Her Rebound Men

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Her Rebound Men Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He didn’t have a plan.

  “I mean, seriously, guys, it’s so obvious right now I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before.” Abby smiled. “Why don’t we turn this on them?”

  “What do you mean?” Drake asked.

  “Well, you were going to use Drake and me to get out of a divorce so why not use all of our relationship against my parents? They’re greedy. They want money. There will be some fallout I’m sure if this doesn’t work and they release the tapes, but some people have made a sex tape work. We could make this work for us. If not, I can tell them about how my sister died, exhausted by their thirst for wealth and power. They shouldn’t be benefitting from this. They can’t send me away. Not if I have the two of you.” Abby paused as she thought about their threats. She had kept most of them to herself, but right now, her men were far more important than she was. “There is something,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I’m not crazy or a danger to myself. I figured they wouldn’t have a way of keeping me in a hospital. But they do. They told me about what they did to my sister. How they had a doctor on their side, and were working with him. He likes young women. I’d have been too old for him, but they gave him my sister and one night, he left a knife in the room and that was how she killed herself. I can’t prove anything. It’s my word against theirs, but I know the doctor’s name. I don’t know if this will work though.”

  “Tell me the doctor’s name,” James said. He stepped toward her and pulled her into his arms.

  Tears spilled from her eyes as she told them the doctor’s name.

  “I can find out anything,” James said. “I’ve got the means to do it. Don’t worry.”

  “I should have told you before. I was so scared. So scared of what they could do. They seem to be able to do anything, and I don’t want to die. I don’t want to kill myself. I just want to have a life.”

  “We wouldn’t let them hurt you, Abby. You’d be willing to fight them?” James asked.

  “Yes. They don’t care about me. They never have. They didn’t care about my sister either. They only ever cared about themselves. I didn’t want to be married to you.”

  “I’m not going to divorce you if that’s what you think,” he said.

  Not when he knew the three of them would work so well together.

  “We want to give this a try. All three of us,” Drake said. “We’ll find out about this doctor. Men like that, they leave a trail. We’re going to make this work. The three of us.”

  “If that’s what you’d like.”

  “It is.”

  “Then I’ll stay and we can see if we can make it work,” Abby said. “If not—”

  “Don’t even think like that. We’re going to make it work. I don’t believe in failure, and I’m not going to start now.”

  “Okay. Then you’ve both got to agree to not hide who you are from me. I get not wanting the world to see and enjoying your privacy but not away from me. I want to see you touching each other. Making love. I don’t want you to do that in private away from me.”

  He stared at Drake, who was already smiling.

  “We won’t hide from you.”

  “Awesome.” Abby stood. She held both of her hands out. “Then let’s go and see how we can make this work.”

  “You want us to do this now?”

  “No time like the present.” She winked at them, and with her holding their hands, she led them both into the villa and straight to the bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Abby’s heart pounded as she sat down on the bed. There was no other way to describe it. She’d never experienced anything like this before, but the excitement was there and very real. She looked between Drake and James. Both men were sexy as hell. One of them was her husband, the other her lover.

  She watched as they removed their clothing. Both of their gazes kept falling to her, and she waited as they closed that distance. James was the first to grab hold of Drake. Out of the two men he was a force to be reckoned with. She watched him, feeling herself getting even more aroused as he held Drake, his lips smashing down on his, kissing him deeply, taking possession of him, and the harder he kissed, the more turned on she became.

  Drake ran his hands down James’s body, wrapping his fingers around the man’s cock and sliding his hand up and down.

  He repeated the action until James pulled away, letting out a hiss.

  “You want to see what he looks like when you drive him insane?” Drake asked, going to his knees before James. “He loves it when you’re a little rough.”

  Drake opened his mouth and scored his teeth along the edges of James’s cock as he swallowed him down.

  She heard James’s moan as it echoed around the entire bedroom. The arousal was clear on his face as he pumped his hips into Drake’s waiting mouth.

  The sight before her was so sexy. She pressed her thighs together, watching.

  “Do you want to touch yourself?” James asked, his gaze landing on her.


  “Then do it. Strip off your clothes. Spread those legs and show us how wet you’re getting. The only two cocks you’ll ever know will be ours. I don’t share.”

  “Unless it’s with me.”

  “We’re one. It’s not sharing,” James said.

  Drake silenced James as he swallowed more of his cock, and she saw him get right down to his balls, his nose brushing the fine hair of his pubes.

  She stripped off her clothes. Her body felt heightened with arousal just watching them.

  James thrust his hips, once, twice, pumping in deep.

  “Shit, fuck, I’m going to come.”

  “Then come,” Drake said with a mouth full of cock.

  She watched as James did as he was bid. He slammed his cock into Drake’s mouth and filled it with his cum, his groan filling the air as he spilled each drop for Drake to take.

  Drake swallowed him down, and she moved up the bed, sliding her fingers through her slit, stroking over her clit and down to plunge inside when she found exactly how wet she was.

  “My turn.” Drake pushed James to the bed, making him kneel.

  James didn’t fight him. He reached behind, and she saw him spread his ass cheeks wide.

  “There we are. There’s that little asshole I’ve been waiting for.” Drake stepped away from the bed, and she watched him cover his length with a condom and grab some lubrication.

  She bit her lip, stroking her clit, taking her time as the arousal started to build within her.

  “Come here,” James said.

  She moved down the bed, and when her pussy was level with his face, James slid his tongue between her lips, tasting her cream.

  “Open your pussy for me.”

  Like he was doing with his ass, she reached down, opening her pussy for his exploration. His tongue slid over her clit.

  Drake moved up to the bed, and she stared into his eyes.

  “Are you ready, James?”

  “Yes. Fuck my ass,” he said.

  She saw Drake move, tense, and then thrust.

  James groaned, his face pressing to her pussy as he was fucked.

  Seeing them together, watching their need for each other, it was hypnotic.

  “Yeah, that’s it. He’s got me all the way, Abby. I’m balls deep inside him. How does it feel to have his mouth on your pussy?” Drake asked.

  “So good.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Lick her pussy, James. Make her come.”

  “Are you going to fuck him?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am.”

  Drake pulled out, and she saw him rocking, filling up James’s ass as he did.

  James lapped at her pussy. His tongue slid all over her slit, and she kept her gaze on the two of them.

  They could make this work.

  She loved seeing them together.

  James used his teeth on her clit before sliding down to plunder her hole. She cried out his name, feeling her org
asm so near. She couldn’t believe how close she was, but seeing both of her men, so vulnerable with each other, she couldn’t stop. Not that she wanted to.

  Drake’s thrusts increased until he was slamming in repeatedly, fucking James harder, and she watched, mesmerized.

  When James changed tempo on his wicked tongue, she felt that arousal kick up a notch, and it wasn’t long before she came, screaming his name. He continued to lick her pussy after she came, sending her hurtling into a second orgasm that had her begging for more.

  After this one, she collapsed to the bed, in time to hear Drake moan, finding his own release.

  “That’s just the start,” Drake said.

  “You’re ready to go again?” she asked, shocked.

  “He’s not, but I am.” James stood, and she saw his cock was already hard again.

  She let out a gasp as he sat at the head of the bed, and pulled her over him.

  He didn’t use a condom, and she cried out as he filled her, his cock going in hard and deep. With his hands on her hips, he set up a steady rhythm, driving her up and down his length. The pleasure was intense.

  “Every single day, it could be like this, Abby. You, me, Drake, the three of us.”

  She cried out and then felt Drake at her back, his lips trailing down her neck. “He’s not wrong.”

  “We can make you happy,” James said.

  “Always. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  She loved the thought of being happy.

  Drake’s fingers trailed down her back, and as he skimmed over her anus she gasped.

  “Can I take this cherry?” Drake asked.

  “You want her ass now?”

  “Yes. I want to feel you inside her. I want to feel her come with my dick so deep that she can’t even think straight.”

  “Yes, yes,” she said. Her body was on fire for more of their touch, for more of everything. She’d give them whatever they wanted so long as they didn’t stop.

  Drake left the bed, and James started to ride her pussy. He filled her over and over.

  “You’re going to love Drake in your ass. He knows what he’s doing, and you’re going to love it.”

  “Did you love him inside you?” she asked.


  “This is not conventional,” she said.

  “But it feels good. You don’t need to follow the rules here. We’re all happy.”

  She was happy. Drake and James made her both happy.

  The bed dipped, and she felt some cool smooth liquid being spread over her ass.

  “You’re going to have to hold her open for me.”

  “With fucking pleasure.”

  James grabbed each of her ass cheeks and spread them wide. Drake’s fingers teased over her puckered hole.

  “Don’t tense up. Relax.” He pushed a finger in her ass, and James worked his cock, bouncing her up and down his length.

  She cried out as Drake pushed two fingers in her ass, spreading her open wide for his cock.

  “You’re so tight,” he said. His fingers left her ass, and she felt the rounded tip of his cock. Staring into James’s eyes she felt Drake push past her tight muscles, sliding in, filling her ass.

  “Fuck!” She cried out, unable to hold back the pleasure as he worked her ass, fucking her harder.

  It was intense. The pleasure shocked her to the core, and as he thrust inside, he filled her up.

  There was pain.

  A lot of it, but Drake reached between her thighs. She couldn’t touch herself. Her hands were wrapped around James’s neck.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve got it all in. I’m deep inside you.”

  The pain soon turned to pleasure as he worked her clit.

  Neither of them moved. Drake stroked her pussy, building up her need for him until it wasn’t enough.

  James started moving first. He pulled out as Drake filled her. They set up a pace that had one filling her as the other came out.

  The dual penetration and Drake’s strokes were enough to set her off, and within a matter of moments, she came, crying out both of their names as they fucked her body.

  She gave herself to her two men, letting them take their pleasure as they each rode her. Both of their cocks drove inside her, getting harder with every thrust.

  She heard Drake moan as he tensed behind her. His cock expanded as he filled the condom, pulsing with every single wave of cum that spilled from him. James followed him, his cum flooding her pussy as he did so.

  Afterward, neither of them moved. They lay on the bed, both of them still inside her. Their hands ran up and down her body, caressing her, touching her, filling her with such warmth and love.

  When she closed her eyes, she was happy, and she’d do anything to keep it this way.


  Two weeks later

  “You think this is really a good idea?” Drake asked.

  James watched his best friend as he paced in his office within his building. Abby was in his en-suite bathroom. This was the first time he’d brought her to his office. He’d felt so fucking proud as he walked off the elevator and his employees had seen him with her.

  She was a beautiful woman.

  A kind woman.


  Everything he’d ever wanted in a woman.

  He wasn’t going to ever let her go. Not now. Not ever.

  Because you’ve fallen in love with her.

  He’d known he’d been falling, and he’d been fucking fighting it as well because her parents had been the ones to bring Abby into his life. He knew she was nothing like her parents.

  Drake was the love of his life, but Abby, she’d been the missing piece of his soul.

  “It’s the best idea. We’re all here together. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life being blackmailed for being in love,” James said. He glanced over at the bathroom door. “I love her,” he said.

  Drake stopped in front of her. “You’re being serious right now?”

  “Yes. I love her. I want us all to be together once this is over. I … want it all. You, Abby, kids, a couple of dogs.”

  This made Drake laugh. “Wow, you’re no longer sounding like the jet-setting businessman.”

  “I gave up hope, Drake. I gave up hope of ever finding the right woman for us. I didn’t think she was out there.”

  “She’s right in that room,” Drake said.

  “Yeah, and I was an asshole to her, a complete and total asshole.”

  “I guess you’ve got a lot to make up for.”

  “You love me,” Abby said, startling the two of them.

  “You heard that?” James asked, standing up.

  He saw tears in her eyes as she nodded. “Yes. I heard. You love me?”


  “You’re sure? You’re not just saying that?” she asked.

  “I love you, Abby. I’m completely sure.”

  “But, we’ve not known each other all that long.”

  “Do you think you could love me?” James asked. “After everything I’ve done. Everything I was going to do. Do you think you could find it in your heart to love me?”

  “There’s no doubt. You haven’t done anything to me, James. Not really.” She took a step toward him. “I love you already, and it scares me.”

  “There’s no need to be scared,” Drake said, stepping up beside James. “We both love you. Now, and for all eternity. We’re going to try and make this work, and it will work because we love each other.”

  Abby closed the distance between them, and he and Drake held her close.

  “We’re together, no matter what,” James said.

  “I love you both,” she said. “So much. I was so scared to say anything because of how fast it all moved, but I’m not going to hide it.” She touched both of their cheeks.

  “Well, isn’t this a charming display,” her mother said, her viperous voice filling the office.

  James stepped in front of his family. That’s what Drake and Abby were�
��his family.

  “Let’s get a move on with this,” her father said.

  It had been a long time since he had the pleasure of seeing them in person. There was nothing pleasurable about it. They were disgusting.

  “Let’s deal with this,” James said.

  He moved to his seat behind his desk. Drake stood on one side of him and Abby on the other.

  They were a united three against these assholes. They had the evidence, from the moment his PI had found one tiny piece of evidence, a CCTV video that the doctor had kept of his conversation with Abby’s parents. They’d been talking about her sister, about what they allowed him to do, and of course the death of her sister. They had laughed. He wouldn’t allow Abby to see it. The footage he’d seen sickened him. They had the doctor, and now they were going to deal with her parents.

  Abby held one of his hands, and Drake his other.

  “You’re going to give James the tapes and everything you’ve been blackmailing him with,” Abby said, her voice firm.

  Her mother glared at her. “No, we’re not doing that, and you better hold your tongue!”

  “Or what?”

  “You forget your place, girl,” her father said.

  “And you forget yours. You think you have power here. You don’t. You will either give James his stuff or you’ll unleash them,” Abby said.

  Their gazes landed on James.

  “It doesn’t bother me,” James said.

  “The world will know.”

  “They will?” Abby asked. “Or will the entire world look at the people whose daughter tells the truth about what happened to her big sister? How the same people blackmailed an upstanding member of society and you forced another daughter to marry him. Either way, there will be a sticky problem for James with those tapes, but I promise you, Mom, Dad, that I will make sure the world turns its attention to you. To your years of emotional and mental abuse. Not just to me, but to Maggie too. They need to know who you are. What you did.”

  “No one would believe you,” her mother said. “You don’t have any evidence.”

  “What makes you think they’ll believe you?” Abby asked. She held up the file. “We’ve got proof of the money you’ve taken. Of the blackmail. You’re not a victim here. If you want to take that chance, do so. If not, hand over the tapes and get the fuck out.”


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