Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 25

by Unknown

  “I don’t mean to stare, it just fascinates me. I’m sorry.”

  “Flynn, don’t apologize. It’s natural to be curious. I hope waking in bed with us wasn’t too disturbing. I didn’t want to put you in a strange room to wake alone. The family wanders and the smaller children are very curious, especially about humans. I didn’t want you to wake up and have a pack of vampyres studying you.”

  “I appreciate that and thanks for breakfast,” Brogan said. Then, he opted to be honest. “Finding myself beside you when I woke up wasn’t too disturbing.”

  Jolie knew what he meant and winked at him. In all honesty, going to bed beside him wasn’t disturbing either.

  He blushed. “Do you always think of everything?” he asked, as she poured herself a cup of tea.

  “Usually for the people I care about, I make it a priority. Jacques is the one who is far better at it, but sometimes I can manage,” she teased, as she sipped from the incredibly delicate china cup.

  “Will he be okay?” he asked, nodding toward Jacques. “I see that he’s already healed.”

  “He should be waking soon. He rarely sleeps too late,” she smiled. “I found out some interesting things last night.”

  He sat up straight in his chair, and she had his attention.


  “I was given the description and first name of one of the female vampyres who is playing with the rest of the killers.” Jolie watched him over her cup. “If we find her, she might lead us to the rest.”

  “I wish I had your interview techniques,” he said, laughing. “When do we look for her?”

  “We don’t. I’ll go to the council and first get their permission. Then, I’ll hunt her down and get her to tell me who she is working with,” Jolie stated, not willing to compromise.

  “We’re going to the council together.”


  “Why?” he asked.

  “They won’t be happy that you know the truth,” she replied, putting her cup down. “They’ll force me to bond you to me, so I can control you.”

  “Control me?”

  “Yes, so that you can’t betray us or our people.”

  She watched him mulling it over and over in his head. When he opened his mouth, she interjected, “No, I’m not going to do that, Flynn. I trust you not to hurt us, but bonding is an extreme measure that I can’t take lightly. There are repercussions.”

  “Why not?”

  She hesitated, and when he took her hand in his and stared into her eyes, she nearly wavered. Jolie would love nothing more than to make him hers.

  “Please?” The little flicker of electricity snapped between them.

  When he stared at her with his icy blue eyes, she had a damn hard time saying no to him. Finally, she tapped into that deep well of common sense and stood her ground.

  “No. It’ll change your life forever and make you more dependent on us.”

  “I want to go to the council,” he said, leaning forward to brush a hair from her cheek. “Please Jolie,” he pleaded, allowing his palm to linger on her face as he reached into her mind more intimately. “I can be an asset, and so can you. We can help each other and be an amazing team.” What he didn't admit to her was that he didn't want to be away from her for a second.

  Generally, she was good at standing her ground, but Flynn Brogan had a gift. Taking a deep breath, she prayed for control. If she gave in to him, he was trapped with them forever. Jolie could tell that he was a good, kind man, and he deserved a life outside of the undead.

  Outside of them.

  Away from her.

  Jacques took a deep breath and rolled over to his side on the bed. “What are we discussing?” he asked, taking in the scene playing out before him in the breakfast nook. When Jolie dropped Brogan’s hand and glided toward him, he lifted an eyebrow in question.

  “How are you feeling, mon amour?” she asked, sitting on the floor next to the bed. Instinctively, her hands wandered over his body, checking his chest to see if the wound was completely healed. Just looking at him made her feel all lightheaded, but touching him gave her the strength to stand up to the detective.

  “Jolie, stop stalling,” he whispered.

  She kissed him and glanced back at the, detective. “He wishes to join us at council when I ask permission to hunt the killers.”

  “No,” he said without having to even think about it.

  “I said the exact same thing,” said Jolie.

  “He would have to be bonded if he went.”

  “I told him already that it wasn’t happening,” Jolie stated, glancing back at the man. “I’m sorry, Flynn, but that’s two votes for no and only one for yes.”

  He didn't understand the big deal. “Why won’t you do it?”

  Jolie was getting more and more attached to the man, and bonding him would be a dangerous thing. She already knew it in her heart.

  “There are reasons, Detective, like the major one where you may not want to live forever,” answered Jacques, playing with Jolie’s hair. It was amazing how something so simple offered him so much comfort.

  “Shouldn’t that be my decision?” he asked, staring at them. “And by forever, do you mean forever-forever?”


  “Back to what we were originally discussing, if you don’t mind.” Jolie didn't want to think about it. The idea of him being hers was way too appealing. For now, she needed to focus on the problem at hand.


  “I’ve called the council together for a meeting tomorrow night. I’ll go before them with the information and see what I can do.” Jolie turned to the detective and reached for his mind, since he was still wondering why it was such a big deal. “It just is, Flynn. Trust me. It’s not something our kind does lightly.”

  Brogan got up from the table. “I have to get home. I need a shower and to shave.” This wasn’t the end of the discussion by a long shot. If he had his way, they’d be taking him.

  “Have a good evening, Detective,” she said, as he walked out.

  “We’ll talk about this later. I insist on going with you,” he whispered through both their minds. He closed the door and Jolie remained sitting where she was, until she was sure he was in his car and leaving.

  “You can’t do it Jolie,” stated Jacques. “If you take him to council, you’ll be forced to bond him to us. His normal life will be altered, and he’ll essentially be stuck with us forever.”

  Plus, he had personal reasons to dislike it.

  “Gee, how do you really feel, Jacques?” Part of her was feeling guilty, since having him with them wouldn’t exactly be a hardship for her. She was torn.

  He sighed. “You know what I meant. Bonded humans, who try and live without the vampyre they’re attached to, don’t survive well. They fall into the madness. Despite the fact that the man wants my mate, I still like him. He’s a good person and held up last night for both of us.”

  “Jacques, I know the ramifications. I just know what’s in his head, and our detective will try and attend the council on his own. If he just shows up, they’ll slaughter him. You know humans aren’t permitted there, only the primus, a mate, and her guardian.”

  Jolie just sighed.

  “What can we do?” he asked.

  She contemplated all her options. “I think that we need to change the meeting to tonight instead of tomorrow. We might be able to outsmart the detective after all.”

  Jolie knew that she could trust Chloe to handle it. She would have the girl arrange the details, and they would go from there.

  “Are you hungry my love?” she asked, running her fingers down his hip.

  “Yes, I’m ravenous,” he admitted, nibbling on her fingers. Then, he moved to her wrist and finally the inside of her elbow.

  “Jacques,” she murmured, standing.

  It was the perfect opportunity, so he pulled her onto the bed and into his arms. “Did I ever tell you how succulent you are in the evening?”

p; “You may have mentioned it, my love,” she admitted, pushing him back onto the bed as she straddled his body. “Blood or energy?”

  “I would like to taste the spiciness of your blood when I’m making love to you.”

  “Oh, will we be doing that?” she smiled, and then screeched as he flipped her over and pinned her to the silk.

  “Oui, I see it in your future.”

  “I love you, Jacques,” Jolie whispered, right before he made his first calculated move.

  Instead of answering her with words, his lips crashed against hers to take whatever he needed. He made love to her mouth, with plans to have his way with the rest of her body next. Jacques was so hungry for her, that he couldn’t get enough. “I want you, Jolie,” he said, as he moved down her neck to feast on her throat. “I can’t wait long to taste you.”

  Jolie ran her hands down Jacques’s back, and his strong muscles quivered beneath her hands. The delicious tension was racking his body and making him wild with need.

  It called to her too.

  She stared up into his eyes, seeing nothing but love and desire for her. “I was worried about you last night, Jacques,” she admitted, pulling him down to leave kisses on his neck. Like he had just done, she began running her teeth over the pulse throbbing there.

  When he growled, it made her smile. This was her mate and she was a lucky woman. Jolie needed him as her guardian for the first part of her existence, and now she would cherish him the remainder of her years.

  “Mon amour, you drive me beyond my control,” he admitted, as he licked her collarbone and nibbled his way to her throat.

  “I love when you’re out of your mind with need, Jacques,” she whispered, as he began his decent lower down her body to more delicate parts.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. When he stopped at her breasts to lap at their softness, Jolie squirmed beneath his lips, inflaming him more. “All I can picture is you in that tiny little skirt, and that miniscule thing you were calling a bra.”

  “It wasn’t that tiny,” she objected, and then moaned as he licked around her navel while his fingers got very busy.

  “It was scandalous,” he whispered against her already goose bump covered flesh.

  “You loved it. Admit it,” Jolie demanded, as he moved back up her torso to stare into her eyes.

  He made a very primitive sound as her hands wandered to the warmth between their bodies. She stroked him gently to push him past his control.

  “Please, Jacques, I need you in me,” she whispered, as she wound her one hand in the silkiness of his hair while the other caused havoc.

  His response was to roll, placing her on top.

  Jolie grinned wickedly, her fangs peeking out behind her lips. “I love it up here,” she purred, leaning down to lap at his nipples and torment him unmercifully.

  “Jolie, I’m starving,” he said, gripping her thighs, desperate to feel her blood flooding his mouth. “Feed me,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  She glanced at him as she lapped at his chest. With unblinking eyes, she gave one last lick, and then sat directly over his erection.

  “Mon Dieu!” he moaned, as she slowly slid him deep within her body. Each blessed inch in made him wilder and crazier. Finally, he was blinded by the pleasure of it all.

  “Like this, Jacques?” asked Jolie, as her body screamed for more.

  “Jolie, please,” he hissed, arching his back to bury himself deeper in the warmth. “I need more,” he begged.

  Jolie threw her head back and slowly began to ride her mate. “Jacques, feed,” she offered, wanting to feel him drinking from her.

  He didn't think, but instead let instinct lead the way. Rolling, he stared down into her lavender eyes as his body continued the slow torturous glide into hers.

  Jacques moved his mouth to her throat, and when he rubbed his lips across her pulse, it jumped. Lapping at her flesh, he found the right spot and went for it. Slowly, he drank in her essence, allowing it to fill his empty body.

  As he became more aroused, he drove into her in time to his sucking. When Jolie shouted his name, he pulled his teeth from her neck and threw back his own head in release.

  The room spun and the air vibrated with energy. Letting his body fall, he landed by her side.

  “Mmmmmmm. It’s always amazing,” she whispered, floating back to the surface.

  There weren’t words to describe how he was feeling.

  Jolie rolled to her side and nuzzled her face against him in total contentment.

  “We should prepare ourselves for council. I hope I can talk them into letting me to find this woman.”

  “I’m sure they’ll let you, mon amour,” he said, stroking her hair from her face.

  “She’s the next key in this puzzle. I don’t doubt that the person responsible for all this is hiding behind her. Maybe we can end this without the entire city finding out about us.”

  “You know, Jolie, that council still won’t be happy that Detective Brogan is aware of us.”

  “I know, Jacques, but there was nothing we could do. He’s a very smart, intuitive man. Lying or controlling his mind wasn’t an option,” she said, sitting up to rub her hand across his cheek. “Do you trust him?”

  “Jolie, I wouldn’t have put my body in front of that very deadly silver dagger, if I had thought that he would turn on us and harm you,” he replied, from beside her. “I will admit that I’m worried about his safety. They know he’s with us, and we can’t protect him all day.”

  “I know, Jacques. I’ve already thought about that and it’s troubling me.”

  “We could have him move into our home for the time being. He could have my old quarters, and then we can keep an eye on him. It would guarantee his well-being and our own safety as well,” he offered, kissing the top of her head as he took in her scent.

  “We may have to, mon amour. It’ll depend on the council this evening,” she replied. “I may have no choice. That doesn’t make me happy. I enjoy being mistress of my own fate.”

  She listened to him laugh.

  “What’s so funny, Jacques?”

  “You’re generally a control freak,” he admitted. In her mind he continued, “Like anyone can tell you what to do.”

  “Just for that my love, I think I’ll punish you.”

  His eyebrow went up. “Is that so, mate? How will you do that?” Already, he was hard again as his mind played out all the sexy possibilities.

  “I’ll shower alone. I was going to let you wash my back,” she stated, sliding off the silk sheets and walking toward the bathroom.

  “You’re a cruel mistress,” he shouted after her, grinning mischievously. “Can I at least watch?” he added, hopping out of bed to follow right behind her.

  “Oh yes, that’s part of the punishment,” she admitted wearing nothing but that predatorial grin.

  Yes, she would teach him one hell of a lesson.

  Even if it was the last thing she did.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Forty minutes later, when she left the shower, she had managed to punish and torture Jacques with very clever soapy hands on her own body.

  She was more than happy with the outcome.

  He wasn’t.

  As she left him to take a very cold shower, to help with a problem that had come up, her heart was full of laughter.

  In her closet, she began changing and could sense when Chloe approached.

  “Mistress, I contacted the council for you.”

  “What did they have to say?” she asked, sliding into a pair of lacy panties.

  “They agreed to this evening, but due to short notice, it’ll have to be held here,” she replied. “I already asked if there was another option, and I was informed by Vlad’s second that there was no other choice.”

  “Damn it!” she muttered, as she began pacing back and forth. “I don’t like the idea of having it in our sanctuary,” she stated. When Jacques entered their closet, she glanced over at her mate.

  With the black towel wrapped low at his waist, he was the epitome of sex. Jolie could feel her stomach tighten, and didn’t miss Jacques’s wicked grin.

  She didn't doubt that this was his retribution.

  So much for her getting the last laugh.

  He was far from defenseless.

  “What’s the problem, mon amour?” he asked, pulling her naked body against his cold chest. He smiled as her nipples immediately hardened at the chill.

  Two could play at this game.

  “Council is fine with tonight, but it has to be here.”

  “Ah, and you worry that our detective will come here and find out that we’re attempting to deceive him.”

  “Oui,” Jolie said, as she pulled out of his arms to dig a bra from the armoire drawer. She picked out a black lace one, which revealed everything, simply because she knew it was one of Jacques’s weaknesses.

  “We’ll come up with something,” he offered, watching her like a cat stalking its prey.

  “I have an idea,” she said, grinning.

  “That is your maniacal grin, mon amour, and I truly love when you’re devious. What’s your plan?”

  “Council will be here at eight. If I call Flynn and inform him that you and I are taking a little evening ride out of town, he’ll assume that we’re lying. Of course, he’ll attempt to follow us.”

  “Most likely,” agreed Jacques. “But we won’t be the ones driving the car, will we?” he asked, grinning.

  “No, we’ll have Devin and Zola keep him away from us for a few hours. If they can drive him to one of our private dwellings, that should buy us a good hour and a half each way,” Jolie smiled and put her hands on her hips. “Do you think it’ll work?”

  He leaned down and kissed her lips. “Yes, it will. You’re truly Machiavellian, mon amour.”

  Jolie turned to Chloe. “Call Devin and Zola and have them meet me in the study in thirty minutes,” she requested.

  When the woman left, Jacques moved in for the kill.

  “Now, what to wear?” he asked, capturing her attention as he slowly dropped his towel.

  Jolie couldn’t stop herself from admiring his body. “I have the perfect thing for you to slip into, Jacques. Let me see if the size is right,” she offered, holding out her hand.


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