(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5)

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(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5) Page 25

by Michelle Mankin

  “Enough.” He shrugged away from my touch, his eyes hooded but not so much that I didn’t see the flash of hurt within their grey depths. “That’s enough. I get the picture.” His voice was deeper than I had ever heard it and I realized in that moment as we held each other’s gazes that I’d been deluding myself in another way. Patrick Donegal wasn’t a boy. He was a man, all man and at the moment he was a heartbroken one.

  “I’ve been patient with you. Too patient it seems. No more. I’m not the kind of guy to give a woman ultimatums but in this case I think it’s my only recourse.” He reached for my hand, lifted it to his mouth and ran my fingertips across his firm lips while watching me with heated eyes. I felt a warm shiver roll through me. Patrick was an intense good looking guy no doubt. I cared about him deeply and he cared about and had looked after me for a while now. But he wasn’t Linc the boy who had rearranged my world fifteen years ago and the man who had returned apparently determine to do it once more. Permanently.

  The scales didn’t weigh in Patrick’s favor that when he brought my hand to his lips it reminded me of when Linc had done something similar only hours ago. Only with Linc I hadn’t just felt a body shiver, it had been my heart that felt his passion and my soul that had been stirred by his words.

  “Patrick, I…”

  “Two years,” he cut me off. “He’s been back less than a week. Don’t throw us away and the potential we have to be so much more. Don’t decide now. Think about it. Come to our show. Tell me your answer then. Choose me, Simone.” He gently framed my face with his strong hands. “The more I could give you if you’d only let me,” he whispered low and passionately, “would rock your world Simone Bianchi. Guaranteed.”

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  * * *


  Simone was strangely distant when I returned with lunch. I didn’t have time to question her or to push to get us back to the easiness we’d found earlier because we got too busy. A bus full of women from an intramural softball team descended on the shop. It took the two of us working nonstop together till closing snagging bites of cooling food between turns at the register to take care of all of them.

  “We did it.” She gave me an exhausted smile after escorting the last customer out the door and flipping the ‘closed’ sign over.

  “You did it,” I clarified. “You’re really good with the customers.”

  She shrugged seeming uneasy with my praise.

  “You barely ate anything.” No wonder she wasn’t eating right. She really needed two people at the shop. “Why don’t we go to dinner together?”

  Her lush lips flattened. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  I didn’t even attempt to hide my disappointment, though I was grateful for the day with her. Every minute I spent with her was a gift.

  “I’m really tired.” Her expression was gentle, her eyes full of the sparkle I had missed. Another bittersweet arrow to the heart. How had I ever let her get away from me?

  “I understand.” I did for sure, I just didn’t like it. “Would you let me walk you home past the pier? I’d like to show you something.”

  She raised a brow.

  I laughed. “Nothing like that. Something I’ve been working on. Something Ash and I have been working on together. I think you’ll like it.”

  “Ok,” she agreed and we set off together after she powered off the POS system, turned off the lights and locked up the shop.

  Downtown was busier than it had been in the morning. A line stretched down the sidewalk to get into Hodad’s so we moved to the other side of the street. When we reached the public parking lot by the beach I steered her to the left placing my hand in the small of her back. I was extremely pleased when she let me keep it there. I kept glancing at her. She was so beautiful with wisps of her sun burnished cinnamon hair floating around her face. I couldn’t get over the fact that I was with her again.

  “What?” she queried noticing my interest. “Do I have burrito in my teeth or churro sugar in my hair?”

  “No. You’re just so damn beautiful you take my breath away.”

  She stumbled a step and I helped right her. “I’m just wearing the sweats I slept in last night and flip flops, Linc,” she muttered.

  “Doesn’t matter. Beauty like yours doesn’t need outer trappings. Hey, hold up. We’re here.” I pulled out my keys and took her hand to stop her.

  She looked up at the door to the dilapidated building Ash and I had purchased at a bargain price. “Why are we stopping at Patrick’s apartment building?”

  I frowned. “He lives on the third floor?”

  She nodded looking perplexed so I clarified by opening the door and flipping on the lights.

  “Whoa,” she said glancing around at the interior and I imagined seeing it for the first time. Wires hanging from the ceiling. The soundproof floors covered with protective paper. The wood frames where the walls for the individual recording rooms would be. “What is this? A studio?”

  “Yeah.” I tried not to look too proud but I was. Excited, too.

  “You and Ash are putting together a recording studio here in OB? Right by the pier?”

  “Yeah, gorgeous. I told you. OB is home and where you are is where I want to be.”

  • • •

  “Ash, I don’t know alright? I brought her the churros. You were right she still loves them. I showed her the studio. I laid everything out for her.” Even so I didn’t see a whole lot of evidence that she was softening. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and looked around at my empty hotel room. “She’s definitely listening though. It’s just…”

  “You giving up already?” He sounded irritated. “You gonna run away from her again just because it might be hard to win her back? We talked about this. You knew going in the tide was going to be against you. That you were going to have to be patient. That it was going to take time and more than just words. You just need to keep showing her that you two belong together.”

  “I know, asshole,” I grumbled without any heat. He and I were at a real good place. Had been for a while but even more so since he had come clean about everything with her. Knowing the truth, knowing the man I loved like a brother and the woman I loved with all my heart had never slept together helped make things a lot less complicated between the three of us. “But you know how I feel about her. I’ve waited so long and she’s right here.” Where the memories were so strong. With her, her tempting bright smile, her intoxicating scent. With all that she meant to me.

  “Yeah, then what’s the real problem? I get the idea there’s something else.”

  Someone else. “There’s another guy,” I admitted. Younger. Good looking. Kind to her. Serious competition.

  “They exclusive?”

  “Hell, no.” She hadn’t even realized he was into her until I had pointed it out. “Just another interested party.”

  “Surprised there’s just one,” he muttered.

  “Not helping, brother,” I grumbled.

  “Sorry, dude. Just keeping it real. Listen you just need to be honest. Tell her that letting her go was the biggest mistake you ever made and keep reminding her every chance you get how well you guys work together. What? Ok.” I heard another voice. “Hey Linc, hold on for just a minute. One of the contractors needs to ask me something.” There was a pause on his end and the sound of a buzz saw and hammering got louder. I heard him speaking to someone else before he spoke to me again. “Simone still as pretty as she was back then?”

  “Even more beautiful.”


  My cell beeped in with someone on the other line. “I’ve got another call. I better take it.” In case it was Simone. Ash clicked off and the other call came on. I froze solid knowing something was wrong the instant I heard her panicked voice.

  “Linc, I need your help.”

  “Absolutely. You’ve got it. What’s going on?”

  “It’s Chulo. I need to get him to the emergency clinic but my car won’
t start.” Her heavy breath puffed into my ear. “He chews everything. Paper especially. I can’t even put toilet paper on the holder or he gets it, shreds it and strews it all over the house.”

  She was so nervous and talking so fast that her words were running together. “Slow down, babe. I don’t get why that’s relevant. Did he get into something dangerous?”

  “Yes, I think. A gag gift Karen sent me. She knows how much I liked the Fifty Shades of Grey movie.” She did? That was news to me. Very interesting news. But I set that aside for future reference focusing on the rest of what she was saying. “The Christian Grey figurine inside was one of those sponge type things that swells up to twenty-five times its original size when you put it in water.”

  I barked a laugh imagining it.

  “Yeah, I thought it was funny, too. Karen’s got a quirky sense of humor. And at first I was amused when I saw Christian’s little orange arm hanging out of Chulo’s mouth, but then I got to thinking. What if Chulo actually swallowed one of the pieces? What if it swells up in his stomach, Linc? Won’t that hurt him?” Her breath hitched.

  “Don’t think like that,” I said firmly swiping the jeep keys from the hotel dresser in my room. “I’m on my way to the car to come get you. Check the house. Try to round up all the pieces that you can. Maybe he didn’t eat any of them. Try to see if you can put Christian back together. But we’ll take him to get an x-ray just to make sure.”

  “Ok.” She was quiet for a moment. Looking for parts of the Grey doll, maybe? “Thank you, Linc.”

  “No problem. Hold tight, gorgeous. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  • • •


  I clung to Linc’s hand while we waited in uncomfortable plastic chairs at the emergency veterinary clinic. I had found a lot of the pieces. Enough to reassemble most of the doll on the kitchen counter but there were still enough pieces missing to give me cause to worry.

  “What time is it?” I asked Linc again.

  “Five minutes since the last time you asked,” he said gently.

  “Ok.” My fingers flexed in his while my stomach rolled. “I love him so much.”

  “I know you do, babe.” He swiveled, the motion stretching the black Henley he wore tighter across his chest. His jean clad thigh pressed into my bare skin. I had been at home in my cut offs and a Roxy t-shirt planning dinner when I discovered what Chulo had done. “You dote on him and he adores you. Anyone can see that.” Studying me closely as he spoke Linc took both of my hands and tucked them into his. “How long have you had him?”

  “Since he was a puppy. After my mom died, I was lonely.” Lonelier would be more accurate. I’d been missing my other half, lost and adrift from the moment he and I separated. “Karen suggested I get a dog or a man.”

  “Gotta say I’m glad you chose the dog.” His ocean blue eyes were soft, his hair a wild halo around his head that I wanted to run my fingers through. He smiled his dimpled smile, familiar and comforting and I was distracted enough by its appearance to forget my present worries if just for a moment.

  “Yeah, me, too,” I said offhandedly without even realizing how much those words gave away. Linc squeezed my hands and I cast my glance back to the door they had taken Chulo through.

  “Was he cute as a puppy?”

  I nodded, my gaze returning to Lincoln’s handsome face. “He was so tiny he fit inside my hand. He used to lie on his back and sleep on my lap while I worked on the computer. He follows me everywhere…” I trailed off as the door to the back suddenly popped open. I jumped to my feet and Lincoln stood with me, steadying me with his strong arm around my shoulder.

  “The x-rays were completely negative.” The lab tech emerged with Chulo in her arms. Lincoln gave me a celebratory hug and pressed a firm kiss onto the top of my head. Chulo squirmed in the tech’s arms and I reached for him taking him from her and then sagging into Lincoln’s side. He turned so he could wrap his arms around both Chulo and me. Warm, protected, held in his familiar embrace I felt something settle into place inside of me, a piece that I had been missing for a long time.

  Chapter Sixty

  * * *


  I pulled the jeep into her driveway and parked right alongside her marooned Accord. Seven thirty exactly. I killed the ignition and stared up at the brightly illuminated porch. I recalled another night, one when she had snuck out and come to me and slept in my arms for the first time.

  I closed my eyes trying to slow my hammering heart. This was so important. She was so important. I still was having trouble believing that she had agreed to go out with me. But then again, maybe some of those old feeling were beginning to awaken in her.

  I wiped my sweaty palms on my dark jeans and got out pocketing the keys, slamming the car door closed and raking my hair from my eyes as I turned.

  She must have heard me pull up. She was already on the front porch seeming frozen in place as she returned my perusal. Was that sparkle in her eyes because she was just as eager as I was to go out on this date together or just a reflection of the porch lights?

  “I just need to lock up.” She waved her ring of keys in the air. I nodded while leaning against the door of the jeep greedily taking her in with my gaze.

  The white dress she wore clung to her delectable body. It accentuated her awesome tits, dipped in at her waist and flared out just a bit around her fabulous hips.

  My mouth went dry.

  I needed some water.

  My lungs were tight.

  I needed some air.

  She turned around and smiled hesitantly at me.

  My heart leapt in my chest.

  I was going to need a doctor.


  I just needed her.

  I pushed away from the jeep meeting her halfway, sliding my hand to her lower back as I walked her to the passenger side.

  “You look fantastic,” I said leaning over her door and looking down at her as she fastened her seatbelt, my gaze lingering on her shapely calves where her golden skin was all shiny and glossy. Had she just slathered lotion on them?

  My cock got even stiffer in my jeans imagining her standing naked to perform the task with one leg on the bed and her slippery fingers gliding over that sexy body of hers, or better yet my slippery fingers gliding all over her sexy body.

  “Did you say something?” She peered up at me through thick lashes. Had I groaned out loud?

  “Um, no, gorgeous. Just waiting for you to get buckled in.” I carefully closed her door and rounded the hood telling myself to keep a lid on my fantasies or I was never going to make it through the evening without putting them into action in the first private spot I could find.

  Somehow I got us backed out of the driveway on the pavement without sideswiping her car or popping up on the curb. My meandering thoughts about the goddess by my side left little room for mundane concerns such as driving.

  “How is Chulo?” I asked.

  “He’s doing great, thanks to you.”

  “How about work?” I had thought about her all day hating that contractor woes had kept me from helping her again at the surf shop. I drank in her delicious profile before reluctantly setting my gaze back to the road and turning left on Point Loma.

  “I had a couple of tourist groups come in. I topped a thousand in sales.”

  “Another strong day. That’s great. Anything else interesting happen?” I flipped on the indicator and steered us south onto Nimitz Boulevard grateful to discover the traffic was light on the busy north south thoroughfare.

  She paused so long before answering that I risked another longer glance at her at the stoplight. “Nothing really.” She twirled a long caramel lock around her finger. Her nervous tell.

  “I’m thinking maybe that’s not the truth, babe.” She turned to look at me her eyes hooded, betraying that whatever had occurred wasn’t trivial. I suspected it involved me in some way. An idea came to mind that had me tightening my grip on the wheel. I stiffly steered the
jeep left onto Harbor Island Drive. “This ‘nothing’ have anything to do with Patrick?”

  Biting her lip and staring at the silver masts and glowing blue outlines of sails on the Shelter Island welcome sculpture as if it were somehow fascinating, she nodded.

  “He know you and I were going out tonight?” He know you belong to me and that if he touches you I’ll break every one of his fingers? Simmer down, Savage. She’s here with you now. Not him.

  I parked the car in front of the Old Venice awning and unbuckled my belt before I swiveled in my seat to face her. “What exactly does he know about you and me?”

  “He knows we had a serious past.” She held my gaze. “And that you’re back now and…” She hesitated then pressed on. “I told him how I feel about you.”

  “And how do you feel about me, Mona?”

  Eyes brightening, she shook her head refusing to share.

  She had given me an opening the other morning. I decided to return the favor now untangling her clasped hands, taking one and threading my fingers between hers before recapturing her gaze. “If I could have anything I wanted in the entire world it would be you. And you telling him you still have feelings for me and that you’ve never been able to forget me because that’s exactly how I feel about you.”

  “Linc,” she whispered her golden eyes flaring and her fingers tightening on mine. “I don’t understand if that’s how you feel, how you’ve felt all along, why did you wait so long to come back?”

  “Because I’m an idiot, Simone. Because it took me this long to get my shit together well enough that I felt I legitimately had something to offer you.”


  “That’s the short answer. We’ll talk more over a nice meal together.”

  Chapter Sixty-One

  * * *


  Linc let my hand go but only for the amount of time it took him to come around to open my door for me. After that his grip on me remained firm, his hand warm, familiar and proprietary as we checked in with the hostess. We then passed through the driftwood paneled restaurant on our way outside to a walled off courtyard with a single table beside a romantic tinkling fountain.


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