Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 38

by Unknown

  Jolie didn't want him in her mind.

  He wondered if Dieter was able to access her.

  It filled him with rage, and then sadness as he contemplated his options.

  What choice did he have?

  After all, he was still human and they… weren’t.

  Jolie sat on her bed and stared at Jacques sitting across the room from her. “Do you think I was too hard on him, or that I should have told him what was in Dieter’s mind?”

  “Jolie, mon amour, it doesn’t matter what I think. You did what you needed to do. Unfortunately, our Flynn is the weakest link. A vampyre child could access his head, and if you’re planning something big, they could find out by using him.”

  Jolie released a sigh. “I wanted to tell him everything.”

  Her mate understood. “He questioned you, and you needed to show him that it wasn’t acceptable as part of the show. When this is all over, he’ll understand. Flynn is all about justice, and you’re close to getting it for the dead.”

  Jolie sat on the bed with her legs pulled close to her body. “I think I’ve damaged our connection. He’s afraid of me now. He doesn’t understand what is going on with the killers.”

  “It’ll work out.”

  “Do you think?” she asked hopefully.

  “Oui. Besides, we have bigger problems. Dieter has confirmed our suspicions about Cassiel’s companion. She has been there when the women were killed. She didn’t partake, but she was involved.”

  Jolie laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. She reached into herself to seek out Brogan. She saw him lying on his bed with his gun still in his hand. He had stripped down so that he was naked, but he clutched his Glock as if it was his lifeline.

  It broke Jolie’s heart.

  She had terrified him and damaged the budding love that was starting to build between them. As he tossed and turned in a sleepless slumber, it twisted a part of her heart until she felt like weeping. She slowly returned to her body and opened her eyes.

  “Is he well?”

  “No. He’s sleeping poorly and with his gun clutched in his hand,” she said sighing. “I need to repair this tomorrow.”

  Jacques just patted her arm. “Let’s retire, Jolie. Tomorrow is a new day, and you’re both returning to work.”

  Jolie prayed that by morning things would be better between them.

  “Come, my love. I’m weary tonight,” she said, slipping out of her clothing before calling to Chloe with her morning instructions. With one last scan, she could feel Dieter slip to death, and they knew they were safe.

  Together, they reached for death.

  Her heart ached and for the first time, Jolie took that pain with her into the darkness.

  Instead of emptiness, there were growing worries.

  Something bad was coming.

  ∞ Chapter Twenty-Three ∞

  Monday Morning

  The ride to work was the longest, most uncomfortable trip of either of their lives. Jolie had kissed Jacques goodbye and left him to babysit Dieter when he finally woke.

  Brogan had skipped breakfast and didn’t want coffee. He was sitting in the H2 waiting for Jolie to finish feeding before he drove her to the office. When she hopped up into the vehicle, looking very much like the doctor she was, his heart skipped a beat.

  He cursed it for the blatant betrayal.

  She glanced at him over the top of her sunglasses. “You need to let me feed you, Flynn.”

  “No thank you, Doctor Harcourte,” he said, with as much chill as he could muster. It was hard since he didn’t even feel a fraction of it. He had slept poorly, spent hours dreaming of Jolie, while still having nightmares of him holding a gun to her heart as she begged him to trust her.

  It wasn’t a comfortable night, and he didn't understand it at all.

  A couple times, he woke with a start. Finally giving up, he opted to work in the gym. Sleep wasn’t going to be his friend. In fact, the only place he would be safe was at work.

  Go figure. He was better off with the dredges of society and corpses, than them.

  “You must, or you’ll feel unwell all day,” she said, reaching for him.

  He pulled his arm away as if her touch burned his flesh.

  “Flynn?” She didn’t know what to say. Apparently, he was still angry with her and needed more time. “Please, at least let me feed you.”

  “No. Let’s go. I have a job to get back to and these killings aren’t my only case. It was a mistake taking the time off,” he said, as he pulled out of the garage.

  Jolie flinched in the sunlight until the glass of the windshield and her sunglasses tinted in the bright light. The drive wasn’t too long, but the chasm between them was enormous.

  He longed to touch her.

  He wanted to go back to the way it was, feeling her on his lap as he fed.

  He would sell anything to return to that moment, but he didn’t think he could.

  Could he live his life under her control?

  Could he not?

  There were so many unanswered questions, and he couldn’t worry about them now. Shaking his head, he refocused on the road. Today would be about him finding his way back to the path. Then, he would go from there.

  Pulling into the parking lot, which led to her office, he still didn't look over at her. “See you later.”

  “Have a good day, Flynn,” she whispered, her heart breaking. “I hope we can repair this. I want you to trust me again,” she said. Jolie didn't look back until she was at the private elevator, and still he didn't look at her.

  That had not gone like she had planned.

  Damn it!

  What she wanted to do was tell him everything, even if it risked it all. Then, she was reminded that obligation outweighed affection.

  A single tear slid down her cheek, and she angrily brushed it away.

  Yeah, it was going to be a long day.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  When Brogan arrived at work, his mood was no better. He felt bad about the way he treated Jolie in the H2, since she had always been nothing but kind to him, but he just couldn’t help fear being a zombie for the rest of his life.

  Then, there was Dieter.

  He didn't like the man and really believed that Jolie should have trusted his instincts on that one.

  After all, he was a damn good cop.

  When he walked into the bullpen, he gave a silent curse when he saw Gress sitting on his desk, waiting for him.

  “Hey partner. How’s it going?” he asked, trying to smile.

  “Oh please, Flynn! You need to explain what’s going on. The innocent act isn’t flying,” said Gress, getting up from the desk. “You might want to start with why you haven’t been at your apartment in five days.”

  “I was with a woman. Okay?” he stated, lowering his voice.

  “What woman?” he pushed, waiting for a fight.


  “Doctor Harcourte?” Tommy looked like he was going to fall over. “You’ve been shacked up with the good doctor?” He slapped Brogan on the shoulder. Now, it was all making sense. The man was getting some. “How did you score that?”

  “Shut up, Gress.”

  “What? You land a woman that fine, and you’re not going to tell your partner all the details?” he teased, leering and laughing at the same time.


  “No?” he paused. “Are you shitting me? You really aren’t going to tell me when you bagged the mother of all sex kittens?”

  “No, I’m not. She’s not some cheap conquest, okay?” And she wasn’t. In fact, Jolie was incredibly special to him.

  “Then that had to be you she was curled around on that motorcycle the other night,” he added, waiting to hear his partner’s answer.

  Before he could reply, they were both interrupted by Gress’s phone.

  “Damn it,” he muttered, grabbing his cell.

  Brogan said a silent prayer and started flipping through the papers on his desk. He stared
at one of the messages sitting there. It was from a name that only he would recognize. He picked up his phone and pretended to dial his ‘girlfriend’.

  Yeah, that lie was going to bite him in the ass yet.

  He called the number and waited for it to be picked up.

  “New Orleans police department.”

  “Captain Harris, please.”

  “Who may I say is calling?” asked the woman.

  “Tell him that it’s Detective Flynn Brogan.”

  There was a little pause as the call was put through. Brogan listened to the music as he flipped through the rest of the messages.

  “Detective Brogan?”

  “Yes, Captain Harris. I’m returning your call.”

  “Yeah, we got your resume, and we’re ready to offer you that position here, if you’re still interested. When can you be down here?”

  “Actually, Captain, I’ll need a little time to think it through.”

  “How much time, son? I won’t bullshit you, since you’re our first choice. Lately, our crime rate has skyrocketed, and we need an experienced homicide cop. We do have one other person who would fit in.”

  “I need a day or so. I’m closing up a serial killing case, and I can’t leave until it’s done,” he said, glancing over at his partner. “Then, I should be able to give you an answer.”

  “Okay, but get back to me as soon as possible.”

  Then, he was gone.

  Brogan glanced over at his partner and closed his eyes. Talk about a convenient way out. When he applied for the transfer to the south four weeks ago, he was hoping to get out of Philadelphia and the cold weather. Not to mention escaping a relationship that he had regretted with another cop. Now, he had the chance, but it would mean leaving Jolie and Jacques.

  Not to mention his partner and his life in the city.

  This wasn’t going to make it easier. His partner sitting on his desk again brought him back to reality.

  “So, how did a guy like you score a classy woman like Doctor Harcourte?” asked Gress. “You don’t seem like her type. I never would have seen this coming. When I told you to ask her out, I really thought she’d shoot you down. How long is this going to last?”


  “Are you serious? Can I be the best man?” teased his partner.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” In fact, just hearing his partner discuss it made him realize that he definitely needed to leave and start his life over.

  There wouldn’t ever be a wedding.

  Or kids.

  In fact, it was a dead end in more ways than one.

  He could never be part of her life. “Hey, can you get me a cup of coffee?”

  “Sure, be right back,” he said, heading to the coffee pot.

  Brogan dialed the number again and was connected with the captain.


  “It’s me, Detective Brogan. I’ll take the job. Give me two weeks.”

  “Alright! Welcome aboard, Detective. I’ll start the paperwork. Where can I email it to?”

  “Here’s my private email account. I don’t want it at the office,” he said, giving it to his new boss.

  “I’ll send it today. Get it filled out and back to me ASAP.”

  “Yes sir,” Brogan replied, hanging up the phone. Instead of feeling liberated, he felt even more lost.


  Life wasn’t giving him any breaks.

  Suddenly, he could feel Jolie reach for his mind.

  “Are you well, Flynn?”

  He didn’t answer her even though he knew it was draining her to see if he was okay. Yeah, she was offering the olive branch, but he wouldn’t take it. Now, he needed to break away.

  This was the first step.

  Granted, he wanted to feel her laughter float through his mind, but he couldn’t bring himself to let her comfort him. When he didn't respond, he could feel her weaken and slowly release the connection.

  It was for the best.

  At least, that’s what he kept telling himself.

  Again, emptiness surrounded him.

  Pushing up from the desk, he knew what he needed to do. It was time to turn in his resignation.

  He only hoped it wasn’t the biggest mistake of his life.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The day dragged on unmercifully, and finally Brogan couldn’t take it anymore. He told Gress he was taking off and that they would hit Doctor Harcourte’s office tomorrow instead. For now, he needed to get home to his place.

  Tonight, he was going to be staying there. He needed to start packing and filling out all his paperwork.

  He was going to call Jacques and have him pick up Jolie. For now, he couldn’t face her.

  Yeah, he was a big chicken.

  Tomorrow, he would break the news. Whatever they had was over. He was moving on, bonded or not. He had to get on with his life, and the further away the better. Since he was destined to live forever, he needed to make the most of it.

  It wasn’t like they were really a couple.


  Space would help, and you couldn’t get much further away than New Orleans.

  Pulling up in front of his place, he was actually feeling about two hundred years old. His body was depleted and he was sluggish.

  Deep down, he was having an internal disagreement about whether he should have fed that morning like Jolie had told him to. As he slipped the key in the lock and stepped into his apartment, he was taken aback by his own slovenliness.


  He was a pig.

  There was a layer of dust and pizza boxes still sitting on most surfaces. Tossing his keys on the table, he crossed the room to clean up. As he lifted the lid to the box, he was grossed out by the fuzzy pizza. One more day, and it probably could have crawled to the garbage itself.

  As he went to stand up, his body went on alert. While the bonded human was off balance, the cop wasn’t. He spun and reached for his gun, but it was too late. He saw fangs and everything started getting dark.


  Apparently, he should have feed after all, because now he was the snack.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jolie paced her office staring at the clock on the wall. Something was wrong. She knew that the sun was setting and the detective should have been there.

  Picking up the phone, she dialed his cell number. When no one answered, Jolie called the station and got his partner. As soon as the man told her that he left hours ago, she just knew.

  Something had happened.

  Reaching for the man, there was nothing.

  It was as if she had hit a wall and was being pushed away from him. While he may be angry, he wouldn’t do that to her. He didn't know how.

  “What’s wrong Jolie?” Jacques asked, as she reached for his mind.

  “He’s gone. I can’t find him. Flynn’s blocked off. I need you to get here as fast as possible, Jacques!”

  “I’ll be there. Don’t worry Jolie.”

  If anything happened to him, she would never forgive herself for withholding the truth.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Once Jacques arrived, they raced to Flynn’s apartment. Neither spoke, afraid of what may have happened to him. Both knew he was still alive, since they were carrying a portion of his soul, but it wasn’t looking good.

  When they reached Brogan’s place, Jolie just knew that it was bad. As desperate as she was to get inside, she couldn’t access his home. As another resident of the apartment building walked by, Jolie used her abilities to get him to help.

  With her mind, she ordered him into Flynn’s apartment, and then made him invite them in.

  Fortunately, she hadn’t fed Brogan earlier, or she wouldn’t have had the energy to pull it off. Already, she was running low.

  Once inside, Jolie rushed to Flynn’s bedroom. At her horrified gasp, Jacques rushed to her side. Oh, someone wanted them to see how serious they were, indeed.

  The white down comforter was covered in blood.

  As she turned, she saw the note. On the mirror, someone had left a scrawled message in his blood.

  It horrified her.

  Come save your worthless human. Did I mention that he’s a tasty morsel? I’ll finish drinking him dry shortly, and you can look for his body. You might as well bring your lackey too.

  See you at the club.


  “I’ll cut her to pieces, Jacques. I swear if she has harmed him, I’ll cause her so much pain that not even her own mother will be able to put her back together again,” she said, as they ran for the car.

  “I know, mon amour. We’ll make her pay.”

  There was no doubt that hell was about to be unleashed on the enemy. Jolie just prayed that her detective wasn’t the ultimate cost.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Flynn could feel the darkness receding.

  His arms were on fire, and he honestly believed they were beyond repair. As he opened his eyes, there above him was the face of an angel.

  “Where am I?” he asked, almost afraid to know the truth.

  “You’re at ‘The Sanguivore’,” she smiled sickly.

  “How did I get here?” he asked, trying to think back to what he was doing when he was taken.

  “I brought you here,” she replied, patting his cheek as she ran her hands down his body. “You’re quite a magnificent man, Detective. I’m not big on the human form, but yours is quite spectacular. It pains me to have to kill you,” she added, as fear flooded his face. “Before I rip you to pieces, I wanted you to know that I appreciate how much effort was put into this physique.”

  “You’re Cassiel.” It was said with no emotion, fear, or pain. At that moment, Flynn accepted his fate. If anything, he wasn’t going to let her feed on his terror.

  “And you’re smart, too,” she said, as she began pacing back and forth. “How are your arms?” she asked, smiling sadistically. It immediately contorted the angelic face to one of a demon.

  “They hurt,” he replied, only taking his eyes off her for a few seconds. He didn't trust her not to attack at any distraction.


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