The Kingdoms of Sky and Shadow Box Set: A Fantasy Romance

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The Kingdoms of Sky and Shadow Box Set: A Fantasy Romance Page 19

by Lidiya Foxglove

  With my hand on her thighs, I leaned over her. “By the time Oszin walks in, you’ll already be ready, won’t you? And the silks from Gaermon are so exquisite. I’ll wear this new robe tonight.” I walked over to the wardrobe and slipped off the leather robe, and reached for a silk morning robe embroidered with dragons. I couldn’t remember what color they told me it was, but it fell cool like a waterfall a few inches above my ankles; I left it unfastened, and took out a wide silken knit shawl from her clothes. “Maybe this for you…”

  I lifted her shoulders a little and draped the shawl around them, covering her breasts and arms. She didn’t struggle and I felt like she was looking at me. She was limp, but I felt some knots in her shoulders.

  “Are you aching, my lady?” I asked gently.

  She sighed. “Well, there’s the answer I would like to give, and the real answer, and it seems like you already know it.”

  “You are always in some pain.” I lifted my hands up, cradling her shoulders and working the muscles deep until I felt her relax and heard her sigh. I smoothed her hair and fanned it out around her.

  Then I put two fingers in the little space between her pussy and her legs bound together. “Such a little thing you are. Plenty of room. I’m afraid you’ve lost weight since you arrived. You hate the food.”

  “Room for what?”

  “You need something to spur your excitement, even if not kulum mist. This is a plant sap mixed with liqueur; nectar of starlight. It’s sweet, good, and rare. Have a taste, make sure you like it.” I put the tiniest dab on my finger and offered it to her.

  Her tongue flicked out and licked it off. She barely touched me.

  “Oh, is that all I get?” I asked, tracing the line of her soft lip.

  “I have to save my strength for Oszin, don’t I?” she retorted.

  I went to the table where we ate our breakfast, and lifted the tray I had ordered. I set two mild sticks of incense to burning.

  I filled two glasses with the nectar of starlight. “Open your mouth.”

  “Why?” she said, and it sounded like she was just being difficult. I plucked her lips open and wedged the glass between her teeth. This one was a small shot glass.

  “Hold that there.”

  “Rrrnh nnn nnn!?”

  “Just for a minute, though, I promise.”

  The other one was a long narrow sheath of a glass which I pushed down in that tight spot between her pussy and her legs, and then I used my crystal shaping abilities to bring up ridges against her clit. I rubbed the glass against her until she writhed and moaned for me. Then I covered all of this with the shawl.

  “Good. You’re ready. I’ll summon him now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “The queen is waiting for you.” Aurekdel was waiting in the hallway. The tall dragon was dressed in a silken robe tied loosely at his waist, and I was definitely concerned he might not be wearing anything else.

  “Your Majesty, just so you—“

  “You really don’t have to call me that,” Aurek said.

  I exhaled sharply. “I really don’t want any trouble, I just want to be there for Himika, that’s all.”

  “Why are you so resistant? What do you think is going to happen? I truly want to know. You know, Seron gets embarrassed too. I didn’t invite him tonight. I’m afraid you might feed off each other and ruin the whole thing.”

  “The whole thing?”

  “This is your night,” Aurek said. “I am just the master of ceremonies.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I have prepared an experience for you. Tonight, she is all yours. A gift for you, for your years protecting her. The first night should be a very special thing.” He put a hand on my shoulder and slid the bedroom door open. I was stiff, trying to evade his touch. Gods, I missed Himika’s father; just a normal old king who didn’t sink his claws into my skin and speak in seductive tones.

  Sharing her with him…sharing her with a king…

  Beneath the anxious churning in my stomach, I thought how insane it was that any king would invite the likes of me into his bedroom.

  In some way, wasn’t he giving me what every Kamiri had ever fought for? He treated me like I was equal to his own people. I felt like Himika deserved to be mine, but in fact, she was his wife. I don’t know that any other king in all the world would let me have his wife, even if I had loved her for years. In fact, most of them would certainly have sent me away for that reason.

  “Before you go to her, there are some rules. She doesn’t want to be treated like she’s fragile, but…she is. And we all know a pregnancy would kill her. You can do what you like with her, just don’t put any weight on her body. She’s in more pain than she lets on, but I’m sure you know that. Before you make love to her, you have to wear a sheath to contain your seed. And you have to pull out before you come.”

  “I suppose I’m glad to know you considered all that,” I muttered, trying to hide my embarrassment. I couldn’t imagine I was really going to be able to go that far in this situation.

  “She has to deal with the frustration,” he said. “So will we.” He slid the thin door open.

  My eyes fell on her, on the bed.


  She was on the bed, with her beautiful long hair spread out and her body covered in a patterned shawl, the kind that was so fine you could pass it through a ring, that all the ladies coveted. I could see the swells of her breasts and the dip of her stomach under the fabric. Flower petals were scattered around her. She looked delicate because of all that, but underneath was a sense of raw captivity. Her legs were tied together with strips of leather every two inches or so, her wrists looped to her sides, and her lips were spread around a small glass of amber liquid.

  I approached hesitantly. I felt like I should lose my head just for looking at the princess, the queen, in such a pose. My nails dug into my palms as I clenched my firsts. He’d done this to her.

  Then I saw her eyes. Utterly calm, and strangely seductive.

  Incense burned, sending thin coils of alluring smoke, and candlelight wavered softly on her skin.

  She looked like she wanted me to do things to her.

  I couldn’t read her mind, but she gave me this look that was—pleading? No. More assured than that. Like she was saying, I do want you to do things to me. And I’ve wanted it forever and ever, and we were never allowed. We finally have permission now. That’s why I’ve made myself vulnerable for you. Don’t you dare waste that.

  “Step one,” Aurek said. “Inside the glass is nectar of the starlight. Without removing the glass from her mouth, drink every last drop.”

  I was breathing so hard now I was a little dizzy. Without removing…?

  So I had to put my tongue in her mouth, but not really, because the glass was in the way.

  Kind of a stupid game, I thought, but at some point I would just have to go along with it all, huh? Or else I’d have to leave, and that wasn’t going to happen. I leaned over her, putting my hands on either side of her arms, and dipped my tongue into the glass. I expected it to taste like honey, but although just as sweet, it was more fermented—potently alcoholic—and almost piney. It was very good, but even better—and more cruel—was the way my lips brushed hers just a little, and I felt her tongue pushing the glass toward my tongue, trying to help me get at it, and seeing her mouth spread wide around the thing and what that did to my imagination…

  I felt warmth flood down to my loins, which stirred with the need to have a lot more of her than this.

  “Done?” Aurekdel took the glass out of her mouth.

  “Ah!” She flexed her jaw. “That took long enough.” She moistened her lips, blushing. “Now you can kiss me properly.”

  I wanted to say something like, I don’t know about all this, Himika. This isn’t how my mother raised me.

  I didn’t say that. I seemed to have been bewitched, and found myself sliding a hand down the thin fabric of the shawl, tr
ying to edge it off her to see more of her skin, as I leaned down to kiss her. Her back arched, her tongue insisting on occupying my mouth instead of the other way around. Reluctantly I thought that Aurekdel must have gotten her aroused before I ever walked in the door.

  My cock was painfully hard at the thought. It didn’t care who the hell had done what first, it just wanted her now.

  Aurek tapped my hand with his cane before I got the shawl off her breasts. “You don’t get to unwrap that yet,” he said.

  “How do you know what I’m doing?”

  He sighed. “I have ears and they have nothing better to do than listen to you slide fabric off my lady’s skin, hm?” He nudged me off of her, and pointed the cane between her legs. “Start there. Observe that there is another glass of nectar.”

  I lifted the edge of the shawl and saw the other glass caught tight between the very tops of her inner thighs.

  “You do follow orders well, I’ll give you that,” Aurek said. “Strip for her, and dip your cock into it, and then Himika will clean it off for you.”

  My fingers dug into the bed. “That’s too much.”

  “Too much what?”

  Himika flushed, looking away from us now. Her nipples were peaked under the thin shawl. She likes this, I thought.

  I looked at him. Thank the gods his weird eyes, with those slightly slitted pupils some dragons had, could never meet mine. That was the only way he could get away with this shit, I thought.

  His posture was relaxed and confident. More infuriating was the fact that I felt like he was playing me, and winning. But playing me how? By giving me the woman I loved? By just plain being better at the art of seduction?

  There was no way to win that. I wrestled off my boots and trousers and then Himika stuck the tip of her tongue out at me. I realized I looked completely stupid standing there with a jacket but no pants, so I gave up and took everything off. She nodded approvingly, and then wiggled at me, from shoulders down to her toes. Fuck. She’s adorable.

  Meanwhile, the nectar of starlight was still working its way through my system and by the moment I was feeling more of this lusty laziness going to my head.

  “Oszin,” she said. “You know I used to spy at you when you went swimming in the ocean from my window? But even the opera glasses weren’t strong to get a really good look…”

  “Well, here you go, scars and all.”

  “I like your scars. It shows me how tough you are.”

  “Yeah, sure… Tough enough to get attacked by a meat boar when I was seven.”

  “C’mere boy,” she said. “I’m tired of the Gift of Patience. We’ve already been playing this game for years.”

  Chapter Thirty


  When Oszin climbed atop me and thrust his cock into the glass between my legs and I felt it rub against me, I was afraid I might lose myself right then and there.

  Gods, this really was a torture! It was like kissing, but not kissing. Sex, but not sex. Deceptively simple, exquisitely cruel.

  I couldn’t believe my sweet, simple Kamiri farm boy was actually going along with Aurekdel’s crazy arrangements, but he was, blushing all the way. Well, I felt the same. It made me love Oszin all the more to see him struggling not to succumb to an obvious desire to tear my garments off and claim more of me.

  I cast the briefest look at this man who was my husband. He was still such a mystery to me, but he had given me this. He had figured out how to make Oszin unable to resist.

  “Himika…” He drew himself up, his cock dripping with the nectar.

  “Come here,” I said. “I’ve been waiting to return the favor.”

  “Return the favor, eh?” Aurek said in the background, his voice hardly more than a whisper. “Well, I’m glad you experimented. That explains why the wedding night went as smoothly as it did. You could have taught her a few more things as far as I’m concerned.”

  “In Gaermon, I would have been thrown in prison for laying a hand on her,” Oszin said. “So I wasn’t about to do that.”

  “Now…” Aurek brushed his hair back and rested his chin on his hand. “Now you can do it all. Let her taste you. Feel her sweet mouth and know that in this moment, she is all yours, Oszin, and she is also your queen. She can ask for you any time she wishes, and nothing will come between that.”

  Any time I wish…

  This seemed like a dream.

  “Himika…” He drew my hair out of the way, shoving it messily onto my shoulders—Oszin was never good with hair—and cradled my head, pointing it at his cock. He had to take a dominating pose with me, because I really couldn’t move very much. I was starting to ache from being tied up but I didn’t want to complain. I knew Oszin wouldn’t dominate me unless he was forced into it, and I wanted him to do it. I wanted to feel like I was his.

  I took the soft head in my mouth and the nectar of stars tasted even better than I imagined. It was like honey from drunken bees who fed on strange subterranean flowers and I licked eagerly to get more of it.

  “Fuck…” Oszin shuddered. “Fuck, Moth…”

  I almost snorted. If my mouth hadn’t been full I would have asked if that was really the best he could do for bedroom talk.

  When the nectar was gone from the tip, I tried to take more and more of him, because it tasted so good. I got almost all of it before I suddenly choked and had to fling my head back.

  “I’m sorry—” I coughed.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. Then he laughed and said, “No, I’m not.”

  “Take the cup and let her have what’s left,” Aurek said.

  Oszin already looked plastered with lust and the nectar of stars. He drew back from me and stroked himself once.

  Aurek jumped out of his chair and poked Oszin with his cane again. “No,” he said. “The cup now.”

  Oszin growled at him like a dog interrupted in the middle of chewing on a bone. I could practically feel the spark of fury, the desperation not to shove Aurek back. He picked up the glass with a shaking hand and dribbled it into my mouth, getting some on my chin.

  “Just hold it there, to my lips!” I said, and I licked the inside of the glass. I sighed as the warmth of it flooded through me.

  “I imagine you are ready to unwrap your present now?” Aurek said.

  “You’re—a—a—,” Oszin ground out. He couldn’t take it anymore. I tensed for a second. Was it possible for Oszin to go too far with the king?

  Aurekdel just grinned. “I am infuriating you, I’m sure. And that’s just what you need right now. Two love beetles kept in cages need to be trained to fly.”

  “Don’t you mean lovebirds?” Oszin asked.

  “No, probably not; there are no birds here and all the expressions he says are very weird!” I said. “Just unwrap your present. She’s getting stiff.”

  “But…do take your time,” Aurekdel said, easing back into his chair. He sipped a glass of the nectar himself. “Always work the knots from the feet up. Best for last.”

  Oszin lifted the silk shawl away from my body, drawing a breath as he gave one of my breasts a caress.

  He worked the first knot that bound my ankles. “These are tied…tight,” he grunted. “Double knotted.”

  “Yes. It takes a while. You must keep the lady interested,” Aurek said. “And you as well. You can touch now. Just not before you’ve let her drink her sweet.”

  At this point I was genuinely surprised that Oszin didn’t hit Aurek. But he was also so flushed. The question I most wondered was if he would indulge in this once, or if he would come back. If he would join me, Aurek and Seron every night…

  Oszin worked a few of the knots free, and then he pounced on me. “I tell you, I’m too drunk for this.” He kissed me hard and fast before dragging his mouth down to my breasts and pinching them between his teeth. His forcefulness sent shudders through me. He slapped his hands to my hips and his cock nudged my nether folds, although I was still bound too tight for entry. The suggestion of what was to come
made me ache.

  “Please hurry,” I said.

  He untied a few more knots up to my knees. He was getting quicker at untying them, but there were way too many of them.

  “Patience,” Aurek said, as Oszin jerked at them. “The longer your cock is hard for her, the sweeter it will feel.”

  “Ugh. Is that so…”

  Oszin kept diligently untying, but as he got closer to my center, he alternated between tying to knots and brushing me between the legs, and stroking his own length, each touch drawing me closer and closer to the final moment. I knew when he was finally inside me, I would explode. Neither of us would ever forget it.

  “There! Damn it, there you are!” He pulled the loops away from my hands and split my legs open. He was rough enough that it sent pains through my hips. I bit my lip but I tried very hard not to show any sign of pain. I loved seeing his excitement.

  “I know you will be very careful with her.” Aurek gave him one of the protective sheaths he and Seron had been wearing to help prevent pregnancy. They were made of very thin, almost see-through stretchy material made from some lake creature’s skin that were tied tight at the base of the cock, and they could only be used once. I had a feeling they weren’t cheap either. Making love to me was expensive, and troublesome.

  Oszin fumbled with it while Aurek tried to suggest how to put it on. I had to help him and tie it on, but I stroked him as I put it on, trying to make it exciting.

  In the end, I don’t think Oszin cared.

  When he was ready for me, he immediately nudged me back against the furs. He cupped my face and gave me a soft kiss.

  “This has been fun, Moth. But all I really want is you.” Such tender kisses. “Any way I can. Even this. You were right to insist.”

  “Mm…so does this mean you…”

  “This can’t be the only time. No matter how strange it is. It can’t be.” He paused. “Just don’t ever tell my parents what I’ve done. My father would never understand. Even with a king.”


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