Dead Girl Walking (Barbie: The Vampire Hunter Book 2)

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Dead Girl Walking (Barbie: The Vampire Hunter Book 2) Page 10

by Lucinda Dark

  He nodded. “You’re right,” he agreed, shocking me. “I can’t deny it. I was an asshole. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t want to help you, Barbie.”

  I still wasn’t satisfied. “Why?” I asked. “Why do you fucking act like that? You know I’m not trying to hurt your family. We’ve known each other for months. I mean, what the actual fuck, Mav?”

  Maverick’s chest rose and fell with his careful breaths. The air stilled around us as he dropped his gaze to the ground. The nerve in his jaw jumped. “I thought you were fucking playing me, alright?” he growled lowly. “I’m not the only one who’s been an asshole and you know it. I can admit my own mistakes. I can take responsibility for my own actions, but what about you, Barbie?” His head lifted and he met my gaze.

  “You’ve got some serious trust issues,” I said with a shake of my head.

  His autumn rich brown eyes practically caught flame. Maverick moved forward, and I shrank down to keep from touching him. His arms landed on either side of me, caging me in. Wetness leaked down my inner thigh. I swallowed roughly. “You want me. I know it. You know it. I’m telling you to come to me if it becomes too much. Yeah, I’ve got fucking trust issues. But my trust issues don’t have shit on yours. When you’re ready to face the facts, come find me. For now, just know that Tor and I are keeping an eye on you. You can’t escape us. Don’t even try.”

  His arms fell away and I was speechless as he turned and paused. His arm tightened and with a jerk, he punched a locker, his fist resting against the dented metal for a moment before he pulled back and stomped down the hall.

  He was right. I did have trust issues. Pot meet fucking kettle.



  I seriously don’t understand what you’re hung up about, Satrina snapped, voicing her opinions and complaints in my ear as I got ready for Olivia’s birthday party. I ignored her, brushing my hair back from my face. I could feel her spirit lingering on my shoulders—like a devil on one side, but no angel on the other. Come on, she whined. They’re both hot. Men in their prime. One is bound to taste—I mean, one is bound to catch your attention above the other. You almost had him the other night!

  I rolled my eyes and went to my closet. I snatched a pair of cut off shorts and a low cut tank top.

  Ugh. Why must you be such a killjoy? You never have any fun and when you do, you’re consumed by this annoying guilt. It was like having a child in my head at all times. “I want to do this. I want to have that. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.” I shook my head. There was no fucking break from her. How about this, she finally said. You just have a few drinks tonight and I’ll back off. Maybe a little groping. Some making out? Dear Satan, I never thought I’d have to beg just to get someone else laid.

  I paused as I was passing the mirror and turned towards it. I narrowed my eyes at my own reflection as if I were looking deep within myself, past what made me me and further towards the demon that was currently driving me out of my fucking skull with annoyance.

  “I swear to fuck if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m going to yank you out of my soul by your fucking tail and stake you through your skull,” I growled.

  That’s physically impossible. I don’t have a tail, she huffed. I’m just trying to help. I could picture her crossing her arms.

  “Try me,” I challenged.

  I don’t know how I got stuck with the most boring vampire hunter in the known universe, she said. There was no fucking stopping her tirade. I groaned low as I reached for my keys and left my bedroom.

  Neither Beth nor Jon was anywhere to be seen as I let myself out of the house and strode to my car parked on the curb. Despite Maverick’s threats that he and Torin would be watching me, I hadn’t seen either of them since the day before. And surprise, my car was fixed the next morning as well.

  Every other vampire hunter I’ve known has been all ‘savor life’ or ‘live in the moment because I could die tomorrow,’ Satrina went on as I got in and cranked the engine. You could die tomorrow, you know? Why don’t you want to live while you still have a chance?

  The desire to stab myself in the brain or drive off a cliff rose within me.

  I just don’t understand, Satrina proceeded to complain as I drove the ten minutes it took to get to Olivia’s house. You’re young. How can you not want to sleep with anyone? I mean, have you seen the dhampire? If I had my own fucking body, the things I would do to that boy would be considered illegal in ninety percent of the world.

  I growled and slammed my hands against the steering wheel. “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” I enunciated each individual syllable with as much vehemence as I could pull from my chest. It gave her pause. But not for long.

  Hmmmmm. What’s this I feel? Fuck. I jerked the steering wheel into Olivia’s driveway. Are you, you can’t be—oh, but you are! You don’t like that, do you? she asked with a laugh. You’re jealous. You don’t want anyone messing with the dhampire. I kept my mouth fucking shut. What about the human? she pressed. Is he off limits or would it be alright if I had a bite out of him? Not physically, of course. I mean, I’d love to get my lips on all of those muscles of his and maybe make my way south to his—

  I jerked my car to a stop in front of the valet, yanked up the emergency brake and bolted out of the car as if my ass was on fire. It wouldn’t let me escape her, but the sooner I got to the party, the sooner I could find a distraction from her fucking words. I tossed my eyes at the valet’s face, not even giving myself a chance to feel bad as I booked it into the mansion.

  Satrina’s laughter filtered through my ears as I waded through the sea of people that had already arrived. There was rap music, girls clad in skin tight clubbing dresses and heels higher than their IQs. I moved through the crowd with Satrina’s words echoing in my brain.

  He would ride you so good. I bet his tongue would feel amazing between your thighs. Imagine it, she said. The reality. Not the dream. One … or maybe both of them? Together. Taking you—

  I found the kitchen and thankfully, Olivia. “You’re here!” She squealed just before she launched herself at me, all bright green lace and sky high heels. Olivia was dressed to kill, her dress short and low cut, tucked in all the right places to show off her figure. Her hair was pulled up high and straightened to within an inch of its life—it was a massive change from her normal fly away curls, but she looked no less amazing. “I’m so glad you made it,” she said with a smile, teetering a little bit as I helped to steady her.

  Maybe if you wore something like your friend, those two boys of yours wouldn’t be able to help themselves, Satrina suggested. They’d rip that dress apart in two seconds flat and have you on your back in no time at all. Or maybe they’d do that to your friend here.

  My smile, which had been originally genuine, tightened and grew forced. Keep it up, bitch, I threatened silently. And I really will find a way to kill you. If her responding laughter was anything to go by, she wasn’t the least bit put off.

  “Ohmygawwwd, you have to try this new drink my friend made!” Olivia exclaimed, latching onto my wrist and dragging me with her as she pulled me through the kitchen towards the island where it looked like a huge cooler had been placed. One of the guys from school laughed and stumbled through the opposite doorway before ducking his head beneath the spout. His friend came up behind him and pulled the miniature lever, releasing a steady stream of blue liquid into the man’s mouth. They held it like that for about thirty seconds before the friend tapped out, slapping his hands up against the island counter. The lever was released and his head came up as he released a shout of triumph.


  I could imagine licking whipped cream off Maverick’s stomach. I know you’ve seen him with his shirt off, Barbie, Satrina taunted. Do you think he’s kinky enough to let me lick it up off his cock?

  “You just have to try it,” Olivia said, picking up a red Solo cup and placing it beneath the spout. I didn’t even wait for her to finish filling it. As soon as the liquid
got halfway up the cup, I snatched it away from her and downed it. Olivia stopped and blinked at me, her mouth opening a little bit in surprise. “You were thirsty,” she said with a light chuckle as she took the cup back from me and began refilling it.

  Oh girl, you have no idea, Satrina giggled. It was going to be a long fucking night.

  The resounding beat pounded up through the floor and I swayed to it. Olivia had long since gone off with another group of her friends, leaving me to my own devices. I didn’t mind it. I was having fun. I lifted the red Solo cup that I’d refilled I couldn’t remember how many times and downed the remainder.

  My stomach jumped and jived with the music, but more than that, the creature inside me swiveled and danced to the rhythm. I laughed out loud, spinning in place and swiveling my hips as I danced. Someone pushed against me on the dancefloor. Hands found my shoulders and moved down my arms until they urged them up to encircle someone’s neck. It didn’t feel right. I tugged my hands away and stumbled out from the crowd collected in front of the speakers.

  Someone cursed as I stepped on their heeled feet, but I didn’t pay them any mind. Staggering out of the throng of people, I took a breath of fresh air that wasn’t coated with the scent of sweat and alcohol and headed for the kitchen.

  “Barbie!” Olivia’s voice rose above the others. I followed the sound and found her in the kitchen. “We’re doing shots,” she exclaimed when she saw me. “Do you want one?”

  Not a good idea, I thought.

  Oh, it’s a wonderful idea, Satrina urged. Just one won’t hurt.

  My head bobbed before I could think better of it, leaving me confused. With a grimace, I downed the shot of tequila.

  “Oh, I think Torin and Maverick finally showed up,” Olivia piped up.

  I groaned and reached for another shot glass as she filled it up. Great, I thought. Just who I didn’t want to see.

  A low wicked chuckle echoed in my head. I don’t think you want to avoid them, Satrina said. You want to see them, don’t you? You want to ask them to take you in every way you’ve been imagining since you first kissed them.

  Flashes of pale skin on pale skin, dark burning eyes—red and brown—slid through my mind. I shook my head. No, I didn’t. More images of sweating back muscles and arms holding me up against a wall slithered into my head. I squeezed my eyes shut.

  Stop, I growled silently.

  You can’t resist it forever, Barbie. No, maybe I couldn’t. But for now, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted and I wanted to drink. I reached for another shot and this time, I didn’t grimace as it went down.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Olivia asked.

  “Huh?” I looked up at her, my body still swaying as I reached out and grabbed ahold of the countertop to steady myself. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

  “How much have you had to drink?”

  “Not much,” I said. Two drinks? More? The shots … I’d lost count.

  She frowned, worry creasing her brow. “Maybe you should chill out,” she suggested. “Stay here. I’m gonna go grab one of the guys to take you home. You wouldn’t let me drive drunk, I’m not leaving you like this. I think you’ve had enough. No more shots.” She pointed at me a split second before she turned to leave.

  “I’m—” I tried to dissuade her, but Olivia was already disappearing into the crowd, slipping past the people with ease until her red head was overtaken by the sea of bodies. I groaned. I so did not want her to go grab one of the guys. There was no way I was staying here just for them to come back.

  With a huff, I spun away and made my way back out into the backyard. Speakers pumped music into the air. The fresh scent of spring air lifted into the nighttime.

  I found one of the upper floor balconies with my gaze. It hovered right over the pool. Ooh, that’d be a fun place to jump from, Satrina urged. We can reach the pool from there!

  I can’t jump in wearing clothes, I protested.

  So, take them off.

  I had no answer for that, no argument. And it did sound fun. I stood there, staring up at the balcony and debated. It really wasn’t that far from the pool, I decided. It would be like jumping from an extra tall diving board.

  That’s the spirit! Satrina urged.

  I laughed at her enthusiasm and headed for the wall of garden shrubbery that layered the brick beneath the balcony. I liked the new me. She was fun. She was flirty. She thrived on life, ate it up, and I’d been too consumed by death on a regular basis as it was. I fitted one hand against the vines and gently tested the weight. They were all held in place by a wood wall of slats. How convenient. As I climbed up to the balcony and turned around, a few people began to notice my precarious position.

  “Hey, what’s she doing?”

  “Holy shit! She’s gonna jump!”

  “Hell yeah! Make that splash, baby! Come on, you can do it!”

  I laughed again, the sound full, coming up from the pit of my stomach. I whipped my shirt off over my head, revealing a black bra. The crowd began to cheer louder. I reached down, holding onto the balcony with one hand as I snapped open the button on my shorts. I wiggled out of them, kicking them somewhere over the side. One of the guys gathering to watch me jump caught them and held them up as a prize. I laughed. A full bodied laugh that echoed up from my stomach. Boys were so funny, getting excited over a little nudity.

  “Barbie!” a familiar voice called from the crowd. “Barbie! Shit—fuck—don’t you fucking dare.”

  I leaned forward, ignoring Maverick’s yells. My fingers were barely hanging onto the railing. It wasn’t that far down. He was being such a fucking baby. Besides, what the fuck did he care? He’d made it pretty clear. I was nothing but a nuisance to him. I wasn’t going to get hurt.

  I took a breath, closing my eyes as I felt the night air on my face, on my skin. All of the sound—the music, the cheers, the whispers—all seemed to fade away until the only thing I could hear was my own breath and the wind. My fingers loosened their grip. I leaned further out. Just as I was about to release the railing and dive into the waiting water below, a firm hand gripped my wrist from behind.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Torin’s deep voice vibrated against my ear. He turned to the waiting audience below as he slid an arm around my waist. “The show’s fucking over people!”

  I pouted as the crowd below groaned. “Come on, man, she wasn’t going to get hurt!” someone yelled.

  I agreed, but as I was turned and hauled over the railing and into his waiting arms, I was reduced to silence. Torin’s eyes flared red, glowing like rubies in the darkness. I inhaled sharply. “I don’t give a fuck,” Torin barked, speaking to whoever had yelled below. “It’s over. Go about your business.”

  “Someone’s grouchy,” I complained as he pushed me back into the room beyond the balcony.

  He lifted a brow at me, his frown deepening. “You’re drunk,” he replied, snapping the balcony doors closed behind him. I hadn’t even heard them open before he’d grabbed me.

  I blew a raspberry and rolled my eyes, spinning away. “So not drunk,” I denied. “Just tipsy.” I pinched two fingers together as I spun back. “A little bit.”

  He didn’t say anything as he drew the curtains closed. “That was dangerous,” he growled. “You could’ve been hurt.” The red hadn’t faded from his eyes. In fact, it grew brighter as he advanced on me.

  “Satrina said it would be fun,” I argued.

  Torin stiffened against me. “Satrina? That’s your demon?” I nodded. “You’re talking to her? She’s talking to you?”

  I shrugged. “We share a body, of course we talk.”

  Across the room, the door slammed open and Maverick stood—illuminated by the light from the hallway—panting as he entered. I left Torin and moved to him, sliding my hands up his chest to twine around his neck. “Hey, Mav.”

  “Barbie, what the hell were you thinking?” he demanded.

  “So grumpy.” I shook my head. “You two are like twins or something. You act so
similar. When one’s grumpy, so is the other. Killjoys.”

  “She’s been talking to the demon,” Torin said. “It’s probably what convinced her to nearly kill herself.”

  Maverick jerked his head up and then looked back at me as he narrowed his eyes. “Is that who’s talking right now?” he asked. His hands clasped my arms and pushed me back. “Who are you? Barbie or the demon?”

  “Her name is Satrina,” I said. “But it’s me.” I waved away his urgency. “It’s always me. She can’t take over completely.”

  Maverick narrowed his gaze further, his brows drawing down low over his eyes. I giggled and reached up, rubbing my thumb up between them, shocking him and me both. “Ouch!” I pulled my hand back, staring down at my thumb in irritation. It was as if an electric current ran beneath our skin and wherever he touched me—flesh to flesh—it lit me up.

  “She’s drunk,” Torin announced. “She’s allowed the demon to whisper things into her mind. Suggestions.”

  “She’s not as bad as you make her out to be,” I said, leaning my head against Maverick’s chest as he released my arms. “She does keep urging me to fuck you two.” Maverick’s heartbeat sped up beneath my ear and I grinned. “You liked it when I said that,” I snickered as I pulled back and looked up at his face. “Do you want to fuck me?” I asked.


  “What? I’m serious.”

  “We fucking had this discussion yesterday,” Maverick growled. “And you know what I offered.”

  “What you offered?” Torin’s voice was encased in ice and for some reason, the whole room dropped several degrees.

  Maverick looked back at him. “If she can’t release the power another way, what would you have me do?” he demanded.

  “It doesn’t hurt right now…” I said absently. That was odd. They were so close. Why didn’t it hurt? Was it the alcohol?


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