Blackout After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 23

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Blackout After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 23 Page 25

by Marie Force

“Thank you both.”

  “Yes, thank you.” After Laura saw them out, she turned to Piper. “Come upstairs to my place. I’ll make us some tea.”

  “I don't want to put you out any more than I already have.”

  “You’re not.” Laura put her arm around the other woman, feeling as if they were friends after the last couple of hours. “I want to help if I can.”

  “You’ve been so kind. I really appreciate it.”

  “I’m so sorry this happened,” Laura said as they walked up the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “Before we go inside, I need to tell you… I have three kids. I have no idea what our place looks like.”

  “Please, don’t worry about it. I have nieces and nephews. I know what it’s like with little ones.”

  “Here goes nothing.” Laura used her key in the door and stepped into an immaculate space. “And once again my husband proves why he’s the best.” Not only had Owen changed all three kids and gotten them ready to go out, but he’d cleaned the apartment, too. It even smelled fresh and lemony.

  “I’m impressed,” Piper said.

  “Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. And I don’t even have to warn you to watch out for hidden peanut butter sandwiches.”

  Piper smiled as she sat on the sofa.

  Laura made tea for both of them, giving thanks once again for the gas stove that had served them well during the power outage, and carried the mugs to sit with the other woman.

  “Thank you.” Piper took a tentative sip, wincing when her sore lip connected with the edge of the mug. “You’ve gone above and beyond.”

  “It’s no problem at all. We’re always on duty and happy to do whatever we can for our guests.”

  “My grandparents used to stay here. There was a couple named Adele and Russ who they were friendly with. Do you know them?”

  “They’re my husband’s grandparents. They live here on the island.”

  “It’s wonderful that they’ve kept the business in the family.”

  “The hotel was their wedding gift to us.”


  “Anyway, enough about me. What can I do for you? Is there someone I can call?”

  “No, I don’t want to call anyone. They’re already worried enough about me.”

  “I was thinking about you after you checked in yesterday. I was once exactly where you are… Only I was actually married when I found out my new husband was still hooking up with women on a dating app.”

  Piper’s eyes widened with shock. “How did you find out?”

  “One of my bridesmaids saw him and made a date with him under another name, thinking it had to be a joke. But it wasn’t. I found out shortly after that I was pregnant.”

  “Okay, you win.”

  Laura laughed. “It’s not a competition. I only tell you this to let you know that despite how it might seem at the moment, you will get through this. I promise you will.”

  “That’s good to know. What happened today was so not me. I don’t do random hookups. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just never been my thing.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. You must’ve had some fun with him before you agreed to go to his room.”

  “We had so much fun. He made me laugh, which I wouldn’t have thought possible. It felt good to laugh, to feel desired again. It was stupid. I know better than to take those kinds of chances.”

  “I’m going to continue to tell you that it wasn’t your fault until you believe me.”

  “That might take a while,” Piper said, wiping away a tear.

  “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need to. Take whatever time you need to heal and figure out your next step. We’re happy to have you.”

  “That’s very kind of you.” She placed her teacup on the table. “Thank you again for the support, the friendship, the tea. I appreciate it more than you know.”

  Laura hugged her. “I’ll check on you in the morning. In the meantime, call extension thirty from any of the house phones if you need me during the night. Please don’t hesitate to call.”

  “I won’t. Before I go, one quick question.”


  “What’s the story with Jack the hot cop?”

  Laura laughed. “Is he a hot cop? I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Liar. No one is that married.”

  “Haha, very true. I may have noticed once or twice that Jack is a very hot cop, but don’t tell my husband I said that.”

  “Your secrets are safe with me.”

  “He did give you his card if you need anything…”

  “I don’t think I’m in the right headspace to need anything from him. But it’s nice to know that guys like him and Blaine and your Owen are out there.”

  “I don’t think his offer came with an expiration date,” Laura said with a cheeky grin. “If you don’t have anywhere to be, you ought to stick around for a while. You never know what’s going to happen on Gansett Island.”

  “Since I quit my job to move to where my supposed-to-be husband lives, I don’t have anywhere to be at the moment.”

  “We can keep you busy here, if you’re interested in hanging out for a while. This is the point in the season where my college helpers start to leave me shorthanded, so if you think you might be interested, let me know.”

  “I’ll think about that. Thanks again, Laura. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “See you then.”

  Laura walked her to the door and watched her go, shoulders hunched. She imagined she’d looked a lot like that when she came to Gansett for her cousin Janey’s wedding. That was the week she met Owen, and everything changed. She hoped that Piper would find someone who loved her the way she deserved to be loved—maybe even Jack, the hot cop. How funny would that be? One thing was for certain—her ex-fiancé was obviously a fool.

  She sent a text to Owen to let him know she was free and to ask if she should meet him at Evan’s.

  Jon is melting down. We’re heading home soon. I can handle them at home if you want to come for a bit.

  I’ll see everyone tomorrow at the wedding. Text me when you get here, and I’ll come down to help herd babies.

  Will do.

  Being alone in the apartment was such a rare thing that Laura took advantage of the opportunity to put her feet up on the table and read a magazine for the thirty minutes she had before Owen texted to tell her they were home.

  She went downstairs, said hello to Tara, the college student who was minding the front desk, and went outside to walk around the hotel to the parking lot in the back where Owen had parked the navy blue SUV they’d bought earlier in the summer. Toting three little kids around required a big vehicle.

  Her little Jonathan’s face was red and his eyes wet. “What’s the matter with my sweet boy?” she asked as she freed him from his seat.

  “He was out of sorts the whole time,” Owen said.

  Laura kissed his forehead. “Probably the heat getting to him.”

  “I hope that’s all it is,” Owen said.

  Poor Owen seemed stressed.

  He carried Joanna and Holden while Laura followed him up the stairs with Jon and the diaper bag over her shoulder. After seeing three little ones through baths and bedtime, their exhausted parents crawled into bed.

  “What happened with the guest?” Owen asked.

  “She reported the attack to Blaine and Jack, and they arrested the guy.”

  “I’m glad they got him. I hate that things like that can happen here.”

  “Blaine would tell you our little island isn’t immune from assholes.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “How was the party?”

  “It was great. Wait until you see Evan’s new house. It’s unbelievable.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. Are Mallory and Quinn excited?”

  “You know them. They’re kind of low-key, but they were smiling al
l night.”

  “I sent her a text to apologize for missing the party.”

  “I told her you had a situation with one of the guests, or you would’ve been there.”

  “I feel so sorry for Piper. The poor girl is going through an awful breakup, and then this had to happen. I invited her to stay for as long she’d like and even offered her a job if she wants to work.”

  “That’s nice of you, hon.”

  “I’ve certainly been where she is. I was thinking earlier about the day after Janey’s wedding. Remember?”

  Owen turned on his side and smiled as he smoothed the hair back from her face. “How could I ever forget the day I found you outside this hotel, standing in the pouring rain, looking like a little girl lost?”

  “I was so lost then.”

  “So was I, and I didn’t even know it until you found me.”

  “It’s amazing how one of the worst days of my life turned into one of the best. I’ll never forget those early days we spent here together when I was so sick and pregnant with another man’s child, and you were right there for me the whole time. And when you decided to stay with me for the winter…” Laura fanned her face. “Most romantic thing ever.”

  Smiling, he said, “I wasn’t even trying to be romantic. I just knew I couldn’t leave you.”

  “Maybe Piper will find her Owen on Gansett Island.”

  “Wouldn’t that be something?”

  Laura thought of what Piper had said about Jack, but kept it to herself for now. “Sure would.”

  Chapter 34

  For most of Monday, Dan Torrington had played phone tag with the attorney representing Kyle and Jackson’s father.

  “You have to understand,” the attorney said when they finally connected while he was at Mallory and Quinn’s party. “My client only recently learned that their mother had died. He wants to be sure his sons are being well cared for.”

  Dan had walked away from the others to take the call, fearing that Seamus would actually have a stroke if they didn’t get this worked out soon. “From all accounts, he was nowhere to be found when she was alive. The boys don’t even know him. I assume that was by design on her part. And not for nothing, a court saw fit to give her full custody. I also assume there were good reasons for that.”

  “He had some difficulties and made mistakes he regrets.”

  “If I run his record, what am I going to find?” Dan asked, already knowing the details but wondering whether the lawyer would be honest with him.

  “You’ll find he had some trouble earlier in his life, but he’s moved on from that.”

  “What kind of trouble are we talking?” Dan asked.

  “He battled drug addiction for years and did some time for possession. He’s off probation now with a good job and a home that he owns. He was still battling addiction and on probation during the years he was with Lisa, but he hasn’t been in any trouble since he got out of jail.”

  “I appreciate you being honest with me, but you have to understand that my clients have provided a good home for the boys and have helped them through the difficult loss of their mother. Disrupting them at this point wouldn’t be in their best interest.”

  “He wants to see his sons.”

  Dan had held off on presenting Seamus’s plan until it became clear that they were at a stalemate. “I have an offer for you, and I want to be clear—this is the only offer we’re going to make. My clients have full custody of the boys as well as the resources to fight for them if it comes to that. The boys’ mother, who had full custody, chose my clients—not yours—to raise them after she died. You and I both know that any judge would respect the provisions their late mother made for them.”

  “Okay, what’s your offer?”

  “The O’Gradys are willing to allow him to visit them, but not as their father. They would be told he’s a friend of theirs who wanted to meet them. They’d allow him to visit twice a year, and when the boys are older, they’d be told who he really is and be offered the opportunity to have whatever relationship with him they chose to have.”

  “That’s an awfully big ask.”

  “It’s a big ask for him to show up at this point making demands when those kids don’t even know him. Where’s he been for the last seven years?”

  “I’ll present the offer to him and get back to you.”

  “We’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

  Dan had no sooner ended the call when Seamus pounced. “What’d he say?”

  “He’s going to take your plan to his client. The father had some drug issues and did time for possession. He was still using and was on probation when he and Lisa were together.”

  “Ah,” Seamus said. “That explains a lot. What did the attorney say when you told him our plan?”

  “That it was a big ask, but I pointed out that him showing up after all these years making demands is a big ask, too.”

  “Sure as fuck is.”

  “In his defense, he didn’t know until recently that Lisa died.”

  “He has no defense. Where’s he been all this time?”

  “I said the same thing. I also made it clear that you have both the resources and the wherewithal to fight him.”

  “Damn straight. Most of the time, I try to pretend that my lovely wife isn’t loaded, but I wouldn’t hesitate to ask her to pay for something as important as this.”

  Carolina curled her hands around Seamus’s arm when she joined them. “I would gladly pay for anything that would keep those boys with us.”

  “Ah, love,” Seamus said. “You shouldn’t sneak up on me that way.”

  “Why not when you do it to me all the time!”

  “She does have a point.”

  Dan laughed and gave Seamus’s shoulder a squeeze. “I know it’s futile to tell you not to worry, but I really think it’s going to be okay. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on, and he knows it. The attorney knows it, too, which is why he agreed to take the plan to his client. I’ll let you know the second I hear anything from him.”

  “I’m sure it makes a hell of a difference to have you representing us,” Seamus said. “The other guy must’ve been, like, seriously? The Dan Torrington? That right there tells them we’re not fucking around.”

  “Oh, he knows we’re not fucking around. I’ve got you covered. I’ll be in touch tomorrow. And now I’m going to go find my lovely wife. You guys try to have a nice evening and get some sleep. I feel very confident that everything will be fine.”

  “Thanks, Dan,” Carolina said. “We really appreciate you.”

  “Happy to help. This is totally my thing, making sure the law works the way it’s supposed to. Have a good night.”

  “You, too,” Seamus said.

  Dan left them and went to sneak up on Kara, who was talking to Linda McCarthy, Tiffany Taylor, Janey Cantrell, Grace McCarthy, Sydney Harris, Abby McCarthy and Maddie McCarthy, who was stretched out on a lounge.

  Kara startled and then relaxed when she realized it was him. “I’ve told you to quit doing that,” she said with amusement in her voice. “He loves to scare the crap out of me.”

  “Evan does that, too,” Grace said. “What’s up with that?”

  “We like how you swoon with fear and then fall into our arms,” Dan said, earning an elbow to the gut from his beloved.

  Dan gasped and then laughed. His wife didn’t suffer fools, especially him.

  “Was that the attorney you’ve been waiting to talk to?” Kara asked him.

  “It was. All good for now. More to come tomorrow.” With his lips close to her ear, he said, “Want to call it an early night? I’m exhausted.”

  She looked back at him with a cute little smile that he loved so much. “Are you exhausted or horny?”

  “Am I allowed to be both?”

  “I suppose so. Let’s say our goodbyes.”

  That he got to leave every party for the rest of his life with the beautiful Kara Torrington was the best thing to ever happen to him. S
he was the best thing to ever happen to him. As he watched her laugh and talk with their friends as she said good night, he felt like one lucky son of a bitch to be going home with her—and to be expecting a baby with her.

  Life was good and only getting better with every day he spent with Kara.

  Chapter 35

  “I’m worried about how tense you are,” Carolina said as they watched the boys run on the lawn with Thomas, his cousin Ashleigh, and Ethan. Burpy was in hot pursuit as usual.

  “I’m better now that Dan talked to the lawyer. It’s good that they know we’re willing to do whatever it takes to keep them with us.”

  “Like you said, getting a call from Dan Torrington sends a certain message.”

  “Sure as hell does. We’re fortunate to have him on our side.”

  “Which is why it’s probably safe to get some sleep tonight.”

  “I’ll do my best. This whole thing has made me realize just how much those two little scamps have come to mean to me.”

  “You already knew how much they meant to you. And they know it, too. They see the way you rush home from work to take them fishing or on some other kind of adventure. They see it in the way they have your full attention all the time and how you include them in everything you’re doing. They hang on your every word and watch you intently. You’ve become the most important person in their lives.”

  “You’re right up there with me, love.”

  “They love me. I know that. But they worship you, and it’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen. They couldn’t have a better father, and they’ll never ever choose anyone else over you, no matter what happens with this guy. They’ll remember who was there for them when they needed him most.”

  “Ah, love, you’re going to make me weepy.”

  “Then I’d better get you out of here before you embarrass yourself.”

  “Probably not a bad idea.” Seamus whistled for the boys, and they came running, as they did whenever he called for them. When he’d married Carolina, who was sixteen years his senior and the mother of a grown son, he’d known he was sacrificing fatherhood to be with his true love, and that’d been fine with him if he got to be with her.


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