Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)

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Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series) Page 11

by Blue Saffire

  Chapter 13

  Wedding Bells


  My mother is working my last nerve and I want to choke Ettie for this dress she has picked for the me, her maid of honor. I don’t know what she was thinking. I don’t remember agreeing to this dress and I don’t remember it being this revealing.

  The dress is a silver sheath dress with a plunging v neck line. My girls look like they want to pop out of this thing. Oh God, I don’t even want to imagine how Nick is going to react when he sees me.

  As if that weren’t enough, Ettie decided on five and half inch heels that I have no business in. I keep seeing myself tripping up the aisle and one of my boobs popping out for a grand appearance during my tumble to the floor. Luckily, I will be walking down the aisle with Lucian at my side, so hopefully he will catch me before I face plant.

  I look across the room at Kimmie who is also a part of the wedding party. She lucked out with her little baby bump. Ettie had her black dress altered at the last minute to have a revealing back and not front. So much for waiting until after the wedding to announce my little niece or nephew. It’s like Kimmie’s stomach decided to pop overnight.

  I would love to be in one of the black dresses the bridesmaids are in. None of the other girls have necklines as deep as mine. I feel like Ettie stuffed me into this silver scrap of a dress on purpose. The only thing that I like about this dress is that the neckline showcases my collar.

  It seems like my necklace is shining something extra today. Or maybe it is just my own knowledge of what it symbolizes and how much I love the only man that can free me from it. Or it could be the fact that the necklace has seemed to totally piss my mother off.

  “Sephora, I really don’t know why you insist on wearing that thing today. It is just not fitting with your dress or this occasion. I never thought you would look to show up your sister on her wedding day,” my mother huffs.

  I have to stifle a giggle. I asked Ettie last night if she wanted me to have Nick unlock the necklace for today. She told me absolutely not. Besides the fact that Faraz Emilsson, thinks that I Sephora Emilsson, am capable of showing up my sister Ettie is hilarious.

  I am tickled that this is probably the first time my mother is truly complimenting me and it is coming in the fashion of her ire at me over my collar. If only the woman knew.

  “Mother for the millionth time, I have already told Sophi to wear the necklace. I think it looks great with the dress,” Ettie pouts. I can tell she is reaching her boiling point with my mother.

  My mother glares at me and huffs. She dramatically walks over to fuss with Ettie’s veil. My sister smiles at me and winks into the mirror. We both roll our eyes at our mother’s antics and burst into laughter.

  “I don’t know what I did to get two ungrateful brats for daughters,” my mother mutters.

  “Oh mother, please,” Ettie sighs as she turns to our mother. “Today is not about you. Just relax and let me enjoy it without you having an epic Faraz moment.”

  I really have to stifle my laughter. Ettie is one to baby my mother as Lucian often does. The look of shock on my mother’s face is priceless. She is just as shocked as I am that Ettie is standing up to her.

  “After this wedding I am sitting you all down to remind you who I am. I will not take much more of this disrespect,” my mother says in indignation, her glare directed at me as she speaks, as if I have started it all.

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Ettie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Mama, will you quit fussing so you can walk me down the aisle,” Ettie coos effectively soothing our mother at the mention of her walking my sister down the aisle. A smile beams across my mother’s face.

  Before I can taunt my mother any further a knock comes at the door. It cracks open and Luke sticks his head through the doorway with a smile on his face. His eyes fall on me and the smile falls, turning into a frown.

  Luke looks me over and then his head falls back as his laughter fills the air. “Lincoln is going to blow a gasket,” Luke says and shakes his head.

  Luke walks fully into the room. Coming over to me, he wraps his arm around my waist, leading me over to Ettie. He wraps his other arm around her waist as well. Kissing my forehead first, Luke then turns and kisses Ettie’s forehead.

  “I love you both. You are two of the most precious women in the world to me. I am so proud of the beautiful women you both have become. I sometimes have to remind myself that you two are not my little bratty sisters anymore.

  “I know I fought it in the beginning, but I see how happy Andrew and Nick make you both. I know they would give everything they have, including their lives for the love they have for the two of you. That is all I ever really wanted. I understand that now,” Nick kisses Ettie on her cheek and turns to kiss mine as well. He waves Kimmie over and she walks over slowly. Luke places his hand on her baby bump.

  “I get it now because I understand the way they love you. The right kind of love can change a man that thinks himself unchangeable. The woman I love has taught me this and so much more,” Luke says pressing his forehead to the side of Kimmie’s face as she turns away shyly. “I understand Andrew and Nick because there is nothing I wouldn’t do for the two of my girls.”

  When Luke bends to place a kiss on Kimmie’s bump, a collective gasp can be heard in the room. Both Ettie and I start to squeal with the realization of Lucian’s words. I am bouncing on the balls of my feet with excitement.

  “You guys found out the sex,” Ettie squeals.

  “I’m going to have a little niece,” I coo.

  “We are having a little baby girl,” Luke says proudly.

  Luke beams like a proud papa as he tugs Kimmie in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on the top of her head. They are so cute together. Something has clearly changed between them in the last few days.

  They are both still staying with Nick and me, but up until two days ago they were still skirting around each other. Seeing them this affectionate is new but I like it. My niece needs her parents to get over themselves. If you ask me they also need to keep their butts out of Luke’s playroom. However, I don’t think that will be much of a problem, I have seen the haunted look that still crosses Luke’s face from time to time when he looks at Kimmie.

  I look over to see my mother with her lips pressed tightly. She is not liking the idea of being a grandmother. I’m not sure if it is because of the mother of her grandchild or if it is because in truth Faraz fashion she is worried at how said grandchild will make her look. Who knows with my mother, I really stopped trying to figure her out in the past few months. It makes my head hurt.

  “We’ll have time to talk babies later.” My mother claps her hands. “We have a wedding to attend. Let’s go ladies,” Faraz says weaving over Ettie’s other bridesmaids. “Sephora you still have time to take that necklace off.”

  I roll my eyes; I should have known she wouldn’t just let it die. Ettie rolls her eyes as well, while groaning and throwing her arms in the air. Luke looks at my neck and snorts.

  “Actually, no she doesn’t. Nick is not unlocking that thing,” Luke mutters. “Especially not with her in that dress.”

  “Whatever are you mumbling about, Lukie,” my mother huffs.

  “Nothing mother,” he chuckles and shakes his head.


  “You look nervous,” Craig chuckles as he slaps Andrew on the back.

  “Not nervous, anxious,” Andrew smiles. “I feel like I have waited for this day forever. Ettie may have driven me crazy with all her planning, but I have to admit I have been just as excited as she has.”

  With a low whistle Wyatt takes in the over three hundred guests. “Looks like she spared no expense,” Wyatt chuckles and shakes his head.

  Wyatt’s golden eyes move around the room. He winks in the direction of his wife, Nellie. She is an adorable little woman. Not the type I am used to seeing Wyatt with, but I see the love in his eyes and I can see she feels the same,
despite the sadness in her own eyes.

  From what Wyatt has shared with us she lost her mother not long after they married. Wyatt had a lot of explaining to do when the guys found out that he had a wedding without one of us being there. We totally understood once he told the story to us.

  “No, that she didn’t. I think I will be feeling this wedding for a few quarters this year,” Andrew groans, but the smile never leaves his face.

  “I’ll be happy to not have your wife calling my woman at two in the morning,” I take my turn to tease Andrew.

  Andrew chuckles, Wyatt, Kevin, Craig, and George join in as well, knowing that Ettie has been driving us all mad. Before we can tease Andrew anymore we get the signal to take our places. A look of relief comes over Andrew’s face.

  I have to say that I have become the closest to Andrew out of all the new additions to our little crew. Craig takes some getting used to and I am not one to always be in the mood to be goaded. I have no issues with George, he is always so reserved. It is just that Andrew and I have an understanding of one another the same as I have a bond and understanding with Luke, Kevin, and Wyatt.

  The music starts to play and I again thank my lucky stars that Andrew was able to talk Ettie out of the processional she had wanted. Neither of the guys were too happy about walking down the aisle with her touchy feely bridesmaids. Andrew talked her into just having the maid of honor and best man, Sephora and Lucian, walk down the aisle together.

  If Ettie’s friend, Michelle, rubbed against me one more time at the wedding rehearsal, I was going to lose my fucking shit. I mentioned to her a number of times that I am involved with Sephora. Sephora had been busy at Ettie’s beck and call, so she missed most of the spectacle.

  Once Andrew caught me scowling at Michelle and Wyatt growling at one of the other bridesmaids, things were handled quickly. Even Craig cringed a few times as Ettie’s friend, Sasha, whispered in his ear. They are all beautiful women, just a little too aggressive for all of our taste, especially after pointing out that the majority of us are already taken.

  “Holy fuck,” Craig’s muttered words pull me from my thoughts. I look up and my jaw drops open before it clenches back tight.

  I am instantly hard as a fucking rock. I take in the love of my life from head to toe, then back again. She is so stunning and I know she doesn’t even know it.

  The silver satin fabric of her dress hugs her in all the right places. The deep plunging neckline stops right above where I know her perfect navel rests. Her chocolate skin that is on display is glowing and I know it is as smooth to the touch as it looks right now.

  The dress stops just above her knees, giving a perfect view of her sexy chocolate legs. Damn, did I spend enough time licking those legs this morning? The stiletto heels on her little feet have her slightly pigeon toed feet turning inwardly just a little more than usual, as she tries to maneuver in them, while walking beside her brother.

  Her hair is pulled away from her face, with a white flower covered in crystals anchored in the right side. The rest of her hair is cascading down her back in soft curls. Wait until I get my hand wrapped around that hair.

  “Shit Lincoln, you are one lucky son of a bitch,” Craig chuckles.

  I only tear my eyes away from Sephora long enough to shoot Craig a death glare. He lifts his hands up in surrender, with his signature smirk on his lips. One of these days I really am going to kick his ass.

  I turn back to Sephora and just marvel at her beauty. I can’t help but to wish she were coming down the aisle so that I could make her mine for the rest of my life. As my eyes land on her necklace that is on display for all to see, I smile. She is already mine.

  I shift and clasp my arms in front of me as I remember to breathe. Not that my hands will really cover the erection I am sporting right now. Reluctantly I look away from Sephora as she and Luke take their places. It is the only way I might be able to get this situation under control. This is going to be such a long wedding.

  Chapter 14

  New Friends


  Nick has been giving me hungry gazes throughout the wedding. I almost missed my queue to give Ettie the ring, I was so caught up in staring into Nick’s eyes. He and Luke totally ignored Ettie’s directions during the wedding photos. She wanted Luke and I to stand together as the maid of honor and best man.

  Nick nor Luke were having it. Every time you look Lucian has his arms wrapped around Kimmie protectively. Nick on the other hand has not only been protective, but his hold could be deemed down right possessive, especially when Craig starts to tease him.

  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been a bit possessive myself. I don’t like the way Ettie’s friend Michelle keeps looking at Nick. She has one more time to touch him or bat her stupid lashes at him.

  I am not a confrontational person, but it would be clear to a blind man that Nick is not interested and a bit annoyed himself. He crossed trying to be polite for the sake of my sister’s wedding hours ago. I have almost grinded my teeth down to nothing from holding my anger in.

  I can’t help it. Every time I catch her flirting with Nick, I see images of Jillian. I swear I am seconds away from being on an episode of Snapped.

  I had to excuse myself to the restroom before I did something stupid and ruin my sister’s wedding. I’ve never been in a fight so I don’t even know if I can back the anger I am feeling. It doesn’t mean that I am not so tempted to try.

  “You are a better woman than me,” Nellie says as she steps up to the mirror where I have been staring at my reflection wondering who I have become.

  I am ready to lock horns over a man. It is laughable. Me, Sephora Emilsson, trying to beat a bitches’ ass over her man. I’d probably get my ass kicked and my best friend that would usually kick ass for me, is too pregnant to help me out.

  “What do you mean,” I tilt my head to the side and look at Nellie through the mirror. I like her. I can see the sadness in her eyes, but she seems so sweet.

  However, her next words stun me into thinking she may not be as sweet as I first thought. “Those two drunk heifers needed to be put in their place. It is fine to look, but when she put her hands on my husband, I had to let her know,” Nellie shrugs.

  My mouth hangs open for a few seconds before I burst into laughter. “Really, what happened,” I scoff.

  “Wyatt had to step out to take a call. That one that has been in Nick’s face all night and the other blonde followed him. So I followed them. When I stepped outside the blonde had her hand on my husband’s arm,” Nellie pauses then shrugs. “I snatched her by her wrist and gave her and her friend a polite warning.”

  “A polite warning,” I ask lifting a brow.

  “Yup,” Nellie says popping the p. “I told her if she wants to keep both her hands attached to her body she will reframe from putting her hands on my husband. I also told her and her little friend that they needed to stay out of Nick’s face for the rest of the night before I whip both of their asses for being plain disrespectful.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. I knew I liked Nellie from the time I met her at the suite Ryan rented for our little party. She may be little, but there is more than sadness in her eyes. There is a fire that contradicts everything else about her. I can’t believe she threat those tramps of me as well.

  “Thanks for looking out for me. I’ve never been in a fight before, but I was strongly considering letting tonight be my first,” I giggle.

  “You are family. Ryan and Braxton introduced you as such. You never have to thank me. It is what us Blacks do for family. As for fighting, we could always fix that. Noah is the most patient, but any of the guys would be great at teaching you some self-defense. I haven’t been much help to the world lately, but I could show you some stuff too,” Nellie pauses and taps her chin in thought.

  “Actually, I have met your boyfriend. How about Bean and I give you a few lessons. I think he is a bit possessive like Wy can be. I didn’t miss that Ry has a thing for you, so
him helping is totally out,” Nellie bursts into laughter. It looks good on her.

  I want to be her friend so I can see this side of her more. Her laugh is infectious. I think about what she is offering. Nick’s words start to float through my head about my safety. I have been working on somethings I haven’t told Nick about, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t learn a little self-defense just in case.

  The thought of saving my man’s company, helping him to find the voice that is behind the man that has been tormenting him for years, and being able to protect myself while doing all of this gets me excited. I look at Nellie and nod my head. I am bubbling with champagne and excitement now. Maybe the champagne is what has given me all this courage tonight in the first place.

  “I’d like that very much. I’ll give you a call when I can schedule sometime from the warden,” I tease.

  Nellie rolls her eyes. “I know what you mean. I call Wy the same,” she giggles. “Let’s go enjoy your sister’s wedding.”

  Nellie and I walk out of the bathroom giggling together only to both yelp simultaneously. I can see that Wyatt has scooped her up off her feet, into his arms. From the delicious smell of his cologne and the familiar hold of his strong arms, I know that it is Nick that has my feet dangling off the floor.

  I look up over my shoulder at him with a pout as Nick and Wyatt’s laugh fill the hallway. My pout melts into a smile at the sight before me. I have never seen Nick so relaxed and happy.

  His face is smooth of worry and his green eyes are sparkling something fierce. I am so used to Nick being serious or focused. Sure, I have gotten small glimpse of him letting go, but this is something total unguarded and carefree.

  I have noticed all throughout wedding that Nick and Wyatt seem to be as close as he and Luke are. The guys have all been sticking together whispering when no one is around. At times, their faces have looked grim as if they are all not at a wedding, and then other times they have looked as if they don’t have a care in the world, like right now in this moment.


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