Desperate Wish

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Desperate Wish Page 19

by Sioux Dallas

  Daniel smiled to himself remembering that in the room where they were to have the reception, Myra and Felicity had put their heads together and made a collage board of pictures of Daniel and Amanda from birth to the present time. These pictures were to go in their book of memories.

  Daniel’s heart began to beat a little faster as Pastor Benjamin stepped to the altar and nodded for the groom, best man and groomsmen to stand in place. His heart picked up so that he had to struggle to catch his breath when the back doors of the sanctuary opened and Althea stepped through wearing a light green velvet gown with a bright red sash and big bow with a long tail. Behind her came Adrianna dressed the same. Sulyn dressed in a form-fitting red velvet gown was breathtakingly beautiful as Maid of Honor.

  Trevor was a proud usher, but little Melissa stole the show as a flower girl. She broke up any solemnity that the ceremony might have had. She grinned at everyone and even stopped to talk to some people. She laughed and blew kisses at everyone. She finally remembered to drop a few flower petals along the way. She discovered her parents and her new baby brother sitting near the front and stopped to kiss her little brother. The people were laughing and enjoying her. As she got to the front, she discovered she had some petals in the basket, and got them in her hand to throw them at Daniel. Everyone laughed out loud when she ran to get a hug and a kiss from Daniel and announced loudly, “Now, remember, Daniel, when I get big we’re going to get married.” Melissa had been very upset when she first heard about Daniel and Amanda getting married.

  Her parents had explained to her that big people had to marry big people and when she got to be a big girl she was sure to find a big boy that she could love and marry. After thinking it over, she was satisfied as long as she could dress up in a gown and throw the flowers, as she put it. Besides, she told them, when she got to be a big girl, she would marry Daniel after all.

  Daniel’s heart expanded and he felt as if he couldn’t get a breath when he saw Amanda pause at the back walking toward him holding her father’s right arm. On her right, Mike walked proudly as her escort. She called him her ‘second daddy’. Amanda’s white satin gown with appliquéd white roses, molded to her shapely form. Tall and statuesque, she looked like a high fashion model. The white satin band with tiny white roses across the top of her head held a long train. Elbow-length white satin gloves completed the picture perfect bride. White satin slippers peeked from under the gown as she walked. Daniel’s gift of diamond earrings and matching necklace, were her jewelry. She carried a white Bible with two poinsettias on it. Daniel knew she was the most beautiful bride this town had ever seen.

  Daniel and Amanda gazed into each other’s eyes throughout the ceremony.

  Pastor Benjamin beamed at them. He was so pleased to be asked to officiate at a wedding where the couple were truly so deeply in love. They had overcome some terrible obstacles and had persevered through much trouble. He privately hoped he’d be around to welcome each of their children into the church and to attend their fiftieth anniversary. If any couple deserved the best that life had to offer, it was this one.

  A violinist and an organist had played before the ceremony. Now a bagpiper played an old Scottish love song and then Amazing Grace.

  Pastor Benjamin smiled benevolently at them. He began, “We are gathered here in the sight of God to unite these two people, Daniel and Amanda, in holy matrimony.” He continued with the opening of the ceremony but when he said, “If there is anyone among you who knows why this couple should not be lawfully married, speak now.” Daniel caused titters and outright guffaws from the men when he turned and scowled at them.

  Pastor Benjamin smiled and proceeded. Everyone sat up with complete attention when he quoted from the second chapter of Genesis: “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a human being. The man had not found a helper so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept, took one of his ribs, closed up the place with flesh and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man. Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become as one flesh. One man for one woman and one woman for one man.”

  “He looked up and smiled at everyone. “God breathed into the man and gave him a living soul. He reached inside the man’s body, took part of it, and formed woman. He reached in and took the part of man’s body nearest his heart because woman was to be loved by man. He took the part of the man’s body that was underneath his arm because woman was to be protected by the man.”

  “He created woman from the side of man, not from his head to rule over him, not from his feet to be trampled under by him, but from his side, near his heart, to be protected and loved by him and to complete him. Thus man and woman are to become as one. To be faithful to each other, to be given children from God and to fulfill that which God wishes of them. Because God breathes life into all humans, they are the only animals with a soul and God gave humans freedom to choose between good and evil. One great good is for a man and a woman to be united in the sight of God.”

  Pastor Benjamin them raised his right arm, stretching it over the couple and prayed. He then continued with the wedding ceremony.

  “Will you, Daniel, -”

  “I will, I will.” And he kissed Amanda

  “Wait for the question,” the pastor smiled. The congregation laughed.

  “Do you, Daniel, promise –”

  “I sure do.” And he kissed Amanda.

  “Daniel, you really must wait for the complete statement.” Amanda blushed even though she laughed merrily. She lightly smacked Daniel on the shoulder.

  “That’s right,” someone called from the crowd, “start out showing him who’s boss.” People were laughing so hard they had to wipe their eyes. They were all aware of the horrors that Amanda and Daniel had suffered and had persevered with their faith in God.

  Everyone got a charge out of Daniel kissing her after every statement or vow they each made. Pastor Benjamin said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” He prayed again.

  The congregation laughed aloud when Pastor Benjamin solemnly said, “Daniel, would you like to kiss your bride?” He didn’t have to be asked twice.

  The pastor then turned to the congregation and said, “Folks, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leigh Cortland.” There was a burst of spontaneous applause from hundreds of relatives, friends and business people.

  They all laughed and applauded loudly when Daniel grinned and said, “I can’t wait to tell our grandchildren how their grandmother literally fell for me.”

  After the reception, Amanda and Daniel slipped out to change into casual clothing. A limousine, which Lance had had brought outside at the last minute, was waiting for the couple. Luggage was already in the vehicle and they ran to the limousine under a barrage of flower petals and birdseed. Quickly getting into the car, they were whisked off to the airport. It wasn’t until they returned three weeks later, that their family and friends found they had gone to Honolulu for the honeymoon. Lance was adamant in his declaration that he knew nothing about where they were going, only that he had to have the limousine outside the church at a certain time.

  Lance, Corbin and Mike had kept the flying business going and proudly showed the newly married couple the two new planes that had been purchased. Corbin told them that Melinda Pedrell had tearfully come to tell them that she knew nothing about her father’s plans and hoped they would allow her to continue with her lessons. After a lengthy discussion, they all agreed that she could continue.

  Amanda and Daniel went each day to their respective jobs. Amanda spent an apprehensive ten days at home alone when the paper sent Daniel overseas to get pictures and a story about the war zones and conflicts. He returned leaner and very tired. At first he didn’t want to talk about the atrocities he had witnessed, but he gra
dually began to tell what he had observed. Amanda’s heart was breaking for him and she wanted him to just be a plain reporter. She kept quiet though because she loved him and respected his wishes.

  Everyone was elated when Felicity began to drive the specially built car that Lance and Myra had given Corbin and Felicity on their wedding anniversary. Could life get any better?

  February would always be a special month to remember. On Valentine’s Day, Sulyn and Frasier were married in the same church Amanda and Daniel were and Pastor Benjamin gladly and proudly officiated.

  Daniel was best man and Amanda was matron of honor. Sulyn wore a cream-colored satin gown with pearls sewn around the V-shaped neckline and around the wrists. She had a short veil held in place by peach-colored roses. Satin slippers were dyed a cream color to match the gown. Her white Bible held three beautiful peach rose buds.

  The three bridesmaids each wore empire-styled peach colored gowns with gold necklaces given to them by the bride.

  Daniel and Frasier dressed in the same room and spent time laughing and remembering Daniel’s cousin’s wedding and how they both hated wearing tuxes. Daniel hugged Frasier before they went into the sanctuary and reminded him that they were brothers and would always be. Frasier, nervous anyway, had to gulp and fight to keep tears from flowing. He was touched by Daniel’s declaration, even though he agreed with it.

  Frasier didn’t blurt out answers as Daniel had done, but he looked so lovingly at Sulyn, and lost himself in his love for her, that he had to be prompted to answer. Frasier’s parents had flown in for the wedding. They were thrilled with Sulyn and assured her that they were now her parents and would stand by her.

  Sulyn’s parents attended but felt that they didn’t “fit in” with the people present. Myra, Felicity and Heather, Frasier’s mother, all recognized their feelings and made a special effort to include them and make them feel welcome.

  Sulyn and Frasier flew to London for three weeks. They visited all the historical places and made side-trips to other cities. They were glad to be back home and joining Daniel and Amanda in daily activities.

  Citizens were first worried and then amused when they saw Daniel and Frasier on Main Street, jumping up and down and hugging each other as if they were ten years old again.

  “Your Aunt Catherine, God bless her, has offered to set me up in business here between Galveston and Sugar Land,” Frasier had told Daniel. “Let’s pick up Sulyn and go tell Amanda. The four of us will be together forever.”

  “Forever and ever,” Daniel sang out as if it were the hallelujah chorus. They ran down the street, about every fourth step jumping up in the air and giving a high five.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two years later another crowd had gathered in the church to view the baby dedication and christening of Bradford Corbin Cortland, Broderick Lance Cortland and Bickford Michael Cortland.

  Sulyn whispered to Frasier, “What do you bet they end up being called Brad, Brod and Bick.”

  She pinched him to keep him from snickering aloud, but only succeeded in making him yelp.

  “Triplets. Who’d have thunk it?” Frasier said as they walked out of the church. “Are you going to try for girl triplets next?”

  “Bite your tongue,” Amanda ordered.

  “I’m willing to try,” Daniel grinned.

  “Sure you would,” Amanda sighed. “When you find out how you can carry fifteen pounds of baby and fifty extra additional pounds of weight, we might talk about it.”

  They walked to the van, Lance, Corbin and Mike each carrying their namesake. Amanda and Sulyn walked slowly behind. Myra walked beside Felicity’s wheelchair as they wondered what the future would hold.

  Sulyn hugged Amanda and Daniel and then kissed each of the babies as they were placed in their baby seats. Her eyes were shining. “I won’t be far behind you,” she whispered to Amanda.

  “You’re pregnant!?” Amanda hissed. “God is so good. Here we are, you and I best friends for life and our husbands best friends for life. What could be sweeter?”

  “Aren’t you glad you got into your house in time to have room for these precious darlings?” Sulyn observed.

  “So relieved. It was sweet of Dad Cortland to deed us the land and loan some of his workers to help build as we wanted it. I, in my wildest dreams, never thought I’d be living in a six-bedroom house. Daniel insisted that each baby have his own room from the beginning. He said when they are teens they’ll need the privacy. I did ask him what we would do with the rooms when the boys grew up and moved out.”

  “I can’t imagine all that room and all that walking from room to room. Each room has to be furnished. What an enormous expense. Do you have a changing table in each room?”

  “No, I did insist on one changing table in our bedroom.” Amanda giggled.

  “What’s funny about that?” Sulyn looked puzzled.

  “Oh, that isn’t funny. Wait until Daniel realizes that all three boys will pile in with us and take turns being together in each other’s room. They really didn’t need the separate rooms for years yet.”

  “He means well. You’ll have to sit on him a lot, Amanda, to keep him earth bound. Now he is floating on a cloud of happiness. He has the woman that he’ll always love and now three babies. Better you than me. I’m just going to be deliriously happy with one little angel.”



  The daughters-in-law had finished getting dinner and setting everything up at the two long tables in the backyard. Hannah sent one of her twin girls to get her grandfather. They were all alerted to trouble when the girl returned with tears streaming down her face.

  The triplets, Bradford, Broderick and Bickford ran together to the front porch. They stopped in shock to see their father still sitting in the swing, with eyes closed and a smile on his face. They immediately realized that he had gone to join his beloved Amanda. Bickford cleared his throat and, with tears on his cheeks, said, “Well, Dad has gone to join Mother and I’m sure they’ll be singing with the angels and greeting the Lord that they loved to serve. They know that all of their children and grandchildren are also serving their Lord.”

  What they didn’t see was a young couple standing hand in hand at the foot of the steps. The couple turned and walked across the yard slowly disappearing from sight. As they walked away a beautiful chestnut stallion ran to meet them, tossing a long blonde mane and tail. The young Daniel reached up to pat the neck of his favorite horse that he had lost fifty years ago, and the young Amanda, laughing, pulled Daniel in a run as the horse joined them.

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you enjoyed the story of Daniel and Amanda as much as I did writing it. Are you wondering what happened to other important people in the story?

  Frasier and Sulyn were happy. Frasier became a well-known defense attorney. He had three children who loved their “Uncle Daniel and Aunt Amanda.” Frasier’s wife died in a tragic automobile accident. A few months later, Frasier had a massive heart attack while playing golf.

  The twins Adrianna and Althea both made their parents proud. Adrianna never married but went to Africa as a missionary and died there after contacting a fever. Althea became a Pediatrician. She married a Cardiologist and they eventually opened a free clinic for the poor. By the time of Daniel’s death they had retired and were enjoying the grandchildren that their four children gave to them.

  Melissa became a teacher and laughed each time she thought of growing up to marry Daniel. She married an attorney and they had two children and adopted five more.

  Mike worked at the hangar until he was too old to work. He reluctantly retired and didn’t live but a few months after his retirement.

  Shane Bullet remained a close friend. He became Police Commissioner and worked to help troubled teens.

  Melinda Pedrell learned the flying business and worked with Lance and Corbin. She became an excellent instructor and worked with the police to find people breaking the law. She married a policeman.
r />   Felicity and Myra became good friends and opened a special home to help people who had lost heart and needed someone to listen to their troubles.

  Trevor surprised everyone. He matured and settled down, made top grades in Business Administration and Animal Husbandry. He took over the Cortland business and ran it successfully. He was thirty-two before he married a lovely twenty-five-year-old young lady. They had two lively boys and then a boy and twin girls. His siblings laughed and said he deserved those lively boys.

  Judge Pedrell paid for his crimes in more ways than one. He was sent to a prison where some of the inmates were criminals that he had sent to prison when he was on the bench. Two months after he entered the prison, he was beaten so badly that he died in the hospital the next day.




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