Forged Bonds (Binding Words Book 4)

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Forged Bonds (Binding Words Book 4) Page 10

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “What happened?” Brendis asked. He had seen the last few seconds of the fight. “It looked like you were in control, but then you just fell apart.”

  “I lost concentration,” Sean replied. “It’s something I’m working on. How have you been?”

  “Good. It’s good to be back in the forge. I’m going to leave town for a few days soon, then come back and let everyone see the arm. I’ll say I had it fixed during my trip. This way, I can join my family for events like the dinner at Gertihs’.”

  “That’d be good,” Sean smiled.

  “Yes, it will be. I’m concerned about my daughter, though.”

  “I’m doing everything I can for her.”

  “That’s what she and Sam say, and I believe them, but she was attacked with you right there. What happens if she’s not as lucky next time?”

  “She’ll be alive and healthy, my promise,” Sean said firmly.


  “Husband, is something wrong?” Fiona asked, coming over to them.

  “Nope, just small talk,” Sean replied, not meeting her eyes.

  “Father, are you troubling Sean?” Ida asked when she marched over to them.

  “No, no, of course not,” Brendis said. “Just catching up. Thank you for letting us use the baths, Sean.”

  “Our home is yours,” Sean said without thinking.

  Ida went scarlet and began to shove Brendis toward the bath. “Mother is waiting for us, father.”

  Fiona giggled as she watched them go. “You have a way with words, husband.”

  “What? What did I do this time?”

  “I’ll try to explain it if you can best me,” Fiona said. “Myna is already fighting Ryann.”

  “Fine, let’s get this over,” Sean grumbled. “I’ll make you tell me.”


  Brendis and Sam were leaving the bathroom when Sean, Fiona, and Ryann went to clean up after sparring. Waving to the family as they left, Sean chuckled. “We’ll be up in a few minutes.”

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes, so that will work out,” Sam replied.

  The three of them took quick showers, skipping baths so they would not be late for dinner. Ryann scrubbed Sean down and he returned the favor, with Fiona teasingly pointing out spots they “missed” on each other.

  When they went back inside the house, Sean was wondering what sane man wanted to have multiple wives— he was outnumbered and knew it. Fiona took their freshly cleaned clothes to hang up while Ryann and Sean headed for the front room.

  There was a knock at the door before Sean got into the room. He heard Myna welcoming the Bronzeshields in and inviting them to sit. Entering the room, Sean took in the finery the other family wore and felt a little out of place in his normal clothing.

  “Thank you for having us again,” Sam smiled. “It was only a little over a tenday ago that you first had us for dinner. Do you realize it’s not even been three tendays since we met?”

  “Sometimes, life gallops on,” Sean smiled. “It feels like I’ve been here much longer than that.”

  “It does indeed,” Sam replied. “So much has changed in the time you’ve been here. I never would have guessed that smiths and Shapers could become so intertwined.”

  “He does make the world move around him,” Fiona agreed, entering the room after Sean. “Dinner should be ready in a few minutes. If you will follow me, we can offer you some wine while we wait.”

  Fiona led everyone into the dining room. Brendis sat to Sean’s right and Ida to his left, which puzzled him. Sam and her son sat next to Brendis, while Fiona sat next to Ida. The rest of the table was reorganized around that.

  Sean poured wine for everyone except Brendan, who had cold tea. “There we go. Everyone has a cup.”

  “I see you have four Messenger Fairies in your home now,” Brendis said, giving the new additions a nod. “My wife said we’ll be having a pair joining our table soon, as well.”

  “Before father gets us all sidetracked,” Ida said, giving her father a pointed stare, “there was something I wanted to say. Do you mind, Sean?”

  Sean looked at her curiously, but everyone else seemed to know what was coming. “Not at all, Ida.”

  Taking a deep breath, Ida stood, looking at the table for a long moment. “It’s been less than three tendays since you came into our home and we met. I said some things that day that felt right, but I didn’t know why at the time... I know why now. Over the last tenday, I have wanted to say this, but out of respect, I waited.”

  Sean felt the world begin to fall out from under him when he finally realized what was coming.

  Hope, worry, and love filled her eyes as she looked up from the table to meet Sean’s gaze. “Sean MacDougal, I, Ida Bronzeshield, do vow my soul to you. All I ask is that you treat me as you do your other Life Bonded and wives. I will give you everything of me, gladly, if you’ll accept me as their equal, and as your wife.”

  Time slowed to a stop for Sean as his mind raced. Two paths stretched out before him, each with many other branches that stretched out into yet more branches. The left path showed a dejected Ida, crying in Brendis’ arms, while he glared at Sean. The right path had Ida beaming as she kissed him, while Fiona, Myna, and Ryann smiled at them.

  “I, Sean MacDougal, accept your Bond, and vow to treat you just as I do my other wives. I welcome you with an open heart, and ask only that you help me stay on the path I have chosen.” The words came from him smoothly, and in that moment, he chose the path he wanted to walk.

  A heavy weight settled over him as thick black bands encircled Ida’s wrists and neck. Cheers, laughter, and applause echoed throughout the room as everyone congratulated them. They were background, because all Sean cared for in that moment was the sheer joy reflected in Ida’s eyes. Getting up, he stepped to the side and took Ida into his arms, bending into her and kissing her softly. The cheers redoubled, and Sean felt the connection their Agreement had created.

  When the kiss ended, Ryann’s voice was the first Sean heard, “Guess that means you get him all to yourself tonight, Ida.”

  Both Ida and Sean turned bright red. Sam and Brendis laughed, though Brendis’ laughter was a little strained. When Sean and Ida sat again, Brendis got to his feet. “Well, I never expected my daughter to marry so soon. Everyone says you change the path they walk, Sean, and now I have to agree with them. I objected strongly when my daughter Bonded to you before, but now I can’t do so.” Picking up his glass with his new arm, Brendis looked up and down the table. “To the man my daughter loves, to his family who has embraced her with open hearts, and to my darling little girl. May your lives know only the warmth of happiness, a warmth as deep as the best forge.”

  The others saluted when he did, sipping their wine. Fiona’s small motion toward his glass helped nudge Sean to stand.

  “To the Bronzeshields, who accepted us when we came to them. You entrusted us with a home, but more importantly, with love. I have nothing but love for your daughter. She has been a bright spark since we found ourselves inside the walls of Hearthglen.” Turning to face Ida, Sean paused, “Ida, thank you. You held back out of respect and love for your fellow wife, Ryann, and that only makes you more beautiful to me. It’s hard to wait for what you want, but the best things in life come from waiting. I will try to give you the best life can offer as my thanks.”

  Ida was a deep shade of red, but smiling brightly during his toast. Once everyone had a drink and Sean sat, Ida got to her feet again. “It’s unusual for a new wife to toast, but I feel I must. I’ll never be able to explain how or why I feel like I do for you, Sean, but I hope to show you the depth of this love.” Turning to face Fiona, Myna, and Ryann, who were sitting in a row, Ida raised her glass. “To those who also love Sean. I never would have had the courage to ask without you. Your warmth and welcome was more than I could have hoped for, and it didn’t stop there. You encouraged me and helped me see the truth of Sean. Fiona, you will always be our guide. Myna, you’ll be the
fire that keeps the hearth stoked. And Ry, I’m sorry I pushed at you more than I had any right to. I hope you have forgiven me, but please know that I never wanted to hurt you or for you to end up as you did. My tears for you that night were real. The thought of you dead nearly broke my heart. As much as I wanted this moment, I wouldn’t want it if it came at the cost of your life. I hope to be worthy of your love and acceptance in this family.”

  Everyone drank again, and before anyone else could stand to propose more toasts, the kitchen door opened to admit Andrea, who wore a bright smile of her own. “Dinner is ready. Before I bring it out, I wanted to congratulate Ida on achieving her heart’s desire.”

  “Thank you, Andrea,” Ida replied.

  “Dinner is a five-course meal that Andrea has been working on all day,” Fiona told the others. “We are ready, Andrea.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dinner was a resounding success. Andrea was blushing at the end from the effusive compliments on her cooking. Brendan had fallen asleep by the time Sam and Brendis took him home. Seeing them off, Sean smiled, a thought of children of his own briefly popping into his head.

  That would be bad until we don’t have a target on us anymore. Maybe once everything is settled, I can talk to them about it, Sean thought as he shut the door. When he locked it and turned, he saw that the room was empty of everyone but Ida. “Where did they all run off to?”

  Ida was a deep pink when she spoke, “I think they wanted to give us space.”

  Blinking as the implication sunk in, Sean coughed and looked down. “Uh, yeah, right... of course.”

  “Am I that bad, Sean?” Ida asked, her voice hitching.

  Reacting to her distress, Sean embraced her, the top of her head coming to his chest. “No. No, Ida. As cliché as it is, it’s me, not you. I’m still getting over my old world views. You are beautiful... gorgeous, even.”

  “Even compared to the others? They aren’t as muscular as me. I thought maybe you preferred softness.”

  “Do you prefer apples, oranges, or pears?” Sean asked her. “All of you have your own beauty. Your firm, taut muscles hold a beauty that the others don’t have. Don’t envy them for what they have. Instead, be happy with who you are. I love all of you equally, and yes, I do love you in my own way. That love will only strengthen and grow as we live together.”

  “Myna and Fiona said you avoiding us was because of your old ways, but part of me deeply feared it was me. I know I’m also the youngest one here… well, tied with Andrea. It made me fear that you didn’t like younger women, especially given your reaction when you first gave me energy, and when you gave Chastity and Andrea energy.”

  Sean stroked her hair, “You’re all of age, so it’s fine. I was just worried you weren’t. It’s hard to tell with you, probably because of your heritage. I get the feeling you’d live longer than Chastity or Andrea even before the Bond.”

  “Yes, at least twice as long.”

  “Tonight is your night, my newly wedded bride.” Sean bent and scooped her up, carrying her like a princess.

  “Sean,” Ida let out a gasp when he picked her up, “I can walk.”

  “I know, but I’ve never carried you when you weren’t injured, and I want to do it,” Sean told her as he headed for the master bedroom.

  Burying her face in his chest and blushing, Ida smiled. “Okay. I hope it won’t be the last, either.”

  Ida had to open the door for them, but Sean nudged it closed with his foot. Carrying her to the bed, Sean realized the linens had been freshly changed and that there was steam rising from the wash basin. I’ll have to thank whoever did that later.

  Ida fidgeted when he set her on the bed. “Umm, Sean, I’m… a virgin. I’ve heard others talk, but I’ve never done anything, and—”

  Sean kissed her and stopped her ramble. It was soft and gentle, the kiss of tentative lovers meeting for the first time. A soft sigh escaped Ida as she leaned against him when they separated. Sean pulled one of her legs into his lap, taking her boot and sock off before doing the same with her other foot. Ida did the same for him in return, getting his feet bare.

  Getting up from the bed, Sean unbuckled his belt and laid it aside. “We’ll go slow, Ida. Tell me if I need to stop or adjust, or if anything isn’t exactly what you want. We need to learn what each other likes and dislikes.”

  Ida’s cheeks were heated as she nodded. “Yes, Sean. Myna told me some of what you like already. I want to try doing that to you, please.”

  The image of Ida kneeling before him got an enthusiastic reaction from parts of himself. Clearing his throat, he felt his own face growing heated. “Okay, if it’s what you want, Ida.”

  Ida slipped from the bed, reaching for the buttons on the side of her dress. Sean stepped forward and covered her hands with his. Giving her a soft smile, he started unbuttoning her clothing for her. Ida stared at him while he worked, her nerves fading some as he undressed her.

  When he finished, Sean stepped back and let her finish taking her dress off. Slipping free, the tan dress pooled around her ankles. Sean did not look away from her this time, instead taking in the details of her body.

  “You really are beautiful, Ida.”

  “Thank you, Sean,” Ida said as she untied the band holding her chest tight.

  She isn’t as busty as Andrea or Chastity, but she’s got more than the handful that Myna or Fiona has, Sean thought. On par with Ryann, now that I think about it. Stripping his shirt off, he began to take his pants off to match her state of undress.

  “Myna said she’s done this for you a number of different ways, but she didn’t say which you like more,” Ida said as she stepped toward him.

  “Honestly, every way has something nice about it,” Sean said. “If I’m laying down, it puts you fully in the driver’s seat. Standing, I have a tendency to be a little more aggressive about being in control of the moment, while being seated is kind of a middle ground, but also makes me think of a decadent lord using a vassal to his own ends.”

  “I understand,” Ida whispered as she lowered herself to her knees. “Don’t hesitate to help guide me, Sean.”

  Sean swallowed hard as Ida took off the last piece of clothing he wore. Ida took his already stiffening member in hand, her eyes growing large. Her hand was a little rough from the calluses she had built up from years of smithing, but she was holding it as gently as she could.

  “Myna wasn’t lying,” Ida whispered as she stared at his quickly hardening cock.

  Sean thought he might want to talk to Myna about whatever she was telling the others. The feeling of a hesitant tongue touching his cock blanked his mind of any further thoughts.

  Ida was unskilled, but she was eager. After a couple of minutes, Sean took over and helped her find the right way to get the most out of him. Ida was a quick learner and was soon giving him one of the best blowjobs he had ever had in his life.

  “Ida, you need to stop or this is going to finish me off way too early,” Sean panted, feeling himself getting close to orgasm.

  Ida let out a deep moan, and instead of stopping, she sped up and managed to take all of him into her mouth. The feeling of her having him all the way down her throat pushed the last button for Sean. With his knees locked, Sean bent over her and held her in place as he emptied himself into her mouth.

  He gasped when he stopped spasming, letting go of Ida and staggering back a couple of steps. “Sorry, Ida... that was too much for me.”

  Despite gasping and coughing, Ida’s smile was broad as she wiped at her mouth, “I know. I was hoping to bring you as much pleasure as I could. Did I do everything right?”

  Leaning against the wall, Sean nodded, “Yeah, you picked it all up and even managed to surprise me. But now, it’s time for me to return the favor.” He stepped forward and held out his hand to her. “Come with me.”

  Ida took his hand, expecting him to help her to her feet. Instead, she gasped again when Sean bent and picked her up again. “Sean?”

“Like I said, it’s your turn,” Sean smiled at her, taking her to the bed.

  Once he had her on it, he eased her undergarments off and was surprised to find her more than ready for anything he might have had in mind. Instead of towering over her like she thought he would, he positioned himself so his mouth was lined up with her sex.

  Ida swallowed hard now. She had heard about this from Myna, but had not been sure he would do this with her on their first night. Breathing fast, she watched him as he smiled up at her. The moment his tongue began to trace her moist sex, Ida gasped, her eyes fluttering and her hands clutching at the blankets.


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