Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 12

by Unknown

  After regaining her balance, Jolie stood facing a blood red, silk covered bed. Sitting in the middle of the mattress, surrounded by women, was a laughing male who she immediately recognized.

  “Why am I not surprised that you’re the vampyre behind this establishment, Sergei? When I think of tacky, I should know it’s your calling card.”

  He ignored her comment.

  “Jolie, come in and be welcomed. It’s been what, two hundred years since we’ve crossed paths?” he asked, brushing a long fingered hand down the leg of the woman sitting beside him. “What brings you to ‘The Sanguivore’?”

  “Sergei, I would like to say it’s a pleasure seeing you again, but it not. I personally would rather not even lie to a worm like you,” she replied, staring directly into his eyes.

  “Very well, Jolie. We can drop the pleasantries. Why are you here then?” asked Sergei. “It’s not like you to slum with us lower vamps. So, what gives?”

  “I’m here because the police believe that a killer is using your club as a buffet to find victims. I’m here to try and find them before they continue snacking on the humans in our city.”

  “How very sympathetic of you to assist,” he added, smiling with his fangs bared. “Again, I see you haven’t learned your lesson from last time you rushed to their aid.”

  “What lesson was that, Sergei? That they’re more than food for us?” She walked toward the nearest chair and sat in it. When she crossed her long legs, she was well aware that he was watching and taking in the entire motion.

  Sergei always was a letch, and in fact, he had spent quite a few years trying to woo her into some sort of unholy union. She had what he wanted. With her age and strength, plus his depravity, they would be unstoppable.

  Unfortunately for him, Jolie wanted to vomit when she saw him and would rather bed down with death itself.

  “You always were the noble one,” he replied, snapping his fingers. Immediately, one of the women bared her neck as if under a spell. Jolie wondered what kind of compulsion he had to use to get the women to touch him. Again, she’d rather make love to a rotting corpse. It had more appeal than Sergei.

  Jolie watched the show he was putting on as his fangs sunk into her tanned flesh. The woman’s body jerked and convulsed under his mouth. When she fell back to the bed, he let her drop. There was blood covering his lips and running from her throat.

  “Was that for my benefit, Sergei?” she asked, swinging her booted leg. “I know what drinking blood looks and tastes like. I’m not deprived. I choose to be more…” She looked at the women, and then finished her sentence, “selective.”

  He rose from the bed in a fluid motion. “You always did fancy yourself better than the rest of us,” he said, walking toward her.

  “Not better, Sergei. Again, just more selective with whom I align myself with and drink from.” Jolie stood and faced him. She showed no fear, and she knew that made him angry. “Sergei, I ask that you turn over the vampyres who are responsible for the killings. You need to protect us at all costs. Are you trying to draw the hunters to our doorsteps?” Jolie almost added like last time, but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure that he was responsible for the killings back in France.

  There were only suspicions.

  “I’m not as fond of the humans as you are, Jolie. I see your weakness when it comes to them. It’ll be your down fall.”

  “Will you turn them over, Sergei?”

  “I’m insulted that you think they’re part of my society. I would not condone taking blood. Only what is offered.” His fingers brushed her cheek, and then Jolie’s shoulder. “Care to donate?” he asked before running his tongue over the sharp points of his fangs.

  “No, Sergei, I don’t, but thank you for the offer. If you say that the killers aren’t part of your society, so be it.” She turned toward the door. “But if I find out that you’re lying, Sergei, I’ll make sure that the council takes away your position in our society. I do out rank you, by what is it? One hundred twenty five years, I believe.”

  He growled.

  “I’m more primus than you, so please keep that in mind. I can destroy you Sergei, and I will.” With that, she opened the door only to find a large vampyre standing in her way.


  She could play rough.

  Reaching out, Jolie touched his chest and the energy immediately began moving into her hand. She watched the vampyre weaken before going to his knees, all the while going a hideous shade of gray. When she glanced back over her shoulder and flashed her fangs, Sergei looked furious. “He was delicious,” she hissed, stepping over his body.

  Now, she needed to find where Jacques was being detained.

  Enough was enough.

  They were getting out of there.

  Walking through the throngs of club kids, Jolie found him trapped in a crowd of female vampyres. They were surrounding and rubbing against his body. There were hands touching him intimately, and Jacques looked very displeased. As he stood there, it was obvious that he tried to give off no signs of weakness or the women would attack. The smell of blood and sex was an aphrodisiac for the females and could cause them to begin draining the blood or energy of everyone around them.

  Jolie crossed toward him, her anger for the women growing in leaps and bounds. When she was close enough, Jolie pushed roughly past the female vampyres, so that she stood possessively in front of Jacques.

  This offended one vampyre, and she glared at Jolie. They were interested in Jacques for one reason only. They were looking for a mate.

  Jolie had one goal, and that was to get them away from his body. As of late, she had begun to think of it as her own.

  In her mind, there was one truth. He was hers.

  They took a menacing step forward, prepared to fight for the attention of the male. One swiped at Jolie, claws ripping into the pale flesh of her neck, but it healed immediately.

  Jolie wasn’t about to play with these children. The energy that she just consumed was about to come in handy. Lifting her hand, she knew when they could feel the pain tearing into them.

  It took them to their knees.

  “I’m primus. You will cease NOW!” Three of the women stayed on their knees the fourth stood and shook her blonde head.

  “We saw him first,” she shouted back, just loud enough to draw a scene as she was heard over the music. “I’ll mate with him tonight.”

  Over her even more dead body was that happening.

  Her eyes bled to the deepest shade of purple and her fangs descended. If the vampyre couldn’t understand English, Jolie was willing to show her the meaning of no. “He’s my guardian, and you will cease,” Jolie replied, touching the woman’s outstretched arm. At contact, she began feeding.

  When the blonde vampyre realized that she was no match for the smaller women, there was panic and fear on her face.

  As she hit her knees, and this time remained there, she stared up into Jolie’s eyes. “Please, Mistress!”

  “When a primus gives you an order, you will listen.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” she said, lowering her head.

  “Do you know anything about the killings happening around the city? Tell me,” she whispered, compelling the woman to do just that.

  “Mistress, I’ve heard rumors, but I don’t know who it is,” she vowed.

  “Tell me your name.”

  When the woman complied, she prepared to release her hand, but then, she had an idea.

  “Natasha, you will contact me if you hear anything,” she stated, sending the command deep into her mind.

  The young woman bowed her head and nodded.

  “Now go,” she demanded. When hands circled her waist, and lips caressed her neck, she reached for Jacques’s mind.

  “Are you well, Jacques?” she asked, as her heart began thumping in her chest while his hands wantonly explored her body.

  “Yes Jolie. I didn't want to start a feeding frenzy. Are you okay? I couldn’t reach you,” he whispere
d back, pulling her against the front of him. She felt so good pressed to his frame.

  No, perfect was the word.

  Nothing felt this amazing. Plus, to watch her get all territorial, threatening to fight for him, called to something so primitive in his body.

  Jolie could feel the subtle change in her guardian, and she knew that the club was too much for him to handle.

  In fact, it was pushing past her limits too.

  “Come, Jacques. We’re getting out of here. I’ve had enough of this place,” she said, trying to block out the scent of blood surrounding them.

  What they needed was to get out into the fresh air.

  “Yes Jolie,” he replied, taking her out stretched hand and lacing their fingers together. Energy poured into his body, and it felt so good.

  Outside, Jolie offered him everything in her as the scent of blood slipped away, and they were now able to concentrate.

  Turning toward him, she ripped his glasses off his face and pulled his lips to hers. She kissed him deeply, shoving even more energy into his body.

  “Jolie,” he moaned, when she bit his lip, drawing blood.

  “Let’s go home.”

  How could he say no to that?

  His body was so taut, that he honestly believed that he was going to break apart at any second.

  When she kissed him again, he could still taste the mingling flavors of Jolie and his own blood on her tongue.

  It was beyond maddening.

  As Jacques pulled away, Jolie felt the energy sizzling across the entire length of her body.

  “We need to burn this off, or it could be dangerous,” he whispered, his lips rubbing across her bare shoulder. He carefully bit down, not to draw blood, but to get a response from her.

  It definitely got her attention.

  “Take me home, Jacques,” she demanded, jumping up to wrap her legs around his waist.

  “It would be my pleasure,” he replied, as he held her crushed to his chest. As Jolie lapped at his neck shamelessly, he was fantasizing about what was yet to come.

  He had been right.

  It was going to be one hell of a night.

  ∞ Chapter Seven ∞

  “Well, well, well,” said Detective Flynn Brogan, sitting in his partner’s car across from the club. “It looks like the good doctor’s security expert is into the vampyre club scene,” he stated, glancing over at Gress.

  “I wonder if he’s a regular there.”

  “I’m more curious about the goth girl who’s with him. She looks like she’s about to become a snack. If she is a day over eighteen, I’ll eat my freaking car keys.”

  “She did look tasty. I can’t say I blame him. A man’s gotta eat,” Tommy leered, jokingly.

  Brogan laughed and continued looking through his binoculars. “I think that we need to drop by the doctor’s house tomorrow night and question Mr. Security Specialist. He’s definitely got his hands in a lot of pies.”

  “Yeah, fancy doctor pie and underage pie.”

  The idea that the man was a snake gave him total joy. He looked forward to dropping this information on Jolie, as the underwear model floundered for a way to explain it.

  There was no way that Jolie Harcourte was going to allow her kept gigolo to two time her.

  He grinned at what was on the horizon.

  “He could be a regular here. That doesn’t exactly make him a killer. Just because he has an eclectic sexual preference, and gets off on pretending he’s a vamp, doesn’t make him a killer,” added Gress

  “Uh huh. I’m sure it’s a coincidence. He has to be what about thirty eight and that tasty treat looked half his age. If she was my kid, I’d kick his ass,” said Brogan, looking through the binoculars as Jacques Degaul’s hand cupped the young girl’s ass.

  “When are you going to admit that the doctor gets under your skin?” asked Gress, looking out his window.

  “What are you talking about?” he questioned, never looking over.

  “Oh come on, partner. We’ve been together for over a year, and I’ve never seen you get this bothered by anything. That includes the detective you were jacking around with from vice. It’s like our deviant expert is under your skin, and you can’t get her out. It’s not like I can blame you, she is really hot.”

  “Don’t make me tell your girlfriend, Gress,” snapped Brogan.

  “And this is exactly my point. Here you are, threatening to rat out your partner because he said a woman is fine.” He glanced over at his partner and laughed. “She got to you, didn’t she?”

  Maybe, it was time to come clean to someone. Lowering his binoculars, he opened up.

  “I don’t know what it is about her. She drives me absolutely crazy. The smell of her, the way she watches everything with those peculiar colored eyes, and then add in the letch she’s living with, and I’m over the edge. It’s like she’s sleeping with him and doesn’t care who knows.”

  “Well, in her defense, she isn’t married. Last I looked, you’ve slept with a few women yourself. Again, my case in point is the detective from vice.”

  “Please, don’t remind me. I just called that fiasco off and would prefer to not revisit it. She was clingy, possessive, and actually began showing up at my apartment. When she dropped the ‘M’ word, I was out of there. Remind me to never sleep with another cop again. It’s not a good thing, despite having something in common.”

  “Well, the doctor is just living her life. Besides, she’s French, and they’re more sexually free.”

  “How the hell do you know that?” questioned Brogan, staring at the man beside him.

  “Partner… duh, the French kiss? Ever hear of it?” he teased, and then dodged Brogan’s punch.

  “You’re a total moron,” he muttered, trying not to laugh.

  Despite what his partner had offered up, he was still going to enjoy questioning Jacques tomorrow night. It was the highlight of his week, next to being trapped in his car with the great smelling doctor.

  He could still pick up her scent on his jacket, where she had rested her hand.

  Maybe his partner was right.

  He had it bad.

  The ride home in the car was excruciating.

  Both of them were pumped full of energy that she had drained from the club vampyres. In combination with the scents in the club, it was making for a dangerous mix.

  Never before, in all her life, had she wanted someone like this. As she sat in the dark silence of the car, watching Jacques shift gears, her body was on fire.

  When his hair brushed back and forth across his shoulders as he turned his head, it made her crazy.

  Just watching him drive her car was intoxicating. What she wanted to do was climb back into his lap and bury her fangs in his throat.

  The need to touch him reared up and overwhelmed her. With gentle fingertips, Jolie reached out and submerged her hands into the softness of his hair.

  “Jolie,” he hissed, as her fingers stroked the back of his neck. “Touching me is a really bad idea right now,” he warned.

  She didn't care.

  When he looked over at her, his pupils were dilated and fangs peeked out from beneath his lips.

  Yeah, he was feeling the same exact thing that she was, and that only added to her need.

  “I want you, Jacques,” she purred, as his name slipped effortlessly from her lips. The sight of his teeth fully exposed in his mouth was calling to her, and she wanted them scraping against her flesh in the worst way.

  “Jolie,” he whispered brusquely. Need was now pouring off him. No, not pouring, pumping. It was coming off his body in wave after wave.

  Jolie wanted him more than anything at that moment. His body screamed of pure pleasure, and she couldn’t keep her hands off him lately. Each day was a little more difficult than the one before.

  It was like she was drunk on sexy male vampyre.

  Like at this moment, she had this overwhelming thirst, and he was the only one who could quench it. Then, there w
as the need to always be in contact with him. Jolie found that she wanted to touch him endlessly.

  It wasn’t uncommon for vampyres to continually need physical contact, but she was well past that into obsession.

  Was it possible that after six hundred years, she could have found her mate, and he wasn’t human?

  It occurred to Jolie that maybe she wasn’t meant to find a human. She thought of the centuries of wasted time with Jacques, only as her guardian.

  It was time to start living and be happy.

  Picking up his hand, Jolie brought it to her lips. When he swallowed, the sound seemed to echo around them.

  Drawing one of his fingers into her mouth, Jolie began her seduction. Jacques sucked in a breath as she rolled her tongue around his finger, scraping her fangs across the flesh. He gasped as she bit down, causing a bead of blood to surface. Lapping at the small punctures, the taste of him filled her senses.

  “Jolie,” he moaned, trying to focus on the road. “I’m trying to drive and get us home alive.”

  “Jacques, we can’t die in a car accident,” she reminded him, and then went back to her mission. As she sucked even more on his finger, Jolie reached into his mind to share the erotic pictures of what she wanted to do to him.

  The groan from him was low in his belly and guttural. Instead of getting her to slow down, it only made her more excited.

  It called to her.

  Jolie moved to the next finger, and she could taste his excitement. Giving it the same treatment, she decided to go a little further. Keeping her one fang piercing his flesh, Jolie gently drew on the cut.

  Her eyes flickered up from her task, and she was able to watch him in the darkness. This was one of the moments where her exceptional vision was a gift. Jacques was struggling to shift with his free hand, and then bring it back to the steering wheel.

  “You’re killing me,” he said to her, with his voice wrapped in lust and need.

  She continued on with her ministrations despite his begging and pleading. Going even further, Jolie moved her lips over to the palm of his hand and licked her way to his wrist, rolling up his sleeve as she went. Jolie scraped her teeth back and forth over his pulse point.


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