetas said that he could not possible win. He wasn't one of the

  caditates that the PTB was fronting, so the Zetas said he would not survive. They also stated that Hillary

  would have skeletons in the closet that would prohibit her from becoming a viable candidate. Obama and

  Hillary are both very viable. It is very obvious that either one of them will most likely be president of this

  country. The Zetas should not comment on any politics since this is indeed in the "hands of man". Just

  about every topic the Zetas discus is in the hands of man, so they should not comment whatsoever. The

  year 2003 was in the hands of man, as is the present year upon us.

  Our statement was that the Democratic party would not want to risk running with a black man or a woman as a first

  time event, as they desperately wanted to win the White House. This may still be the feeling but they hardly have a

  choice as the people's vote has pushed this choice upon them. Hillary does have skeletons in her closet, and some of these have emerged, such as her advocacy of NAFTA. She is only beginning to be caught in lies. The reason we

  comment upon US politics is because

  1. humans ask these questions, as you have here, and

  2. control of the White House is important as the US is the most powerful country in the world due to the size of

  its military.

  What really happened in Columbia-Ecuador-Venezuela regarding the FARC massacre and the Laptop

  with "proof" Venezuela aided the FARCs?

  Venezuela, as a country, is not officially aiding the FARCs, but individual citizens cannot be controlled completely. It is common practice for rebels to run across a border in order to evade capture, and this is nothing new. In that the Bush administration has been trying to achieve a coup in Venezuela, to remove Chavez from power, and has failed in these

  attempts, they have been trying to get a neighboring country to create turmoil in Venezuela. Thus, many of these

  accusations are false, laid out by the CIA or their ilk. Chavez is no fool, and is countering these attempts effectively, thus "proof" disappears.

  Some time ago, when asked about FBI agent John O'Neil and his death at the World Trade Center, the

  Zetas said he was set up. This article discusses the NYPD's counter-terrorism unit and how the FBI has

  frozen them out of critical information, much as they did with O'Neil. Is this the same internal FBI group

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  that set up O'Neil and are they aligned with the Bushes and in the know about Planet X?


  The FBI wishes to protect itself. It has many da
rk secrets to hide. Consider that for 40 years Hoover was at the helm and was a flamboyant gay man, dancing about in a pink dress on occasion. Yet publicly he prosecuted the gays. There

  were of course insiders in the FBI who allowed 911 to happen, just as there were insiders in the military and other

  federal agencies. None of them has been removed! They operated with impunity because those around them or above them were of the same mind-set. They were assisted from within the NYC government by those knowledgeable and

  looking the other way, for instance. This was a fairly vast operation. This was also true of the JFK assassination, the Martin Luther King assassination, and the Iran Contra operation. Those in the know keep their mouths shut or are

  killed, and those who suspect are terrified of asking questions.

  There has been talk in our local military circles that there will be a call-up in September or for sure

  October. With everything going badly for the top administration, are they planning a new Iran assault now

  that Fallon has been moved out of the way? What types of "October surprise" should we prepare for? Isn't it prudent to bring possible plans into the open many months in advance so the risk of knee jerk election

  reactions can be minimized?

  Of course the Bush administration is expected to get more desperate as their time in office shortens. They have already tried, numerous times, to invoke martial law and to start a conflagration with Iran. They realize they are boxed in,

  blocked on many fronts, but continue to hold out hope. What is known is that the contingent blocking them has held and is effective. Fallon felt comfortable enough with his backups to resign, for instance. Another source of comfort is that the third Bush clone is now in the Oval Office, and is not inclined to start a war with Iran as the prior two clones were. Yet another source of comfort should be that voter fraud has been prevented during the 2006 elections. And

  since the New Hampshire primary, which Hillary stole, voter fraud has been prevented during the primary season also.

  The good guys are winning! Take heart!

  On a scale of 1-10, from the level that the earth changes are today, how much "worse" will it get in 2008?

  If you consider that you are perhaps between a 2 and a 3, it could be considered to rise to a 6 by the end of the year. 10

  being the pole shift, of course. This is taking into consideration all Earth changes, such as weather, winds, floods, earthquakes and stretch zone accidents, and political and economic upheaval.

  Can the Zs comment on the fact that the "big one" in California will occur before the 7 week period of

  seeing Planet X and the pole shift occuring?

  California will have several big ones. The San Andreas Fault line runs along its coastline, and many fault lines run inland from the major fault. We have stated that an adjustment will occur from the San Diego area up toward

  Yellowstone and that this will happen well before the shift. We cannot be more specific than this and stay within the rules we are obliged to honor!

  The Sun's output is higher in microwave output on us right now. Can you comment on how much more

  radiation is comming through and will this be continuing to go up?

  In 2003 when Planet X arrived into the inner solar system, it was noted that sunlight had increased in intensity. This was due to the tail elements being spread about between the Earth and Sun, causing reflected sunlight to bounce back

  toward Earth. Crops matured weeks earlier than expected, and people commented that they became sunburned more

  readily. As this situation has continued since 2003, it has become "normal" for this brightness to be present, and discussion of the "white Sun" has diminished. The tail has now returned, but a smeary oil has also arrived, also caused by the tail. This creates atmospheric oddities, such as halos around the Moon. An ultrabright Sun will not be the issue as the pole shift approaches, as much as increasing debris arriving on Earth - fireballs, meteors, hail and red dust.

  Volcanic gloom will at some point also increase and add gloom, not brightness, to the skies.

  Another Mississippi River bridge is suddenly showing signs of strain. Will there be more dramatic bridge

  disruptions along this river? [and from another] As recently as January, an engineering review found no

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  deficiencies in the bridge. It was previously inspected in September 2003, August 2004, and twice in

  August 2007, according to MnDOT. http://www.finance-commerce.com/article.cfm/2008/03/22/ [and from another] Officials Close Steel Bridge in Minnesota After Bent Plates Are Found [Mar 22]

  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/22/us/22bridge.html? A 51-year-old steel truss bridge over the Mississippi River in St. Cloud, Minn., was abruptly shut down on Thursday after inspectors found that its

  gusset places were bending - a problem similar to the one believed to have critically weakened the

  Interstate 35W bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis in August. Inspectors examining the bridge that

  carries Highway 23 in St. Cloud found a problem similar to the one on a collapsed bridge. [and from

  another] Via Email 3/22: Another large bridge was closed yesterday in Minnesota. This one also crosses

  the Mississippi, and is located in St Cloud. This bridge follows that geographical fracture line 'split'

  through the state, which is mostly solid granite. I am somewhat directly between the two areas of concern,

  located at K-17 on the map. The rotten egg/sulfur smell is back, and I'm picking up a high pitched

  frequency in my teeth, akin to a sonic dental tool. This frequency is different than the one I could feel

  before the 35W collapse, I could feel that through my whole body, this one I feel in my mouth and sinus


  This is clear evidence of continuing adjustments affecting Minnesota. It is the diagonal pull on the N American

  continent which is causing this stretch adjustment, which is silent but just as deadly as an earthquake. The

  infrastructure is pulling apart! We stated that bridges on the Mississippi would be devastated when the New Madrid

  Fault adjusted, and that such adjustments would occur in steps, not just a single large quake. Here's more proof of the accuracy of our predictions!

  The gamma rays that are reaching Earth next Wednesday, will bring a problem?

  We have stated that the Sun's seeming increased activity is nothing more than ruffles on its surface, due to the presence of Planet X which disturbs particle flows in and out of the Sun. Thus, you can anticipate that any emanation from the Sun will not exceed prior emanations from the Sun. The establishment may on occasion try to use the Sun as an

  excuse, claiming it is responsible for some problem the Earth is struggling with, rather than be up front about the

  presence of Planet X. This is certainly likely to be the case if satellites start having extreme problems, or

  electromagnetic surges or brownouts occur on Earth as they did during late summer of 2003. This is not the Sun

  causing this, but the presence of Planet X and its charged tail.

  Since Bush 2 is gone, and Bush 3 in place, will we see the cover-up beginning to break quickly or at least

  beginning? From the Zetatalk: Market Freefall June 19, 2004, ../index/zeta116.htm

  Replacing clone Bush 2 with Bush 3 was done primarily to ensure that a war with Iran would not be pushed. The clone

  now in the White House should basically be considered a sleeper cell, to block the worst that the other clone would

  have approved of and expedited if given a chance. Bush 3 will act much like the other clones, so as not to incite

  suspicion. The market is not under his control, as matters are far worse than publicly presented. We have addressed the steps we anticipate for this to be controlled, s
uch as price controls and reduction in bank services and the like. A

  breakup of the Planet X cover-up is also something he may be able to effect, but if he shows too much enthusiasm for

  this, he will be countered by his own people! His role is not an easy one, for this reason. He can take action, but once this is done, his cover is blown!

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  ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

  written February 20, 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

  What is America's fascination w/ large families now and putting them on TV (18 kids and counting, Jon

  and Kate plus 8, Octomom, etc)? The one mother (18 kids and counting) "I'll have as many kids as the

  Lord gives me" and they're actually up to 19 kids now. Coincidently, they're also hyper-religious. It seems

  that in the coming times there's not going to be enough food for everybody and deciding to have extremely

  large families right now is kinda selfish. What's going on here?

  Many industrialized countries are reaching a zero population growth curve, for instance Japan, Russia, and even the

  United States. Without immigrants the populations of these countries would shrink. This is an issue for governments

  who feel they must plan for the youth to care for the aged, whether physically or via financial support such as the

  Social Security system. Quite frankly, these shows featuring massive families who worship having children as though

  it were their religion are promoted by those in government who feel the population must be encouraged to have more children. Some countries, such as Japan, have tried to bribe young mothers to start their families, without much

  success. This is another approach.

  This year, Siberia is awaiting a large flooding and in this connection and write to you, hoping to help my

  people living near Siberian rivers. What could you Zetas to advice to local governors (and rescue teams)

  of Siberia, to prevent flooding? My friend from local government of Tomsk city hard works on that, right


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