Karen and Brett at 326 Harper's Cove

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Karen and Brett at 326 Harper's Cove Page 1

by Deanndra Hall

  Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove

  Deanndra Hall

  Celtic Muse Publishing, LLC


  Welcome to Harper’s Cove

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the author …

  Also by Deanndra Hall

  Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove

  Harper’s Cove, Book 1

  Copyright 2013 Deanndra Hall

  Celtic Muse Publishing, LLC

  P.O. Box 3722

  Paducah, KY 42002-3722

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction.

  Names of characters, places, and events are the construction of the author, except those locations that are well-known and of general knowledge, and all are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental, and great care was taken to design places, locations, or businesses that fit into the regional landscape without actual identification; as such, resemblance to actual places, locations, or businesses is coincidental. Any mention of a branded item, artistic work, or well-known business establishment, is used for authenticity in the work of fiction and was chosen by the author because of personal preference, its high quality, or the authenticity it lends to the work of fiction; the author has received no remuneration, either monetary or in-kind, for use of said product names, artistic work, or business establishments, and mention is not intended as advertising, nor does it constitute an endorsement. The author is solely responsible for content.

  Cover design & Formatting by:

  Drue Hoffman, Buoni Amici Press.


  Material in this work of fiction is of a graphic sexual nature and is not intended for audiences under 18 years of age.

  Welcome to Harper’s Cove

  Writing novels is my first love. I like nothing better than to take a name, find a photo that represents the face I have for him or her in my mind, assign a birthdate, an occupation, a love interest, family, friends, and sometimes enemies, and let my imagination go wild. If novels didn’t take so long to write, I’d crank out one a week!

  That’s how I got the idea for this series. They’re short, quick reads that will get your motor humming and entertain you enough to wonder what the next couple in the cove will be up to. I was trying to figure out a way to plug in some short but quality reading between the volumes of the Love Under Construction series, and along came Karen and Brett and blew me away! I couldn’t wait to get started on this series, and I think it’ll be different from anything you’ve read before.

  Take a stroll down Harper’s Cove and see what’s going on. And try not to be too judgmental; we’ve all got skeletons in our closets.

  Love and happy reading,




  I keep trying to catch Karen outside. I know they’re up to something; I just don’t know what.

  Russell keeps saying, “Gloria, leave those people alone. They’re not bothering us, and you shouldn’t bother them.” And he usually follows it up with, “And lay off the booze.”

  I don’t drink that much, really. I usually don’t have anything until about one o’clock. Well, sometimes at ten thirty. One day, at nine. But that was just once. And I’d had a bad week.

  But I know something’s going on over there. They have these parties every week. I’ve asked, but she’s really tight-lipped about them. We never get invited, and I don’t know why. I’ve always been friendly to them, but they never invite us. Nobody does. Greg and Becca down the street? They never have people over. Never. If they did, I bet they’d invite us.

  I’ve even tried sneaking over there to see if I could find out what’s going on, but they keep the shades drawn. When those people come over, Karen and Brett turn on all of those outside lights they have, and I can’t sneak over there―someone could see me. I think they’re afraid of burglars or something. And that means I can’t get close enough to hear anything. One of these days, though, I’ll find out. They’ll slip up, leave the door open or something, and I’ll be able to see inside. Then I’ll know. I bet they’re gambling or smoking marijuana or something.

  One time, I walked over that way after the garbage truck had come because I saw something in the street. It was a rubber. I told Russell, I said, “Russell, there was a rubber in the street in front of the Reynolds’ house.”

  And you know what he said? He said, “Gloria, you don’t know where that came from. It could’ve come from that garbage truck for all you know.” But I know it came from their garbage. Filthy thing.

  I told Russell, “They’re having sex with rubbers. Why would they do that?”

  He just looked at me and said, “It’s none of our business. Maybe she’s allergic to the pill. Besides, they don’t call them that anymore; they call them condoms.” Smart-aleck. And then he said, “And lay off the sauce.”

  Damn it. Doesn’t anybody else care if the neighborhood is going to hell in a hand basket?



  I’ve told Brett at least ten times that we’ve got to get new sheets. Eight sets just aren’t enough―we need at least ten, maybe twelve.

  Since it’s Friday night, we’ve only got tomorrow to get the house in order before everybody starts showing up. There are a million things to do, and I can’t seem to get to any of them as fast as I’d like. The floors need to be cleaned up, bathrooms stocked, baskets of supplies set out, air mattresses blown up. And he wants to watch the game. Un-frickin’-believable.

  To make matters worse, I can’t even go to the garbage can without that damn Gloria from down the street stopping me to yak. She’s got to be the nosiest bitch I’ve ever met.

  “Karen! Hey, Karen! How’re you?” She comes running up the driveway; I use the term “running” loosely because she’s so damn dumpy that she can’t move very fast. And that crazy hair―doesn’t she own a brush?

  “I’m good, Gloria. Really busy.” I try to ignore her, but she just won’t be ignored. Worse yet, I can smell the booze on her and, with it just being Friday, god knows what she’ll be like by tomorrow. “Can’t talk right now.” I try to make it back to the porch, but she beats me to it and gets between me and the steps.

  “So I guess you know about the Warrens, huh? Such a shame,” she drones.

  “No, I don’t know about the Warrens.” I really do, but I’m not about to tell her and I really don’t want to get into a conversation about them, so I take the self-righteous twist and turn it on her. “I don’t gossip―never have, never will. Now if you’ll excuse me―”

  “Wait! But they’re so―”

  I try again. “Not kidding, Gloria. If you want to gossip, you’d better go to another front porch, because mine is closed for that stuff. My mother always said, ‘If they’ll talk to you about someone, they’ll talk to someone about you.’ So my policy is don’t see it, don’t say it, and don’t hear it, and you can’t tell it.” I walk past her and up the steps.

  “Got anything exciting going on this weekend?” she asks like she always does, changing gears when I won’t play into her game.

  “Yes. Having a party,” I lie.

  “Gee, you guys sure
throw a lot of those. What’s it take to get an invitation to one of those things?”

  “You have to be friends with us. Now if you’ll excuse me …” I dart through the front door. Behind me she’s saying something about being friends, but I don’t respond, just close the door.

  “Don’t tell me―Miss Gossip Bottle,” Brett asks when I get back inside.

  “Yeah. Hinted around that she wanted an invitation to our ‘party.’ She wouldn’t if she knew more about it.”

  Brett laughs. “You’ve got that right!” He’s still chuckling when I head for the bathroom, bowl brush in hand.

  “Hi!” Belinda and Joe are the first ones in the door on Saturday evening. “I’ll put this in there and be right back.” She carries the container into the kitchen; probably her peanut butter cookies. Those things are favorites within our group. When she comes back, she kisses me. I love that about Belinda; she doesn’t go straight for tongue, just a nice, warm kiss. And she’s so lovely, those big brown eyes and that wavy, dark hair. And nice boobs too. Then she kisses Brett. I love watching him kiss her, but I don’t get much of a chance because Joe kisses me, then buries his face in my neck and nips me gently.

  “Guys, guys! Wait for everyone else, please!” I admonish, but I’m laughing as I do it. Before the words are completely out of my mouth, Angela and Juan come laughing through the door. As soon as he sees me, Juan grabs me around the waist and plants a big one right on my lips, then forces his tongue into my mouth, and I feel rocket engines ignite in my undies. He’s so positively yummy that I think about him all week until the next; hell, I think about them all. Angela kisses Brett and then Joe, and Juan breaks away from me and gives Belinda a quick peck on the lips. I can’t help but want him to kiss me again.

  Before long, Daniel and Katie have come in, followed closely by Heather and Josh, who are the newest couple to join us. Josh is the youngest guy in the group, and definitely lacking in the experience realm but, christ, he’s so damn good-looking that I can overlook most everything else, especially when I get to look up at him. We’ll take care of that experience thing eventually.

  Carson and Gilea are the last ones here. Carson is just fucking beautiful, no other way to put it. Tall, blond, icy blue eyes, and so sinewy and statuesque. They make such an odd couple, with Gilea easily the heaviest woman in our group and so round and cheerful-looking. And did I mention her tits? They’re huge. All the guys love them.

  After everyone has greeted everyone, I ask them all to come in and sit down. That’s when Katie looks around and says, “Where are David and Holly?”

  “Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about them before we start,” Brett says to the group. “I don’t know how many of you know this, but David lost his job. And it’s been awhile but they didn’t say anything to anyone.” There’s a collective gasp. “It looks like they might lose their house, and I really don’t want to lose them.”

  “So what can we do?” Joe asks. That’s so like Joe; always willing to jump in and help.

  “Does anyone know of any job openings?”

  Daniel immediately blurts out, “Sure!” Everyone kind of jumps. He never says much, but when he does, it’s usually something important. “I’m in charge of hiring for the new project. I’d be glad to hire him on.”

  My eyes start to tear up, and Brett almost chokes; the rest of the room is sniffling. “Please call him as soon as you get a chance and tell him. I know he and Holly would appreciate that. They’re good people, and he’s a hard worker.” Daniel nods, and Brett looks at me with a smile. That’s what I love about all of us; it’s all for one and one for all with this bunch.

  “Okay,” I say. “Enough of the somber stuff. Let the fun begin!”

  I’ve never seen people come out of their clothes so fast. But I’m one to talk; I’m already peeling off my jeans and pulling my tee over my head. First one undressed is Josh; just like a twenty-something. And this time he makes a bee-line to me. “Karen, teach me something new,” he whispers in my ear as his hands wind around me and grip my ass, his fingers digging into my cheeks.

  I hear a moan and turn; Belinda’s already going down on Brett and it’s obvious he loves it. Hearing my gorgeous guy, happily sexed up, that chestnut hair tucked behind his ear and his easy-to-follow happy trail front and center, turns me on, and I reach down and start stroking Josh. He may be the youngest guy here, but he’s not the smallest by any measure, big enough around to cause a burn and long enough to smack a cervix hard. I start to wonder what I might be able to teach him when Joe comes up behind me, reaches around, and cups my breasts in his hands. When he does, Josh bends down and takes a nipple in his mouth, and I start to lose track of who’s doing what. When I finally look around again, Brett’s face-down in Gilea’s slit, her eyes closed and her hips twitching, spread-eagle on our dining room table.

  “Josh wants me to teach him something new, Joe. Got any suggestions?”

  “What have you never done, kid?” Joe asks him as he twists the nipple Josh isn’t sucking between his thumb and index finger, and I feel my pussy throb. That guy―Joe is one of the sexiest men I’ve ever met. Deep, dark voice, that almost-black hair with the gray at the temples, tanned beyond belief, and let me tell you, he knows how to please a woman. Belinda is one lucky lady.

  “I’d kinda like to learn how to fuck an ass―correctly, that is,” Josh answers from around my nipple. I don’t know if it’s the words or the actions, but I’m tingling all over. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Joe motions for pretty little Heather to come to him. She’s been across the room kissing Gilea, and Gilea’s been fingering her while Brett sucks and pulls on Gilea’s clit like he just can’t get enough. Heather stops the kissing and comes over to us, her spiky, blond hair wild and crazy. When she does, I see Angela scoot under the table and take Brett’s cock into her mouth, letting him rock into her while he keeps it up on Gilea.

  “Hey, handsome, what’s up?” Heather purrs and strokes Joe’s cock with her small, soft hand. It’s a beautiful thing to watch, Joe’s giant cock getting hard and then harder, and then harder still.

  “Your guy here wants to learn to fuck you in the ass. So Karen and I will teach you both. Karen will let Josh fuck her ass while I fuck yours and he watches. You’ll learn to take it, and he’ll learn to give it. Sound good?”

  Heather has an odd look on her face. “I’m not sure I want to …”

  Josh looks at her and scowls. “I’m gonna fuck your ass one way or another, baby. If I were you, I’d prefer to learn how with someone who knows what they’re doing as opposed to having me go in cold.” Heather shivers a little, and I see Joe frown.

  “We won’t do it unless you want it, but I’ve gotta tell ya, I’d love to be buried in that beautiful thing.” Joe smiles at her and kisses her. When he does, I see him shove two fingers into her pussy and she almost melts. “Wow―you’re slick as ice, baby. I think you want me to, don’t you?” Heather nods to him. It hasn’t escaped me that Joe can get a woman to do pretty much anything he wants―sure as hell works on me anyway. “Okay, let’s get to it. I’m too damn hard to wait.” The four of us go to the nearest air mattress. “Both of you girls get on your knees on the edge of the mattress. Baby,” he says and smacks my ass playfully, “I’m just giving direction for their benefit; I know from experience that you know what you’re doing.” He winks when he says it, then looks at Josh. “Get one of those and suit up,” he says as he points to the basket beside the mattress. Josh takes out a condom, then tosses one to Joe, and they both roll them on, then Joe adds, “And I’d advise you to always use a condom when you go into an ass. Keeps you from having to spend precious fucking time cleaning yourself up.” Then Josh reaches for the bottle of lube and hands it to Joe.

  I hear the “snap” of the flip-top lid and watch as lube makes a shiny river down Heather’s ass crack and onto the floor, and she shivers and bows her back. Within seconds I feel it running down mine too; I know what’s coming and I can barel
y wait. I watch as Joe presses a finger into Heather’s rosette and she whines, and I feel Josh do the same to me. He pumps his finger in and out of me while he watches Joe with Heather, and I hear the younger woman moan, then cry out when Joe takes out his finger and replaces it with two in her nasty little back door. I feel the exquisite stretch when Josh does the same to me. And he’s so damn young, he’ll last forever. This’ll be good.

  As Josh pumps his fingers in and out of my ass, I look across to see Juan fucking, or maybe speed fucking, Katie, fisting her auburn hair in one hand with his free arm wrapped under her ass. He’s pounding her for all he’s worth, and she’s loving it, I can tell. I see him stiffen and I know he’s coming. When he finally does, she’s crying out and begging him to keep going. He says something to her, and when he steps away, Carson takes over, pounding her like a pile driver. Angela reaches immediately for Juan and takes his cock in her hand, and he’s on her like ketchup on fries in a split second. I’d like to keep watching, but I feel Josh’s fingers pull out and I know Joe’s about to talk him into me.

  “Watch. Press the head in like this.” Joe presses the head of his cock―did I say substantial cock? because it’s impressively substantial―against Heather’s asshole, and I see her squirm. He grabs her hips to hold her still and presses until the head pops into her. She lets out a cry and shakes her head. I feel the head of Josh’s cock breach my tightness, and I can’t help but moan. God, I love a good ass fucking.


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