Havenfall Harbor: Book One

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Havenfall Harbor: Book One Page 7

by Albany Walker

  “What the hell was that about?” Rob looks between me and Alice.

  “I have no frigging clue,” I tell him honestly.

  “Anything that has to do with the headmaster gets her into a tizzy.” Rob tosses a crumpled-up napkin onto the table. “I don’t even know what she sees in him, he’s about as cuddly as a crocodile.”

  “She’s had a thing for him even before she transitioned into a blooded vampire.” Alice leans her head in and whispers, “She won’t even take from the vein because she’s afraid to lose her connection to him.”

  “Why would she lose her connection?” I whisper back.

  “She had his blood to crossover. He offers it to unattached vamps for the transition. It’s too risky for a new vampire to use just any donor, they get crazy with bloodlust.” Alice isn’t whispering anymore, but she’s keeping her voice down. “A bond forms when you take from the vein, it will break when she feeds from another, but Millie keeps going back to the bag.”

  “Wow, but what if she never feeds from someone else? Could she stay like that forever, bonded to him?” That seems awfully generous on the donor’s part, and kind of sad that she would be willing to do that to someone else.

  “Eventually she’ll have consumed enough blood to dilute his, but Stone is strong, the most powerful vampire I’ve ever met, so it could take a while.” Alice pushes her tray away while standing.

  “What does it mean for the donor though, do they feel a connection to the recipient?” I follow Alice and Rob out of the dining room, enthralled with the newfound information.

  “Stone? Probably not. I mean, he’s probably blooded hundreds of vampires in his time. Plus, it’s Stone. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is awesome for all this.” Rob spins around with his arms wide. “He gives these kids hope for a future, a place to go when they don’t have anywhere else. But…”

  “But what?” I prompt when Rob doesn’t continue.

  “But it’s Stone.” Rob shrugs like that should tell me everything I need to know. “I’ve got to get going, see you guys later.” He doesn’t wait for us to respond, he just takes off walking faster than usual.

  Alice bumps her shoulder into mine. “He’s doing the exact same thing as Millie, holding onto the hope for something that probably won’t ever happen. Only Rob doesn’t have the blood bond to use as an excuse.” She lets out a long sigh.

  “I didn’t realize until today that he had a thing for Millie,” I admit, watching Rob’s back as he moves down the corridor.

  “Sometimes you can’t help who you fall in love with.” Alice shrugs her shoulders. I’ve never really understood that statement. Maybe it’s because I’ve never really been in love. I’ve dated, I even thought I loved the guy I dated when I was a freshman in college, but when he asked me to switch schools with him, to move to another state, I realized I didn’t love him. If I did, I would have at least thought about moving with him, instead I knew immediately I didn’t want to change schools.

  Being at Central gave me the best opportunity for my career goals. I wasn’t willing to give up my dream of working with supernatural kids to move out of state with him. All my other relationships after Kyle seemed to follow the same path. I liked going out on dates and having fun, but once things got too serious, I always ended up breaking things off—well, most of the time. I’ve been served with my fair share of breakups too.

  “I won’t see you at dinner, but tomorrow at lunch?” Alice turns to face me, unknowing how lost I was in my thoughts.

  “Yes, lunch tomorrow. Have fun tonight.” I grin and walk away from her backwards. “Don’t get into too much trouble.”

  Alice holds up her fingers with a few inches separating her thumb and pointer finger. “Just a little.”

  I tilt my head back and laugh while I spin to walk away.

  Alone in my room, I curl my fingers around the warm mug. I stopped by the cafeteria after my last appointment of the day to grab something I could heat up in my room later. I know I’m being kind of lame avoiding the dining room, but knowing that Alice won’t be there, and the possibility that Noah might, makes the idea of walking in there alone a little daunting. I really don’t feel like running into Millie or Letty for that matter either.

  Grabbing something to go turned out to be super easy, Josie even explained how I could order ahead and have it ready for me when I get off. Not that I plan on being a loner in my room all the time, but after all the new faces and the newness of being in a different place, knowing I can unwind in my room is rather welcome.

  I blow across the top of my tea and take a sip, wishing I had just a little bit of honey. A soft tapping on my door has my eyes flying to the clock. It’s nearly ten o’clock, close to bedtime for me, but still early for a lot of people.

  Standing, I head to the door. The tapping was so quiet I almost wonder if it wasn’t on someone else’s door and I just heard the echo.

  “Hello?” I call out, not too loudly in case I’m correct and it’s not my door.

  I feel a thud against the door. “Yeah, it’s Griffin,” he replies back just as softly. I switch my mug to the other hand and flip the lock. I hesitate for a moment, not sure I really want to talk to him, but open the door anyway.

  He doesn’t say anything when he sees me, but his eyes travel over my leggings and baggy shirt. “Yeah?” I lift my brows, wondering what he’s doing here. I mean, come on, it’s not like I’m up to anything. I’m in my room alone, for goodness sake.

  He looks left and right down the hall, his eyes darting around quickly. My stomach gives a hollow pang. He doesn’t want anyone to know he’s at my door. That’s why he knocked so softly.

  “Can I come in?” His head tilts to the side.

  “Why?” I lean my shoulder against the doorframe, blocking the entrance to my room before pulling my cooling tea up to my chest.

  Griffin’s back straightens, and he looks down the hall again. “I wanted to talk to you. About earlier.”

  I take in his appearance. He’s back in what I would assume are his work clothes—a sharp gray suit tailored to fit. For some reason I feel this look is more of a costume than the loose-fitting linen he was wearing this morning.

  I push off the doorframe and let out a sigh. I should be worried about a man trying to get into my room unnoticed, but I’m more concerned he’s embarrassed to be seen with me than I am that he’s going to try to hurt me or something. Naïve? Maybe.

  Griffin follows me in and closes the door behind him. “It’s good you’re locking the door,” he comments, but I don’t hear him use the lock.

  I return to the small sofa, setting my tea down, and I arrange myself on the far cushion. What does it say about me that I’m willing to let him in here? Honestly, this goes beyond working together and trying to foster a professional relationship.

  By the time Griffin takes a seat across from me in the chair, I want to kick him out. It’s not like I’m entertaining ideas of grandeur here, but I’m not going to find myself in a situation like Millie and Director Stone. Fawning after someone that probably gets enough attention from people interested in dating him.

  “You wanted to talk about earlier?” I prompt, and there’s a slight edge to my tone, so I clear my throat.

  Griffin takes his time looking around my small living space and kitchenette. I don’t know why, it’s not like any of this stuff is mine other than a few picture frames.

  “Griffin,” I urge.

  His light eyes slowly find mine. I blink several times in response. I have an impulse to avert my gaze, but I hold it instead. “I was rather abrupt earlier, and I thought we might finish our conversation.”

  “Ah, so you’re here to inform me of my situation then?” The bite is back in my tone. I get that there is plenty of crap I don’t know, hell, I’ll easily admit that I’m lacking in the supernatural knowledge department, but I hate that he’s making me feel inferior. I clench my teeth to keep myself from saying anything else.


>   Shit, I probably shouldn’t be here. Quinn is sitting across from me looking all soft and sweet, but her posture is as stiff as my dick. I can see the little muscles in her cheeks flaring every time her jaw tightens. She’s pissed, and I don’t blame her, I was an asshole earlier.

  I draw my hand over my mouth and part my lips, taking a deep breath and dragging her scent into my lungs. The cover of my hand hides my teeth from her view, no need to scare her too.

  She lifts one delicate brow, and I know I’m about two seconds away from her kicking me out of here if I don’t start talking fast.

  “Have you made any progress with Jess?” I blurt.

  Quinn’s head tilts, and she looks to the right. “Jess?”

  “The boy that came to see you.” I lick my lips, floundering for something to talk about.

  “You mean Jon?” Her eyes narrow, maybe I should have asked about something else. “Some, I’m still getting all of his transcripts. I’ve reviewed the school charter, and nothing prevents Jon from getting in. It’s a public university, after all, but I know there will be challenges. I have a meeting with him next week, I’m working on it,” she promises earnestly. I nod, wanting her to continue. “Did he say something to you?”


  “Jon, did he come to you, or are you just checking up on me?” Quinn crosses her right arm over her stomach.

  “No, that’s not…I was just…” Christ, I sound like an idiot. “I wanted to know how things are going, that’s all,” I finish, but it’s a weak recovery.

  “A few kids have started making appointments with me. I’m prioritizing the senior class, but I’ve been able to fit everyone in who requested a meeting. It’s been good, great really,” she adds, like she doesn’t buy my excuse and she’s giving a self-evaluation.

  “And the staff, everyone is treating you okay?” Fuck, I do sound like I’m interviewing her.

  Quinn looks to the left and nods slowly. “Yeah, yeah.” The scoff in her reply is tiny, but there, nonetheless. She’s a terrible liar. I’ll have to find out what that’s about. Her eyes come back to mine when I don’t say anything else. I let her squirm for a second, then tip my chin down.

  “I mean, there are growing pains, nobody really knows me yet…I have a lot to learn about everyone here.” She bites the side of her lip. I bet it’s to stop herself from rambling.

  It’s hard as fuck, but I don’t stare at her mouth. I really shouldn’t be in here. I told myself I would just come by and apologize for earlier, but now that I’m here I don’t want to leave. I’m a selfish prick.

  Why the hell did I trust Mackey when he told me he had the perfect person for the job? I glanced at the application, noted the name Quinn Shaw, and jumped to the very dumb conclusion that Quinn was a human male. The school needs her, she can help the students in a way I can’t, but does she have to make my fucking mouth water? I clench my jaw, mad that I’m here, madder still that I’m not willing to leave.

  Quinn leans forward and picks up her abandoned mug. As soon as her hand touches it, she lifts her eyes to mine. “Would you like a cup of tea?” Her voice goes a little high at the end of the sentence.

  “I’m not really a tea drinker.” Her face scrunches up before I even finish, so I add, “But a cup of coffee would be good.”

  “I have water.” Quinn winces. “Sorry, I’m not a coffee drinker.”

  “Water is fine.”

  “I can run down and get you a cup,” she offers, already standing.

  I rise with her. “No, it’s fine, water is fine.” How many fucking times am I going to say fine?

  “It’s no trouble,” she counters.

  “I have coffee at home if I want it.” My words come out a little rougher than I intended.

  “Yeah, okay.” She shakes her head a little, and more loose tendrils of her light hair frame her face.

  I’m not used to this awkward dance. If I want someone, I usually tell so and that’s that. I feel like an unblooded vamp at my first feeding. Quinn moves past me to get to the small kitchen. I trail behind her as she opens the mostly empty fridge like a lost lamb.

  I push the door open farther and bend to look inside. “Why don’t you have any food in here?” If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s a vampire. There’s not much space left between us, and my lips are dangerously close to the side of her neck, an appealing place to bite her, but I can think of many other places I’d like to sink my teeth.

  “I eat at the dining hall?” Her statement comes out like a question. I still haven’t backed away, but she hasn’t moved either.

  I swallow. I can taste the venom of my bite in the back of my throat. I’m actually salivating. I run my tongue over my top teeth, and they ache in response.

  “I have coffee, tea, I can get whatever you would like right next door.” My voice is low, thick with need, and the words are out of my mouth before I even realize what I’m doing.

  “I have tea.” Quinn’s hand trembles as she reaches forward and opens a small wooden box, stepping a few inches away from me in the process. The pungent smell of leaves and spices fills my nose, but it’s her scent I want to breathe in.


  Reluctantly, I shuffle forward, reaching for my tea box, and any excuse I can find to pull myself out of Griffin’s orbit. That’s exactly what standing too close to him feels like, like he’s going to drag me into his space. I’m not so worried about being pulled in, hell, I’m already halfway there, it’s what will happen to me when he tosses me to the side that worries me, because let’s be honest, with a face and a body like his, I don’t think he has many women fighting to be set free. I bet he’s addicting. It would be just my luck that I would fall for the most unavailable man I’ve ever met.

  “Let me get you that water.” I keep my voice even and step to the side, ignoring Griffin’s nasally huff as I do. He doesn’t offer me much space while I grab a glass and fill it with a bottle of water from the fridge. I feel like I’m fighting to keep my movements small so I don’t bump into him.

  I turn to face him, extending the glass. “I promise I’m here for the right reasons,” I assure him, trying to bring the topic back around to a subject I’m more comfortable with—work.

  Griffin’s brows draw in as his eyes search mine. “I know why you’re here.” Standing this close, it’s impossible not to see the sharp points of his teeth when he speaks. I’ve never been bitten before, but I’ve thought about it, a lot. Most of my friends at school had, and they’d tell me how amazing it was, how the venom of the bite would stay in your system for hours, depending on the strength of the vampire, giving you a feeling of euphoria. Lisa only dated vampires and shifters, she said she just couldn’t go back to a human guy after being with a supernatural.

  I never dated a supernatural myself. I could never introduce someone I was with to my family who wasn’t human. I can’t even imagine the hell my mother would have put them through, and I wasn’t willing to treat someone like a secret. That wouldn’t be fair to them, or me. But that’s not something I need to worry about anymore.

  I swallow and look down, but that just means I get a good look at the tight white shirt drawn across his chest. Geez, I’m not even sure I like Griffin, but I can tell you the lust I’m feeling for him is off the charts.

  I try to back away, but I hit the counter behind me. Griffin steps forward, trapping me between him and the kitchen cabinet. The cold splash of water soaking my shirt pulls a quick gasp from me. “Shit.”

  Griffin looks down at the rapidly expanding water stain on his shirt and jacket.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, even though he’s the one that bumped into me, causing me to spill the drink.

  Setting the cup down, I grab a clean hand towel from the counter next to the sink and begin blotting at his jacket. Griffin just stands there staring down, watching my hands. I’m expecting some sort of response, a reaction of any kind, but he’s completely still.

  My head clears as the icy cold fabr
ic of my shirt clings to my stomach. I can’t believe he’s not affected at all. “Here, you can…” I push the towel against him, intending to let him finish, but his hand comes up, holding my palm and the towel in place.

  When he looks up, his eyes meet mine, and the light blue hue has faded to an even lighter shade while his pupils are blown wide.

  “I should go change, I’m all wet,” I point out, stating the obvious. Griffin’s nostrils flare with a deep intake of air, causing his chest to expand, brushing against mine. I can feel the cool metal of his rings on the back of my hand when he lightly squeezes my fingers before finally releasing my palm from his chest. The hand towel drops to the floor, landing half on my bare foot. The damp cloth has me jerking my leg up, and I end up kneeing Griffin right in the balls.

  That gets a reaction. He jerks his hips back and lets out a heavy grunt. His eyes flare wide for the briefest second before he straightens back up, his palm reaching down and cupping himself.

  “Oh my God! I am so sorry!” I feel the heat rise on my face and down my neck. “It was an accident. I’m so sorry.” My words come out just as horrified as I feel. I lower my hands as if I might be able to help him somehow. Griffin is still cupping himself, but he wisely backs away.

  I slide sideways down the counter, creating more distance between us. “It’s okay, I’m fine,” Griffin mutters, while making one final adjustment and dropping his hand from his dick.

  “Can I get you anything? Ice?” I wince again, wringing my hands together. The few times I’ve seen a guy take a hit to the balls, they always act like the world is ending.

  “No, I’m good.” Griffin looks down at his shirt and jacket before adding, “I should be going.”

  “Yeah, of course, here.” I rush over to the door and open it for him. I guess I should count that as a win, since this time he actually told me he was leaving. He brushes past me without looking back. Once he clears the door, I let it fall closed and plant my forehead against the wood. “Please tell me that was a bad dream,” I mutter, rocking my head from left to right.


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