Sweet, Sweet Revenge

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Sweet, Sweet Revenge Page 7

by Nia Arthurs


  Then she had no other choice.

  The only option left was…

  “I’ll do it.”

  Vince shifted his large frame, dark eyes pummeling into her. “Let’s go then.”

  Sky pulled her lips in and forced her body off the chair. Her legs clung to the floor and her fingers dug into the lid of the counter. She pried her hands off and commanded her legs to move forward.

  They strode through the smoky bar, heading straight for the exits.

  Vince cleared a path for her and even held the door open. He used to do that when they were dating too. It was a stroke of chivalry that had fooled her into thinking he was ‘different’.

  Who knew he’d be such a creep behind closed doors?

  They headed outside.

  Soon the dancehall music grew softer and softer until it was nothing but a tiny pulse that shimmered in the still night air. The moon lit their way, brilliantly silver and squatting in the horizon, giving the illusion it was a low-hanging fruit ready to be harvested.

  Sky wrapped her arms around herself and mumbled quietly, “It’s all going to be alright. This is nothing you haven’t done before.”

  But no matter how much she tried to talk herself into believing this was the right path, the disquiet in her heart swelled until she felt physically sick.

  Vince held the door open for her. When she hesitated, he cocked his head. “What are you waiting for?”

  Sky climbed inside and jumped when the door slammed shut behind her.

  A voice in her head urged her to take her chances with the cars on the highway and leap out of the vehicle.

  Vince stopped at a light.

  Her fingers played with the door handle.

  Then the light changed and she snapped her arm back, coaching her breath so she didn’t panic.

  A few minutes later, he stopped at a grocery store. Leaning over, he whispered, “I’m out of condoms. I’ll be right back.”

  She swallowed, unable to speak.

  He didn’t seem deterred and offered a bright smile before hopping out and sprinting inside the store. Sky threw her head down against the dashboard and tugged at her hair. Her heart felt like it was being torn apart and she had no one to blame but herself.

  She should be sprinting down the sidewalk, hands in the air and stumbling as far away from this place as possible.

  But what would that achieve?

  Just tough it out. It’ll be over before you know it.

  Sky sat stiffly in her seat, teeth clenched and muscles coiled. When Vince returned to the car, he tossed the small paper bag in her lap and grinned hard. He looked like a cat with his prey in sight.

  She sunk deeper into her chair and settled a hand over her chest. Her heart was beating like crazy and dread cycled through her body.

  It will be over before you know it…

  Vince took her to his apartment and they walked up the stairs.

  The moment the door clicked shut, his hands were all over her.

  Sky closed her eyes.

  This had to be worth it.



  JOON PUT his hand on the bus door to mount the first step. The scent of engine oil and body odor slapped him in the face. He ignored the inclination to wield around and run while wedging his legs further in.

  The first time he’d caught a bus, he’d been at a total loss. It took him several tries and a few embarrassing attempts to figure out the system.

  Now, he smoothly paid his fare and sat in an available seat while he waited for the bus to chug around the city, stalling every so often to throw its rusty doors open and welcome another flock of students and workers eager to head home after a long day.

  As the bus rolled toward the highway, the buildings and houses grew sparser and the bushes grew thicker. Joon Gi got off at a junction just outside Belize City and strolled into the cul-de-sac that boasted mansions where the wealthy resided.

  He stopped in front of a thick black gate that guarded a sprawling green lawn. An elegant split-level boasting a small balcony and a red-zinc roof hid behind the thick black bars. Golden light from the porch dispersed the shadows.

  A dog bark joined the creak of the gate as Joon Gi slipped inside and braced himself for the huge German shepherd that galloped around the side of the house and welcomed him with wet kisses.

  “Hey, Domino.” Joon Gi ruffled the dog’s fur and glanced up in time to find a sleek SUV priming down the road.

  He waited for the truck to park.

  As the driver’s side door opened, Joon Gi straightened and cantered toward the fence. “Honey, I’m home.”

  “Shut up.” Tyler climbed out of the car and glared at him.

  Joon Gi opened the gate so his friend could waddle through. Tyler carried a duffel bag on his shoulder that looked like it would explode at any minute. He eyed the bag. “And you wonder why you can’t get a date? You’re obsessed with work.”

  “Says the guy who got dumped in prison.”

  Domino barked in glee and sniffed his master’s shiny leather shoe.

  “Ouch.” Joon winced.

  Tyler gave his dog a succinct pat on the head before focusing his gaze up. “What happened? Why are you talking about suing Sun Gi?”

  “Let’s head inside.”

  Tyler followed him to the front door, his dark eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Did you guys meet today?”


  “You didn’t hit him, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t.” Joon opened the door. At Tyler’s disbelieving look, he admitted, “Okay, I thought about it, but I stopped myself before it got to that.”

  “Good. That was very mature.”

  “Thank you.” Joon Gi accepted the praise with a distinct head nod.

  Tyler’s place was a modern take on the ‘open floor plan’ concept. The only doorway in sight was the one that led to the guest bedroom. Curving light fixtures and exposed brick walls gave the living room and kitchen a smooth yet broken-down finish.

  Best part was, Tyler didn’t have to pay a penny for this place. His grandmother gave it to him as a gift for passing the bar exams.

  Lucky bastard.

  Their footsteps echoed against the wooden floor as Tyler and Joon Gi stopped in the foyer to take off their shoes. The two friends strode to the living room in their socks and slippers, a solemn silence stretching between them.

  “About Sun Gi…” Joon lifted his chin. “I’m going to take this all the way.”

  “I already told you that the police won’t disclose the name. Whoever gave the anonymous tip did so for a reason. And unless we have evidence, gunning for Sun Gi would be like shooting into the ether.”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Who stood to gain the most from this? Sun Gi bought all my businesses after I went bankrupt and he stole Hanna.”

  “He didn’t steal her…”

  “I don’t care. I’ve got to do something. He’s so damn smug.” Joon dropped into the sofa.

  “I know this must be hard for you.” Tyler set his duffel down and perched on the edge of the chair. “But you have to think clearly here.”

  “I’m thinking clearly. Trust me. It’s clear my brother has to go down.”

  “Even if I offer my services for free, I can’t take on a case I know I’ll lose. Halmoni would kill me.”

  “You won’t lose.” Joon swung up and stared across the room at his friend. Conviction bubbled in his heart as he said, “I’ll get to the bottom of this and I’ll take Sun Gi down. All I need you to do is protect me when the fight begins.”

  “You know I’m always on your side,” Tyler said.

  It was the truth. Tyler was more of a brother than his actual sibling. Joon was there for Tyler when his mother passed their senior year of high school. Stood right by him at the observance and afterward when they held the burial.

  Being friends as long as they had, they didn’t say cheesy crap like that unless…

  “Why d
oes it feel like there’s a but coming?” Joon Gi frowned.

  “I’m just saying. I think you should focus on getting back on your feet. It’s important that you don’t get caught up in revenge. Your fall from grace was clumsy and painful. I’d hate to see you go through that again.”

  “Sun Gi offered to pay for my ticket back to Korea,” Joon Gi blurted flatly.

  Tyler’s expression shifted. “What?”

  “He also gave me this.” Joon Gi grabbed the invitation he’d stuffed into his jeans pocket and shot it across the room. It sailed in the air before landing unceremoniously near the coffee table.

  Tyler stretched over and grabbed it, his cheeks reddening when he saw the invitation. “You’re kidding. They’ve already picked a date? You and Hanna hadn’t even settled on a date yet.”

  “I think she would have given me a date before everything happened. That’s probably the same one she’s using to marry Sun Gi.”

  “That woman…” Tyler grumbled.

  “This isn’t about Hanna.” Joon Gi shrugged. “I’m already taking care of her.”

  He expected a reaction from Tyler.

  His friend didn’t disappoint.

  Jaw tightening, Tyler demanded. “What does that mean?”

  Joon stood. “It means I’m handling it.”

  Tyler shot to his feet, his slippers skating against the floor. “Joon!”

  “I’m not going to do anything illegal, don’t worry.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “Nothing you need to know yet. Besides, Hanna’s not the one who blew the whistle. I don’t have much of a beef with her so I’ll pay her back accordingly.”

  “Don’t hurt her,” Tyler said, breathing hard through his nose.

  “Whoa. Why are you getting so upset? I’m not going to murder her, man. You know I freak out at the sight of blood.”

  “I’m not saying this for Hanna. I’m worried you’ll shatter what’s left of your life with this pointless crusade.”

  Joon slapped Tyler on the shoulder. “You worry too much.”

  “Where are you going?” Tyler called as Joon started toward the hall.

  “To bed. Waking up at four in the morning is killer and I’m exhausted.”

  “But it’s barely four o’clock.”

  Joon Gi grinned. “Exactly.”

  “Alright, man. See you tomorrow.”

  With a weak wave over his shoulder, Joon Gi disappeared into his bedroom and stripped to his boxers. The bed creaked as he climbed into it. Shadows danced in the corners, skittering away from the sunlight that slipped into the room through the large windows.

  Joon Gi turned on his side, struggling to find a position that was comfortable enough to fall asleep. Instead of settling down, his mind churned relentlessly, taking him back to the moment everything first fell apart.

  Three shuddering knocks sounded at the door.

  He tossed the document he’d been perusing and strode toward the sound. “Who is it?”

  “Police.” Another kick. “Open up!”

  “Police?” Confusion furrowed his brows. He turned the knob and barely got the lock to click out of place before the door smashed open and a horde of officers stormed inside.

  The next thing he knew, his face was pressed against the wall while his hands were wrenched behind his back. The click of the handcuffs jangled as the officer read him his rights.

  When Tyler sprung him out of jail, Joon Gi learned that the lead investigator was given an ‘insider’ tip. Armed with information into his financial dealings, they requested a warrant. The snitch was never named, but the only person who would benefit from this chaos was his brother.

  I’ll get you back, Sun Gi.

  It was his last thought before exhaustion pulled him down and he finally drifted to sleep.


  JOON DRAGGED himself to Sweet Treats the next morning.

  He’d slept fitfully last night. When his alarm blared at four, he’d pried his eyelids open and almost whipped them shut again.

  Felt like someone had rubbed his eyeballs with sandpaper.

  Nevertheless, he’d showered and got dressed.

  He kept yawning on the bus ride over and struggled to stay awake while the bus charged through darkness of the city.

  Not even the sun was awake yet.

  What kind of unholy hour is this?

  When the bus rolled into the business district, Joon hopped off and jogged to Sweet Treats. He checked his watch and hoped he’d made it before Sky. She was way too small to be chugging that heavy shutter up on her own.

  In the distance, a figure strode toward him. Her curvy body and shuffling stride seemed familiar. She wore a plain T-shirt and cut-off shorts. Joon narrowed his eyes, struggling to place her.

  She had warm brown skin. Like Sky.

  Toned brown legs. Like Sky.

  But where were her dreads?

  Joon Gi and and the woman met on the sidewalk in front of the café.

  His eyes slipped to the fluffy black curls around her head. They were large coils that sprang all over her head and stopped just below her shoulder.


  Joon blinked rapidly. “Why’d you change your hair?”

  One corner of her lips curled up in the glimmer of a smile. “Good morning to you too.”

  Joon Gi didn’t bother returning the greeting. “Is it… real?”

  “Yes.” She cocked her head and fingered a curl. “What do you think?”

  “You look different.”

  “Good different? Weird different? What?”

  His eyes moved from her hair to her dark brown eyes. “Good. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” She ducked her head shyly. Smoothed a thatch of gorgeous curls behind her ears. “I usually change between braids and faux dreads, but I decided to wear my natural hair from now on. I was hoping I looked… unrecognizable.”

  “You definitely caught me by surprise.”

  “Then I guess it was mission accomplished.”

  Joon Gi sensed there was a story behind the sudden hairstyle change but, instead of prying, he turned to the shutter. “Shall we?”

  Sky smiled and nodded.

  He noticed the dimple in her right cheek.

  Why hadn’t he seen that before?

  As she bent over to free the lock, he made a cursory sweep of her body. Slim shoulders. Small waist. Slightly flared hips. A plump rear that took more of his attention than it should. Apart from her hair, she was exactly the same.

  And yet, she seemed changed.

  Sky glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring. “Joon Gi?”


  “Could you help with this?”

  He scrambled over to her and thrust the shutter high, almost knocking her out in the process. Sky skittered back just in time, laughing in relief.

  He studied her out of the corner of his eye, trying to be subtle about it.

  And failing.

  “Did something good happen last night?” he asked, unable to keep his curiosity in check.

  She squinted her eyes in thought. “I made a good decision.”

  “What kind of decision?” He stiffened. “You didn’t sell the store, did you?”

  “No, I haven’t.”


  She cut him an inquiring look as she unlocked the front door and led him inside. Joon ignored the question in her eyes and focused on opening up the café. It had only been a handful of days, yet it felt like he’d opened the store with Sky since the beginning of time.

  Their interactions always fell into an easy rhythm, as if they’d known each other for longer than they had. He wondered why he felt so comfortable with her when he was so on edge around everyone else.

  Or maybe I’m just going insane.

  Sky froze in the middle of the room.

  Joon gestured to the kitchen. “Don’t you have baking to do?”

  “Wait.” She whirled toward him. Chewed her bottom lip.
Darted her gaze around the café. “Can I… ask you a question?”

  Taken aback by her hesitance, he shrugged. “Sure.”

  Sky fisted her hands and held them to her head, eyes closed. Just before Joon was about to ask if she was alright, Sky’s eyes burst open and she blurted, “Do you watch porn?”


  THE MOMENT the words flew out of Sky’s mouth, she wished she could suck them back in.

  Joon Gi stared at her like she was several crayons short of the full box set and she struggled to backtrack so her sudden and inappropriate question made more sense. “I mean… see—the thing is that I…”

  “Why? Do you have a suggestion?”

  “No. That’s not…” Her heart compressed so hard and fast she thought it would just blip out of existence any minute.

  Maybe that would be for the best.

  Sky blamed her lack of sleep last night.

  It had been a rough few hours.

  After slipping into Vince’s apartment, Sky resigned herself to what would happen next. If Vince having his way with her returned the control she so desperately needed, then she’d suck it up and do what he wanted. As soon as it was over, she planned on scratching him out of her memory and pretending those five months never happened.

  But it wasn’t that easy.

  His bedroom had been hot. Hotter than her kitchen. Vince’s breath had smelled like beer and Italian sausage.

  Sky barely got through the making out.

  Cringed through the fondling.

  Went as far as taking off her clothes before something clicked in her head and she realized she was being a complete and total fool.

  First came the panic.

  Then the tears.

  She’d pushed at Vince’s half-naked chest until he climbed off her, his face a mixture of desire and confusion.

  Then she ran.

  Sprinted right out of the bedroom with her T-shirt scrunched around her neck, her bra flapping like bird wings and her pants waddled around her bare-feet.

  Fortunately, the apartment hallway had been empty when she went streaking through the door.


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